Flawed Professor: A Hero Club Novel
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Chapter Ten
Tobias – Elodie’s Tobias. Elodie’s ex was named Tobias. Tobias was a cheater. He was a piece of shit. He didn’t deserve any girl’s attention, let alone mine. Tobias was dirt beneath my loafers. A guy who could cheat on his wife, someone as gorgeous as Elodie was mentally incapable of being with any woman. Elodie far surpassed my own looks with her shiny platinum blonde hair and baby blue eyes. Yes, we both had blue eyes, just a different shade. Mine was considered more of a cornflower blue, much darker than a baby blue. But still the point was, Elodie was a catch and Tobias threw her away.
I couldn’t believe I’d been in the arms of Elodie’s ex-husband. Why didn’t I ask his name before I decided to become a horny schoolgirl on the dance floor? Why didn’t I show up to the college early, and in turn, I would have had time to properly thank Tobias for opening the door and then ask his name? I apparently didn’t do those things.
What was wrong with me? I couldn’t help but think that to myself because the tingles, oh the shivers I’d gotten the moment his hand touched mine, was out of this world. The second our eyes connected; I knew he recognized me. I told myself he wouldn’t remember, but I was dead wrong. Tobias had his filthy hands on my body, and regardless if I trembled at his touch, didn’t want what he was offering, even though I wanted him – bad. If that made any sense. I was going to drive myself crazy with this Tobias thing.
“This is your room. Hopefully, you’ll have everything you need to set up for tomorrow,” Dan said, pointing around, “if you happen to be missing anything for the curriculum, just ask, and you shall receive.”
Have you ever smiled so much it hurt? Well, that’s me right now. I couldn’t stop smiling from the surreal experience. Not only was I offered a dream position, but I get to start as soon as possible. Music – gosh, it’s my whole life. When the beat enters your body and causes a thrumming throughout your veins, it awakens your soul. It’s a passion, and one I didn’t intend to ever let die.
“I appreciate this so much, I look forward to tomorrow’s lesson,” I gushed, walking around to the other side of the oak desk.
Dan replied, “There are some things on your desk I need you to look at and sign. Once you’re done, go ahead and give them to the receptionist. I’m not sure who’s on duty at the moment, but whoever’s there, you can give the papers to. Everything you need to know is in the stack of papers. If you have any questions, you know where to seek me out.
Dan looked around the room and then smacked his lips. It looked as if he wanted to say something more but opted against it. I wasn’t sure what to expect and stood there waiting for Dan to continue.
“I’ll leave you to set things up,” Dan finally finished.
I liked the guy well enough. He was nice, much older than me and took his work seriously. I didn’t mind people like that. Tobias, on the other hand, should definitely stick to his side of the building. Unfortunately, it looked like I was one hallway away from Tobias, so for him to enter his classroom, he needed to pass mine to get to the next hallway. I had to find out if there was another door next to his room, but knowing him, he’d purposely pass this hall just because he could.
Already, my first day, and I was torn by some guy. Not just any guy, the one my friend, Elodie, warned me against. I gradually sat in the mesh rolling desk chair and took the opportunity to take in the room I’d be spending the majority of my life inside. The oak desk was a replica of Tobias’s one, which was no surprise. The classrooms were similar other than the marker board I had mounted on the wall. It was much easier to draw out notes and write on a marker board, but that was my preference.
The room was grand, fitting about 40-50 students. It was a music class, so it wasn’t like you needed to focus on one student at a time when teaching the course material. I could handle that number of students, but I doubted I would have many enrolled, at least not yet. I would expect more people in my class by next semester, considering I just started out.
All I had to do was think about my future as a professor and not about the guy who tripped me up as soon as I met him. Tobias wasn’t worth losing a job I’d worked hard for. If I stayed in my area and made it a point to ignore him, I’d be fine. What’s a few thoughts anyway? So, what if every second I’ve spent since meeting Tobias I’ve actually thought of the guy? I could reroute my brain process and think of other things, like music and how to teach the new set of students I’ll be getting.
