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White Roses Calling

Page 12

by Hudson, Dakota

  SYDNEY HAD AN enjoyable visit with her sister in Chicago. They met at the hotel Friday evening when Sydney arrived and after Jen finished the week long conference that had brought her to the city. They spent Saturday walking through downtown Chicago, window shopping on the Miracle Mile and visiting the Navy Pier. That evening found them seeking refuge from the cold in Lou Malnati’s, the famous pizza establishment.

  “God, Alex would probably kill for this pizza,” Sydney said after several bites of the deep dish Chicago style pie. The exclamation came almost without thought. She looked up to find Jen looking at her with a smile on her face and sparkle in her eye.

  “So, Alex is it? Is that who I heard you making sexy talk with on the cell while I was trying on that dress this afternoon?” she asked.

  Sydney rolled her eyes but couldn’t keep the blush from rising. “It wasn’t sexy talk. We were just talking.”

  “Uh-huh,” Jen said, still with a playful smile. “So, you mentioned when you came for Christmas that you had your eye on someone. And then in our call earlier this week that you were seeing someone with possibilities. Is Alex the guy you were talking about?”

  “Alex is someone I’m seeing,” Sydney said. A part of her wondered how close she was to being outright dishonest with her sister and how long she could carry it off. The interrogation continued.

  “So, tell me what kind of guy is this Alex? What does he do?”

  “Alex is...” Sydney resigned herself to playing it safe. She wasn’t ready to be entirely forthcoming with Jen yet, despite the slight discomfort she felt for misleading her. “A sergeant with the L.A.P.D. We met during a trial.” Sydney spoke to Jen on the telephone at least once a week and shared pretty much everything. She was sure she had mentioned the talented female sergeant during the course of the White Rose trial, probably by name. She hoped Jen wouldn’t make the connection. Not yet at least.

  “And what does Alex look like? Got a picture?”

  “About five foot nine, light brown hair, hazel eyes, nice build. You know, athletic.” Sydney tactfully avoided the question about a photograph, of which she had several on her cell phone.


  “God, yes,” Sydney replied.

  “Slept with him yet?”

  Sydney rolled her eyes. “Jen.”

  “What? It’s a reasonable question and you’ve never refused to answer it before. So how’s the sex?”

  “Well, we haven’t, uh”“”

  “Wait a minute.” Jen put the slice of pizza she was about to bite into back on her plate. “How long have you two been seeing each other?”

  “Well, we’ve only been really dating a little over a week.” Sydney thought back to Alex’s confession on the way to the airport and smiled. “But we’ve been running into each other quite a bit over the last few months. You know, around the courthouse. Alex confessed those weren’t entirely coincidental. And I might have somehow ended up with some of h...some particular cases that weren’t entirely assigned to me by chance.” She saw Jen’s eyebrows raise in question. “Hey, prerogative of seniority. Stan likes me to help figure out case assignments sometimes.” Sydney silently hoped it was not her slip in almost referring to Alex as “her” that had raised Jen’s curiosity. “So I sometimes take the cases that interest me—for one reason or another.”

  “Uh-huh.” Jen nodded, apparently having missed Sydney’s almost misspoken pronoun. “So you two have been flirting with each other, creating excuses to run into one another, for the past several months and you finally started actually dating when?”

  “Last Friday.”

  “How many dates?”


  “In one week? Have plans for the next one yet?”

  “I’m being picked up from the airport Sunday.”

  “But you haven’t slept together?”

  “Geez, Jen. We’re taking it slow. Letting the relationship develop before we jump into bed together. I just, well, I guess I really don’t want to screw this up.”

  “Okay. So you’re saying this may have serious potential, huh?” Sydney nodded and Jen reached across the table to squeeze her hand.

  “Then I hope it all works out. And I expect introductions to this wonderful man of yours in the very near future.” Jen picked up the slice of pizza to resume eating. “But, Syd, seriously, tell me you’ve at least had some touchy-feely time? I mean three dates has got to earn something.”

  The sparkle in Sydney’s eye and the slight blush to her face was the only response Jen got to that particular question.

