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Madison Pierce

Page 2

by Christina Persaud

  "Madison, do not be rude." Her mother scowled in a calm manner making sure to hold her composure. Madison rolled her eyes again. She turned her face from her mother’s direction before she and her mother started a screaming match.

  "I know that you are a writer. I read some of your books and they are quite..."

  Madison interrupted her sentence "Erotic," she stated.

  "I was going to say well written but that is a good way of describing them as well."

  Madison bit her lip as Victoria watched. Victoria thought that she had the most luscious lips. Madison's lip gloss had already faded away since she only placed on a thin layer, but she did not need it. Her lips were pink and plump and so kissable. Well that was what Madison had been told on a few occasions by women she had spent time with.

  "I would not have believed that Victoria Wilson is a fan." Madison laughed.

  Victoria was then the one blushing a heavy shade of red.

  "I am also a fan." She heard an unfamiliar voice say. She turned her head towards the person's direction only to be disappointed that it was Anderson. The man she wanted to scream at. Luckily for him, Victoria calmed her nerves.

  "I bet you are," Madison stated before ignoring him once again. She looked at her sister as she sat next to Troy. They seemed so happy and she knew that may have been what love was called. She would not have known since she never got the chance to be with the only person she ever loved.

  "So, Mel, you did not tell me how you two met." Madison looked at the two as they both had a smile plastered on their lips. Somehow it felt a bit fake.

  "I told you, Maddy. That brain of yours is forgetful."

  "I am not forgetful. Maybe I just want to hear the story again." Melody rolled her eyes before she looked at her companion next to her.

  "Well, not Well, okay." Melody paused and looked around the table. "Actually, Victoria introduced me to him when I saw her at the yearly fair. They are best friends and I fell head over heels the moment I saw him with a huge teddy bear in his arms. It was like the entire world stopped and it was just him and me." She said with a dreamy voice. For some reason, it felt a bit over exaggerated and fake, but Madison did not know if she could tell the difference anyway.

  Madison was happy that her big sister found love. "Not to be a mood killer but every time I hear that story it gets more and dreamier." Madison chuckled earning a glare from her big sister. "I am happy that you finally found love, Mel."

  "You could find love too if you stop being so stubborn." Madison felt all the happiness drained out of her because of her mother's words.

  "I like the way I am, and you cannot change that," Madison said in a blunt tone of voice as everyone pretended not to be listening.

  "Trust me when I say you are not living a right life." Melody knew that the dinner was going to be a disaster. She knew it was not Madison's fault since their mother started it. Sometimes Melody thought why her mother could not have kept her big mouth shut.

  "Just because I live my life as I choose does not mean I do anything wrong, unlike you who judge people just because they are not to your liking and follow bloody norms." Madison paused. "Dad accepts me. Mel accepts me. The entire fucking world accepts me, but you won't."

  Victoria wondered what they were talking about. What did Madison do to make her mother not accept her? Then, it came to clear view into her mind. Her mother did not accept her. It was so obvious.

  "I do not accept you because it is not right. It is an abomination and everyone at this table knows it."

  Amanda thought of all the reasons of why her daughter's lifestyle was wrong. She was a disgrace to her family. Her beauty gone to waste because she was too blind to have realized her wrongdoings.

  "I am surprised everyone at this table knows since you try to keep it from everyone's ears." It felt like the entire table rocked.

  Madison's father, Gregory, just sat there knowing if he spoke up it would not have made a difference. Because of his wife and daughter's confrontations, his daughter moved away to another continent. It broke his heart, but he knew his daughter did what was best. He knew she could not stand the torment of his wife's words. He could not stand her as well.

  Madison looked at Victoria who seemed to be studying her. It was obvious what they were talking about, even a child would have realized what the conversation was about.

  Amanda did not answer her daughter. She covered her face with the palms of her hands seeming to be embarrassed.

  Madison stood up from her chair feeling like it was her coming out to her mother all over again. She just wanted to go up to her room and forget that night ever happened. The only upside was meeting Victoria again but that was not enough to quench her sorrows.

  "Mum, whatever you think of me I have come not to care. Well, at least I try not to." Madison paused and bit her lip turning in the direction of the stairs wanting to run up to her room and lock herself away. "Anderson here cannot change who I am. No man in this world can change my mind. Because I am who I am." She drew distance from the table where everyone sat looking at her. She felt the tears threatening to pour down her face.


  Madison heard a knock on her bedroom door. Her face was smothered deep in a pillow as she tried to suffocate her sorrows.

  "Go away!" She screamed and threw the same pillow at the door, allowing herself to breathe as well.

  She then saw the doorknob turn and she regretted not securing the lock.

