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Identity: …………..People aren’t always who you believe them to be (Miss Taken Identity Series Book 2)

Page 31

by Scornavacca, Cleo

  “Dominick, first of all once the babies are born, they’ll be too young to form an opinion and secondly you’re their father. They’ll love you just like I do. No matter what.”I leaned over and kissed his cheek.

  He smiled and seemed relieved, but said nothing. Something was definitely on Dominick’s mind, but I didn’t have the energy right now to figure it out. I just wanted my dad to be okay.

  Tommy, Raven and Michael returned from dinner just in time for all of us to meet with Dr. Allen. She had good news. The swelling was beginning to recede and my dad’s brain function appeared to be normal so far in all of the tests that they had run.

  The doctor had decided to keep him sedated for a little while longer and also to remove the sedation meds slowly as not to put his body through any unnecessary stress. The doctor suggested that we all go home and rest. She said we could meet back here in the morning for another family meeting and an update on how my dad’s condition was then. Twenty four hours would definitely give the doctors a better idea of how to proceed.

  We all agreed and said our goodnights. Dominick and I headed back to the townhouse. Once inside, my phone started to go off. It was Officer Stack.

  “Officer Stack, any news on the driver?”I answered the phone abruptly.

  “Hello, Miss Medici. No. We don’t know who was driving the car as of yet, but we do know who the car is registered to.”He stated.

  “Who owns the car?”

  “You’re boyfriend. Mr. Dominick Kane.”

  My heart was beating rapidly and then it felt like time stood still.

  “Miss Medici, are you still there?”The officer asked.

  “Baby, what is it? Who’s on the phone.”Dominick asked next.

  “Yes, Officer Stack, I’m still here.”

  “Miss Medici, even though the car is registered to Mr. Kane, he couldn’t be the one that was driving it.”

  “Why is that, Officer?”Relief washed over me.

  “He was in court as you had stated. We confirmed it with the judge and Mr. Kane himself.”I looked up at Dominick.

  He grinned and nodded reassuringly. He seemed to know what the officer was revealing to me.

  “So what does this mean officer?”I was happy, but confused.“Who stole Dominick’s car and ran my dad down?”

  “Unfortunately, the investigation has not gotten that far, yet. But I think Mr. Kane needs to be careful. It appears someone would like us to think that Mr. Kane was the one who ran your father down. Mr. Kane may have an enemy. Whoever it was, will be caught. It was a very sloppy job. We are currently in the process of reviewing camera footage from around the area. I’m sure we will catch the person sooner rather than later, but until then Mr. Kane and anyone associated with him needs to be careful.”

  “Thank you,Officer Stack. I’ll update Dominick as soon as we hang up.”

  “Thank you, Miss Medici. Let Mr. Kane know we’ll contact him tomorrow with another update. Goodnight.”


  “So what did Officer Stack say, Angel?”

  “He said that we need to be careful. Apparently whoever tried to hurt my dad, stole your CTS to do it.”

  “I know that, baby. The police phoned the office and checked on my whereabouts during the time of the accident.”

  “You mean attempted murder.”

  “Yeah, they said that too. That it was deliberate.”Dominick sighed in frustration.

  “Well, they also said that my dad wasn’t their only target. The police think that someone was trying to hurt you as well.”

  “I figured that. That’s why everyone is being monitored.”


  “You heard me. You, Anna, Joseph, Daniel, Tommy, even Raven and Michael are being watch for their own protection, of course.”He tried to justify himself.

  “Of course.”I simply stated.

  “Wait. You're not mad?”

  “Yes, I’m pissed, but not at you. I’m pissed that we have to deal with this sick freak and we don’t even know who it is. Plus my dad is badly hurt and although it looks brighter now than this afternoon, we still don’t know about his prognosis or his future.”I was tired and frustrated.

  “Well, that’s true, but tomorrow will give us more information to go by, but for now,Miss Medici; you need to eat and then you need to come to bed with me.”

  My insides warmed. Although sex was off limits until the next doctor visit, I still wanted to be close to him. I wanted him wrapped around me. I want‘Our Somewhere’. I needed it now more than ever.

  We ate a light dinner that Anna had prepared and left for us. She and Joseph went to the hospital to check on my dad. We didn’t ask them to. They took it upon themselves to go. I was grateful to them for going. I knew my dad wasn’t alone and if there were any changes Anna or Joseph would call me.

  It wasn’t really late. Only about nine o’clock when I finally laid down. I was so comfortable. Dominick came to bed after me. He had some work to do and he didn't want to disturb me, so he went upstairs to his office near our regular bedroom.

  The bed dipped and he stretched his himself out along my frame. I wanted him so badly, but I knew he would never have allowed it. He wrapped himself around me and we finally drifted off to sleep together.

