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The Sceptre of Power [The Peacekeeper Journals Book 3]

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by CJ England

  Cyric shook his head. Not likely they would allow him to continue breathing. Holding up his soft light, he stealthily traversed the narrow rocky path. Dripping water plastered his red hair to his skull and wet his long heavy robe. Even though he was a big man, he was light on his feet, but the woolen robes soaked in moisture easily, making it difficult to move quickly. Softly, he murmured a spell to help dry the clinging cloak, knowing he had to be able to run if necessary.

  He wasn't sure how long he walked. Time seemed to stand still inside the deep cavern. Deeper and deeper he went, his instincts still sure he was going the right way. A few times, he thought he heard something from the gloom behind him, but after a breathless silence, he decided he was imagining things. After it seemed hours had passed, the tunnel came to an abrupt end.

  Walking forward cautiously, Cyric stepped into a mammoth room. He stared in astonishment at the huge lake filling the underwater cavern. Stalagmites stood along the water's edge, some taller than a castle wall. Glistening stalactites reflected in the still water below. The lake itself was as black as the devil's soul. Not a hint of light could be seen anywhere and the only sound was the drip ... drip ... drip of condensation as it fell lightly from the ceiling.

  He swore. There had to be another way out. His magick wouldn't have led him this way to leave him stranded. Listening behind him, he could hear only silence. If the men had followed him, he couldn't tell.

  Stepping to the lake's edge, he looked down into the ebony water. He shuddered once, knowing at this depth, it would be as cold as the snows of winter. His jaw clenched and he lifted the light.

  "Éadrom thuilleadh."

  In answer, the light flared brighter. Now Cyric could see to the other side of the large chamber. His heart leapt when he saw the small tunnel on the far side of the tarn.

  He checked the weapon at his belt and closing his eyes, he uttered an incantation. Words, pregnant with magick, tumbled from his lips.

  "Eitil, eitil, eitleoidh mé

  Géillte mise cliatháin."

  A bright glow of power surrounded him. His hunters stumbled out of the narrow cavern just at that moment. They gasped, as they watched their quarry lift off the ground and float across the perfectly calm water. It was surreal, frightening, even to their hate-filled souls.

  Making the sign of the cross, Hamish pulled a crossbow from behind his back. His dog snarled beside him. “He will not get away!” he growled, as he slid a thin arrow into place. Going down on one knee, he took aim.

  Cyric turned just in time to see the deadly missile take flight. It was too late for him to spell it away. All he could do is react, jumping to the side. He felt the icy cold pain as the shaft struck him high in the upper chest. Without thinking, he pulled the weapon from his belt and pointed it at those who were seeking to destroy him.

  "Shia tia Cylys, shia ia mael,

  Koli si tandros mae,

  Pai shar o shor,

  Rai maesi eil vyraes si pae."

  Pure light filled the room. Rainbows of colors exploded from the weapon's tip and rushed across the now white-capped water. The powerful energy hit the three hunters so hard; they were knocked backwards against the cavern wall. Their mouths gaped open in a silent scream as the power sliced into their motionless bodies. Blood began to pour from their mouths, noses, and eyes, as the magick dealt them the same blow they'd wished on Cyric. It burrowed deep, removing the very evil permeating their souls. But, like their master, evil was all that kept them alive. They remained pinned to the wall of the cave, only the husks of their bodies remaining. What made them real was long gone and what had remained was now destroyed.

  Cyric watched; his eyes glazed over in agony as the three went through their death thralls. His body was going numb and he dropped to his knees on the cushion of air that held him above the icy lake. Shaking his head, he fought to remain conscious. The numbness traveled down his arm to his fingers, and he cried out when the weapon dropped from his nerveless fingers and fell beneath the black waters of the cavern tarn. He made a grab for it, but his fingers, slippery with blood, could hold nothing. All he could do was watch, as it disappeared into the murky depths.

