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Miller_Kings of Denver

Page 15

by Sheridan Anne

  I wrap my towel around me and waltz down to my room, running into Jared on the way.

  “Where are you two going?” he asks as Sophie comes out of her room in her underwear and joins me in my own.

  “Girls night,” Sophie sings.

  “Oh. Can I come?” he asks, excitedly. “We haven’t gone out together for ages.”

  “Well, yeah,” I tell him. “It’s a girl’s night, of course, that means you too.”

  “Woohoo,” he sings as he slings into my room. I drop my towel and pull on a skimpy little G-string and matching bra, one that I know Miller just happens to love. “Fuck, that’s sexy,” Jared tells me as he checks me out.

  “I know,” I grin. I turn my attention back to my wardrobe as I begin rifling through until I find the perfect little black dress. Yep, perfect for a girls night. I pull the dress on and begin searching for my hairbrush.

  “What do you think?” Sophie asks, pulling a bright red halter dress from my wardrobe and holding it up against her body.

  “Yeah, that’s hot,” I tell her. She unzips it and begins squeezing into the little red number. She does a little turn for us and even though I’ve seen her in this dress a million times, she never fails to blow me away.

  Jared disappears into his room to get dressed as Sophie and I take over the bathroom, spreading out our hair dryers, straighteners, curling irons and makeup.

  Jared hits play on his music which has been plugged into his speaker system, blasting music all through the house. He appears a few minutes later with a few glasses of wine and makes himself comfortable between us and gets to work on perfecting his own hair.

  I smile at my friends through the mirror, receiving the same smile back as I realize just how perfect this moment is. Nothing on earth could possibly be better than how life is at the moment. I have amazing friends, a boyfriend who I love and who just happens to love me in return.

  An hour later we are finally ready, we make our way out the front door and head out for our girl’s night. With our stomachs rumbling we make our way to the closest restaurant, order something quick and easy and leave as soon as we can.

  Another ten minutes later we arrive at the local dance club. We wait in line for what seems like forever, get carded at the door and make our grand entrance. We bee-line straight to the bar and each order a ‘pink pussy’ shot. We down them as one, grab a glass of champagne and head out to the dance floor.

  We spend the night in a blissful state, dancing and moving as one to the music. Jared does his best to appear as either of our boyfriends when we get grabbed by the other men in the club, though we take that as a compliment.

  I pull my phone out, making sure to send Miller a drunken text to let him know just how much I love him, causing Sophie and Jared to do the same. We each giggle at each other as we sail right past the tipsy stage and happily into being well and truly drunk.

  We dance for another hour before we start making our way home. I get a text from Miller saying he shouldn’t be too much longer and I grin as I plan out my sexual attack on him and giggle when I realize I’ve been planning out loud.

  We push our way through the door and I make my way down to my room, kicking my shoes off as I go. I look down at my phone and workout that Miller should be back soon. I strip off my dress and get myself nicely positioned on my bed to give him the full effect the moment he walks in.


  “GET UP,” I hear Miller shouting. I’m startled out of my sleep as I feel his arms dig violently under me and yank me up into his arms. I look around frantically, completely confused as to what the fuck is going on. I take in a deep breath and regret it instantly as my lungs fill with smoke. What the hell? I squint into the dark room and realize the house is quickly filling with smoke. Shit, the house must be on fire.

  Miller holds me tightly as he rushes from my room, he heads up the hallway and kicks in Jared’s door “Get up,” he yells. “There’s a fire, get Sophie out,” he demands, waiting the quickest moment to make sure Jared is up and moving.

  Jared jumps into motion, rushing out his door and back down the hallway to Sophie’s room. Miller rushes down the hallway where I can see a red and orange glow surrounded by the hazy smoke. He comes out into the living room and I gasp in shock as I’m stuck with the overwhelming view of the fire taking over the lounge room and kitchen.

  The flames take up every inch of the lounge room, completely engulfing it, destroying everything in its path. I glance over Miller’s shoulder as he rushes towards the front door and look back to the kitchen to see the flames steadily overtaking that too and preparing to take down the dining room.

