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Dark Curse (Deamhan Chronicles Book 2)

Page 27

by Isaiyan Morrison

  Limbo - Limbo, a dark and neverending space voided of time. Created with dark magic by a Kashshapu as a last resort to tame the wild Deamhan in the city of Sumer. The very first eight Deamhan are still trapped in this void.

  Lugat - Part of the “First Four” of Deamhan created by the Kashshapu, these Deamhan feed on the psychic imprints of their victims. Like the Metusba, they don’t need to kill their victims to live. Often, Lugat Deamhan prefer to move freely in the human world and enjoy human company.

  Metusba - Part of the “First Four” of Deamhan created by the Kashshapu, these Deamhan are the less violent of all Deamhan. They feed off the psychic aura of their victims around them. They don’t have to kill their victims to survive.

  Minion - a human subservient to Deamhan in exchange for protection or the chance to be sired.

  Offspring - A word used by Deamhan to refer to a human they have sired.

  Pure Ones - The very first eight Deamhan ever created. These Deamhan have red glowing eyes and currently reside in Limbo.

  Ramanga - Part of the “First Four” of Deamhan created by the Kashshapu, these Deamhan are the most violent of their kind. Feed off the psychic energy in human blood. They are the only Deamhan (besides Estrie) to have retractable and sharp canine teeth.

  Revelation - Revelation is a series of steps written on the Dark Curse Tablet which will end in rebirth of Deamhan by releasing the Pure Ones, abolishing Ancient status in Deamhan world, and restoring Pure Ones in their rightful place as Kings and Queens in the Deamhan world.

  Sanctuary - A location where many Deamhan live. Majority of sanctuaries only contain one clan of Deamhan but a few contain a various range of clans nesting together.

  Second Four - Created by the Kashshapu after the First Four Deamhan turned on the human they were created to protect. Estrie, Empusa, Ekimmu, and Adze Deamhan had the ability to feed not only on vampires and humans like the First Four, but also on all Deamhan. Those who were part of the First Four hunted them to extinction throughout the ages.

  Vampires - creatures who live off the blood of humans and animals. Sanguine in nature, these vampires claim no direct link nor allegiance to Dorvo. They’ve existed long before Deamhan. The Kashshapu created Deamhan in order to protect the citizens of Ur from them.




  Isaiyan Morrison was born and raised in Minnesota. She moved to San Diego, California while in the Navy. After serving four years of active duty, she moved to Los Angeles. After a few years, she moved back to Minnesota where she started to pursue her dream to be an author. Dark Curse is the second novel in the Deamhan Chronicles. She now resides in Texas with her two cats, three pit bull dogs, and four guinea pigs.





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