  “Uh-huh. Good kisser?”

  “Oh my God, Jen. You have no idea.”

  IT WAS ALMOST eight p.m. on Sunday when Sydney entered the baggage claim area of Burbank Airport. Her eyes immediately settled on Alex as she stood off to the side. A warm feeling overcame her as she saw the look of pleasure take over Alex’s face when their eyes met. They hugged briefly, aware of the very public surroundings. Both women looked at the other with eyes that communicated far more. They spent the drive to Sydney’s talking about her trip and her sister and making other small talk.

  When they arrived Alex carried Sydney’s bag into the house, up the stairs and into the master bedroom. Alex quickly exited the bedroom and led the way back to the main stairs. Alex’s virtual rush from the bedroom did not go unnoticed by Sydney.

  “Sergeant Chambers.” Sydney reached out and grabbed Alex, turning her and looking up into her face. “Are you trying to escape?” Sydney leaned up and kissed Alex’s neck.

  “No. I—”

  “Then why the rush?”

  “I was just...” Alex paused and Sydney noticed her nervous glance toward the bedroom door. When Alex looked back down at her Sydney gave her a reassuring smile, clearly communicating she was aware of the cause for Alex’s trepidation. Alex pulled her closer and returned the smile. “God, I missed you.”

  “Come sit with me a while.” Sydney took Alex’s hand and led her downstairs to the den. “You want to turn on the fire?” she asked as she made her way into the kitchen to make hot chocolate.

  As she prepared the chocolaty drinks her mind returned to the conversation she’d had with herself on the flight home. Sydney knew Alex was self-conscious about her lack of experience with women, and was therefore hesitant to be too aggressive in her affections. She also knew it was likely on her shoulders to push their relationship to the next level and she was determined to make it very clear to Alex that she was serious about them. As she stirred in the miniature marshmallows she decided she would begin sending that message tonight.

  Sydney returned minutes later and handed Alex one of the mugs then sat down next to her, leaning into her. Alex responded by looping an arm around Sydney’s shoulders. They sat together like that for a while, discussing each of their weekends as they sipped from their mugs. The conversation eventually tapered off and they cuddled in comfortable silence and watched the flames for several minutes.

  “I probably shouldn’t stay too long,” Alex said, breaking the silence. “I know you’ve got to be up for work tomorrow and it’s probably been a couple of long days for you with the travel back and forth?”

  “Not so fast, Sergeant. I love my sister and I enjoyed the trip, but I’ve really been looking forward to some time alone with you. So don’t be in such a hurry to leave.” Sydney removed the mug from Alex’s hand, placing both mugs on the coffee table, then snuggled back into Alex, partially facing her. She caressed Alex’s cheek, slowly drawing her fingers down Alex’s neck, letting her hand come to rest against Alex’s chest. Sydney looked up into Alex’s eyes then leaned closer into her embrace.

  “Syd...” Alex whispered.

  “Shh.” Sydney covered Alex’s lips with her fingers, as Alex had so often done with her at this point. Then she smiled seductively. “Please, Alex. Don’t over think it.”

  Sydney pulled Alex down to meet her. Their lips met and Sydney was swept away, a sense of warmth rushing through her body, starti
ng from somewhere deep inside. Alex wrapped her arm around Sydney, drawing their bodies closer together.

  Their breasts crushed together, and she felt as much as heard her own groan of passion.

  Moments later Sydney gently broke the kiss. Alex opened her eyes and looked at her in concern.

  “Are you—”

  Sydney interrupted her inquiry with another delicate kiss. “Relax,” she whispered.

  Her eyes stayed locked on Alex’s as she grabbed the front of her shirt, pulling her down. Sydney leaned back onto the length of the couch with Alex poised provocatively over her, chests mere inches apart. Alex leaned on her arms, apparently hesitant to allow her full weight to come to rest on Sydney.

  Sydney couldn’t help but smile. “Alex, I’m good. I want this. I want us like this.”

