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Miller_Kings of Denver

Page 5

by Sheridan Anne

“I’m a relationship kind of girl, I can’t do one-night stands. It’s just not me,” I tell him.

  “What if I want more than just one night?” he asks.

  I reach up and gently kiss the side of his mouth. “Then I’d say you better be damn sure before you come and promise me something like that.”

  He studies my face searching for something in my eyes, then nods. “Ok,” he says, taking a step back and giving me room to think.

  “Thanks for walking me home,” I tell him. “And for the clothes,” I add, tugging on my shirt.

  “Am I ever going to get those back?” he asks smugly.

  “Miller, you should know you never offer up clothes to a woman and expect her to give them back,” I smirk, innocently.

  He shakes his head in exasperation then steps forward pushing me up against the wall again. “I bet you're going to sleep in it, imagining it’s me curled around you instead,” he says with hooded eyes.

  I don’t respond because that is exactly what I was planning on doing and he knows it. He takes my silence as a big fat whopping ‘yes’ and smirks at me with the sexiest smile I have ever seen, a smile that I’d love to see again, maybe looking up at me from between my legs. Shit.

  I put my hand on his chest and gently push him away. “Good night, Miller,” I say softly.

  “Good night, Dani,” he answers in the same hushed tone. I reach up and give him one last kiss on the cheek before slipping through my door and practically running to my room to flop down on my bed. I let out a sigh, which could probably double as more of a moan.

  Once reality has finally come back to me, I slip off his gym shorts and find a pair of undies. I send a quick text off to Sophie letting her know I’m ok and slide in under my covers. His shirt wraps around me and just as he had expected, I fall asleep imagining that it is him holding me.

  That night, I had sweet, sweet dreams.

  Chapter 6


  “Shut the fuck up,” I snarl as music comes blaring from downstairs. My head pounds as the beat knocks heavily into my skull.

  A loud knocking sounds at my door and I hear Tank calling out. “Get up man, cleaning crew is here,” he tells me, referring to the few freshman kids on the team who offered to help clean up for a few brownie points during practice.

  I glance over at the clock. 10am. Shit, Tank and I had only gone to bed a few hours ago after staying up all night, drinking beer and talking about our big plans and dreams for the future, how we were going to the NHL and going to live it up big, yet somehow, Dani kept popping into my head and I’d put money down that Tank was thinking the same thing. Maybe he was right yesterday when he said things were changing.

  Her words last night pulled something within me. The moment she said she was a relationship girl, I had known immediately that’s what I want with her, but what if she is right? I’m not ready for that. I’ve done the relationship thing once and it came back to bite me in the ass big time. Which is why I only use girls for sex now, earning myself the reputation I deserve.

  But Dani, there is something about Dani and I wasn’t lying when I said I needed to figure her out.

  She told me to be damn sure before I go searching for something with her and that’s exactly what I’m going to do because the last thing I want is to hurt her. She deserves more than that. She has already been hurt by some jackass and I swear I will find out what he did to hurt her and I will hunt the mother fucker down.

  I groan as I climb out of bed and head into the bathroom. I walk up to the vanity and take myself in. Yep, I look like shit. I reach into the shower and turn on the hot water and begin stripping off my clothes. The realization that Dani was the last one in this shower, standing in this very spot naked has my dick twitching to life. I pull my boxers down when I catch sight of something black and lacy sitting on the floor by the vanity. I stride over and pick up the material. Fuck. Dani left her lacy thong in my bathroom. My dick hardens as I hold the flimsy material between my fingers, thinking about the last place this material touched.

  I get in the shower and immediately get to work, desperate for a release. Stroke after stroke, thinking about sinking my cock deep into her slick heat. I know nothing will even come close to how amazing the real thing would be, but damn, if this is the next best thing, I’d fucking take it.

  I picture her eyes looking up at me as she wraps her lips around me, teasing the tip with her tongue as she takes me deep into her mouth, she smirks at me and that is enough to throw me over the edge. I find my release and groan her name as I come hard.

  Fuck. I’ve got to have her.

