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Clockwork Planet: Volume 1

Page 23

by Yuu Kamiya


  “I’m a woman who’ll never believe that something’s impossible!!”

  As a chilling sense of awe ran through Naoto’s chest, he thought, She’s dazzling.

  Ahh goddammit, I don’t have any talent after all. Who’s the genius? This girl’s the genius. A real genius—A real genius’s talent is something that glitters brilliantly like this.

  He lowered his gaze to the automaton in his arms. Even now, when she had stopped functioning, RyuZU’s golden eyes continued to reflect Naoto inside them. She was wearing a gentle smile on her face without a single cloud of doubt that displayed trust, no, even conviction.

  Naoto groaned quietly, then sank into silence.

  —A true genius, who was so talented that it was frightening, had told him this:

  “If you lend me a hand, I’ll definitely save everyone.”

  —RyuZU had given her absolute trust in entrusting her gear to him.

  “Master Naoto, I have no doubt that you can do it.”


  If I have that kind of power...

  Naoto grasped the Imaginary Gear in his hand tightly and raised his face.

  Facing Marie, whose eyes were blazing in emerald flames, head-on, he bit his lips.

  Light wavered in his ashen eyes.

  “...Please, tell me, Marie.” He inquired, “What should I do?”


  The periphery around the heart of Kyoto Grid was a large framework that supported the enormous moving part that was the city.

  The gigantic cylinder, which had twenty-seven floors in total, reached fifty thousand meters in diameter, and was ninety thousand meters in height, was connected to four million shafts, which linked the entire city. In the periphery of that cylinder were mechanisms that had been installed to allow the shafts to be released. Those mechanisms were a system originally intended to be used in emergencies as a last resort.

  Even if some gears were to fall out, the Clockwork Planet had been made so it could maintain its systems by making the remaining gears mutually compensate for those that were missing. However, if gears were to continue to be lost, the number of remaining gears would decrease. Each individual gear would thus have more burden placed on it, which would cause it to heavily wear down.

  Therefore, a purge was a last resort and nothing if not the worst method to contain malfunctions that could shorten the planet’s lifespan.


  Right now, in the periphery of this city of Kyoto, that worst method was being continuously executed.

  “...The release of all shafts connected to the twenty-sixth floor is confirmed!” an operator wearing a military uniform exclaimed.

  A large man stood in the center of the control room. He yelled in a loud, echoing voice, “Good! Begin the release of the last set of shafts!”

  Obeying his words, the group of twenty Technical Force clocksmiths operated the interface of the purge system. All of them had dark looks on their faces. They knew what their actions would result in, that the twenty million city residents would be killed. They also knew that the purpose of the purge was to conceal the military’s blunder.

  This was, unsurprisingly, too much for even them, despite having been trained to loyally obey orders. They were unable to feel pride and a sense of duty in executing such an operation.

  Seeing their expressions, the man in the center of the floor—the commanding officer—clicked his tongue lightly.

  —My goodness, youngsters these days.

  This operation couldn’t be dismissed as a simple cover-up. The military’s dignity and authority, as well as the public peace they protected, were at stake—In other words, it was a noble mission to maintain “order.”

  —To lose their bearings over a sacrifice on this level, they absolutely lack resolve!

  That brat from the Meister Guild was the same. Obsessing over the lives of a mere twenty million, does she not even have enough of a brain to realize what kind of harm injuring the military’s dignity will cause? What ‘genius’? A sixteen-year-old kid being a Meister? Please, it’s obvious that she used her connections. Filthy scum.

  “—All signals confirmed. Connection to the release system complete. Preparations for the last stage complete,” the operator said.

  The commander raised his head. He sneered as he handed down the order.

  “Alright, then begin the countdown!”

  “Understood. Beginning countdown. —Five, four, three...” A dispassionate, emotionless voice counted down.

  The clocksmiths who had completed their work gazed at the gauges with somewhat blank expressions. Though the commander’s lips were pressed together, the corners of his mouth curved slightly upward.

  “Two, one—Release the last system of shafts!” the operator yelled in an ever so slightly shrill voice.

  And then...




  “...? What?”

  The metropolis didn’t fall.

  At least, no response showed on the gauges, and the rumbling that should have begun to some degree was also absent.

  “What’s the problem?! What’s going on?!” the commander yelled. The clocksmiths and the operator checked their operation logs and the gauges once again.

  After a short time, the operator exclaimed, “It’s a gravitational anomaly!”

  “What?” The commander tilted his head, looking perplexed. “Shouldn’t that be the malfunction in the city mechanisms? What does that have to do with the failure of the purge we just did...?”

  “Yes—I mean, no. This is a colossal gravitational response coming from the bottom of the city... No way! It’s lifting the city!!”

  “...What are you saying?”

  “I, In other words—”

  “I can only think that someone is obstructing the purge by manipulating the gravitational controls.”

  A heavy silence fell.

  After which, the commander suddenly screeched, “Don’t give me that crap!! Just who and how—” All of a sudden, his eyes, which had become bloodshot from rage and agitation, opened as wide as they could.