It wasn’t that easy because a few minutes after glancing around the classroom, all I could think about was the shock of knowing who Tobias was when meeting him. I can tell he didn’t know I knew who he was. He seemed confused. The question was if I wanted him to know that I know Elodie, or if I should keep it a secret and continue to ignore him. I’m an adult, so I can be cordial and not cause issues within the company.
About two minutes to four, a bell rung indicating the end of the day. It wasn’t like I had to stay in the building, but I wanted to rearrange some things to make the classroom look like mine. I’d walked back and forth throughout the building, making copies of musical notes and quotes to hang up. Each time I walked to the office, I had to pass Tobias’ classroom. I fought really hard not to stare inside, and one instance, I actually had to turn my head because I caught myself trying to see if I could get a glimpse of him to see if he was still there.
I figured I would probably have a difficult time working in the same building as Tobias. But what other choice did I have? I needed and really wanted this job. I needed more self-control and knew deep down I could contain myself. Though, what I really wanted was to see if he felt the same pull as I did. The thing was, that even though I knew what Tobias had done to Elodie, questions kept surfacing. I was making excuses in my head for why Tobias had cheated on her. Which was the dumbest thing I’d ever done?
There were no excuses for cheating. None. Zip. Nada. Yet, why did I feel such a pull to such a scum and low life like Tobias? I hadn’t a clue. I zipped up my bag and proceeded to walk out of the room. Not thinking would be best. The more I thought about the situation, the more excuses I made for Tobias. What I needed was a break.
Grabbing my things, I headed out of the classroom and flicked the switch off on the way out. Tomorrow, I’d come in and do some more redecorating. I’d probably bring some plants or something to brighten up the space. On the way out, I dropped the stack of papers I needed to give Dan. After getting the papers, I repositioned and stroked my hand down the tight black pantsuit I wore, and then turned smack-dab into the face of Tobias.
“Excuse me,” I said, hurriedly moving past him to get out of the way.
He reached out his arm to lean his palm against the wall nearest me. It didn’t totally block my exit, but I waited to see what he would do or say. I knew I could leave his arms, but the warmth emanating from him made me grounded to my spot. Rapid beating persisted in my chest as I breathed heavily, waiting for something from him. Anything.
The chemistry was undeniable as I continued standing there. No one was around, not a sound. If Tobias wanted to take advantage of the situation, he could’ve and by damn, I probably wouldn’t have stopped him.
I cleared my throat once again and said, “Excuse me. Is there something you need help with?”
Would he answer or allow me to exit his arms like he didn’t want to keep me pinned to the wall? As much as I wanted to run screaming toward the exit, I wanted to see where this connection led. I didn’t know what was wrong with me. Why did I want this guy so bad knowing the torment he’d put Elodie through? What was it about this man that screamed…I’m yours?
He leaned close to my ear, his warm breath licking sensitive skin and whispered, “there is something you can help me with.”
I held my breath, unsure what he wanted but didn’t have to wait long when he continued, “go out to dinner with me tonight.”
Tingles raced up and down my skin from the mere proximity of this man. The mu
sky scent of his cologne caused a pool of heat to coil in my belly. I wanted this man on a molecular level. Oh, why did he have to be off-limits? But was he? I mean, it was just dinner. It wasn’t like I was dating him or had to take him home afterward.
What was his story? Who was Tobias, other than the person Elodie described? Did I even want to know? I craved him – this much I knew, but how much did I want him? Enough to know he would leave me behind picking up all the pieces of my broken heart if I let him close to me.
My answer was an unequivocal ‘no,’ but what exited my lips was, “Ok.”
I was doomed and knew it when he backed away from my sensitive ears and announced with an ear-splitting smile, “good. I’ll pick you up at six.”
He trailed a soft touch along my shoulder and said, “And dress for the occasion.”
