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Marriage-Minded Cowboy

Page 11

by Vicki Lewis Thompson, Stephanie Bond

  “I’m not implying that she’s unhappy.” Ed put on her turn signal and turned onto the ranch road. “But it’s possible she could be happier if she branched out a little.”

  “Or I could buy myself a whole lot of trouble.”

  “Not necessarily. Look at Henri and Ben. Weren’t they amazing tonight?”

  “Incredible.” Val was happy to dive into the conversation on that topic. She wouldn’t have touched the other one with a ten-foot pole. “I loved how they cleared the floor.” Same age as her parents. Totally different behavior. “Aren’t they newlyweds?”

  Ed nodded. “Got hitched last month. We all expected them to throw a big bash, but they went the other way, small and sweet.”

  “It was the right call,” Teague said. “A simple wedding suited them.”

  Of course he’d been invited. If she hadn’t broken up with him, she would have been invited, too. Nell, the soul of tact, hadn’t mentioned the ceremony, but Val had heard someone talking about it in the hair salon.

  “It definitely was the right call.” Ed slowed as a family of raccoons crossed the road. “I’m not ashamed to say I cried all through the ceremony. Anyway, Madeline, my point is that like you, she thought nobody could measure up to Charley, but she finally gave Ben a chance. You see the results.”

  “She was lucky. Ben seems like a terrific guy.”

  “For all you know, there’s a Ben Malone living in Eugene.”

  “Needle, meet haystack.”

  Teague chuckled.

  “You are one stubborn lady.” Ed shook her head.

  “Hey, if you’re so big on this idea, what about you?” Madeline glanced over at Ed. “Why aren’t you having lunch and playing footsie with a dashing octogenarian?”

  She laughed. “They’re out there, but they’re not thick on the ground, especially in a small town. I may have to go younger to find someone my speed.”

  “Then take one of these guys after I’m gone.”

  “I just might.” She drove past the main house and pulled up in front of Teague’s place. “I’ll be serving breakfast at the same time as I did today, if you want to come up after you feed.”

  “Thanks, Ed.” Teague took off his seat belt and opened the door. “That sounds great.”

  Madeline turned toward the back seat. “I had plans to help you guys feed, but I drank a little too much champagne tonight. I’ll do it day after tomorrow, for sure.”

  “No worries.” Val squeezed Madeline’s shoulder before she took Teague’s hand and stepped out of the vehicle. “We’ve got this.”

  “What Val said, Mom. Thanks for driving, Ed. We’ll see you both in the morning.”

  His mom and Ed called out their goodnights as he closed the door. Then he laced his fingers through hers and started toward the porch as Ed circled around and drove away.

  She lobbed an innocuous comment into the silence. “Quite a night.”

  He drew in a breath. “Yes, ma’am, you could say that.”

  “I gather you’re not pleased with Ed’s campaign.”

  “I’m sure she means well, but if Mom says she’s happy with her life, why encourage her to change it?”

  “I kind of go along with Ed’s logic, though. Even I can tell that your mom’s a very romantic person.”

  “Well, sure, but—”

  “I think Ed might have figured out why your mom’s so eager for you to get married. I understand the situation much better now.” And him. He was as much a romantic as his mother.

  “Ed thinks she’s trying to live vicariously through me.” He climbed the steps, holding tight to her hand.


  “And maybe it’s the safer route for her.”

  “Safer isn’t always better. In fact, usually it’s—”

  “But perfect matchups don’t come along every day. Like she said, needle, meet haystack. She’s not going to settle for second-best.”

  She hesitated. “I’d like to ask you something. But you might not want to hear it.”

  “I probably know what it is.”

  “Maybe not.”

  “Oh, I think I do.” He ushered her through the door into the darkened living room and closed the door. Then he paused. “I’ll admit it was weird seeing her out there dancing with guys I don’t know. I didn’t like it.”

  “I could tell.” She took his other hand and gazed at him. His face was mostly in shadow. “Why not?”