  "Mel, I do not want to talk." She placed the palms of her hands over her face.

  "It's me, Victoria." The woman said closing the door behind her. Her nerves eased a bit at the sound of the lovely voice.

  Her hands dropped from her face and she sighed not as frustrated anymore.

  "What do you want?" Madison leaned forward, propping her head up on her arms as her chin rested on the palms of her hands.

  Victoria walked closer to Madison taking a seat on the bed, close enough so that Madison saw her exposed thighs from the shortness of the dress. "You know, I would never have guessed," Victoria said.

  Madison knew what she was talking about and wanted to strangle someone at the moment. She could not handle someone else judging her.

  "Well, it is not on my résumé."

  Madison said offended. She missed New York and the judge free environment, well mostly judge free environment.

  "I did not mean it in a bad way," Victoria said softly looking at those lips again. She did not have a problem with anyone's sexuality.

  "Well, it makes the entire world against my mother." She joked. Victoria somehow gave Madison a sudden happiness she did not fully understand. It made her not want to be angry anymore.

  Victoria was still lost in staring at Madison's lips. Madison involuntarily bit down on her luscious masterpiece as she looked at the woman.

  "Take a picture. It will definitely last longer." Victoria's face turned to a shade far beyond crimson as she peeled her eyes off those lips.

  "So, you are Troy's best friend." A statement since it was already said by Melody. It would have been stupid of Madison to ask since she already knew.

  "We used to date in college and after it did not work out we ended up staying friends."

  Madison wondered if she heard right. Did they use to date? She wondered how Melody felt about that.

  "Do not worry about Melody, she already knows. Plus, we only dated for a month so nothing explicit." Madison furrowed her eyebrows.

  "The longest it takes me to get explicit is a week." Madison laughed.

  "I guess your relationships mature faster than mine." Victoria shrugged.

  "Actually that is how long it takes to end." The laughter died as Madison realized what she said sounded pathetic.

  "Your room is nice," Victoria said to break the tension that was being created.

  "You have never been in here before?" Madison raised her eyebrows. After all the sleepovers her sister and Victoria had? It surprised her that Victoria never o
nce stepped foot into her room.

  "You always had your door shut when I came over. It was like you wanted to keep me out." Madison thought back to those nights which she remembered vividly. It was the time she started to figure out her sexuality.

  Her cheeks heated up when she remembered the reason she locked the door.

  "You are blushing," Victoria stated making Madison's cheeks heat even more. Madison covered her face with the palms of her hands, she felt like suffocating herself with them at that moment. "What! Are you embarrassed to tell me something?" Victoria grabbed hold of Madison's hands, making Madison look up at her. She was biting her lips again. She felt her entire stomach swarming with butterflies at the sight.

  Madison scanned Victoria's delicate face with her brown eyes and paused when she looked into Victoria's green. Victoria was definitely a goddess, those eyes made Madison want to squirm at that moment, especially because of their skin to skin contact.

  "It is nothing." Madison paused feeling a tingling sensation in her stomach. Victoria was merely inches away from her. "I just had a little crush."

  "On your sister?" Victoria joked which she realized sounded very inappropriate.

  "No, on you," Madison said softly and regretted her words right after she said it. But Victoria did not flinch away in disgust. She was still inches away from Madison's face. Both women felt a pounding in their chest as Victoria perched closer.

  They both captured each other's lips in a soft kiss. It was just a little longer than a simple peck and Madison wanted more. She craved for more. She had a crush on Victoria since she could have remembered. Maybe it was something more than a crush even.

  Madison cupped the woman's face with her hands and drew in for what she wanted to be a much longer kiss.

  The kiss was simple and warm. No pressure whatsoever to move forward from the base they were in but both women wanted to continue. To strip the layers off each other until both were utterly breathless.

  They released from the second kiss. They just stared into each other's eyes again which seemed like hours, but was mere seconds.

  "I would have never guessed," Madison whispered copying the exact words Victoria had used earlier.

  "That makes both of us." Victoria traced her fingers on Madison's pink lips wanting another taste. She grabbed hold of Madison's chin with the curve of her index finger and then brought Madison's face closer to her face again capturing another kiss.

  Madison felt her insides swarm with pleasure as Victoria's tongue explored her mouth. Her tongue swayed to the beat of the calmest sound.

  That kiss was what she dreamed about when she was younger and was even better than she could have ever imagined. Her attraction to Victoria was the reason she knew she was different. The woman made Madison realize that she did not feel any attraction towards the opposite sex.

  The kiss began to get a bit heated, both women having no objections to continuing. Madison ended up lying down on her back as Victoria straddled her.

  Madison's body was in between Victoria's legs and could have felt the woman's heat radiating on her skin.

