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Diversion To Urasha (Space Era Book 1)

Page 17

by Laura Hopgood

  Crystaline dug her heels into the ground, abruptly breaking her run in front of the long flowing river. James and Chugga-chugga halted, too. The young space warrior had not seen this section of the river before. James didn’t know if it was because of the effects of the gold fruit, but this section of river seemed slightly wider, dotted with a series of purple glowing stepping stones. James listened to the sound of the river flowing. It reminded him of the feeling inside his body: so relaxed, so serene, yet with a rush, a rush of energy.

  “Why are we stopping here?” James panted, still beaming.

  “Why do you think? It’s beautiful.”

  James studied the shimmering stepping stones. He did not disagree with the Urashan princess at all. The sight was stunning, breathtaking. James threw his head back, groaning out a playful rasp.

  “Can those things take our weight?”

  “The purple stones?”


  “Of course, why?”

  James’ grin grew wider, his eyes studying the varying sizes of the luminous stones.

  “Because I have another challenge. We should see who can hold their balance on these stones the longest.”

  Crystaline laughed, her expression oozing self confidence.

  “James, do you enjoy defeat? Because I’m really starting to wonder if winning is like losing to you. You’ll be the first one off the stones.”

  James waved his forefinger in front of his giddy and drunken face,

  “Ah, ah, ah! My balance is excellent, Crystaline. I’m a competitive guy. And besides, you’re holding the pouch, which will make balancing all the more difficult for you.”

  Crystaline bit her lip, weighing up James’ words in her mind.

  “Mmm,” she agreed, “So you’re basically admitting that I’ll have another disadvantage over you, yet you’re seeming to forget the one important factor in all this.”

  “And what is that?” James challenged, swaying slightly.

  “I beat you with a disadvantage in the race, as did Chugga-chugga. The same will only happen again.”

  James shook his head, his eyes and his mouth smiling out their biggest smiles.

  “In your words, Crystaline: there is only one way to find out isn’t there?”

  Crystaline shook her head, her lips pursed together to form a grin.

  “Fine then,” she acquiesced, “Chugga-chugga’s four limbs put him at a big disadvantage though, so, Chugga-chugga, you can judge this one, okay?”

  The little blue fella jumped up and down, delighted with his newly appointed role of authority.

  James gave Crystaline a boyish grin, hopping onto his first stone. He felt the princess jumping on behind him, realising that the princess would only be able to use one arm to help her keep her balance. The young space warrior was determined to win this time.

  With another leap, James was on the next stone, and then the one after that. He could feel Crystaline keeping up his pace, and he could see the chugga following his movements on the bank of the river, like a camera lined up to track the super fast athletes in a sprinting event.

  The next few stones looked small, forcing James to use his two arm advantage as he skipped his way onto the next stone. As the young space warrior landed, he felt himself swaying uneasily, his singular foot beginning to struggle against the weight of his body.

  With as much care and precision as he could muster, James took a daring jump onto the next stone, landing on one foot once again. He could feel his foot trembling, desperate to cling onto the stone beneath it. James saw a flicker of baby blue enter his vision, just as he felt the gentle little nudge at his side. That was it, the young space warrior’s balance was gone. James flailed his arms in one last desperate attempt to hold his balance, but his efforts were futile, unable to prevent his body from splashing into that river.

  As James felt the cool water caressing his abdomen, he watched as the little chugga somersaulted with glee. The princess’ triumphant chuckles were short lived, for the little blue creature soon gave her a little nudge, sending her straight into the water behind James.

  The young space warrior turned around to face Crystaline, to relish her shocked expression as she hit the water, just about managing to balance the gold fruit pouch on the stone she had just fallen off of.

  Before James’ and Crystaline’s vocal chords could even summon the strength to laugh, the chugga dived in after them, creating a great big splash which swept across the faces of both James and the Urashan princess.

  James watched as the princess took a deep breath, her body reacting to the cold water which had just hit her. Feeling suddenly mischievous, James swashed his hands through the water. Once he felt he had enough water and power, James flicked the water right into the princess’ shocked, gaped open face. Crystaline’s eyes blazed at James. Not with anger, not with hate, but with amusement, competitiveness. The princess splashed at James, wetting his face even more.

  James laughed, that was it, the game was on!

  He inched closer towards her, giving her splash after splash. The princess fought back, cascading James with unrelenting water. Chugga-chugga joined in, taking Crystaline’s side as he hurtled gushes of water at James.

  “Damn it!” James groaned, his grin still etched onto his face. “This isn’t fair. I’m being ganged up on by two aliens.”

  The princess’ swashes halted, her mouth gaped into a smile.

  “Chugga-chugga, and I? We’re the aliens? We’re the aliens? Do I need to remind you who’s planet you’re on, Joyce?”

  James grinned, placing his hand on his nose to help him blow out some of the water which was caught up in his nostrils.

  “To me you’re both aliens!”

  Crystaline’s eyebrows crinkled, though her expression remained amused.

  “That’s disgusting!”

  “What’s disgusting? I’m just speaking the truth!”

  “Not that. What you just did. Blowing your nose like that.”