  “I don’t want her to get hurt.”

  “I’m sure you don’t. She doesn’t want you to get hurt, either.”

  “After tonight, I have a better idea what she goes through watching me. I wanted to have a long chat with every one of those ol’ boys and let them know the consequences if they stepped out of line.”

  She smiled. “You showed great restraint.”


  “Any other reason you didn’t like it?”

  “That’s pretty much it.”

  No, it isn’t. But she wouldn’t challenge him. He might not be able to admit the deeper reason.

  “The only other person she’s danced with besides me is my Uncle Steve at my cousin’s wedding. He never has too much to drink but he was schnockered that night. My cousin married a great guy after almost running off with a loser and Uncle Steve was so happy. He danced with everybody.”

  “And now you want to marry a great woman so you can watch your Uncle Steve get schnockered again.” A part of her wanted to see it, too.

  “Yes, ma’am.” He pulled her close. “That’s my secret plan. It’s all about my Uncle Steve.”

  “This is cozy, being here in the living room in the dark.”

  “Wanna stay here and make love on the couch?”

  “Not really.” Too romantic.

  “You’re sure? It’s chilly enough to make a small fire.”

  “But the couch isn’t in front of the fireplace anymore.”

  “You’re right. I forgot. I could move it.”

  “No, don’t.” You’ll only have to move it back when I’m gone.

  Perversely, what she wanted was another kiss like the one he’d given her on the dance floor. It seemed like exactly the right ending for this tender moment as the quiet house wrapped around them like a hug.

  “You’re sure you don’t want me to move the couch? It’ll only take a minute.”

  “I’m sure.” If she asked him for that kiss, they’d cross a line into territory she’d labeled off-limits. And it would be all on her.

  Instead she wiggled out of his arms and backed away. The glow from the porchlight came through the front window and it sparkled on her skirt’s row of silver buttons. “Your big ol’ bed’s way better for what I have in mind.” As she ripped off her skirt, the harsh scratch of Velcro instantly changed the mood. She tossed it aside.

  His breath caught. “You’ve been wearing a thong under there?


  “Good thing I didn’t know.”

  “You do, now, cowboy.” She moved backward toward the hall. “And I’m gonna let you take it off with your teeth.”

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Using his teeth to take off Val’s thong led to giving her a love bite on the tender inside of her thigh, just a little one. She liked it. Wanted more.

  He got into it, nipping his way over every delicious inch of her sleek body. He was ready to explode when she turned the tables on him, insisting he lie down and let her do the same.

  She made a feast of him, taking great liberties with his package. Talk about erotic. He was on fire, barely had the presence of mind to fetch a condom from the bedside drawer and hand it to her.

  She was panting as she rolled it on. “I hate to cover up my favorite chew toy.”

  “You’ll be very sorry if you don’t.” He clenched his jaw against the orgasm pushing hard against his iron control.

  Snapping the condom in place, she straddled him. “Cork about to pop?”

  “Yes, ma’am.” He grasped her around th
e waist. “I’d be obliged if you’d—”

  “Turn me loose, cowboy. I know what I’m doing.”

  Evidently she did. In seconds she had him yelling colorful curse words as she rode them both to a shattering climax.

  Gradually his world stopped spinning. He gazed up at her. Hands braced on his sweaty chest, head thrown back and breasts quivering, she fulfilled every fantasy he’d had or would have. Love swept through him, a cleansing wind that brought clarity.

  He didn’t have to say it. He knew it and that was enough. What he needed for this moment was a joke. And he had one.

  Needle, meet haystack. He chuckled.

  She tilted her head to meet his gaze. “Do I look funny?”

  “You look amazing, all flushed and shiny with sweat.”

  Her smile exposed those pearly whites that had driven him almost to madness. “Women aren’t supposed to be shiny with sweat. We gleam and glow.”

  “Whatever you’re supposed to do, it’s a great look on you. I wasn’t laughing about that.”