  He ground his teeth, looking shocked. “Don’t tell me that it’s that brat—?!”


  The mechanism that controlled gravity was in the 289th control block on the twenty-fourth floor. It lay in a deep location where even the illumination from the light gears installed throughout the floor didn’t reach it well. The sum of a great number of thick shafts that were joined together, its majestic appearance looked not unlike a giant, ancient tree that had lived for several thousands of years. Its nucleus lay in a place that was partially hidden by its roots.

  Marie was grappling with a circuit board that looked as complex as the anatomy of a living creature as she stared at the gauges. Naoto, who had taken a seat by her feet, was holding the automaton that had stopped moving in his arms. A wide, hollow hole was exposed in that automaton’s—RyuZU’s—chest. The Imaginary Gear that had been inserted in her chest was now crammed into the nucleus of the gravitational mechanism in front of them.

  Naoto whispered quietly, “—Marie, three military helicopters are approaching.”

  “Where are they?”

  “Thirty-five degrees northwest, around 24,906 meters away from us.”

  “That’s above the 192nd ward...They must be planning to obstruct the relinking.” Marie fiddled with something by her hands. Immediately after, Naoto’s ears caught the splitting roar of three explosions.

  A cry rang out from the intercom on the wall.

  “Dr. Marie! Explosions near the 192nd ward were detected—!”

  “—Is there a problem?” Marie answered dispassionately.

  “N, No. It doesn’t impede our work in any way.”

  “Then please continue working. It was just some military helicopters falling due to a slight disturbance in the atmospheric pressure. There’s no problem.”

e voice from the intercom was left speechless.

  Paying that exchange no mind, Naoto again announced in a quiet, detached voice, “Marie, this time it’s twenty-four degrees southwest, around 24,589 meters away.”

  “Roger.” Marie answered quietly as well.

  Naoto’s ears again perceived explosions in the far distance.

  The staff must have detected those explosions too, for a gulp could be heard from the intercom. Marie faced the intercom and said quietly, “Can you hear me?”

  “Y, Yes...”

  “We’ll eliminate the hindrances that the military send. We have our hands full here between that and managing the gravitational controls, so I’m leaving the relinking to you guys. Please reconnect the shafts as soon as humanly possible.”

  “Un, Understood...!”

  “Naoto. The fifth floor’s circuit won’t seem to connect. What’s going on?”

  “—The fifth cylinder in operation right now isn’t in place. A different system that sits a meter right above it is causing interference. To sidestep it, turn the first cylinder clockwise by thirty-four degrees.”

  “Got it, the water collection system, right? —OK, connection successful.”

  The values on the gauges fluctuated dramatically, showing that yet another system had been connected. Naoto observed, and Marie handled the controls.

  This unknown system output reverse gravity, something that hadn’t even existed until now. By changing the levels, Marie was keeping the super-enormous mass that was this great metropolis level. Acting as her eyes, Naoto was constantly observing the core tower’s structure and the situation of the entire city through sound.

  Naoto waved the baton to which Marie played her instrument. Their two differing talents meshed together tightly, increasing each other’s potential. This on-the-spot jam session was producing music that made it seem like the two had been playing together for years. It was almost like a symphony only they could perform.

  “——” ...Seeing such a sight, Halter’s eyes widened as he remained silent.

  Seizing city functions one after another, resisting the purge, and eliminating the military’s interference by manipulating the atmospheric pressure controls on the twenty-fourth floor—causing turbulent air to burst downward and spawn a dustdevil.

  Seeing the duo’s “performance,” Halter only had one thought on his mind. “Is this really a human feat...?”

  He had witnessed the evolution of Marie’s genius many times before. It was also true that he had been startled by Naoto’s unusual ability that, at this point, might as well have been considered ESP.

  However, this composition they were performing hand in hand—

  Seizing, ruling, controlling, and manipulating a metropolis—a microcosm of the world—Were humans really performing this feat?

  What surfaced in Halter’s mind was just a single, certain letter.

  The rebuilder of the planet whose very existence was questioned due to his preposterous enterprise beyond all imagination. The initial of the figure whose real name was unknown, extolled as the supreme genius in all of human history—“Y.”

  People had forgotten how absurd his feat truly was because a planet being run on clockwork was just “normal” now. Indeed, this planet that had met its end had been recreated by a human. It had been designed by someone who had been neither a convenient magician nor a god, but just a human.

  However, at this very moment, Halter could see two small figures who had conquered even gravity, dictating it as they held the lives of twenty million people in the palms of their hands.

  At this very moment—What objection could there have been against calling them “gods”?

  ...He had nothing to base it on, but he was certain. More than likely—no—surely, undoubtedly, this right here—

  —Was the figure of the one who had reconstructed the world—“Initial Y.”

  “—God, I can’t get enough of this.”

  Seeing the two gods who had the city under their thumbs, Halter got the feeling that that impossibility had just been thoroughly repudiated. As he stroked his bald head, Halter could only smile wryly.

