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The Merman Boxset: Gay Merman Romance

Page 30

by Aratare, X.

  Corey brightened. “She’ll love Casillus!”

  Casillus ducked his head and looked up at them almost shyly through his thick, dark lashes. I doubt that she will have any good feelings towards me since she will perceive me as the one who is taking you away from her, Gabriel.

  Gabriel sat up in his arms and turned, cupping his cheek. She’ll love you, Casillus. Corey is right.

  And, as if to confirm that, Corey added after watching the two quietly, “She and I were talking about how much both of us wanted Gabe to find his someone amazing, and in you he has, Casillus.”

  I will endeavor to be worthy of the trust Corey seems to place in me. I will treasure you always, my love, Casillus said.

  Gabriel swallowed. Emotions clogged his throat and he blinked away unexpected tears. He caressed the Mer’s cheek as he spoke to his best friend. “Casillus really is—is my someone amazing, Corey. I can’t express how much that is true. I don’t know how I got so lucky.”

  “Then there’s nothing to worry about!” Corey enthused, but his brightness wilted as he realized that both Gabriel and Casillus were still sad. “You’re not worried about Grandma G’s reaction to Casillus, are you?”

  “No, not really. I’m not even worried about the merman thing,” Gabriel admitted as he dropped his hand from Casillus’ cheek and faced his best friend. He gestured to his sides. “Once she sees the gills, well, you know. It’s sort of hard to deny the reality of mermen once you’ve seen them.”

  “Totally.” Corey then peered down into the water and waggled his fingers at Gabriel’s sides. “Oh, your cute little gills!”

  Gabriel let out a snort of laughter. “You’re going to give me a complex.”

  “A good complex!”

  “Somehow I think good complexes and being crushed by love are in the same category of do-not-want,” Gabriel responded wryly. Then he looked down at the water before glancing back up at Corey. “I need you to help her—maybe not understand—maybe not even accept—that I have to leave.”

  “It’ll be really hard, Gabe,” Corey’s voice was soft, serious, and his expression matched it. He had never before seemed so stripped of all good humor.

  “You have to stay with her after I’m gone,” Gabriel rushed out, his voice getting higher and tighter the more he spoke. “You have to take care of her. You have to make sure she’s all right.” Tears immediately welled up in Gabriel’s eyes.

  Corey suddenly pulled both Gabriel and Casillus into a fierce hug. He patted Gabriel’s shoulders. “It’s okay. It’s going to be just fine. I promise I won’t leave Grandma G alone. You can count on me, Gabe. Always.”

  That last “always” had Gabriel actually crying and shaking for a moment before he struggled to clamp down on his emotions.

  Do not fight your tears so, my love. Let them out, Casillus urged.

  Gabriel reached for Casillus mentally while clutching Corey to him physically. Corey cried with him, which was so Corey that Gabriel cried harder. He was going to miss them all so terribly. He resolved then that he would learn to use this gift he had so that he could talk to his grandmother and best friend as soon as possible. He would not lose them.

  Finally, the crying eased and they pulled apart. Corey swiped at a few stray tears on his delightfully round face.

  “Now that we’ve cried, we can laugh,” Corey said. “Or at least that’s what my mother has always said.”

  Gabriel did let out a few watery chuckles. “She’s undoubtedly right.”

  “I don’t want to miss out on this time with you, but I should go to the settlement,” Corey said regretfully.

  “Duty calls.” Gabriel gave him a weak smile. “So tonight we get the statue and tomorrow we tell Grandma about everything.”

  “Sounds like a plan,” Corey replied with a nod. “I’ll see you back at the cottage then, right, Gabe?”

  “Yeah, I’ll be back by dinner,” Gabriel assured him. “Please be careful, Corey. Johnson is—is intense.”

  “Oh, you don’t have to tell me. I’ve got his number,” Corey said, then started swimming back to shore.

  Gabriel held on to Casillus’ hand tightly while they both watched Corey swim away.

  We’ll be seeing him tonight, Gabriel said to himself as much as to Casillus. It’s not like we’re saying goodbye. And it won’t be goodbye even when I go into the sea, right?