  “What, then?’

  “That needle and haystack thing. You could make it sexual.”

  “I’m sure you could. You have sex on the brain right now. I doubt it was meant that way in the beginning.”

  “I’m sure not. But if you’ll be kind enough to lift your haystack, I’ll tend to my needle.”

  She groaned. “Now I’ll think of that every time I hear the phrase.”

  “Gonna let me up, lady of the gleam?”

  “Yes.” She carefully eased away from him. “But you’re a naughty man, Teague Wesley Sullivan, taking a common expression and making it something else entirely.”

  “But you like that about me.” Holding onto the condom, he swung his feet over the side and stood.

  “Sad to say, I do. Now get out of here.”

  He escaped without giving her a gentle, loving kiss, something he’d done a couple of times the night before. He’d gotten away with it then. He couldn’t take the chance now.

  When he came back, she’d plumped the pillows and straightened the sheets. She lay on the far side of the bed under the covers, her head propped on her hand. She’d left plenty of room for him.

  He’d walked into this room multiple times when she’d been in bed waiting for him, her gaze hot. This wasn’t one of those times. “Much neater in here than when I left.”

  Her smile was tentative. “I hate to say it, but I’m wiped out. Tomorrow we have the riding lesson with the girls and I want to be on my game. Would you think I’m a loser if I suggested we get some sleep?”

  “I’d think you’re a smart lady who knows her limits.” He switched off the light, pulled back the covers and climbed in, rolling to his side to face her but leaving a space. An automatic nightlight in the bathroom came on. She was shadowy at first, but as his eyes adjusted, he could see well enough to gauge her expression.

  This was new and he had to learn how she preferred to go into this routine. They’d never deliberately settled down to sleep. Usually they’d dropped off in the middle of a make-out session, or he’d returned from the bathroom to find her off to dreamland.

  Her gaze was adorably earnest. “It’s kind of funny. I’ve spent time in your bed, but I haven’t exactly slept with you, I mean, deliberately rolled over, said goodnight, and drifted off.”

  “I know.” That behavior belonged to committed couples who slept peacefully side-by-side, confident many more nights of lovemaking were ahead of them.

  “We’ve always been so hungry for each other that it wasn’t a priority.”

  “True.” For him, it still wasn’t. The clock was ticking. But she was tired and honest enough to say so. “How do you want to… set up?”

  “I don’t know. I’ve never stayed with a man long enough to figure that out. The only person I’ve shared a bed with is my sister.”

  “I think this will be different.”

  She grinned. “I hope so. She kicks.”

  “Maybe I do, too. Who knows?”

  “If you do, expect an elbow in the ribs.”

  “My ribs can take it. Other parts, not so much.”

  “My parents used to roll up a blanket and put it down the middle of the bed to keep us from fighting.”

  “We can skip that. I’m a lover, not a fighter.”

  “We could just go to sleep, each on our own side.”

  “Is that the side you want? If it isn’t, I’ll switch with you.”

  “This is the one I took when my sister and I shared a double bed. We only did it on vacation at my grandparents’ house.” She made a face. “I didn’t like sharing. Sometimes I’d sleep on the floor so I could have my own space.”

  Should he give her the bed and take the couch? Nope. Jasper the dog would do that. “I’d be happy to—”

  “You’re not giving me your bed. That would be wrong.”

  “Wasn’t going to. I’m taking the bed, but I have extra blankets if you want to sleep on the floor.”

  Her eyes widened and then she grinned. “You really have changed.”

  “Thanks for noticing.”

  “I want to give this a shot, but I may be lousy at it.”

  He shrugged. “Same here. We won’t know until we try.” Time to cut to the chase. “I have a suggestion.”



  “Won’t a position like that lead to… things?”

  “Not if you’re exhausted. I promise not to fondle.” He lifted the covers. “Roll over here and turn your back to me. Let’s see how it feels. If you think it’s too sexy, we’ll do something else.”