  I finish up in the shower and pull on a pair of jeans, jamming her panties into my pocket like some kind of weirdo stalker, but hey, it gives me another excuse to see her again. I grab a shirt and head out into the hallway, dreading the clean-up that awaits me.

  I shrug my shirt on as I walk into the kitchen and find the place immaculate.

  What the fuck?

  I look around, to find my house clean of beer bottles, no unconscious bodies sprawled throughout the lounge room, nothing sticky marking the floor, all the furniture in place and a few of my teammates hanging out by the pool. What the hell? How long was I in the shower? I glance over at the microwave to find the time 10.23. Hmm.

  I head over to the back door and slide open the glass door. “Hey,” I call out to the guys. “What happened to the mess?”

  Tank looks up at me with a knowing smirk. “I’ll give you one guess,” he says.

  No. Fucking. Way. I narrow my eyes at him but all he does is smirk again.

  “Good morning,” I hear from the sexiest voice behind me.

  I grab her instantly and throw her up against the wall, briefly noticing she still wears my shirt. “You’re too fucking good,” I tell her, leaning in and breathing in her scent. My morning activities doing nothing to stop the monster that hardens in my pants when I realize she still smells like me.

  “I figured I owed you after you looked out for me last night,” she explains, sliding her hands up my shirt and resting them against my chest.

  “You know, there are other ways you could have paid me back,” I say with a wicked grin.

  “Oh, I know, but I figured I’d save that for when you really deserve it,” she explains without missing a beat. Fuck, this woman is driving me crazy in the best possible way.

  “Go out with me?” I ask.

  “No,” she says.

  “Just one date,” I demand. She shakes her head no. “You’re going to break one day and when you do, it going to be amazing,” her smile lightens up the room and I lean in and give her a light kiss on the lips, knowing there is no way I’d get away with anything more this morning.

  I step back from her and head into the kitchen, she remains right on the wall as she watches my movements. “Oh hey,” I say, making sure I have her full attention. She watches me and raises an eyebrow in question. I pull her thong out of my pocket and swirl it around my finger like a lasso. “I think you left something here,” I tease.

  Her face drops and eyes widen in shock. I give her one simple smirk which has her diving for me. I shoot out of her reach and up the stairs with her following closely on my heels.

  “Give it back,” she demands.

  “No way. Finders keepers,” I say, bolting down the hallway with her thong high above my head.

  “What are you? 12?” she laughs.

  I push through the door at the end of the hallway and dive into my spare bedroom and come to a screeching halt. Dani slams into my back as she dives in after me. She looks around taking in the room and gasps at the three naked bodies in the bed.

  “What the fuck man?” I ask Jaxon who is lying starkers in the middle of two brunettes, with his dick out for the world to see.

  The girls startle at their sudden audience and immediately sit up. “Whoa,” Dani says wide-eyed. “See the rack on that one?” she asks me, indicating to the girl on the right.

  “Yep. I see
it,” I tell her.

  “You need to burn this bed,” she whispers, still in shock.

  “You got that right, baby.”

  The girls go about getting dressed as Jaxon lays fast asleep, his dick still out for the world to see. I turn and leave, heading into my room with Dani still hot on my heels. I grab my glass off my bedside table and walk into my bathroom to fill it up with cold water. I walk back down to the spare bedroom and go to pour it over Jaxon when Dani stops me. “Can I do it?” she asks with excitement in her eyes.

  God, how do I say no to that? I hold out the glass for her and step back to give her room. I place my hands on her waist and watch as she takes absolute pleasure in tipping the water over Jaxon’s face. He gasps and shoots up out of bed, his dick flying around with the movements.

  Dani looks away but can’t help laughing. “What the hell?” he grunts.

  “Get some clothes on and get out of here,” I tell him.

  He looks down to realize he is naked, in front of Dani of all people and does his best to cover himself up, but too late. The damage has been done. We leave him to it and head back down the hallway. “So… Can I have my panties back now?” she asks as innocently as ever.

  I scoff at her question. “Nope. They’re mine.”

