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Identity: …………..People aren’t always who you believe them to be (Miss Taken Identity Series Book 2)

Page 37

by Scornavacca, Cleo

  “I said I was sorry. Can I get you another cup?”

  “I can get it myself.”I stated and walked over to the coffee maker to pour a new cup.

  “I’ll leave you to it, then.”He stated as he left the room.

  Hmm…. That was just too easy. I wonder what he was up to. He didn’t argue or continue to smother me. That was not like Dominick at all. I figured he would eventually play his hand, but until then the news stated it was going to be a beautiful spring day. I decided to take a walk along the shoreline and sit on the sand to clear my head.

  I left through the french doors in my room to avoid having to explain myself to Dominick. I walked down by the water and stared at the waves washing up onto the beach for a long time. Then I laid the blanket on sand I placed it far enough away from the tide that was rolling in. I felt like I was at peace for the moment. I was calm and decided it was time to think through the situation that was presented to me and what I now needed to do.

  I noticed a couple walking hand in hand along the beach. Interestingly enough she was pregnant, too. They started to walk towards me.

  “Good morning. I’m Janie and this is Tim.”

  “Good morning. I’m Rain. Nice to meet you both.”I said as I stood up to greet them.

  “I saw you sitting there and noticed you were pregnant. We don’t see many people down here during the winter months, so it’s nice to see life on the beach and someone who has something in common with me.”Janie rubbed her belly and smiled.

  “LBI isn’t really off the beaten path and I thought many more people are living down here year round now.”

  “There are, but many people work or have children in school, so I’m home on my own much of the time. We’re new to the area and Tim travels a great deal.”

  “I see. Well, I’m just down here for a few days with my boyfriend. I’ll be heading back to the city soon.”I explained.

  “How far along are you, Rain?”Janie asked.

  “15 weeks. And you?”


  “You’re getting close.”

  “Yeah, and we’re getting very excited.”Tim added proudly.

  “I’m sure.”

  “Please don”t take this the wrong way, but you appear further along than 15 weeks.”Janie stated.

  “I’m having twins.”I smiled.

  “Wow, twins. That’s great!”Tim stated.

  “Yes, that’s amazing. Congratulations!”Janie added in.

  “Thank you. Same to you.”

  “Well, it was very nice meeting you, Rain. I hope to get to see you again. Especially after the babies are born. We live about 5 houses down from here.”She pointed in the direction of her beach house.

  “Thank you. Nice meeting you both. My boyfriend’s home is right there. Should you ever need anything and we’re here, please don’t hesitate to knock.”

  “Enjoy your day.”Tim said as he and Janie walked away, arm in arm.

  “You too.”

  They seemed like a nice couple. Their life seemed so simple from far away, but she was here all day, all alone. He traveled and it didn’t appear that she had connected with many people. Which was sad. I’m sure once the baby is born, Janie will get to meet more young mothers in the area.

  I was very lucky that I had family and friends around me much of the time. I had ability to be in Manhattan in the morning and Italy by nightfall. The truth was that as overbearing as Dominick could be, he made it a point to put me first. I was his priority.

  Of course, the way he went about things could be viewed as twisted, but I had without a doubt fallen for him with all of his issues and he felt the same way about me. I don’t condone his lying and that was definitely something I didn’t accept, but would he stop? I mean everything Dominick did, he did with passion and intent. Including all of the things he’s kept from me.

  I just don’t know what to do. It would have been very easy to say that I was going to keep that deal with him anyway once he found out it was me, but he knew it was me from the beginning. Everything he did was an act. He pretended not to know. Even Ann and Joseph thought he took the wrong person. Look at the extremes he went to. This is what worries me for the future. What kind of things will he keep from me going forward? All in the name of keeping me safe. This was the shit that needed to stop. I just don’t know if Dominick would ever be able to stop himself. These actions are part of who he was and he was not changing for anyone, not even me.

  I don’t know that I would want him to change. I loved him and all of his craziness. That probably made me crazy too. I was so confused. I will admit he did come to me to explain the truth. Not because he was caught, but because he wanted to do the right thing. Maybe that’s a first step for Dominick.

  I picked up the blanket and went back to the house. I called out to Dominick, but he didn’t reply. Some kidnapper he was. I went into each of the rooms. There were no signs of him. I went back to my bedroom and there on the pillow was a white rose and an envelope.

  I sat down and picked up the rose to smell it. Then I opened the letter. To my surprise, with the note was a ticket to Capri for this evening. One ticket. I read the note knowing I would find out what was going on.

  Dear Rain,

  When I contemplated telling you about the kidnapping in the beginning, I had decided that I wasn’t going to do it. I feared that you would leave me. I just found you and it was to perfect. Well, perfect under the circumstances. I wanted it to be like that, forever. Just you and me. Then when you told me we were going to be parents, I was thrilled and I knew I had no choice. I had to be honest with you. I should have been honest with you from the beginning. I should have told you that I loved you from the minute I knew it myself. I thought about it, but I thought you would think that I was insane. Perhaps you would have, but regardless; I knew I loved you from the start. No one had made me ever feel the way I do when I’m around you. You make me want to be a better man, a better person. I know my actions have not proved that in the past, but they will, moving forward.