  “Okay. Here goes.” She accomplished the maneuver easily, tucking into the curve of his body as if she’d been doing it all her life. “How’s that?”

  Perfect. Incredible. As if we were two halves of a whole. “Works for me.” He slid his arm around her waist and flattened his palm against her stomach. “Mind if I do this?”

  Her breath hitched. “Feels cozy.”

  “Mm-hm.” He willed his cock to behave and his breath to stay steady.

  “I can feel your heart beating. It’s going kind of fast.”

  “It’ll settle down when the novelty wears off.”

  She bunched the pillow under her head. “I think I like this.”

  “Me, too.” Like it? He’d sacrifice all his worldly possessions for the privilege of holding her this way for the rest of his life.

  “Good night, Teague.”

  “Good night, Val.”

  Gradually she relaxed against him. Her breathing grew shallow… and she was asleep. She must have been dead on her feet. Slight twitches and little snuffles told him she was likely dreaming.

  He needed sleep, too. He’d been on the same schedule as Val. He’d be teaching that lesson tomorrow and dealing with four high-energy little girls.

  But he didn’t want to go under, didn’t want to let go of the deep joy filling his chest as he held her. She was a wild thing, desperate to keep her freedom, terrified of being trapped in a miserable cage like her parents and her sister.

  If he’d been patient enough to discover that back in June… but he barreled ahead, a bull in a china shop. Fixing what he’d broken had looked impossible a week ago. Not so impossible while she lay in his arms tonight. All he needed was time. Would she give it to him?

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Val stepped out of the shower and plucked a towel from the rack. The aroma of coffee brewing drifted in from the kitchen, thanks to Teague. He’d slipped out of bed first, pulled on his jeans and headed for the kitchen to start it.

  She’d taken her cue and jumped in the shower. This was her reward — standing on the thick bathmat drying off while enjoying the view.

  Let others rave about gorgeous sunsets, majestic mountains or pristine beaches. A broad-shouldered, shirtless cowboy stroking white foam from his square jaw beat them all.

  He glanced at her and smiled. “Morning, sunshine. Sleep well?”

/>   “Like a log. You?”

  “The same. I— hang on, was I too rough?” Putting down his razor, he closed the distance in two strides, a frown drawing his dark brows together. “Hold still, looks like you have a bruise.”

  She pressed the towel against her chest as he tilted her head to one side and swore softly. “Didn’t mean to do that.” He lightly touched the side of her throat. “Does that hurt?”

  “No, but if you want to kiss it and make it better, go right ahead. Then we can check the rest of me in case I need that attention elsewhere.”

  “You have more?”

  “That depends. If you’re going to kiss it and make it better, then maybe I—”

  “Let me look at you.” He pulled the towel from her hands and dropped it to the floor.

  “I like where this is going.”

  “I’m serious, damn it.” He held out her arms as he began his inspection. “If I left a bunch of bruises, I’ll never forgive myself.”

  “I doubt you’ll find anything, but maybe I should check you out for damage. I was pretty aggressive with your—”

  “Never mind. I’m fine.” He lowered her hands. “Turn around, please.”

  She rotated in place.

  “Aw, hell.” He dropped to his knees. “You have another one right here.” He lightly brushed her left cheek.

  “Ask me if I care.”

  “I care.”

  “Like I said, if you’d like to kiss it and make it better…”

  “Can’t take the chance.” He stood. “Evidently I go crazy when my mouth contacts your delectable backside.” He turned her to face him. “I’m sorry I hurt you. I’ll—”

  “Teague.” She grasped his arms and met his troubled gaze. “I asked you to keep it up.”

  “I know, but—”

  “I even begged you not to stop, just like you urged me on. If I’d been in actual pain, I would have told you. I kind of like having those souvenirs. Reminds me of what a hot time we had.”

  The deep groove of his frown slowly relaxed. “If you say so. But next time I’ll dial it back.”

  She ran her palm over his lightly furred chest. “Not if I can help it.”


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