  I’m hit with the realization of just how close I came to death as my bedroom is on the opposite wall to the dining room and with how quickly these flames are traveling, I wouldn’t have had much time.

  My arms hold on tighter around Miller’s neck as I take everything in. He burst through the open doorway and out into the cold night. My head spins as the alcohol is still heavy in my system.

  I glance back at the door, anxious to see Jared and Sophie. Not a moment later my nerves are calmed as I see Jared spill through the door, holding tightly onto Sophie’s hand. They collapse into the dewy grass next to me and Miller.

  “Are you all ok?” Miller asks us urgently, keeping his focus trained hard on me.

  “Yeah, I think so,” I tell him, realizing my throat is a bit hoarse. I must have breathed in a bit of smoke before he got there. I hear both Sophie and Jared give their own responses and am relieved when they say they are fine.

  The glass of the front window shatters as the flames begin to take over more and more of the house. I hear the distant sound of sirens a few streets away and rip my stunned gaze away from the house and over to the pacing Miller. “Did you call emergency services?” I ask.

  “Yeah,” he says, looking over at me, pulling his eyebrows together as he takes me in. “I called as I was pulling up, I saw the smoke from a few streets away. I just didn’t realize it was your place,” he tells me.

  He turns and walks to his truck and I’m about to call out for him not to leave when he reaches into the back and pulls out his jersey. He walks back and bends down to me on the ground. “You know I love you in your lingerie but I don’t think the whole world needs to see what’s mine,” he says as he hands over the jersey.

  I look down at my body and realize I am indeed in nothing but a very stringy G-string and bra. Fuck. I smirk up at him. “I was trying to surprise you,” I explain. “But I must have fallen asleep.”

  “Consider me extremely surprised,” he tells me. Taking the jersey back from my shaking hands and pulling it over my head as the fire engine pulls up. I push my arms through the oversized jersey and watch in amazement as the fire brigade take control of the situation. Miller pulls me to my feet and the jersey falls down past my waist and covers my very exposed bum before falling down past my knees.

  The firefighters fly out of the truck. One man ushers us further away from our house as the rest all work together in unloading the hoses and getting straight into putting the flames to rest.

  The police arrive just moments later and get straight into it. They put police tape up, sectioning off all the nosey neighbours and ushers us over towards the ambulance that I hadn’t realized had arrived.

  Sophie, Jared and I are all checked out while Miller talks to the cops. The police then take all of our statements which isn’t much as we were all fast asleep. Tank shows up moments later to check on Sophie while Ashton also shows up.

  What feels like hours later the flames are finally out. Miller and Jared talk to the Fire Chief, who explains it’s best for us to leave. There are not many possessions left in our home and we won’t be allowed access until tomorrow. Miller comes over and explains that the firefighters will still be here a while as they have to determine the cause of the fire.

  He helps me up into his truck, after making sure Sophie and Jared will be ok. He gets in and starts up the
engine, reaching over and taking my hand in his. “Are you really ok?” he asks.

  “Yeah,” I tell him with a tight smile. “I’ll be ok, just a bit shaken.”

  “Ok,” he says. Then quietly hits the gas.

  We drive in silence for a little while when I look over at him. “What’s the matter?” I ask, taking in the frown on his handsome face.

  He takes a deep breath and looks over at me. “That was fucked up babe,” he tells me. “The second I saw your house and all the smoke, I thought I’d lost you,” he tells me, squeezing my hand.

  “It’s ok, I’m ok,” I reassure him.

  “I know babe, just too many close calls with you lately,” he sighs.

  “Yeah, I know,” I tell him. “You can wrap me in bubble wrap from now on.”

  He smirks over at me. “I might just do that.”

  We arrive at his place and we take a quick shower, washing the smell of smoke from our bodies. “Thank you,” I tell him as his arms wrap around me. “That’s twice you’ve saved me now.”