  “I don’t want you to feel—”

  “I know. I’ll let you know when I’m ready for the rest. But right now, this is good. This is perfect.” Sydney pulled Alex down, starting again where they’d left off. Their lips met in a gentle kiss that built gradually in intensity. Moments later she felt Alex allow the rest of her body to surrender. With a half sigh, half groan, Alex lowered onto Sydney’s body.

  The intensity and passion was overwhelming and Sydney lost track of all time and sense of location. Alex’s hips moved between her legs, and Sydney welcomed the sensation. She moved her legs to allow Alex to nestle deeply into her, looping an ankle over the top of Alex’s leg. Just as Sydney felt the need to perhaps bring the tempo back to something controllable, Alex drew back slowly, breaking the kiss. Alex remained absolutely still and looked deep into Sydney’s eyes as their foreheads rested against each other. Sydney saw the same passion and longing radiating out from them, though tempered with a touch of nervousness and uncertainty that Sydney found so endearing.

  Alex closed her eyes and Sydney smiled as the woman clearly concentrated on regaining full control of her body and mind. When Alex opened her eyes, Sydney was still smiling. Sydney reached up and brushed the hair back off Alex’s forehead. They lay like that, in each other’s embrace, forehead to forehead, for several more minutes.

  “I really should be going,” Alex finally whispered, breaking the spell.

  “I know. This is just really comfortable. Here, with you. Just being together like this.” Alex nodded and gave her a gentle peck on the lips before she rose to stand and then helped Sydney to her feet.

  “We’ll have much more time to spend like this in the future,” Alex said, hugging Sydney and kissing the top of her head.

  Sydney returned the hug, resting her head against Alex’s chest. “You promise?”

  “Yes. As long as you’ll have me.”

  They held hands on the walk to the front entryway and Sydney waited as Alex put on her jacket, then she once again moved into her embrace for a final hug.

  “Thank you again for the ride, and another wonderful evening,” Sydney said.

  “Thank you for spending it with me.” Alex put her fingers to Sydney’s chin and raised it gently. Their lips met in a final tender kiss. “Sleep well,” Alex said as she backed out of the door. As was now her habit, Sydney stood in the open doorway and watched until Alex’s truck made the turn onto the street below.

  Chapter Nine

  SYDNEY’S MONDAY WAS busy, like most Mondays at the district attorney’s office. She had just finished a meeting with a more junior attorney who had been assigned to second chair an upcoming attempted murder trial. She was still waiting for the jury to return on her previous week’s trial and was now sitting at her desk reviewing other case files. Cathy, the receptionist, appeared in her doorway with a bouquet of white roses and a smile on her face.

  “This is beginning to take on a pleasant pattern,” Cathy said as she put the vase down on Sydney’s desk, winked at her, then left the office.

  Sydney hesitated, shocked at the appearance of the white flowers before her. She sat still for several seconds, finally mustering courage to reach for the prominently mounted envelope amongst the green stems. She was just pulling the attached card from its small envelope as Tyler came to her doorway. Sydney sank slowly into her chair, holding the card in a shaking hand.

  ALEX MANAGED TO get off duty a little early and decided to stop by and see Sydney. She was just walking down the hallway toward Sydney’s open door when she heard Tyler’s exclamation.

  “Syd! What is it? What’s wrong?” The alarm in his voice made Alex hurry the last few steps. She came through the door and saw Sydney sitting in her chair, one hand to her mouth, another holding a small card in front of her on the desk. Tyler was kneeling beside her looking concerned. On the desk was a large vase containing a dozen white roses.

  Sydney looked up at Alex as she approached, then wordlessly passed the card to her. Alex saw the inscriptions on the card and knew immediately the cause of Sydney’s distress.

  Still looking forward to spending time alone with you.

  There was no name.

  “I’m calling security and getting Stan,” Tyler said as he gently grabbed Sydney’s shoulders and looked into her eyes. “You’re safe, Syd. You’re gonna be fine.” She nodded and he was out the door moments later.

  Alex moved to her side, kneeling down and taking Sydney’s hands in hers as Sydney looked at her, fear in her eyes.

  “How?” Sydney asked quietly.

  “The news of the original flowers was in the media,” Alex said.