  Many days came and went. It was the same routine. Eat breakfast, head to the hospital to visit my dad, watch him sleep, come home, eat, go to bed and do it all again the next day. Once my dad was fully awake, he was always being sent for tests. On those days I usually sat in his room waiting for him to return. He was getting stronger everyday and seemed to clearly be on the road to recovery, but the doctor said it would be a slow process

  I went the hospital this morning and today was different, when I arrived at his from, my dad wasn’t in his bed. He wasn’t even in his room. He was progressing nicely. The swelling went down and he didn't have any internal damage. Tommy said he new that was going to happen. My dad was stubborn and hard headed, so nothing; not even a car ploughing into him would keep him down for very long.

  The conversation made me smile, but that didn’t explain where my dad was. I decided to go back out to the nurse’s station to see what was going on.

  “Excuse me. Can anyone tell me if my dad, Victor Medici; is having a test I wasn't aware of.”

  “Oh, sorry, Miss Medici; you're dad was transferred to a different room down the hall.”The nurse stated.

  “Why is that?”

  “As you know, your dad has been improving daily and he woke up about 2 hours ago, so Dr. Allen felt it would be best to have him monitored in another area of the center. His case has become less extensive. I thought the charge nurse called you.”

  “She may have, but I shutdown my phone when I entered the unit. Can you tell me where he is?”

  “Mr. Medici is in room 223. Take this corridor to the very end and make a left. Follow that one down to the end and make a right. You’ll then see signs for the rooms related to his number.”She smiled warmly at me.

  “Thank you very much.”I was so excited. My dad was awake.

  “You’re welcome.”

  I followed the directions that the nurse had given me and headed to my dad’s room. Once I reached the door I peaked in to see how he was doing and to my surprise he wasn’t alone. Dominick and my dad were sitting and speaking softly to one another. That’s a switch. Those two actually getting were along. I backed out and then knocked softly on the opened door.

  Both men stared at me. Dominick smiled softly and my dad gave me a quick wink with one of his terribly bruised eyes.

  “There’s my girl. Rain, are you coming in?”My dad’s voice was scratchy, but to my surprise not weak.

  “Yeah, sorry.”I walked over to the bed, kissed Dominick on the cheek as he moved, so I could sit with my dad.

  “I’ll give you two some privacy.”Dominick stated.

  “You can stay.”I didn’t really want him to leave for some odd reason.

  “No, baby. I can’
t. I have a meeting in an hour, so I need to head over to the office. I’ll have Joseph pick you up later to bring you home if I can’t get here in time.”

  “It’s not a problem. I’ll just grab a cab.”I said, because I didn’t want him to have to ask Joseph to come out in rush hour traffic.

  “Rain, do as Dominick says. He will have Joseph get you.”My dad jumped in.

  “Are you serious?”I looked at my dad in questionable amazement.

  “Do as he says.”This was not a request.

  “Okay, I’ll call Joseph in plenty of time to come get me. I’ll see you at home.”I acted like everything was fine, but the minute he left I asked my dad what was going on.

  “So you're awake for, oh I don’t know; five minutes and you and Dominick are in a secret conversation. Then you agree that I need to be chauffeured to and from the hospital. I know you are sick, but what gives?”

  My dad chuckled.“Rain, Dominick explained to me what has been going on since my state of unconsciousness. He also said the police suggested that we have security. He’s just making sure you're safe. I can’t fault him for that.”

  “I suppose not.”I weakly agreed.

  “Rain, listen. There have been some odd things happening at the office. I didn't tell you because you have had a lot to deal with lately. Plus your doctor doesn’t want you to be worried, so I thought it best to discuss these issues with Dominick.”Dad decides to drop a bombshell now? He’s having problems at the office and he’s confiding in Dominick. I have to hear more.

  “So you confided in Dominick. Why not Raven or Michael for that matter?

  “I don’t want any of the lawyers at the firm to know what’s happening. We are getting new clients daily, but our business section has had several client finish out or even break off their contracts recently. I need a fresh pair of ears to listen and Dominick may have heard something through the grapevine that could explain why this is all of a sudden occurring.”

  “Dad, I get all of that. Thank you for letting Dominick help. It gives him a chance to get to know you and learn more about his dad’s firm.”

  “That’s fine, Rain. I just hope he can get to the bottom of all of this before any more clients bailout.”

  “Dad, you need to worry about your health and getting well. Not about the firm.”

  “That’s exactly what I am doing, Rain. That’s what Dominick and I were talking about when you walked in.”

  “And what were you talking about?”

  “Dominick has agreed to takeover Kane and Medici. He will run the firm while I’m out of commission and be my eyes and ears to find out why clients are going elsewhere.”He seemed very confident in his decision.