  Shaking with fatigue, he lifted himself to his feet. Clutching at the arrow in his shoulder, he said a quick spell to hold back the pain. He would not let his order down. His beloved master and those who trusted him would never have reason to curse his name. If he couldn't bring the weapon safely home, he would protect it the best way he knew how. Lifting a trembling hand, Cyric pointed out over the sooty water.

  I set a guard, no harm to thee.

  I speak this spell, ‘tis destiny.

  To keep you safe, this promise binds,

  Any man or beast, evil entwines.

  Hidden from sight, so no one can see,

  A promise kept, so mote it be.

  Your time will come, to rise once more,

  Your power and strength, to win the war.

  This prophecy will come to pass,

  When truth and love come at last.

  Progeny of power, the chosen shall be,

  Whose honor and faith will set you free.

  But for now in the silence of blackness, hide,

  To find the treasure, the heart will guide

  And so I pray, in peace remain

  Until that time, to fight again.

  I cast this spell, my protection for thee

  So I say it, so mote it be.

  His energy expended, he could barely manage to keep formed, the cushion of air on which he stood. With the last of his strength, Cyric used his magick to send his aching body across the freezing lake. Once he got to the other side, he stumbled, falling flat on his face, breaking the arrow off and sending screaming pain shooting through him.

  He rolled over on his back and stared up at the beautiful carvings made by thousands upon thousands of water droplets. They were works of art, guided by the Creator's hand. Sighing, he closed his eyes and pictured his sweet wife standing at the stove. Another beautiful work of art. They had so many plans. Things to learn ... children to bear and raise. Such a wonderful future to look forward to.

  The cold water lapped at the shore near his feet. Silence fell in the cavern. Darkness once again took over the light.

  Chapter 1

  Present Day

  She was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. As he stood waiting, Gallegar's heart swelled with emotion as he watched Kira leave the shelter of the huge oak tree and walk towards him through the moon-kissed meadow. Wherever her foot stepped, up sprang a large moonflower to match the smaller blossoms she wore encircling her brow and trailing down over her waist length, white-gold hair. His gaze moved over the pure white dress she wore. Shimmering with her golden power, it fit her small, shapely body like a second skin, yet the bouquet of moonflowers she held, somehow gave her an air of utter innocence.

  He loved her. With every breath he took ... with every beat of his new heart. She was his treasure, his gift. One he hadn't deserved, but had been given anyway. He couldn't imagine his life without her in it. Daily, he thanked the Power he was the one she'd fallen in love with.

  She was everything he'd ever wanted. Strong, loving, kind and courageous; with a passion for life that matched his own. In the short six months he'd been with her, he'd seen her in dozens of situations. Most would have made a grown man weep, but each one she handled with her quiet, steadfast commitment to the truth. She'd saved his life on more than one occasion, just as he'd saved hers. Was it any wonder he had rushed the mating ceremony so he could claim her for his own?

  His gaze touched each of the men who made a circle around him. These were his friends, her Chosen ... a family he never realized he needed. Without them, Kira wouldn't be whole, and he ... he would be left wanting. Their linking together made them the closest thing he had to brothers. Their presence in his life was almost as important to him, as Kira's was.

  Lucas Kane, his muscular build and sharp temper made most people tre
ad softly around him. But to Kira and the other Chosen, he was as loyal and steadfast as the wolf whose form he took. A Master Shapeshifter of the Wolf Clan, he may have joined with Kira in secret, but it was no secret how he felt about her. Even though he'd recognized what he had with Kira wasn't the type of love to build an eternity on, he still cared deeply, and it showed in the pain that lurked in the depths of his piercing silver eyes.

  Standing ... or rather floating next to him, was Patrick, leader of the Ethereals. Soft spoken and always ready for a joke, he'd joined with Kira to help his people. As the new leader of the shades, he'd been struggling with his responsibilities, the heaviest one, finding a way to assist his people in crossing over into the afterlife. His enemy was the Gatekeeper, a powerful demon from Hell who'd closed the Gates of Heaven and Hell, so no Ethereal ... or spirit could go to their reward. The demon planned to build an army with those unlucky shades, one that would have destroyed humanity. Kira and the Chosen's first battle had been restoring the Gates and after many trials, they'd won. Now, Patrick's people followed him gladly. He'd restored balance to his kind and found hope in the process.