  “Damn,” she says. “They were my favourite.”

  “Yeah, they’re my favourite now,” I tell her.


  “Hey Coach,” I say, stepping into his office on Monday afternoon, before training.

  “Cain,” he says. “Take a seat.”

  I sit down awkwardly, unsure why he is calling me into his office, though it could only be good, I mean, I haven’t fucked up yet. Well, at least I don’t think I have.

  “What’s up?” I ask, getting straight to business.

  “Just checking in Cain, we’re kicking off the season next week and I need to know you’re ready. You’ve got a lot riding on this season,” he says.

  “Yeah, boss. I’m good,” I tell him with confidence.

  “Good, that’s what I want to hear,” he says, leaning back in his chair. “I want you putting more hours in the gym, specifically on your fitness, I don’t want anything holding you back. I know you’re already putting extra hours in on the ice but I want you to push yourself harder, give me more. You’ve got a real shot at the NHL if you keep your head in the game,” he explains.

  “No problem,” I say, mentally working out how on earth I’m going to squeeze in another few gym sessions on top of my current training schedule. But hell, I’ll make it happen.

  “I’ve already heard your name whispered as one to look out for in the up and comers,” he says fixing me with a stare that tells me to keep my shit together.

  “Fuck. Really?” I ask.

  He nods his head as confirmation. “I don’t want any distractions. I’ve seen the way you’ve been staring at that PR student. Don’t let that mess with your head, you need to keep focused.”

  “I’m focused, Coach,” I tell him. If anything, Dani is going to push me harder, just so I can show off and impress her.

  “Good,” he says, raising out of his chair to indicate the meeting is over. “Listen, add Tank to those extra gym sessions, his name was whispered right alongside yours. Apparently, you guys are some kind of dream team,” he adds with an eye roll.

  I get up from the chair and smirk at Coach Harris. “You bet your ass, we are,” I say.

  He laughs and shakes his head in exasperation. “Go suit up, training starts in 20 minutes,” he orders.

  “On it, boss,” I say with a salute. I make my way out, closing his door behind me and heading down the long hallway before entering the locker room.

  I find Tank changing into his training gear and make my way over to my locker beside his.

  “Where ya been?” he asks, taking a seat to start tying his skates.

  “Had a meeting with Coach, he wants us to step it up a bit, add a few more gym sessions to help secure a contract.”

  “Shit,” he groans. “This season is going to kill us.”

  “Yeah, but it will be worth it when you sign on that dotted line,” I tell him.

  “Isn’t that the truth?” he grumbles.

  I pull my jersey over my head and take a seat beside him. “You know, they’re calling us the dream team?” I tell him as a grab my skates from my bag.

  He scoffs. “Fuck, yeah,” he smirks, “You think with that reputation we’d end up being drafted by the same team?”

  “Fucked if I know,” I grunt. “But would be Pretty. Freaking. Awesome.”

  Ten minutes later I lead the Dragons out onto the ice and to say I kicked their asses would be an understatement.

  Chapter 7


  I sit with Sophie sprawled out on our lounge room floor as we work out the last few kinks to our first Dragons article. I lay out three different photos, two from their on-ice practice and the last being my personal favourite, the locker room shot.

  “Which one do you think?” I ask, studying the pictures.

  “Well, the article is going to be a little controversial, so I think we should go with the locker room one,” she tells me as she grabs a few chips, dips them in gravy and devours them.

  “How controversial are we talking?” I ask, suspiciously.

  She lets out a small laugh. “The title is ‘Puck You! The Dragons are back!”

  “You’re not serious?”

  “I’m dead serious. Their reputation sucks at the moment, we want to draw people in, get them loving the team again, so why not have a little fun while we’re at it?”

  “Ok, but do it in a nice way, we still want to make out like they are the kings of campus,” I tell her.

  “Oh, so mentioning Jaxon’s threesome with the Titty Twins wouldn’t be good?” she laughs.

  “You’re such an idiot,” I laugh. “Put something in there about the upcoming calendar.”