  “Dominick can’t work for you. He has his own firm, Dad. Isn’t that a conflict of interest or something?”

  “I knew you had a head for this business.”He smiled at me.

  “Why do I have the feeling that I’m not going to like this?”

  “Because you probably won’t, but it’s only temporary.”

  “What’s only temporary?”

  “Dominick and I are going to join both practices. On paper that is. Just to keep it legal, but then once I regain my strength and I’m able to come back to work, it will go back to business as usual.”

  “I’m exhausted from this conversation, dad. What are both of you really up to?”

  “I told you. We are going to find out why the clients are leaving.”

  I looked at him blankly and shook my head.

  “Okay, okay. And to find out who at the firm is involved in this situation.”Finally, the answer I wanted to hear.

  “So you think it’s someone on the inside?”I questioned it, but I knew what his answer would be.

  “Of course, it’s someone on the inside. And that someone is betraying me as their employer. I intend to get to the bottom of this, Rain.”

  “No, you need to rest, period.”I was adamant.

  “I will be resting while you're boyfriend brings me the information I need to nail the culprit. Oh and one more thing.”

  “That is?”I asked

  “You are going to announce Dominick as the new half owner of the firm at your art show.”He wasn’t joking.

  “Why me?”

  “Rain, this all started right after I sent out a memo about you being the main owner of the Kane and Medici shares. Now you're going to make a business decision and announce that Dominick will be taking his rightful place with the firm.”

  “Dominick is okay with all of this?”

  “Yes, he’ll discuss it more with you tonight.”

  “You both have this all figured out. Don’t you?”


  “Okay, I’ll do it. I just hope it will all work out for the best.”

  “Don’t worry about it. Dominick and I have it handled. Just play your part at the art show and leave the rest to us.”He gave me a reassuring smile.

  After we continued to talk a bit longer, Dr. Allen came in to examine him and said he was right on track and recovering nicely. He did have to go down for a scheduled MRI. I decided that was my time to call Joseph and head home. I told my dad that I would be here tomorrow. We both agreed we each needed our rest. Besides, Raven was going to visit him tonight with Michael and Tommy, so he would have plenty of company.

  Joseph picked me up and we headed home. I felt slightly uneasy knowing I was going to have to discuss with Dominick the deal he made with my dad. Never in a million years did I think they would work together, but it made sense.

  When I got inside, Anna was cooking and she said dinner would be ready around 7. That gave me plenty of time for a shower.

  I went into our bedroom and undressed. Then I went into the bathroom and turned on the water. I waited for it to get warm, but not to hot as Dr. Phillips had mentioned. I pour the body wash into the sponge and began to wash myself. It felt so good. Once I reach between my thighs, the material of the sponge ran across my clit, I became slick and started to think of Dominick. I applied extra pressure and started to moan. It felt so good. I needed to release all of the tension that happen to be building up inside of me for the past few weeks. I had’t come and needed it.

  I was so caught up in the massage that I had been giving myself, I didn’t hear Dominick enter the shower. His arms came around me. He held my wrists and stopped me from touching myself.

  “Stop, Rain.”He commanded.

  “C’mon, Dominick. I’ve been fine. My hormones are all over the place. I need this.”I turned around and pleaded with him.

  He regarded me intensely. His suck in a deep breath through his nose and I could see his frustration physically tighten across his chest. I realized I shouldn't have started this. I needed to listen to the doctor. I may be frustrated, but it wasn’t fair to place all of this on Dominick, especially after what I found out he agreed to do for my dad today.

  He grinned. The one I love. The one that tells me that he wants it too. The one that says that Dominick is going to take care of my needs.

  He took the sponge and threw it to the side. Then he kneeled down and his tongue took over. His soft mouth glided across my hot arousal. His took extra care with me, but he didn’t stop. He was slow and deliberate in his actions. Then he moved away from my sex and started to kiss my swollen belly. He placed his forehead against it and let the water run over him. He rose to his feet and carried me gently out to the bed.

  He placed me down and came over me.

  “Spread your legs, baby.”He said in a low growl.

  I complied, but said nothing.

  He held his hard cock firm and slowly lowered himself down to be inside of me.

  “Don’t move, Rain.”Another command.

  I did as I was told.

  He moved in and out of me with slow and careful precision. I could feel him lengthen even further, so I knew he was close.

  “I want you to remember this, Rain. Remember who owns this. This belongs to me.”

  I was
right there with him. I was about to explode.

  “Slow, baby. Come slow and soft. I’m right here with you. I know you can, Rain.”

  Dominick was the most gentle he had ever been with me. I came just as he asked. It was so sexy and so intimate. The amount of love that filled my heart was not describable.

  Then Dominick found his release. It was quiet. Like a gentle whisper. Nothing fast or hard or rough. Just pure Dominick.


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