  Casillus cupped Gabriel’s face. His thumbs lightly brushed Gabriel’s temples. He will always be with you, Gabriel. Always.



  Casillus urged Gabriel to lie back against him again and just float for awhile. Gabriel thought that his mind and body would be too anxiety-ridden to be still, but Casillus continued to suggest it so sweetly that he finally gave in. He was glad he had.

  They floated peacefully in the water. The Mer’s body cradled him as the sun’s rays rained pleasantly down on them both. Gabriel’s eyelids soon fell shut. He could see the red-gold glow of the sun through his eyelids. His thoughts slid languidly past Casillus’. Gabriel’s anguish and worry for Corey fell away as they drifted. His body no longer ached either. He felt almost completely healthy.

  Casillus raised his right hand and playfully dribbled water on Gabriel’s cheek, and Gabriel chuckled. He turned his face into that hand and licked Casillus’ fingers. They tasted of salt.

  You seem much better, Casillus remarked.

  I feel good for the first time in, Gabriel paused as he thought about it. I would hate to say years, but I think it has been at least a year since I last felt so well.

  Your body has been aching for the sea, Casillus said. There was silence for a moment over their bond, and Gabriel knew that Casillus wanted to suggest something, but was holding back.

  He grasped Casillus’ teasing hand. What is it? What do you want to say?

  The Mer sighed. Things are so peaceful that I do not wish to ruin the moment.

  But? Gabriel grinned.

  I was thinking that perhaps we could swim a little, Casillus suggested.

  Though his tone was casual, Gabriel felt the Mer’s deep desire for them to swim together. It wasn’t just based on his desire for Gabriel to overcome his fear, though a Mer that could not swim was an oxymoron. For Casillus it was so much more. Gabriel could see into the Mer’s thoughts. Casillus envisioned the vast seas open to them. They could swim wherever they wished. Together. Forever. For the Mer, the moment that they could swim together like that was the moment that they started their true life together. Gabriel suddenly had all the more reason to lose his fear of the water.

  Okay, let’s swim, Gabriel said.

  He lifted his head up from Casillus’ chest. The hair on the back of his head was heavy with water and it felt strange to have to hold the weight of it up. His feet settled on the soft bottom of the sandbar. Casillus loosened his grip on Gabriel so the young man could turn around in the circle of the Mer’s arms to face him.

  Casillus’ head was tilted slightly to the side. There was a mixture of hope and wariness in the Mer’s blue-green eyes. Considering Gabriel’s violent reaction to swimming in the past, Casillus was right to be distrustful that this was really going to happen.

  Are you certain, Gabriel? Casillus probed.

  Gabriel gave the Mer a quirked smile. About wanting to swim with you? I am more than certain. About whether I’ll be able to do it? Well, I have to, don’t I? It has to happen. I managed to swim out to those people who were drowning and I managed to swim after the cave incident. So …

  Casillus nodded. We will start slow. How would you feel if I swam twenty feet away and you had to swim to me?

  Gabriel swallowed. The thought of being alone in the open water unnerved and excited him at the same time. He nodded. All right. Go a bit away and I’ll—I’ll swim to you.

  Casillus hesitated. His arms lingered around Gabriel’s waist. A smile lifted the corners of his mouth. I am proud of you, Gabriel.

  Gabriel lowered his head. Let’s see if I can do it
first before you say you’re proud.

  Casillus kissed his forehead, and then the Mer fluidly turned around and dove underwater. Gabriel’s eyes were locked on his sleek body as Casillus easily swam twenty feet away before resurfacing. Casillus swept his hair back with his hands so that it hung like a long silken rope down his back. The Mer then blinked away the water droplets that clung stubbornly to his thick eyelashes. He opened his arms to Gabriel.

  Come to me, Gabriel.

  I can do this. Gabriel took a breath and measured the distance between them. Twenty feet. He could touch the bottom the whole way. Nothing to be afraid of.

  Yes, Gabriel, you can, Casillus confirmed.

  Gabriel meant to dive in just as Casillus had, but at the last moment, he awkwardly splashed into the water instead. He immediately jumped back up again, sputtering. His heart was racing and his chest felt tight. As soon as his head had gone beneath the water all he could think about was that moment after the second rogue wave had hit and pushed him impossibly deep. He blinked rapidly and the memory went away. He saw then that the Mer was about to swim towards him, but he held up a hand.