  James’ expression flared, his eyes grew even more boyish, naughtily boyish.

  “No!” Crystaline edged backwards, holding her hands up to defend herself. “Don’t come anywhere near me!”

  James swiped his arms through the water, following Crystaline. With one quick flick, he flung another load of water into her already water soaked face. The three beings gave another cathartic laugh, sending tremors of joy into the whole Urashan forest.

  After a little more fooling around in the river, the threesome eventually clambered their way back up onto the river bank. Crystaline was relieved to have salvaged the gold fruit. She wanted to share it with her brother and the others.

  Reluctantly, and not bothering to dry themselves off, the three of them made their way back to the rest of the group.

  When James first caught the other five in his gaze, he couldn’t help but notice how drained each of them looked. Even though they had literally just been sat down doing absolutely nothing for the past few hours. Still high on the effects of the gold fruit, James gave a bewildered Phil a hug.

  As Crystos caught his sister’s eye, his eyes dropped straight down to the golden pouch safely nestled underneath her arms. The prince shook his head, both perplexed and exasperated.

  Chapter 14

  With his clothes thankfully dried off, James sat with his legs crossed around the warm purple flame. Occasionally, the fire would spit out the odd little spark here and there, releasing it back into the dark nighty air until it evaporated away amongst the sparkling night time stars.

  James looked up above him, ignoring the rocky trench-like walls which surrounded him and his companions. The young space warrior could see the sky at last, properly, in her fullest glory. There were no longer trees to obstruct the view. Leaving the forest was a bittersweet feeling.

  On one hand, James had adored the forest. It wasn’t easy to travel through, by any means, but it was beautiful, breathtaking. There was no place like it. These new rocky lands, they were libera
ting, easier to travel upon, but they were not as picturesque. The barren landscape was dead compared to the lively, vibrant Urashan forest. James loved being able to see Anscus and the stars, but he missed the sight of the glowing plants. He missed the softer forest floor, not to mention the furleaves. Tonight, James would have to sleep in this trench-like ditch. He was relieved that the ditch was fairly clean, free from mud and dirt. On the other hand though, the safe den was hard, rocky, and very uncomfortable to even sit on. James could already feel his bum cheeks aching against the cool hard rock. Phil and Zach had even gone as far as testing the surface with their own buttock’s, exasperated that Crystaline had found this place as tonight’s sleeping spot. It was safe at least, with its eight foot walls surrounding everyone, protecting them from any potential predators which might be lurking around.

  Unfortunately, the effects of the gold fruit had completely worn off by now. James’ senses had fully returned to him, and he was unsure of Crystaline’s reaction to the whole drunken bonding session. She seemed quieter than usual. Not that she wasn’t usually quiet anyway, but there was something different about her. The princess seemed puzzled by her own thoughts, and she appeared to be quietly brooding over them as she sat around the fire with the rest of the group. Every so often, Crystaline would throw James the occasional glance. He couldn’t work out if it was a look of bemusement, or a knowing smile.

  James grinned at his own knowing memories. He remembered that moment, where he, Chugga-chugga and Crystaline had rejoined the others. The looks of bafflement on each and every face was amusing. Phil’s was the funniest. Crystos, Morcees and Borcees had recognised the gold fruit pouch, but Phil and Zach, they had no idea what the golden ‘handbag’ was. Crystaline had wanted to keep their suspense going, hushing James and her fellow Urashans from discussing the matter any further. James smiled at a memory, the look on Phil’s face as he had drunkenly hugged him, ridding the atmosphere of the previous argument. Hugging Phil was pretty awful, but seeing the man so completely and utterly perplexed, it gave James satisfaction. Maybe it was the lack of control that Phil had had to suffer at that point? Or maybe James had just had such a good time with Chugga-chugga and Crystaline, ebbing away any ill feelings he had towards any of his group members, and that included Phil.

  James dug his thumb into the golden bruc, using it to pull apart the spongey food. It really was mouthwateringly delicious; soft and delicate in the middle, chewy and crunchy on the outside. Then again, the bruc was nothing compared to the gold fruit, and James wondered when the princess would unveil the fruit to the others.

  The young space warrior gave Crystaline an indicative look, inclining his head towards the fruit containing supply bag. The princess’ lips unfurled into a subtle little smile. She understood exactly what James was trying to say.

  “James,” she began, perhaps a little too casually. “Why don’t you grab that bag with the golden pouch. I think it’s time your friends discover the gold fruit.”

  As James used the strength in his arms to hoist his body back up onto his two feet, the little chugga was by his side in a flash, greedily following the young space warrior as he wandered over to the bag. Grinning, James grabbed the bag, handing it over to Crystaline as he repositioned himself around the fire.

  Zach began to rub his hands together, either to keep them warm, or to release some of his anticipation.

  “Man, I’ve been wondering what that handbag was all day.”

  James’ eyebrows furrowed.

  “It’s not a handbag, Zach. Like I said, it came from a tree.”

  “And who’s to say that trees can’t grow handbags? Dude, we’re not on Earth anymore, remember?!”