  He looks down at me with such adoration and presses his lips to mine. “There’s not a thing I wouldn’t do for you, baby.”

  “I know,” I tell him. “I love you so much.”

  “I love you too,” he tells me, pressing another kiss to my lips. “Now let me take you to bed, I’m exhausted and I bet you’re right there with me.”

  I nod up at him and he gives me a smile that melts my heart. He pulls me out from under the warm spray of water and wraps a towel around me. He leads me over to his dresser and pulls out a shirt for me but I shake my head and opt to put his jersey back on.

  We climb into bed and he wraps me in his arms. I fall into a deep sleep, knowing that no matter how screwed up a situation may be, I will always be ok as long as I have this man by my side.

  I realize that without a doubt, this man is going to be in my life, for the rest of my life. I know with 100% certainty that Miller will be my husband. He will be signed to the NHL and I will be right there with him, supporting him with everything I am. I will walk down the aisle to him. He will be the one who holds my child for the first time, the one that child looks up to with adoration and calls ‘Daddy’. The one who will hold my heart and every piece of me until the end of eternity.

  Chapter 20


  I wake up early as visions of my beautiful Dani, sleeping soundlessly in her bedroom as flames engulf the walls haunt my mind. I get up and make my way into the bathroom. I lean over the sink and turn on the tap, cupping my hands together under the water, I wait till the water is flowing over the edges of my hands and bring it up to splash my face as I try to erase the images from my head.

  I can’t help the feeling that the fire wasn’t an accident, after all, Tank had told me just last week that Sophie’s family was in a house fire when she was a teenager and ever since she has been pedantic about turning off the power points and making sure the house is as fireproof as possible, hell, she even attached a fire blanket to the wall between the stove and microwave.

  I sneak out of the bathroom and head downstairs not wanting to wake up Dani. I head into my garage that I converted into a home gym and push myself through a gruelling workout. An hour and a half later, I have used up every last ounce of my energy and head back upstairs to shower.

  Afterward, I pull on a pair of sweats and find myself in the kitchen cooking breakfast for my girl. Not knowing what she might want, I decide on bacon and eggs with a side of pancakes and coffee.

  I stand by the stove flipping the eggs when I hear her making her way into the kitchen. I turn around to find her leaning against the counter, her eyes roaming up and down my body greedily as she checks me out. She bites down on her bottom lip, not even aware that she’s been caught.

  She looks sexy as fuck in nothing but my jersey I gave her last night, falling off her creamy shoulder. I feel myself harden in my sweats and judging by the look in her eyes, she notices it too. I turn the stove off and stalk towards her. “See something you like, baby?” I ask.

  Her eyes are filled with hunger as they slide back up my body and meet my eyes. Her reply is cut off as I finally get my hands on her body. I grab her around the waist and lift her up onto the counter as her hands immediately land on my chest. I lay her back on the cold counter top and grab her legs, opening them wide and revealing herself to me.

  I hook my fingers into the waistband of her G-string and tear them off her body, desperately needing to taste her. Which is exactly what I do in the very next moment, finding her slick and ready for me.

  “Miller,” she screams needing more. “Yes,” I give her exactly what she needs until she comes apart underneath me.

  I climb up onto the counter and hover above her. She pulls me down to her and catches my lips in hers as her hands roam over my body and make their way down to my pants. She pushes my sweats down over my ass, frees my cock and instantly wraps her fingers around me. “Fuck,” I groan, feeling her hand pump up and down my length.

  “I need you inside me,” she breaths between kisses, adjusting beneath me and wrapping her legs around my waist. Fuck, I don’t need to be told twice. I position myself at her entrance and slam myself deep inside her. We both groan in pleasure as I pull back to thrust myself back in. In, out, in, out. I repeat the process as her nails dig deeper and deeper into my back. Her pussy tightens around me telling me she is close.

  I bring my hand down between us and rub tight circles over her clit, causing her to scream out as she clenches around my cock even more. I feel my release creeping up on me. “Come with me, baby,” I tell her, adding a little more pressure on her clit.