  No, Casillus. Stay there. I must do this on my own. He gave the Mer a shaky smile. Besides, you are the best incentive I know to make me do something.

  Gabriel, you do not need to rush—

  We both know I do. Gabriel interrupted. He took in a deep breath and let it out slowly, centering himself. Let’s try this again. I can do this. I know I can.

  Perhaps do not go underwater this time. Keep your head above the surface, Casillus suggested.

  Gabriel nodded. He pushed off of the sand bar and dog-paddled towards Casillus. He kept his head well above the waterline for the most part, only panicking a little when his chin got wet. But despite all the restrictions that his fear put on him the sense of weightlessness and the sleek feeling of water moving over his skin felt wonderful and natural. His gills fluttered eagerly at his sides. Casillus caught and embraced him, placing kisses all over Gabriel’s face. Gabriel laughed with delight, but he was shaking, too.

  You did it! You did it! Casillus cried as he continued the kissing.

  Gabriel grinned as his shaking slowed and then stopped. You really are the best incentive, Casillus.

  The Mer gave him a heavy lidded look which had Gabriel relaxing further against Casillus’ bare body. His cock twitched. They were naked together. Casillus drew a hand down Gabriel’s cheek.

  Shall we try again? Perhaps I will sweeten the incentive with the offer of more kisses and caresses when you reach me? Casillus asked.

  A flood of heat went through Gabriel. He nodded eagerly. He wanted those caresses and kisses from Casillus, but he also wanted to experience the weightlessness of swimming again, too. Casillus swam farther away this time. Gabriel once again pushed off towards him. No longer dog-paddling, he swam smoothly through the water, though he still kept his head dry. Casillus kissed him deeply upon catching him this second time.

  They repeated this swim-and-catch routine over half a dozen times. Each time Gabriel had to swim farther to get to his Mer lover. Swimming became easier and easier. His muscles seemed to unfurl in ways that they hadn’t in years. Still, his head stayed above water and he never left the safety of the sandbar. After the last swim, and after Casillus’ tongue had tangled sweetly with his own, Gabriel rested their foreheads together. His body sparked with arousal, but until he had conquered his fear of the sea more he could not imagine making love while at the mercy of the ocean’s currents.

  I want to try to go underwater. Gabriel’s mouth went dry even though he was only mentally saying it. But it was the next step, and it was one he had to take. He added, Would you—would you go underwater with me?

  Of course. Shall we go underwater here? Casillus suggested. We can sit on the sandbar.

  Talk to me while we do this. Tell me about the Mer capital city, Gabriel pleaded.

  I can speak of home as much as you like, Casillus said with a wide smile. Emralis is a most remarkable place.

  Wait until we are under and then begin, Gabriel requested. He didn’t know how much of what Casillus said he would actually register, but at least it would distract him from the panicky beating of his heart. His mouth flooded with the sour taste of fear and he really didn’t know if he could go under, but he had to try. Hold on to me, Casillus. Hold on to me tight.

  Casillus grasped Gabriel’s biceps and Gabriel mirrored his grip. Their eyes met. Gabriel lost himself in Casillus’ blue-green gaze.

  I am with you, Gabriel. Always, Casillus assured him.

  With those words echoing in his mind, they slowly sank beneath the ocean’s surface. Despite his best intentions, Gabriel automatically held his breath and closed his eyes as water flowed over the top of his head. However, he soon realized how unnecessary it was as his gills continued to pump oxygen into his blood. Gabriel’s shoulders slumped in relief. There was no burning need to gulp air. He had a momentary panic as the memory of the weight of those rogue waves flowed through. But it soon faded as there was no heavy pressure here. He was light, buoyant, and he had plenty of oxygen. Casillus tapped his still bulging cheeks, filled with the large mouthful of air he had drawn in before submerging. Gabriel parted his lips and released a stream of bubbles that tickled his nose as they drifted up to the ocean’s surface.

  Open your eyes, too, my love, Casillus stroked his temples.