  Phil rolled his eyes,

  “Look, let’s just get on with this, shall we? What’s in the bag, Crystaline?”

  “It’s not a bag!” James and Crystaline said together, pausing to blink at each other as they realised they’d spoken simultaneously.

  “Just be patient and you’ll see” James added, watching as Crystaline began to open up the pouch. The princess’ hands were white, delicate and careful. Who’d even be able to suspect that Crystaline’s dainty little hands could be so lethal? Wielding a weapon with such skill, such precision? James’ grin grew, watching as the golden balls of fruit glistened against the purple light.

  “What-are-those?” Zach asked, pronouncing each word slowly and separately.

  “So it’s true,” Crystos whispered, awestricken. “You really managed to find some gold fruit?”

  Crystaline looked up at her brother incredulously.

  “Of course, brother. What did you think we’d found?”

  Crystos shook his head, still stunned into a whisper.

  “I don’t know. I just thought...I just thought that this was too good to be true. Gold fruit, it’s so rare.”

  “Well we found some, a whole tree’s worth not far from where you were waiting.”

  Zach gave the back of his head a little scratch, wondering what could be so amazing about those little round balls.

  “So erm, those things are some kind of food, right?”

  “They’re actually edible?” Phil added.

  James couldn’t help but give a little surreptitious snigger. Maybe Phil was having those same doubts that he’d had? Wondering if he would break his teeth on the golden fruit?

  “Why don’t you see for yourself?” James suggested, coaxing his captain.

  “I don’t know. I’m not sure this stuff’s for me. I think I’ll give it a miss.”

  “Me too!” Morcees growled, pulling both himself and Borcees to their feet. “Borcees and I are tired, we’ve had a long day. We don’t have time to waste ourselves away like you.”

  Crystaline glared back at Morcees, looking slightly taken aback.

  “Suit yourself. You know as well as I know how nutritious this fruit is, so we will not be wasting ourselves away, thanks.”

  Morcees raised a sardonic eyebrow,

  “Won’t you? You’ll be wasting your time, put it that way.”

  Crystaline could only watch on, shaking her head in exasperation as she watched the grisly twosome retreating to their own little corner - away from everyone else.

  James turned to Phil, his tone more serious this time.

  “Are you sure you don’t want to give it a try? I had some earlier, it’s fine to eat, seriously.”

  “I don’t know if I agree with that, James. You were off your head. You and Crystaline. That damn chugga wasn’t right in the head either.”

  “It’s not harmful!” James insisted, his voice slightly raised. “If you don’t want some, then feel free to join those two bozos, but don’t start getting on your high horse.”

  “And what is that supposed to mean?”

  “Don’t try and ruin everyone else’s fun.”

  Phil let out a bewildered gasp.

  “And how am I doing that?”

  “You’ll try and stop Zach and me from having any of the fruit.”

  “Boys!” Crystaline interrupted, attempting to placate the flaring discussion. “This fruit is special, so let’s not get into an argument about it, please! And for your information, Phil, gold fruit is very nutritious, and not even remotely harmful. That is of course, unless you were to take too much and go and do something stupid. However, that will not happen on my watch. I’ll see to it that we’re all careful. Now if you wish to decline this wonderful opportunity to have a good night for once, then please, by all means, feel free to find a quiet corner and sleep, just like those two over there. On the other hand, if you wish to change your mind and actually give this fruit a chance, then please, feel free. As much as it pains me to say this, you won’t regret it.”

  Phil bit his lip, assessing Crystaline’s sincere expression. Everything about this planet was so tense. From the moment he’d got here, Phil had had to contend with the awkward Urashans, the dangerous wilderness, and not to mention, James’ sulking. Maybe this gold fruit wasn’t such a
bad idea after all? It had made James hug him, seeming to forget all of the troubles which went on between the two of them. Perhaps this gold fruit was what he needed, what they all needed? Phil chewed on his lip even harder, making his final decision.

  “Oh, go on then.” he sighed.

  “Go on then?” James was looking for further elaboration from his captain. “You’ll try a piece?”

  “Yes. I’ll try a piece. But I swear to you now, this thing had better be edible. It looks a little too solid for my liking.”

  James gave his captain a genuine little grin, perhaps pleasantly surprised by Phil’s newfound willingness to loosen up and join in for once.

  As his captain took a piece of the fruit, James watched as the man held it to his teeth, refusing to leap headfirst, refusing to take a careless bite into the golden fruit. James hated to admit it, but he’d done the exact same thing. He could not blame Phil for being so apprehensive.

  All in a matter of moments, however, James watched as his captain’s expression changed. He saw how it lit up as soon as the man took his first tentative bite. Phil’s second bite wasn’t even remotely hesitant, and the little ball of fruit was gone in seconds.

  “Man,” Phil sloshed, still searching his mouth for any remnants of the fruit. “This stuff’s actually real good. Try a piece, Zach, it’s fine, I promise.”

  Zach scrunched up his eyes, scrutinising his captain’s sudden change of behaviour.

  “You sure you’re okay, man? You seem a little different?”

  “Different? In a bad way?” James challenged him.


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