  “Already on it, babe,” she smiles.

  Twenty minutes later we put the finishing touches on our article and email it off to Professor Whitaker. I hop up and make my way into the kitchen and rifle through the fridge until my eyes land on the pretty bottle that promises me a relaxing night. I pour us both a very full, well-earned glass of wine and make my way back into the lounge room.

  “Oh, for me?” Sophie asks as her big blue eyes widen in excitement.

  “Mmhmm” I smile, passing the glass.

  “Alright, spill… You only get me wine when you’re fishing for information,” she laughs as she packs away her laptop.

  “You know me so well,” I laugh. “But you got to tell me what the hell is going on between you and Tank. You’ve broken your one rule. No. Repeat. Performances.”

  “I know,” she groans, draining her glass and hoping up off the ground. She heads into the kitchen and brings the whole bottle back out. aits down and refills her glass. She lets out a breath and focuses her attention on me. “I have no fucking idea what is going on,” she deadpans.

  “I think you like him,” I tell her.

  “No, it’s just sex. Really good sex. Sex so great, I couldn’t help but go back for seconds,” she says, lifting her glass to her lips.

  “Right. So, if he was to jump in bed with someone else, it wouldn’t bother you?” I ask.

  “Nope, not at all,” she says avoiding eye contact. “You interested? You want to get your hands on that big ‘D’?”

  “What?” I screech, spitting wine all over our cream carpets. “No, I have my hands full trying to keep Miller at bay.”

  “Chill out, I’m joking,” she laughs as I do my best to mop up my spilled wine with the edge of my shirt. “But to answer your question, I really don’t know. Maybe I like him or maybe I just like getting with him, I’m not sure.” She takes another long drink of wine then smirks back at me. “When you said you have your hands full with Miller. Did you mean literally or figuratively? I mean, your hands would be extremely full with that one.”

  I can’t help but laugh along as she raises her eyes brows in curiosity. “I saw it when he dropped his towel in the locker room and most definitely felt it pressed up against my ass at his party and let me tell you, anybody who has their hands around that would definitely have full hands. But no, I meant figuratively and you know it.”

  “Seriously? What’s stopping you? He is clearly into you and it’s pretty damn obvious you have a thing for him. Match made in heaven, just do it already so you can come back and tell me how good it was.”

  “God, Sophie, put down the wine,” I laugh. “And no, you know why I can’t get involved with him. He is so not the relationship kind of guy and I am certainly not ready to get trampled on all over again by another loser looking for a good screw.”

  “Come on, already. You know what they say, right?” she smirks and waits for me to give her my undivided attention. “The way to get over a guy is to get under another,” she laughs.

  “Oh God,” I groan. “You know my problem isn’t getting over Brett, right?” I ask.

  “Oh, I know, I just really wanted to use that line, and besides, maybe Miller is the exception,” she smirks.

  “You’re such a dork,” I say doing my best to ignore her comments, I mean, what if he is the exception?

  She climbs onto her hands and knees and crawls along the carpet like some kind of wildcat until she is bowling me over. “You love me,” she tells me, then jumps to her feet pulling me along. “Now, you’ve got me drunk so let’s go and party,” she demands.

  “Jared?” I call down the hallway.

  “What?” he yells back.

  “You up for a night of drinking and dancing?”

  “Fuck, yeah.”


  “Alright guys, where’s Mr. January?” I ask as I make my way into the guy’s locker room to find them all topless, rubbed down in baby oil and giving me very unimpressed glares. “Hey, don’t look at me that way,” I scold. “You’re the idiots who agreed to do the calendar in the first place,” I laugh, taking way too much satisfaction out of this. My eyes land on Miller and instantly take in his impressive body as his jeans ride dangerously low on his hips, making it quite obvious that he is going commando. Which suddenly reminds me that he still holds my panties captive. His broad shoulders and hard chests, put on the perfect show as my eyes lower down his body, leading me to his sculptured abs, narrow waist and perfect ‘V’. Then there’s the arms and God, they look good, but they feel even better wrapped around my body.


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