  On Gallegar's other side stood Benjamin Cassidy. Six foot four of solid muscle, Benjamin was the Sovereign Lord of the Suprahumans. A more advanced type of human, or mutant, Benjamin and his kind weren't true supernaturals, but they stood with the brethren in the ensuing war. Kira saved his life during their joining and he pledged himself to her without hesitation. Since he could take on the abilities of any mutant, from shapeshifting to invisibility, his powers were legion.

  Gallegar watched as Kira reached the outskirts of the large half-circle. It was filled with their friends and delegates from all their peoples. Also included, were their protectors, a group of men who offered their service to each of the supernatural leaders. Part of the new family as well, they provided an extra layer of protection and defense against those who would harm the group. The vampire smiled as she stopped and hugged the golden-skinned, golden-haired man who stood patiently waiting.

  Koran, brother to Kira in all ways that mattered, offered her his arm. She smiled brilliantly and took it, leaning her pale head against his richly embroidered tunic for a moment. A soft ball of golden light enveloped them as they communicated silently and Gallegar's throat tightened. Koran was Prince of the Faerie Folk and the one whose flesh the Power had used to create Kira. They had a special bond ... they were family, even though she had never lived as faerie.

  When the glow faded, brother and sister turned, and continued walking toward him. He fought to stay calm, but his heart was beating so loud, he was sure all around him could hear it. It was time. After so many lonely years, he would finally have a mate. One, who was more important to him than his own existence.

  Kira stared at the man who, literally, held her heart. Gallegar, King of the Vampires, quite truthfully, took her breath away. He had, since the first moment she'd met him. Tall, dark and handsome with raven black, shoulder length hair, and eyes the exact color of an emerald, he was the one she had been created to love. Elegant, yet more powerful than any supernatural in the city, there was nothing about him she would change ... other than the streak of overprotectiveness he had a tendency to exhibit. He was romantic, loving and strong and a wonderful leader of his people.

  They had been through so much ... fought so hard to be together, this day of celebration seemed almost unreal. She'd struggled with not understanding love and what it meant. It had taken her months to know her own heart, and once she had, it was almost too late. When Gallegar was threatened, she knew she would do anything to protect him, and the only way she could do that ... was to pretend not to care at all.

  But, she reckoned without understanding the depth of his love for her. Or the loyalty and love of her Chosen. She'd learned by ignoring that love, she was denying herself the greatest reason to live ... and her strongest weapon. The joy in Gallegar's face when she'd told him how she really felt wasn't something she would ever forget. Even in the midst of the battle for the Gates of Life and the souls of countless vampires and shades, that love had given her the strength to go on.

  And it strengthened the others as well. Joined with her, and linked with the vampire king, when Kira and Gallegar shared true passion for the first time, a new magick was created. Innocence may have been lost, but love is always the strongest emotion and it strengthened them all in its creation. New power was released and all the Chosen benefited.

  Now, as she nervously made her way through the fragrant meadow, she thanked the Power for all she'd been given. Friends, family and love. No matter what happened, she would always be thankful for these men, and what they meant to her.

  As she came closer, her eyes met the sapphire ones of Danolas, High Priest of the Witches. Other than Gallegar, of all her Chosen, he was the one she was closest to. Tall, lean and aristocratically beautiful, his magick had created this meadow of her dreams because he loved her. He knew her thoughts, understood what was in her soul. It was his knowledge that made her realize who and what she was in the first place. And he was the one who exposed the barriers in her heart and made her see loving is what keeps you strong. It was only right he would be the one who officiating over the mating ceremony.

  She smiled at him. He winked back and suddenly all her nerves disappeared. She took the last few steps and then lifted her gaze to Gallegar's face. In it, she saw all the hopes and dreams of an eternity of love. She didn't even notice when Koran gave her hand to her mate-to-be, and stepped back to join the other Chosen. All her focus was on the man she loved.

  He smiled. A slow, sexy smile that made her toes curl. “Hello."