  I know I can’t make you love me, Rain. I still hope that your feelings haven’t changed. I hope you still love me. I won’t pressure you. I want you here with me because you want to be. It has to be your decision alone. This is why I’ve left. I needed to give you the time and space you need.

  In the envelope I’ve placed a ticket to Capri for this evening. A car will be picking you up around 3pm. And no, I won’t be the driver this time. I want you to go where you feel comfortable. Where you feel safe. Where you can think. I’ll wait to hear from you, Rain.

  I love you, Angel. Please come home soon.

  Dominick xo

  The silence in the room was deafening. My heartbeat in my ears grew stronger and more pronounced. I didn’t know what to do. Did I go to Capri and think this through further or do I take the car that would arrive this afternoon to the city and tell Dominick that I don’t need Capri to make my decision? That my decision was already made.

  Life was too short not to live it. Every couple had problems. Maybe not because the person they loved was the person who plotted against their family and kidnapped them for revenge. Not many people deal with that kind of strange drama in their lives, but everyone has issues, problems and obstacles. Some more so than others. I still hadn’t made my decision, but I had to see him. I had to look into his eyes. Maybe there, I would have my answer.

  I called the car service to say there was a change of plans and to come now. I needed to get to the city and speak with Dominick. I loved him. That’s all I could think about. No more waiting, no tug of wars to see whose was in control. I needed to fix this. If I wanted honesty from Dominick, then I needed to be honest with myself. Dominick was who I wanted to be with. Maybe right now there was more bad than good. Nothing was ever perfect, but I needed to go to him.

  The car arrived quickly and no, the driver wasn’t Dominick. We headed to the city. I got to the firm and rushed towards Dominick’s office when Lois stopped me.
r />   “Hi, Miss Medici. Are you looking for Mr. Kane?”

  “Hi, Lois. Yes, I am.”

  “Oh, I’m sorry. You just missed him. He had to catch a plane. He had some serious issues with a client in Europe and he rushed out of here about 20 minutes ago.”

  “I see. Did he mention when he would be back?”I asked.

  “No. He just said that he would be in touch and he would let me know his schedule once he connected with the client. Would you like me to tell him you're looking for him.”

  “No. That’s okay. I have his cell phone. I don’t want him to worry. I’ll contact him myself. Thanks Lois.”I smiled and left.

  I’m glad I told the driver to wait. I was going to make good use of that ticket to Capri. Once there, I would contact Dominick and see if we could meet up wherever he was in Europe. I hoped it was somewhere in Italy being my dads firm had several clients in Rome.

  The flight was uneventful. I called my dad before I boarded and said that he needed to contact one of his friends to ferry me to Capri from Sorrento. The Hydrofoils and Fast Ferries didn't start running that early in the morning. I waited at the port and my dad’s friend directed me towards his boat. With everything, I arrived at my dad’s house around 730am.

  Mema was already up and making coffee. My dad was still asleep and Antonio had already walked into town for some breakfast pastries.

  I was glad to be home in Capri, but I was anxious to speak with Dominick. I texted him when I had gotten off the plane, but he didn’t respond back. He may have still been asleep. It was early and he had been traveling since yesterday. I hope to hear back from him, so I can ask him to meet me wherever he is staying.

  “Rain, I’m very surprised by your visit. What’s wrong?”

  “Mema, why does something have to be wrong for me to come and visit? This has been my home for most of my life.”I was annoyed.

  “Because you have a wonderful man in the States and you are carrying his babies. You should be close to him, not here with me.”

  “I’m not here with you. I’m here to visit my dad. You're just part of the package, Mema.”I grinned.

  “Rain, tell me what happened.”She didn’t joke. She was serious, worried.

  “Mema, it’s best I wait for my dad. Then I don’t have to keep repeating it over and over again.”The truth was I didn’t want to keep talking about what Dominick had revealed to me at the shore house. I just wanted him to contact me so we could talk face to face.

  “I understand, Amore Mio, but you know always, that I’m here should you need me.”She smiled at me and touched my cheek.

  I wrapped my arms around her and hugged he tight.

  “I know. Once dad comes downstairs and Antonio is back from town; I’ll tell the three of you what happened. I promise.”

  Mema seemed satisfied with my plan and went back to her kitchen chores. It was early, Mema loved to get her housework done at this time of day. She always said that if you get up early and finish what needs to get done, then you’ll have the rest of the day to do what you love. She wasn’t wrong. You do have a longer day.

