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Submit (The Underground Book 4)

Page 11

by Becca Jameson

  If he was right about her, she wouldn’t need the talk to submit to him. He could get her naked and make her hum without explanation. If he was wrong about her, he would back off the second alarm bells went off.

  She didn’t know she had a submissive tendency. But he was about to show her with actions instead of words.

  “Close your eyes,” he suggested in a soft voice.

  She bit her lower lip, hesitating for a moment before complying.

  He almost groaned.

  When he lifted his other hand to join the first at her blouse, she grabbed both his wrists, her eyes darting open wide. “Nikolav, I don’t think—”

  He eased one hand up to her mouth and set his pointer over her lips. “Don’t think. Just feel.”

  She nodded subtly.

  “You don’t seem willing to listen to me when I tell you how attracted I am to you. So I’m going to prove it. And you’re going to enjoy it.”

  A slow smile curved the corners of her lips, and then she spoke against his finger. “Cocky?”


  She blew out a breath. “I should probably run from the apartment and demand someone else babysit me, you know.”

  “You should. Especially if you want to guard your heart. Because after I’m done with you, you won’t ever look at another man in the same way.”

  “Very cocky.”

  “I’ll earn it. I promise.”

  Her fingers tightened on his wrists. “Somehow I know you will.”

  “You willing to take that risk?”

  “You make me so horny, I don’t see how I have a choice.”

  He smiled wide. “Perfect. Now, close your eyes and put your hands at your sides.”

  She let her lids flutter shut, and her hands dropped as she leaned her butt against the table and wrapped her fingers around the edge. A flush spread across her skin, starting with her cheeks and running down her chest.

  He wanted to see it. And he would.

  With slow, meticulous motions, he slipped the top button of her blouse through the hole to expose her cleavage. The bra she wore was white and lacy. Did she dress like this every day? Or just when she wanted to drive a man insane with wanting her?

  He glanced down at her pencil skirt and held his breath. So fucking sexy. His gaze lowered. Those damn black pumps pushed sexy to a whole new level.

  Nikolav continued to unbutton her blouse until he had to tug it out of her skirt to finish. His fingers brushed across her belly, and she shivered again. Lord, she was amazing.

  Her mouth opened, but he stopped her from speaking. “Relax. Let me look at you. You’re a gorgeous woman. You’ve been teasing me for days with your full tits and erect nipples. I want to see them.”

  She licked her lips and dipped her head downward as if to hide her expression. So sexy. Perfect. She had no idea how submissive her actions were.

  Nikolav eased the blouse over her shoulders and let it fall at her back to her wrists.

  When she lifted her hands, he stopped her. “Leave your palms on the table.” The blouse at her wrists would give her a small taste of bondage. A subtle feeling of being restrained while he explored her breasts.

  His gaze went to her chest. Damn she was gorgeous. Her full breasts stood high and pert. He traced his finger along the lacy edge between the globes, dying to see her nipples but wanting to take his time.

  He took a mental picture of this moment to savor forever. The first time he would unveil her body to his gaze. Sure, he’d fondled her the other night. And yes, he’d seen her wandering around without a bra on, but naked was an entirely different level.

  Glad to see the clasp in the front between her tits, he flicked a finger at the spot, making it snap lightly while teasing her into wishing he’d unhooked it.

  It worked. She moaned and thrust her chest out farther.

  Jesus mercy.

  Nikolav adjusted his cock inside his jeans with one hand and then set both palms on her belly, spreading his fingers wide to cover as much skin as possible. “You like my hands on you.”


  “Good. Keep your eyes closed, and I’ll continue.”

  Another shiver. Excellent.

  He stroked the undersides of her breasts with his thumbs through the lace, making her breath catch in her throat and her mouth fall open.

  So sensitive. He couldn’t wait to make her scream. If she made even twice the amount of noise she’d made last night masturbating, he would know he’d done his job well when she came.

  But he intended to exceed that volume. Disturbing the neighbors was his goal.

  He slid his hands around to her back and over her sexy ass to squeeze it, thrusting himself against her belly so she would know how much she affected him.

  She whimpered. “Please…”

  “Oh, baby, I like the sound of that word. I’m going to make you use it often. But it won’t speed me up here, so you might as well keep it inside for now.”

  She pursed her lips. So obedient.

  He pulled her butt a few inches away from the table and lowered the zipper at the back of her skirt slowly. The sound of each tooth releasing at her lower back resounded as though it were much louder in the room.

  When he grabbed the sides of her skirt and tugged it over her hips, she let him. And then her sexy ass rested against the side of the table again, her panties a delicate match to her bra, all lace and silk that covered little and hid nothing.

  Nikolav stepped back a few inches, his hands on her hips, taking her all in. Her pussy was either shaved, or she’d left a small triangle or strip because whatever hair she had was concealed by the swatch of lace. The white of her bra and panties made her skin appear darker.

  He kneeled in front of her, letting his hands skim down the outsides of her thighs and then her calves. He lifted one foot and then the other to remove the skirt, leaving her heels on. On his way back up her body, he nibbled a path of kisses, starting with her inner thigh and switching back and forth between them until she spread her legs farther apart voluntarily.