“What occasion?” I asked breathlessly, goosebumps raised from the touch.
The dimple in his cheek deepened as he smiled and said, “why, our first date.”
I stood still for quite some time when Tobias chose to leave me in the hallway. I felt the aftermath of his touch even still and wanted more. What surprised me the most was how he promised to pick me up, but yet I never gave him my address or even my phone number. I shook myself out of the reverie and headed toward the main office, where I greeted Dan and handed him the new-hire paperwork.
My life was clearly changing, but I wasn’t sure if it was all good.
Chapter Eleven
I wanted to push Sophie into the wall and make out with her in the school’s hallway. Her lips were begging for me to taste them again, but I could feel the shivers coming from her. She was either scared or nervous, and I didn’t want to make it worse by coming on too strongly. Six o’clock couldn’t come fast enough. I wanted to know every little thing about her and what made her tick.
We had chemistry. Each time I was close to Sophie, I was zapped by some kind of electricity passing through us. Let’s not forget the time we’d shared our first kiss on the dance floor. Every time I saw Sophie, I thought back to that moment. She was putty in my arms. I wanted her so bad that the moment I got home from work, I wacked off at least three times, and I’ve only known her for a little bit of time. The woman had me all balled up, and there wasn’t a thing I could do about it.
It was clear she was dodging me by the quickness of her retreating form when Dan introduced us. What had I done? Had I scared her away on the dance floor? This woman was clearly tearing me up inside, and I didn’t know what to do about it.
I’d left work as soon as Sophie agreed to go on a date and drove all the way to my place on autopilot, thinking about how to prepare for the night. I knew there was a small flower shop across the street from my place and thought I could eventually walk there and get Sophie some flowers. I wasn’t sure what she liked or if I should even purchase any. What if she didn’t like flowers? On the walk over, I received a call from Xander.
“Man, you there?” Xander boosted from the other end of the line.
I cleared my throat and said, “Yeah. What’s up?”
He chuckled, “Dude, I asked if you wanted to hit up Hillside Club this weekend. Do you not remember?”
I vaguely remembered Xander’s question, but as always lately, my mind was on Sophie and the never-ending problem with her. Did I need to go out? Probably so, but the last time I went out, the turnout wasn’t good. It was like Sophie had this weird hold on me. I needed to crack that hold.
“If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you are hung up on some woman,” Xander said before I could answer his question.
“Nah. I’m just busy with work,” I said, although, technically it was true as Sophie did work in the same building.
Xander huffed before saying, “Alright, man. So, you are coming this weekend, or do I gotta tell the boys you’re off your rocker again?”
“Ya know what. I’m going to go ahead and skip this weekend. I have a few plans. How about I hit you up next weekend or when this semester is over, which is in two weeks?” I said.
By moving the date, I could try my best to get back to my usual self. I didn’t need the guys to bust my balls for leaving them hanging all the time. Besides, it’s only Tuesday. Who knows what could happen on the date with Sophie? I might have another date with her by the weekend.
“I’ll hold you up to it, man,” Xander said, “take care and call if you need something.”
I hung up and walked across the street, barely missing a car. That’s how bad things were. I didn’t even care if I got hit by a car trying to cross the street. The reason I’d crossed so abruptly was because I thought I’d seen something. But my eyes couldn’t be deceiving me that much. I glanced to the side, and sure enough, Sophie was standing in front of a daycare with a woman who strongly resembled my ex – Elodie. It couldn’t be. I squinted my eyes and noticed it surely was Elodie, and in her hand was a smaller hand of a boy standing next to her.
It all made sense. Sophie knew my ex, which meant she most definitely knows about our background. That would clearly explain the reason she’s standoffish. What the hell do I do now? How am I supposed to explain my past when I’m clearly different, or I feel different than what I did when I was married to Elodie? Could Sophie have anything to do with that? Or, could it be I’m finally done with the messing around bullshit? I didn’t know. All I knew was Sophie clearly had me judged. I was so screwed.