  I made a cup of tea and took the Capri paper to read outside in the enclosed room. The fireplace was lit and there was a warm throw blanket on one of the chairs. I place my tea and paper down on the table next to the chair. I curled up in the chair, wrapped the throw which was warm from the fire, around me. My body relaxed immediately as drifted off to sleep.

  I felt like I was asleep for hours, but it was only about twenty minutes. My dad was awake and came out to greet me. I had to admit he looked great. He was definitely well rested. Capri was good for him.

  “How’s my girl?’’He said as he came to me and touched my cheek. He tried to assess what happened between Dominick and me.

  “I’m okay, dad. How are you feeling? Look so much better.”I smiled at him.

  “I feel good. Bored, but good.”He admitted.

  “Right now bored is good.”I smirked.

  “I know, honey, but I’m not used to it.”He sighed deeply.

  “Get used to it. Well, for now anyway. I want you around for a long time and if that means you need to rest; well, then you're going to rest.”I was adamant.

  He smiled at me and then it faded.

  “Rain, Dominick called me and said you were both having issues. I take it because you’re here without him that they’re still unresolved.”

  I looked down and then stated,“Yeah, Dad. We aren’t together.”

  “C’mon, let’s go for a walk.”My dad put out his hand.

  I looked at his hand and then at him. I didn’t understand.

  “C’mon, Rain. Let’s talk.”He prompted me again.

  I got up and took his hand. We walked out on to the patio and pool area of our home and then away from our property to the cliffs. As we walked along the trail we took in the views of Capri and of her waters below. I loved it here. I felt peaceful, clear headed. I guess my dad knew that and felt it would help. It did.

  “So Dominick said you saw him in an embrace with that interior designer, Miss Mann.”My dad started the conversion with a surprise statement. He told my dad about Darian?

  “Yeah, I went to surprise him and take him to lunch. We haven't had much time together since you both merged the firms.”

  “Well, Rain, merging two large law offices isn’t easy even under the best of terms; but add to the mix that you own part of it and that makes it more difficult. Owning that larger part and the fact that we asked Dominick to investigate why the clients we're leaving, is a huge undertaking.”He explained.

  “Dad, I understand. I know he took on a lot and I can’t help him with that. Plus, you're not available, not mention Raven and Mike have their own issues, so they can’t seem to be of any help either. I get that, but that bitch has been hanging on Dominick from the get go. I’ve told her numerous times to back off and she continues to be where she is not wanted.”

  “If you know Dominick doesn’t want her, then why did you walk out on him, hmmmm?”My dad questioned me with one eyebrow raised.

  I shook me head and looked down.

  “I was jealous. I admit it. I was jealous of who she is. She’s a strong woman, dad. She dresses the part, acts the part and then there’s me. I can’t be her or Raven, for that matter.”

  “Who’s asking you to? Dominick didn’t fall for you and ask you to change you, Rain. He fell for the girl, the woman you are. That’s what he has always wanted.”

  “Apparently he wanted that from the beginning.”I was sarcastic.

  “Are we talking about two different things here?”


  “What happened?”

  “Dominick confessed that he knew all along which twin he took. He said that he wanted it to be me because I was the weaker of the two of us and that he knew you would immediately turn over the business when you found out it was me that was taken.”

  “First of all I don’t give in to blackmailers. Secondly, when you originally pretended to be Raven, it wasn’t too long after that when you admitted to be Rain. So where’s the issue?”

  “He lied from the beginning. Should I just accept that it’s okay for him to lie throughout our entire relationship together? Look what the lies of our childhoods cost us, dad. Both him and I are damaged. At the very least we have issues. I don’t want that for our children.”

  “Rain, the lies that were told during your childhoods were absolutely wrong. I’m not disputing it. I was as much at fault as your mother. I allowed her behavior. As far as Dominick was concerned, Vincent should have fixed it or at least tried to repair the damage Elise caused, but instead he was too proud and now Dominick and you are paying for that.”

  “We are trying to move forward and put all of that to rest, dad. But I’m talking about the lies Dominick told, not the lies of the past.”

  “I agree that he should have been honest. Unfortunately, his focus was on a prize in the very beginning. It wasn’t on you at that moment. He di
dn’t know you. He didn’t really even know what he was getting into when he started all of this. Although, I didn’t want the two of you together in the beginning, I can see how much he loves you, Rain. That’s all a parent ever really wants for his children, his daughters, in my case. I want man that will take care of my daughters, my grandchildren and make them happy. I want a man for you, that will protect you know questions asked. A man that will do whatever it takes and goes behind the boundaries to see that he honors what is expected of him, but no I don’t believe that he should have lied to you to do it.”

  “What do I do? I don’t want these children raised separately. Raven and I went through that and it wasn’t a good thing. But I don’t want him to keep things from me because he’s afraid of what I’ll think or do. Or that he’s afraid I’ll get sick. Dad, I’m not fragile. I won’t break. Besides that’s no way to have any type relationship together.”


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