No Limits
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McHenry is assigned to help test an experimental navigation system that will enable ships to travel close to the event horizon of a black hole, but only he with his godlike powers can guarantee its successful operation. (“Singularity” [NL])
Calhoun is assigned to the Grissom as first officer. He and Mueller start a relationship. (The Two-Front War, Once Burned)
Korsmo and Shelby are assigned as commanding officer and first officer of the Excalibur. Burgoyne is made assistant chief engineer under Commander Argyle. (Triangle: Imzadi II, “Making a Difference” [NL], “Through the Looking Glass” [NL])
The Excalibur encounters a Borg scout ship, which removes a portion of the hull, taking three crew members with it. (“Survival Instinct” [VOY], “Making a Difference” [NL])
Kenyon’s brother and daughter are killed during a diplomatic mission to Anzibar. Kenyon goes insane, and eventually kills himself, though not before the crew almost mutinies. Calhoun resigns his commission. (Once Burned)
Selar is conscripted by the female Q to give aid to her side in the Q-Continuum’s civil war. (“The Q and the Grey” [VOY], “ ‘Q’uandary” [NL])
Calhoun begins doing deep-cover work for Admiral Alynna Nechayev and Starfleet Intelligence. Among the missions are the unintentional rescue of an Orion woman named Vandelia from Zolon Darg and destroying a phased cloaking device that had been turned over to a Romulan commander by Picard. (House of Cards, Once Burned, Double or Nothing, “Loose Ends” [NL])
Selar takes leave from the Enterprise to fulfill the needs of the Pon farr. In the midst, however, her husband, Voltak, dies. (House of Cards)
The Excalibur rescues Riker, Worf, Alexander Rozhenko, and Deanna Troi from a Romulan ship. (Triangle: Imzadi II)
Burgoyne takes shore leave on Argelius II, sharing a drink with Captain Montgomery Scott, having several liaisons, and being given a vision-inducing gem by a spurned lover. (The Two-Front War, “Through the Looking Glass” [NL])
A Borg cube attacks Earth. The Excalibur is part of the fleet that engages the cube. The ship survives, but Korsmo is killed. (Star Trek: First Contact, House of Cards, “Making a Difference” [NL])
The Thallonian Empire collapses, causing chaos in Sector 221G. The royal family is killed, apart from Si Cwan and his sister Kalinda. The latter is kidnapped by Zoran, who has her surgically altered and her memories suppressed, and brings her to the planet Mondor with the new identity of Riella. The Excalibur is assigned to patrol the sector, lending humanitarian aid where necessary. At Picard’s recommendation, Calhoun is put back in active service and given command. Shelby remains as first officer, with Burgoyne now chief engineer. Soleta, who has returned to active service owing to the dying wishes of her mother, is transferred from Starfleet Academy to be made science officer. Lefler is made operations officer, McHenry conn officer, Kebron chief of security, and Si Cwan is an unofficial Thallonian ambassador. Mueller is made night-shift commander. (House of Cards, Into the Void, Once Burned, The Quiet Place)
Calhoun rescues the ship Cambon and helps overthrow a repressive government on Nelkar, then rescues Si Cwan and Kebron from capture on Thallon, shortly before that world is destroyed by the Great Bird of the Galaxy. (Into the Void, The Two-Front War, End Game)
Xyon, no longer willing to live in his father’s shadow, departs Xenex. He wanders for a while, ending up at the Daystrom Institute, where he encounters the experimental ship Lyla and its eponymous sentient computer. With Lyla’s cooperation, Xyon steals the ship. (The Quiet Place, Dark Allies)
The Excalibur goes to Zondar to attempt to stop a civil war, then travels to Ahmista, where they find Morgan Primus, to Lefler’s shock. The Excalibur crew encounter the legendary Prometheans on Ahmista. Selar and Burgoyne conceive a child. (Martyr, Fire on High)
As hostilities with the Dominion begin, the Excalibur remains on station in Sector 221G. They encounter a world wiped out by the Redeemer virus, prompting Calhoun to travel back in time to prevent the tragedy. However, their traveling back forward toes awry, and they overshoot their destination by eighteen months. (Once Burned, Double Time)
The Excalibur returns from its time-travel mission at the tail end of the Dominion War. (“Unhappy Returns” [TDW])
The Excalibur rescues the Independence from an attack by renegade Romulans. Calhoun is then sent undercover to stop Zolon Darg and Gerrid Thul while Riker is given temporary command of the Excalibur to track down the Romulans. (Double or Nothing)