  “—Marie, the gear has started to creak.”

  When Marie heard that, her eyelids twitched. Having continually negated an enormous amount of energy, RyuZU’s Imaginary Gear was reaching its limits.

  Without looking away, Marie tapped the console’s controls. “...Not yet. I need ten more seconds.”

  A sharp voice rang from the intercom. “Dr. Marie! The main balance wheel is off by 0.2 degrees!”

  Again, Marie tapped the console’s controls.

  “...! The alignment matched! Angle adjustment complete. Connecting the circuit!”

  “Marie! The gear’s at its limit!!”

  “Give me six more seconds, I’ll start the countdown!”


  Naoto stood up.


  Marie turned around.


  Their eyes met.


  Emerald eyes and ashen eyes exchanged a message that couldn’t be put into words—


  A thunderous boom pierced through the Core Tower.

  “Linkage complete!!”

  Naoto had pulled the Imaginary Gear from the gravitational system before the voice even reached his ears.

  He screamed, “Marie!!”

  “Hand it over!!”

  Snatching the gear from Naoto’s hand, Marie lunged towards RyuZU. The gear was slightly bent. However, given that it had been able to generate reverse gravity to the very end, it should have no problem functioning.

  Marie moved her hands about savagely. She quickly amended the slight bend and adjusted its lattice before threading a wire through the gear and placing them into a cylinder as fast as lightning. Despite being someone who was deeply rational, she ignored the cries of her reason and logic against this clockwise-turning gear that output counterclockwise energy. That was just how this thing worked. She simply accepted it and continued working. She inserted a spring into place and screwed it on.

  Marie closed RyuZU’s artificial skin. “Wind her spring!”

  Without having to be told to do so, Naoto had already reached his hands towards the screw.


  As an ominous silence fell, only the sound of Naoto winding her spring rang shrilly.

  ...Could it be that she won’t wake up anymore?

  That terrifying fear crossed Naoto’s mind.

  Each time the spring turned fragilely, a cold sense of loss seeped deeper and deeper into his heart.

  ...Eventually, after what felt like an eternity had passed,


  RyuZU opened her jeweled eyes. They glittered like gold and shook unsteadily, and she blinked over and over. Her indecipherable gaze slowly began to shift before settling on Naoto. As the lips that were like those of an angel moved, a high, ringing voice like a music box spilled out.

  “Ahh—Master Naoto.”

  She smiled gently.

  “Your face is already unappealing to begin with. If you weep your eyes out on top of that, no one will be able to look at you, you know.”

  While spewing venom with her sharp tongue, RyuZU gracefully reached her hand towards Naoto. However, contrary to her sharp words, her eyes were glistening and her cheeks had reddened sweetly. Seeing her like that, a gentle smile came to Naoto’s face. He stroked her hair, then took her hand.

  They began to cry at the same time.

  The abusive speech filter inside the girl made a small, pleasant sound.

  Epilogue / 00 : 00 / Restart

  Naoto and RyuZU held hands as they descended the steps. Marie and Halter followed behind them.

  They were on the spiral staircase that extended from the deepest part—the twenty-seventh floor of Kyoto Grid’s Core Tower. The steps that seemed like they extended all the way to the center of the Earth were narrow and dimly lit, as there weren’t
many light gears. It was like the mouth of a gaping pit that led to Hell.

  “This is where she is, right RyuZU?!”

  “Yes. There is no mistake.”

  Unintimidated by the bottomless pit in front of him, Naoto plunged into it exultantly. The reason why was clear.

  It was because...

  While briskly descending down the spiral staircase, Naoto wore a stupid smile on his face, his cheeks slack.

  “Beyond this—lies RyuZU’s little sister AnchoR! A super-advanced automaton!”

  Every pore of Naoto’s body was exuding avarice.

  “Master Naoto!” RyuZU yelled abruptly.

  “Huh—? What the?!”

  RyuZU grabbed his hand. However, Naoto had been running and had too much momentum to stop. He lost his footing on the spot, falling down—and his body dangled in the air beyond the last steps.


  Holy crap. Cold sweat poured from his entire body.

  Right now, Naoto was suspended in midair, the only thing supporting him being RyuZU’s one hand. The spiral staircase had ended midway and become a literal pitfall. If RyuZU hadn’t grabbed his hand, Naoto would have already plummeted into the pits of hell.

  “Hey hey, be careful man. You just saved your own life after a great ordeal you know?” Halter teased as he pulled Naoto up by his collar forcefully.

  “Y, You saved me...”

  While feeling relief from the sensation of something solid underneath him again, Naoto spoke up and asked, “W, Wait a second. This staircase only has a single path, and at the bottom of it is RyuZU’s younger sister, right? If that’s the case, why do the steps end here?”

  “...It would appear that part of it collapsed from the shock of the purge.” Marie answered. She had just been examining where the steps left off in a crouch.

  Naoto paled as if his world had ended. “No, way—That can’t be... Don’t give me that... When, just a step further—Damn it, fuck... Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck!!”


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