My time with Sophie was up even though I never had a chance with her in the first place. If she knew Elodie, then that meant she knew about my past. No sane woman would give a cheater the time of day. It didn’t matter how much that person might have changed. I wouldn’t even know how to show I’ve changed. As much as I wanted Sophie, there was no future because I was already judged by my misgivings.
Although I’m flawed, it didn’t stop me from wanting Sophie. I’m pretty sure she’s been the person I’ve been waiting for. Why didn’t I stop being a cheater with Elodie? Why did I give into my misdeeds when I was married? I couldn’t explain it. Honestly, I’m still unsure about it and what it means to want to be with Sophie. I needed to know what she knows and how she views me now.
Should I continue with the date? Probably so, but the last thing I needed was for her to see me right now, especially knowing Elodie would probably diss me in front of Sophie. So, I continued on my way into the flower shop and browsed for about twenty minutes while every so often I looked outside to see if Elodie and Sophie were still there. That’s when I saw it. They hugged and then went opposite ways. It was clear Sophie and Elodie were close friends, and that would most definitely ruin my chances with her.
But I did have one thing in it for me. Sophie agreed to go on a date, and I would try my best to charm her so she could see for herself I’m not who she might think I am. The bets were on. I had to work extra hard to make Sophie see something in me I’m not even sure I see. Could I stick to commitment? And the same question goes back into my head – what was it about Sophie that’s making me question marriage and commitment?
I leave the flower shop with nothing in my hands, opting for no flowers instead of buying the wrong ones. What if she was allergic? I know people say it’s the thought that counts, but I was torn in this situation and chose the latter instead of making her allergic if she was. After walking into the door, I stripped out of my clothes and hopped into the shower. I tried to make it a quick wash but needed to release the tension from the chemistry earlier.
I couldn’t stop myself from jacking off. The woman literally had me by the balls. I thought about her sweet vanilla scent, and my cock lengthened. I grasped the head and ran my fist up and down slowly thinking about the way she locked eyes with mine. She was surprised I’d caught her in the hallway, that was for sure. I wanted so bad to be near her but didn’t want her to think she was stuck there. I had to have done something right, or she would’ve said no to the date. Unless she couldn’t deny the chemistry running r
ampant between us.
I jerked my fist up and down faster as I bent my head down, allowing the spray of the water to coat my body. Thrusting into my hand, I thought about the first kiss and how Sophie wrapped her gorgeous legs around my torso. The spurts shot into the bath – cum mixing with water as it drained. I wanted to say it was instant relaxation, but that was false. I still wanted so bad to bury myself inside Sophie.
After the shower, I dressed with the need to impress. I wanted Sophie to want me, and honestly, I’ve never tried this much for anyone – not even Elodie. That has got to mean something.
Chapter Twelve
After work, I’d been riled up but needed to stop by the daycare and let my boss know for sure I needed fewer hours. They already knew I was quitting, but they were working with my schedule. On the way out of the building, I’d run into Elodie and her son, Ben.
“Hey,” Elodie greeted.
I grinned and gave Elodie and her son a hug and said, “you miss me already?”
“You know we do,” Elodie said, “besides, I’ve been meaning to ask how work’s been?”
I wasn’t sure how much information I should give Elodie, but I was always a firm believer in telling the truth regardless if it might hurt or offend someone.
“Things are good. Today was my first day, though I only signed papers and decorated parts of my room.”
Elodie smiled and asked, “meet any interesting people yet?”
“Actually, I’m pretty sure that guy I told you about was Tobias.”
Elodie’s smile faded as quickly as it showed. I knew she wasn’t happy I met her ex, but I wasn’t known to hide anything from anyone. Yeah, he’s fucked up, but it’s not like I would give him a chance to screw me over. Then, I thought about our supposed date tonight, which I had to get ready for soon. Damnit, Elodie would have a fit.