Xyon and Lyla rescue Kalinda from the Dogs of War, with aid from Si Cwan, Kebron, and Soleta. The Excalibur then combats the Redeemers and the Dogs of War around the Black Mass, with Xyon seeming to sacrifice his life to save them all. Selar and Burgoyne’s child is born, and named Xyon in his memory. (The Quiet Place, Dark Allies)
The Excalibur is destroyed by a computer virus implanted during the encounter with the Romulans under Riker’s command. McHenry uses his powers to enable everyone to safely get off the ship. Calhoun is believed killed, but survives on the planet Yakaba. Shelby is given command of the Exeter and goes on a mission to Makkus, which goes oddly and leads to her relinquishing command. Kebron and McHenry are sent undercover to stop what turn out to be pranks committed by Q. Soleta is reunited with a dying Rajari, and is tricked into performing a posthumous act of vengeance on his behalf on Romulus. Lefler and Morgan travel to Risa and stop a scheme by an old rival of Si Cwan’s. After a failed attempt to settle on Vulcan, Burgoyne and Selar come to terms with raising Xyon together on the Excalibur. Calhoun escapes Yakaba, and is given command of a new Excalibur, with Shelby placed in command of the Trident, and both assigned to Sector 221G. Burgoyne is promoted to first officer of the Excalibur, with Mueller assigned as Shelby’s first officer. (Dark Allies, Requiem, Renaissance, Restoration, Being Human)
Arex appears in the present and is escorted by the Department of Temporal Investigations to his homeworld to attend his father’s Day of Death. Upon his return to Starfleet, M’Ress appears in the present, and Arex helps her assimilate. They are both assigned to the Trident, Arex as chief of security, M’Ress as a science officer. (“The Road to Edos” [NL], Cold Wars)
Calhoun and Shelby are married in a ceremony officiated by Picard. They then travel to Xenex for their honeymoon. (Restoration, “A Little Getaway” [NL])
The U.S.S. Voyager, on its way home from being thrust thousands of light-years away into the Delta Quadrant, encounters one of the three Excalibur crew members assimilated by the Borg, and helps her completely disconnect from the Collective. (“Survival Instinct” [VOY])
During the gateways crisis, the Excalibur and Trident are sent to mediate between Aeron and Markon, feuding worlds now linked by suddenly active gateways. They are successful, though Calhoun and Shelby are forced to leap through a gateway, which seems to put them in the Xenexian afterlife. While they’re away, Burgoyne and Mueller aid the Enterprise, the Defiant, and a dozen other ships in shutting down the gateway network. (Cold Wars, “Death after Life” [WLB], “The Other Side” [WLB])
The relatives of Apollo offer to restore the Thallonian Empire to its former glory, and the Excalibur and Trident are put in the difficult position of trying to stop gods. (Being Human, Gods Above)
Eben, a citizen of a world that worships Xant, is apparently given a vision by Xant, after he is the sole survivor of his world after it was accidentally infected with the Redeemer virus. He is determined to spread the true word of Xant. (“Redemption” [NL])
Complete list of novels and graphic novels:
Star Trek: The Next Generation: Vendetta by Peter David
Star Trek: The Next Generation: Triangle: Imzadi II by Peter David
Star Trek: The Next Generation: Starfleet Academy #1: Worf’s First Adventure by Peter David
Star Trek: The Next Generation: Starfleet Academy #2: Line of Fire by Peter
Star Trek: The Next Generation: Starfleet Academy #3: Survival by Peter David
Star Trek: New Frontier Book 1: House of Cards by Peter David
Star Trek: New Frontier Book 2: Into the Void by Peter David
Star Trek: New Frontier Book 3: The Two-Front War by Peter David
Star Trek: New Frontier Book 4: End Game by Peter David
Star Trek: New Frontier Book 5: Martyr by Peter David
Star Trek: New Frontier Book 6: Fire on High by Peter David
Star Trek: New Frontier: Captain’s Table Book 5: Once Burned by Peter David
Star Trek: New Frontier: Double Time (graphic novel) by Peter David, Mike Collins, and David Roach
Star Trek: The Next Generation: Double Helix Book 5: Double or Nothing by Peter David
Star Trek: The Next Generation: Double Helix Book 6: The First Virtue by Michael Jan Friedman & Christie Golden
Star Trek: New Frontier Book 7: The Quiet Place by Peter David
Star Trek: New Frontier Book 8: Dark Allies by Peter David
Star Trek: New Frontier Book 9: Excalibur Book 1: Requiem by Peter David
Star Trek: New Frontier Book 10: Excalibur Book 2: Renaissance by Peter David
Star Trek: New Frontier Book 11: Excalibur Book 3: Restoration by Peter David
Star Trek: New Frontier: Gateways Book 6: Cold Wars by Peter David
Star Trek: New Frontier Book 12: Being Human by Peter David
Star Trek: New Frontier Book 13: Gods Above by Peter David
Star Trek: New Frontier Book 14: Stone and Anvil by Peter David
Star Trek The Lost Era: Catalyst of Sorrows by Margaret Wander Bonnano