  “It’s probably the same wack-job playing a cruel, sick joke.” She tried to sound reassuring, though inside she was far from feeling that way.

  “But the message? It’s exactly the same. That was never publicized. How could they know?”

  Alex had no answer and could only shake her head. At that moment Tyler returned, followed by Stan. Alex was torn, not knowing what affection she should show in front of Sydney’s boss and peers. She wanted so badly to reach out and take Sydney in her arms, to comfort her, promise to protect her and not allow anything to happen.

  Instead, she took Sydney’s hand, squeezing it gently. “Syd, I’m going to step out and make a couple of phone calls. I’ll just be in the hallway and I’ll be right back.” Sydney nodded.

  “Please,” Sydney said as Alex turned toward to the door. “Take those with you.” She nodded to the large bouquet of roses still sitting inches away on her desk.

  Alex grabbed the vase, then more carefully the card, and stepped out into the hallway where she put them down on a desk in an empty cubicle. She doubted there would be fingerprints or DNA evidence at this point, but she was careful to handle the card and envelope along the edges just in case. Then she called Chuck Severs from R.H.D. and relayed to him what happened. He said he would make the appropriate department notifications and be there immediately. True to his promise, Chuck arrived shortly thereafter with his partner, Detective Robert Kim, a department photographer and an evidence technician. Alex explained everything she knew and Chuck’s partner went off to gather preliminary information from Cathy regarding the delivery service.

  OVER AN HOUR later the R.H.D. detectives were concluding their on-scene investigation. Alex left them in the hallway and reentered Sydney’s office. Sydney was alone, still seated in the chair behind her desk, head leaning back and eyes closed. She looked exhausted. Alex walked around and leaned back against the desk. She bent slightly and placed one hand on the arm of Sydney’s chair. “How are you doing?”

  Sydney opened her eyes and took a deep breath. “I’m doing okay, I guess.”

  Alex took Sydney’s hand in hers, rubbing her thumb gently across Sydney’s knuckles. “Chuck and his people are very good at what they do. They’ll figure this out.”

  Sydney’s attention focused on something behind Alex and Alex followed her gaze. Lieutenant John Ramos stood in the open doorway. She turned toward Ramos, giving Sydney’s hand one more squeeze and then releasing it.

  Alex saw Ramos’s eyes descend just as she let Sydney’s hand go. He rolled his eyes a
nd said, “Oh, brother,” just loud enough for her to hear, then turned and walked from the doorway out of sight.

  “God dammit! What the fuck is he doing here?”

  Sydney leaned forward, took Alex’s hand once again and turned Alex toward her. “Who is he?”

  “No one you need to worry about,” Alex said. She squeezed Sydney’s hand and then released it. “I’ll be back in a minute,” she said, then walked out of the office. Alex turned in the direction Ramos had walked and saw him standing down the hallway speaking to Chuck. Ramos’s back was to Alex and he was unaware of her approaching. As she drew closer she overheard part of what he was saying to Chuck.

  “ probably a bunch of bull. You know that’s how it is with these queers. This is all probably a byproduct of some deviant relationship.”

  “You son of a bitch!” She rapidly covered the remaining space between them. Ramos turned to her as she came face-to-face with him. They stood toe-to-toe and nose-to-nose, their heights relatively equal. “You goddamn son of a bitch!” Alex repeated. “Don’t even think about trying to downplay this!”

  Chuck stepped between them, turning his back on Ramos and physically restraining Alex. “It’s not worth it, Alex. Don’t worry. It’s R.H.D.’s case, not his.”

  “I’m the commanding officer of Central Detectives,” Ramos said with a sneer. “I have every authority to insist on being kept in the loop on this. It occurred in my division.” He then lowered his voice. “And if I think department assets are being wasted on this case, then it’s my responsibility to communicate with the C.O. of R.H.D. and make a suggestion that this case be de-prioritized in favor of other more pressing and valid concerns.”

  The comment nearly sent Alex over the edge as she pushed against Chuck, not quite sure what she would do, but wanting desperately to get her hands on Ramos.


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