  Between parted kisses, Victoria managed to whisper, ''I had a crush on you too." That made Madison's heart almost melt. Victoria made her feel something she could not describe. An attraction she did not have with any other woman.

  Madison began to feel the wetness forming in between her thighs, but the desire came to a sudden halt when they both heard a knock on the bedroom door.

  "Madison, open the door." She heard her sister's voice. She felt like knocking her sister in the head until she saw only stars.

  Both women groaned, and Victoria placed a kiss on Madison's forehead before climbing off her. Victoria fixed her dress, which had hiked up almost above her waist. Madison saw a slight glimpse of what was underneath and felt her heart skip a beat as she got up as well.

  She walked towards the door. They both did not bother to look back at each other. They might have just tackled each other right in front of Melody if they did.

  Madison opened the locked door, thinking that it would have been an awkward situation if they were to be caught in a compromising position.

  "Am I disrupting something?" Melody asked as she entered the room to see Victoria standing near the bed.

  "No, I was just checking on Madison. I will leave you two to talk." With that Victoria escorted herself out the bedroom door closing it behind her.

  Melody raised her eyebrows noticing how flushed her sister looked but decided not to ask since she knew Madison was already down in the mud due to their mother's behavior.

  "Are you okay?" Melody asked her sister taking a seat on the bed.

  Madison leaned on the wall near the door and crossed her arms. "Surprisingly, yes." She said thinking back to what she was doing moments prior.

  "You seem happy." Madison rolled her eyes.

  "I should be since you are pregnant." She said to draw herself off topic. Melody felt a lump in her throat. ‘How did Madison know?’ The news was only known by few. ‘Did the doctor tell her? How was that even possible?’ Madison only arrived a few hours prior.

  "Sweetie, you have an extra ten pounds from the last time I saw forehead.

  Melody's know that was a long time ago, but you are a diet freak. You have not gained so much weight since you hit puberty and even then, it was not so much." Madison walked over to her sister and stooped down placing her hands on her sister's knees.

  "I am happy for you," Madison said giving her sister a kiss on the forehead.

  Melody's eyes widened when she saw a red mark on her sister's neck.

  "What is that?" Melody pointed to the spot. Madison stood and checked herself in the mirror. "Who gave it to you?" Madison's cheeks were red like the walls of hell. She hoped her sister was naive enough not to realize that it was Victoria who gave it to her.

  "A going away present." Madison turned to her sister and winked.

  Melody shook her head. "I wish I could get one of those right about now, but Troy does not want to have sex until the baby is born." Melody sighed.

  "That is, fucked up."

  "Not as fucked up as dad sitting there like an idiot." I sighed not knowing what to say to that.

  "Dad just does not know what to do." Madison stood up and sat on the bed next to Melody. "He is afraid of mum."

  "I know, but he needs to grow some balls." Madison cringed. "But I do like the feminist side of things."

  Madison laughed, "it is not very common that a woman rules the household."


  After Madison's conversation with Melody, the sisters hugged, and Madison congratulated her sister on the little bundle of joy inside of her belly.

  All the guests had left, and she hoped that Anderson would never come back.

  Madison took another shower before she hopped into bed to sleep off her jet-lag.

  But for some reason, she couldn’t sleep. All she thought about was her make-out session with Victoria. She could not get that damn woman off her mind.

  She thought back to when she was thirteen. Victoria was already eighteen. Victoria's attraction towards her seemed impossible. Their age gap was big enough for Victoria to see Madison as a little sister.

  At the moment, Madison was twenty-three while Victoria was twenty-eight. Their age difference was not much but it still was a difference. But Madison always felt a bit more attracted to women when they were a bit older. The older women always fought for domination which Madison gladly complied with.

  Madison liked to be controlled. Only bed wise though. If someone tried to control her in any other situation, she would punch that person in the face. The only person who tried to control Madison, in a platonic way, of course, was her mother. She dared not punch her own mother even if sometimes the woman deserved it.

  Madison touched the spot of marked flesh on her neck. It made a broad smile form on her pink lips, but the only thing was that she did not remember how it got there.

  She did no
t remember the moment Victoria sucked on her flesh. She would have thought she would have remembered every detail of their heated moment but that was not the case.

  She only remembered Victoria's red lips on her pink ones. Only a few times Victoria's lips accidentally touched her moments.

  She both had their eyes closed.

  Was Madison being paranoid or was something wrong with her? She surely would have remembered that moment. When the woman she had the same dreams about, was sucking on her neck.

  It was like a dream come true, but she did not remember it. Maybe it was a burn from the sun? That was nonsensical to think. Plus, it was snowing in New York and she arrived in England after sundown.


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