  “Fuck,” she cries, clenching down on me as I come hard, meeting my own release with hers.

  I drop my forehead down to hers as we both catch our breaths. “Good morning,” I murmur, pressing a gentle kiss to her lips.

  She smiles up at me. “Good morning to you too,” she giggles as she hooks her arms under mine and holds me. She sighs deeply and closes her eyes, looking at complete peace that my heart swells just watching her.

  “Fuck, I love you,” I tell her.

  Her beautiful green eyes open as she beams up at me from under her long lashes. “I’ll never get tired of hearing that.”

  “Good, because I’ll never get tired of telling you,” I smirk down at her.

  “I love you, too” she grins as she pulls up to kiss me again. “A girl could get used to waking up like this, I must have hit the jackpot,” she says.

  I look deep into her eyes so she understands I’m serious. “Would you like to get used to it?” I ask.

  Her eyebrows pull together as she figures out my meaning. “Are you asking me to marry you or to move in?” she asks in confusion.

  I grin down at her. “Move in with me, babe.”

  Her beautiful eyes fill with unshed tears and I hope to god they are tears of joy. “Are you sure?” she asks as a small smile begins to creep across her face.

  “I’ve never been so sure of anything in my life. You’re it for me and I know that with 100% certainty. I want to be with you. I’ve known it for a while, but last night just confirmed it all for me, I don’t know what I would have done if anything had happened to you.” I explain.

  Tears begin to spill over her eyes as she looks up at me with such love. “Ok,” she smiles. “I’ll move in with you.”

  “Yeah?” I ask, a little shocked I didn’t have to put up more of a fight.

  “Yeah,” she laughs pulling me down to her to kiss me once again. Her legs tighten around me as I harden between her thighs.

  I slide back inside her and make love to her, right there on the kitchen counter.


  I pull up behind Tank’s truck in front of the police station, hop out of my truck and head around to Dani’s side to help her out. We walk hand in hand and I smirk over at Dani who pulls and wiggles around in her borrowed clothes. I hold the door open for her to slip in before me. We find S
ophie, Tank, Jared, and Ashton already seated in the waiting area.

  Sophie launches herself out of her chair the moment she sees Dani and the two collide in the middle of the station, holding each other with everything they’ve got, tearing up and sniffling as they check each other over.

  “I’m so glad you’re ok,” Sophie cries as Dani pulls her harder against her chest.

  I make my way past the girls and take a seat next to Tank while giving Jared and Ashton a nod. I glance over at Tank to see him watching Sophie, looking as relaxed as ever. “You convinced her to move in with you,” I say.

  He turns to me with a grin. “Fuck off. Like you didn’t do the same thing.”

  I grin back at him. “Fuck, yeah,” I laugh, looking over at the girls to see them both suddenly squeal and start jumping up and down. Yep, I guess they’ve just told each other. I catch Dani’s eyes and she gives me a brilliant smile and I know without a doubt that I would do anything in my power to see that smile every moment of every day.

  Officer Samuels pushes through a door into the waiting area and immediately gets all of our attention. “Thank you all for coming down this morning,” she says, then steps back and gestures to the door. “Please, come on through.” She turns on her heel and leads us all down the hallway and into a small meeting room. There are only four chairs so the girls, Jared and Ashton all take seats while Tank and I stand behind our girls.

  Officer Samuels takes a quick drink of water and takes a seat on the opposite side of the table, facing us all. “Thanks again for coming down,” she starts. “First of all, I know you all gave your statements last night but as it was the middle of the night I just wanted to check if there was anything you wanted to add?” she asks looking around. We all shake our heads and she gets back on with it. “Ok great.”

  “Now, unfortunately, due to the fire, your home is not liveable and will most likely be demolished in the very near future,” she says giving the girls a regretful smile. “The fire chief has completed his inspection and has come to the conclusion that this was arson which makes your home a crime scene. So this morning we will be heading over there to commence our investigation, once we have been through, we will escort you into the home to collect your possessions,” she explains.


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