  Her body shook as he got closer to her center. He inhaled her scent slowly, gritting his teeth to keep himself from burying his face between her legs prematurely.

  Holding his breath, he grazed his lips over her mound and resumed his exploration up her belly until he kissed the spot right between her breasts.

  Belinda’s head tipped back, no longer facing the floor. Her eyes were still closed, and he found he liked the position. It drew attention to her neck.

  He flicked his tongue under the edge of her bra, reaching for her nipple.

  She lifted higher on her toes, her hands bracing her at her sides.

  Fuck me.

  He’d never been with a woman as responsive as her. And with every sign indicating she could indeed submit to him…

  His heart pounded as he stood upright and cupped both her breasts in his hands, weighing them and then stroking his thumbs over her nipples through the lace.

  Her mouth fell open wider, her head still tipped back.

  “You’re the sexiest creature alive. Are you wet for me?”

  She lowered her face slowly back toward the floor as if avoiding his gaze, even though her eyes were closed. “Yes.”

  “I can’t wait to taste your come.”

  A shudder shook her frame.

  “Lift your face. I liked being able to see your body better.”

  Her chin rose again until her face was angled toward his, her bottom lip between her teeth, her eyes still closed.

  “Good girl.” He felt her reaction to his words through her breasts as they bounced gently in his grip. Without hesitating another moment, he popped the front clasp on her bra and let her tits spring free.


  He slid the straps down her arms to join her blouse at her wrists. Her rosy nipples were rounded and full. Erect. Goose bumps stood out across her breasts. He grazed his fingertips across the surface, watching the way her tits swelled fuller an
d her nipples grew stiffer.

  When he lightly pinched both tips at once, she moaned. He had to give her unbelievable credit for staying exactly where he’d put her, hands on the table, eyes closed, head tipped back.

  He bent to take one nipple into his mouth, sucking it hard while he held her full breasts firmly in his hands.

  She gasped.

  He let his mouth pop free and switched to torture the other bud in the same manner, sucking slightly harder this time. Not enough to cause real pain, but enough to get her attention and warn her silently of what was to come.

  “Sexiest tits I’ve ever tasted.” He released them to smooth his hands over her belly again, letting his thumbs graze the undersides of her breasts.

  “Such a good girl. I’m impressed with your ability to do as you’re told.”

  He watched the muscles in her neck as she swallowed without responding.

  “I’m going to take my time exploring you, but you will be rewarded for your obedience.”

  Chapter Thirteen

  Belinda couldn’t move. She couldn’t respond if she wanted to.

  For one thing, she was completely in a trance from his actions. His hands danced across her body, playing her like a perfectly tuned instrument. And his words… Jesus… Every time he spoke, his voice penetrated her mind in a way she’d never experienced.

  This was so unlike her. She had no explanation for why she was letting him order her around—except that it was fucking hot, and she’d never been more aroused in her life.

  He praised her as if she were a child and spoke of obedience as if he were her…master.

  She bit her lip harder. Was he a Dom? She wasn’t well-versed in the world of BDSM, but she wasn’t ignorant, either. She read books. She even read erotic romances. His actions and words were those of a dominant. A master.

  And he was controlling her in the way of every hero she’d ever read between the pages of a D/s book.

  A piece of her was frightened by her response, but more of her was too intrigued to stop him. The truth was she wanted him to fuck her so badly, she didn’t care how he did it. If he wanted to talk dirty to her and command her into submission, she wasn’t going to stop him.

  Did he think she didn’t have it in her? Was that why he hadn’t been willing to have sex with her the other night?

  Not a chance in hell was she going to break the spell of this exquisite torture this morning to interrupt his game. Two could play. If he was testing her, she would pass. And with it she intended to have the best, most-explosive orgasm of her life.

  “Turn around,” he commanded in the same tone of voice he’d been using since he first told her to close her eyes. His hands slid to her hips to guide her until she faced the table with her back to him.

  He removed her blouse and bra, leaving her hands unbound, and then he threaded his fingers with hers and lifted them up to set them on the table, wide apart several inches from the edge.

  She was forced to lean forward enough that her breasts swung free and heavy.

  She arched her neck when Nikolav smoothed his hands up her arms and across her chest until he cupped her swollen breasts, pinching the nipples lightly back and forth.

  Never in her life had her breasts been such a source of arousal. She wouldn’t have described them as being quite so sensitive in the past. But that was before Nikolav had his expert hands on them.

  He squeezed the globes almost too hard and then released them when she lifted onto her toes.

  That wasn’t saying much since she still wore her heels. Apparently he liked them on her because he could have slid them off when he kneeled to remove her skirt.

  When he released her breasts, they swayed free, making her aware of their heaviness.

  His hands slid down her waist to her hips and then around to her lower belly. As he stepped closer to press his cock against her butt, he reached between her legs with one hand and cupped her pussy.

  The second he pressed his palm against her center, she lost her balance. Her arms wouldn’t hold her up any longer, and she was lucky her legs didn’t buckle. She lowered her forehead to the table to brace herself while Nikolav stroked his fingers over her folds through the lace of her panties.