  The salt will sting them, Gabriel objected. He remembered how when he was a child he would always come out of the sea with reddened, irritated eyes because he had opened them underwater without goggles to watch fish. His mother had tisked him for this, but he kept doing it. Right now he felt very far from that fearless boy in love with the sea.

  There is a membrane that will slide over your eyes. They will be protected. Try, Casillus urged.

  Gabriel let a beat pass, saying and doing nothing. The truth was that he was afraid to open his eyes, not so much because it would hurt, but because he kept remembering seeing the surface of the water far above his head when his parents’ boat had capsized.

  You will see me when you open your eyes, Gabriel, Casillus said, understanding his true fear. Bright sunlight streams down all around us. There is golden sand beneath our feet. Just to our left is a school of fish. Their shiny pink and yellow bodies are lovely as they flash back and forth. It will be nothing like the night you remember.

  That sounds so beautiful, Casillus.

  It is. See it through your own eyes, Gabriel. The Mer’s webbed fingers caressed his temples once more.

  Gabriel slowly opened his eyes. There was a momentary blurriness that he remembered from when he had swum out of the cave, but that soon went away and everything became astonishingly clear. His eyes did not sting at all. Just as Casillus had said, sunlight lit the world around them, turning the sea a brilliant neon blue. He focused on the Mer’s face. The sunlight caressed Casillus’ high cheekbones and powerful jaw. The Mer’s blue-green eyes seemed to glow. His long hair floated around his head like a halo. Gabriel found himself letting go of Casillus’ arms so that he could touch some of it. The strands wound effortlessly around his fingers before he released them and they floated away.

  It is beautiful here, Casillus, Gabriel whispered.

  As are you, the Mer responded. Look at the fish, Gabriel. See how they tease us with their prettiness?

  Gabriel’s gaze followed the arm that Casillus stretched out towards a school of fish. They were bright and colorful. With the sunlight, the fish and Casillus there, the ocean now could not have seemed further from the storm tossed sea that Gabriel still dreamed of. Yet fear returned as Gabriel’s body started to drift away from the Mer’s when Casillus let go of him to point to the fish. Gabriel clutched at him in response. Casillus immediately held him close again without Gabriel having to ask.

  I am sorry that I let go of you, Casillus said.

  It’s okay, Gabriel assured him. I know that we would be less—less affected by the current if we m
oved farther out but I just can’t. Not yet.

  He shivered. He thought he could see the darkness of the drop-off about fifty feet from them. But distances in the water were deceiving.

  You wished me to speak of our home, Gabriel, Casillus said, attempting to distract him from his thoughts of the dark depths that haunted him.

  Yes, yes, for sure. Please. Gabriel turned his head back so that he was looking only at Casillus.

  I thought I might show you, Casillus said.

  Over the bond?

  Yes and no, Casillus said. There was a slightly mischievous smile on the Mer’s lips.


  You will see Emralis as if it were all around us. It will not truly be so, but it will seem so, Casillus explained.

  Gabriel felt a rush of excitement run through him. He was eager to see this city that Casillus felt such longing for, especially if he didn’t actually have to swim to it. All right. What do we do to make this work?

  Just close your eyes and open them again when I tell you to. Casillus swept one hand in front of Gabriel’s eyes, prompting him to close them.

  At first Gabriel saw only darkness behind his eyelids, but then the red-gold glow that he associated with the sun appeared. Yet he knew that his head was not tipped back towards the burning orb above them, so the source of the light was unknown.

  Open your eyes now, Gabriel, Casillus said.

  Gabriel did and gasped. Instead of being surrounded by a vast expanse of sandbar and mostly empty water, they were seated in what looked like a square. The ground was not sand, but carved rock laid out in a mesmerizing pattern of spirals and other geometric designs. In the very center of the square there was what looked like a fountain, except instead of spraying out water, it was an explosion of coral.

  Casillus, this is—this is …

  Our home, Gabriel, Casillus said with a sweet smile. Welcome to Emralis.

  The square was surrounded by brilliantly colored glowing towers that stretched up far above their heads. They were so tall that Gabriel could not see the tops of them. He realized then that the ocean’s surface had to be even farther away. They were deep, deep down in a trench. However, the depths he had feared for so long were not black and crushing, but bright and airy.


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