  She shivered as he raised her hands to his lips and nibbled gently. “Hi,” she managed.

  "I love you. Together in eternity ... forever."

  Tears filled her eyes at the mind-speak. “I love you, too. Together in eternity ... forever."

  Danolas chuckled. The love between the two of them was so strong; it was a presence in itself. “Whenever you're done.” Kira and Gallegar laughed and then as one, turned to face the witch. He cleared his throat.

  "We gather here, this night, in a ritual of love. You, Kira, and you, Gallegar stand before your friends, your chosen family and the Power, to join together in an eternity of love. Your hearts, your blood and your spirits are entwined. Your two lives are now one ... one you will share together, forever."

  His azure eyes shone with happiness as he smiled at the couple before him. Lifting his elegant hands, he placed one on each of their heads. “May this rite be consecrated, and may all who gather here be blessed.” He stepped back and smiled again, looking at the vampire.

  "Gallegar, is it your desire to become one with this woman?"

  "It is."

  "What do you have to offer this woman of your love?"

  Never taking his eyes off his beloved's face, Gallegar went down on one knee. The lilt of Irish isles was in his voice as he answered. “A Ghra ... I give to you my love and my pledge. You share my heart, my blood and my soul. Forever, I will stand by your side to protect, to cherish and to love. Eternity is not long enough to share my love with you.” Reaching down, he removed a small, jeweled dagger from his hip. “Accept this, as a token of my trust. Like its blade, may my love be as strong. Like its metal, may our love be forever. Accept it, my love, for that which is mine, is now yours."

  Kira stared down at him, her golden eyes glistening with happy tears. She took the weapon carefully from his outstretched hands, then tucked the dagger in the soft white cord circling her waist. “Mo Chridhe ... I accept your pledge and your love, as I accept the blade. Know what is in my heart, as I know what is in yours. The magick of my will, of my love, shall be yours, forever."

  Danolas nodded gravely. “Kira, is it your desire to become one with this man?"

  She watched as Gallegar came to his feet. “It is."

  "And what do you have to offer in return for his love?"

  Kira reached out and placed h
er palm on Gallegar's chest. “All that I am, I give to you. You carry my heart within you. You have my love and this pledge. I will stand by you, through eternity I will belong to you, as you will belong to me.” Her hand moved down and took his. She slid on his little finger a silver ring with a deep emerald stone. “You once gave me this ring to signify our joining. Now I give it back to you to symbolize I am yours forever. Accept this, as a token of my trust. Like its bright gleam, may our love glow as intensely. Like the stone that is its essence, may our love be as enduring. It is your family's pledge ... Live to see the future. Love like there is no tomorrow. Accept it, my love, for that which is mine, is yours."

  Gallegar's jaw worked as he fought emotion. He cradled her face in his hands. “A Ghra ... I accept your pledge and your love, as I accept the ring. Know what is in my heart, as I know what is in yours. The magick of my will, of my love, shall ever be yours."

  The High Priest turned and lifted a golden chalice from the altar behind him. Carefully, he filled it from a crystal decanter of scarlet red wine, and handed the cup to Gallegar. “This is a symbol of the life blood that flows between you. What say you, Gallegar, to this woman?"

  The vampire held the cup between him and Kira. “With this cup ... with the blood that flows in my veins, I promise to accept the love you pour upon me, and to return that love in kind.” He held out his hand. “I ask that you take my blood as I once took yours."

  Kira's hand trembled as she removed the dagger from her belt. Gently, she pierced his index finger with the tip of the blade. “With this blood, I ask the Power to bless this union.” She allowed several drops to fall into the chalice. “With this blood, I bind my life to yours."

  Danolas took the cup and handed it to Kira. “What say you, Kira, to this man?"

  Turning back to her mate-to-be, Kira handed him the blade. “With this cup ... with the blood that flows in my veins, I promise to accept the love you pour upon me, and to return that love in kind.” She tilted her head, exposing her throat to him in the tradition of a vampire wedding. “I give my blood freely to nourish and pleasure you."


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