  “Oh, baby. So hot and wet for me.” He kept his palm pressed against her clit, but tugged her panties away from her pussy with his fingers to dip them under the material.

  She held her breath while he found out how wet she was. Soaking. Embarrassingly aroused by his touch.

  One finger dipped inside, sending her once again to her toes. It had been so long since she had sex that she was tight. It felt exquisite. The pressure building inside her threatened to send her over the edge.

  Nikolav froze, his finger buried deep inside her. “Please tell me you’re not a virgin.”

  She shook her head against the table. “No.”

  “Jesus, Belinda. How long has it been? Your pussy’s like a vise.”

  She flushed. It had been years. But that was embarrassing to admit. “A while.”

  His finger withdrew, making her moan in a desperate desire to have it return. Instead he grabbed the sides of her panties and lowered them over her hips and down her legs until he pulled them off her feet one at a time.

  Naked, except for her heels, she squeezed her eyes shut tighter and swayed forward. So exposed…

  His hands landed on her butt cheeks and squeezed them, forcing them open over and over again while he massaged gently. And then he tapped her arm. “Come back up onto your hands, Belinda.”

  She struggled to lift her body to the position he requested, hoping she had the strength.

  “Spread your legs.”

  She did that too, feeling the increased arousal that came with obeying his words and opening her pussy to the air.

  He was a Dom. Had to be. And it was so fucking hot.

  “I’m going to let you come, but only if you stay in this position and keep your eyes closed. If you need to moan, that’s allowed. Do you know how hard it was for me to stay out of your room last night hearing you masturbate behind that door?”

  She stopped breathing.

  Shit. Had she been that loud? Oh. God.

  “It was sexy as hell, but don’t do it again. Understood?”

  Was she supposed to answer? Was he seriously telling her not to masturbate?

  He thrust a finger into her pussy again without warning.

  She arched her ass toward him without the ability to stop herself.

  “I’m demanding. You surely gathered that by now. And if you didn’t enjoy it so much, I would stop. But damn if you aren’t more aroused every time I issue a command.

  “So here’s the deal. If you want me to fuck you… If you want me to move from the couch to your bed at night, then you’ll agree to my demand that your orgasms are mine. I say when, I say where, I say how. If I let you masturbate again, it will be for my enjoyment while I watch you. Are we clear?”

  “Yes.” She could hardly hear her own word. Did she just agree to stop masturbating for as long as she was with him? How the hell would he know if she did it anyway?

  “Good. And I can see your mind running away with that idea. If you think I won’t know, try me. If I catch your fingers touching your pussy or your tits without permission, I’ll withhold orgasms from you for so long you’ll wish you never knew you had a pussy.”

  Why the fuck did a rush of arousal leak out to run down her legs at his words? She was losing her mind.

  She wasn’t a sex slave. She wasn’t interested in submission. No man was going to tell her when and where and how to orgasm. Ever.

  Except Nikolav just did. And she’d readily agreed. Was it because she needed to come so badly she would say or do anything to appease him?


  He pressed his jean-clad cock against her ass again and reached around to stroke through her folds with one hand while the other held her hip. “Stay still. Be good. And I’ll let you come.”

  Anything. S
he’d do anything to be permitted to orgasm.

  With a tight grip on her hip, he thrust two fingers into her pussy.

  She lifted her head and moaned at the exquisite torture.

  So close.

  So very close.

  “That’s it, baby. Let me fuck you with my fingers. So tight. Jesus, Belinda. You’re so damn tight.”

  She was more aware of that fact than him considering the stretch she was experiencing and the way her brain cells stopped firing correctly. She wanted him to take his jeans off and fuck her. Hard. Now.

  Why was he teasing her?

  And then he reached around with his other hand and pinched her clit, squeezing the swollen nub between two fingers.

  She opened her mouth to let him know she was about to come and then thought better of it. Knowing him, he might stop immediately if she spoke out loud and then leave her hanging. She had no doubt. Instead she pinched her lips together and let the waves get closer.

  “Come for me, baby.”

  At his command, she shattered. Both her pussy and her clit pulsed around his hands. The driving need that had been growing since the moment he walked into her apartment early Sunday morning finally had an outlet.

  He knew exactly how much pressure to use as she rode the orgasm out too, easing off her slowly as she fluttered back down to Earth.

  It took several moments for her to find a thought, and then she realized he still had on his jeans. He hadn’t fucked her. Her tight walls grasped at his fingers inside her, squeezing them at the realization. “You—”

  “Uh-uh. Don’t speak yet. Stay still.” He removed his fingers from inside her and stroked them one more time over her clit. “Don’t move.”

  And then he disappeared from behind her to take several strides over to the sink. She listened as the water ran, keeping her eyes closed as he undoubtedly washed his hands. She was shocked, however, when he returned and set a cool washcloth on her pussy.

  “Stop wiggling, baby. Just cleaning you up.”

  Even his after-sex demeanor was sexy.

  Except he hadn’t had sex. Only she had.

  And she didn’t have permission to argue the subject.

  When he was finished, he set the cloth on the table and lifted her to standing with his hands on her shoulders. As she stood, he turned her around to face him. “Look at me.”


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