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The Sceptre of Power [The Peacekeeper Journals Book 3]

Page 11

by CJ England

All the men looked over at the mangled mass of metal. You could almost hear the testosterone mourning. Benjamin clapped his friend on the arm. “I'm afraid so."

  Lucas sighed. “What do I tell the insurance company? A banshee made me do it?"

  Danolas laughed. “Don't worry about it. Remember, what's ours is yours.” He rose to his feet, easily lifting Brianna in his arms again. “The Society will replace it. Just get another one and send me the bill."

  Lucas stood, helped by Benjamin. He gawked at the High Priest. “Are you nuts? You want me to send you a bill for a new Jeep?"

  "You lost your car while protecting one of my people.” Danolas walked toward the waiting limousine. “I owe you.” He stopped and turned back to Koran. “Brother, can you make that disappear? We don't need the police involved here."

  The faerie nodded, and a few seconds later, the Jeep disappeared as quickly as the banshee that had destroyed it. The Chosen all followed Danolas and Brianna back to the long green car.

  "I guess you get your ride anyway, Irish.” Lucas grinned at her. “I'm not complaining. I want a beer."

  They piled into the limo arranging themselves in their usual places. In seeming reluctance, Danolas allowed Brianna to leave his arms, but set her next to him on the soft seat. Lucas dug in the mini-fridge and pulled out a beer for those who wanted one, then pulled off the top of his and drank deeply.

  "Ahhh,” he groaned. “Now that tasted good."

  Ignoring the beer, Koran fixed him and Danolas a healthy shot of whiskey. “Does anyone know what just happened?"

  Benjamin handed Koran's beer to Patrick who took a long pull. Powers granted to the shade through Kira and Gallegar's mating made tasting food again possible. He could drink all the beer he wanted and never get drunk. A perk none of them had expected. The Ethereal finished and wiped his mouth carefully.

  "I know it sounds crazy, but I don't think that creature wanted to hurt anyone. When I touched her, I sensed desperation, not anger or hatred. And while she was glad the Jeep went off the road, it was because she thought Brianna and Lucas were safe."

  Lucas rubbed his head. They'd stopped the bleeding, but it still ached a bit. “I don't get it. If she wanted us to pull over, why not just ask?"

  "Because,” Brianna answered. “Banshee's can't say anything to humans. All they can do is what she did ... wail and keen.” She sipped at her drink. “Some think of her as a bringer of misfortune, but in reality, she is only foretelling what is coming, a warning if you please. Legends say they are attached to the five greatest Gaelic families ... the O'Gradys, O'Neills, O'Briens, O'Connors, and the Kavanaghs, but there has been so much intermingling of blood, a banshee can appear to just about anyone now-a-days."

  "So, she was warning us about something?” Benjamin sifted through the information and grabbed onto the most pertinent fact. “To protect you?"

  Chewing her fingernail, Brianna shook her head slowly. “That wouldn't be something I've seen before. A foretelling yes, but to commiserate ... not to warn."

  Lucas sat back and glanced out the window. “Then what did she want?"

  "If Brianna is right,” Danolas mused, “the banshee wanted Brianna to know something was going to happen to her."

  "My death.” Brianna said the words no one else would say. “The banshee says I'm going to die."

  "No fuckin’ way,” Lucas growled, his face going hard. “That ain't gonna happen."

  "We'll protect you.” Benjamin leaned over and touched her knee. “You can bet on it."

  "He is right, Lady Brianna.” Koran nodded his head at her. “You are a part of us now. Do not worry."

  "No one hurts anyone we call family,” Patrick added. “And you are family."

  Her eyes filled with tears. “But ... but you barely know me. And what you do know isn't so good. Why would you stand for me? I don't understand."

  "Brianna.” Danolas’ authoritative voice made her still and look at him. While a part of her resented it, she couldn't help but respect the power that made him so strong.

  He touched her cheek. “You are under my protection. Aebh requested it, and I granted that request. Kira called you part of this company. As her seer, I usually know why she does things, though in this case she kept it from me. But I do know, she's rarely wrong about people and I trust her implicitly. Because the two most important women in my life feel you are special and worth being one of us, I will bow to their judgment ... until I have reason to disagree."

  She narrowed her eyes at that last statement, but he ignored her and went on. “So we will stand for you because you are one of us. And because we have the same goals. Nothing more needs to be said."

  Brianna shook her head slowly. “I'm ... I'm not used to being partners with anyone. I usually go it alone. But I envy you your closeness. It's not something I've had in a very long time."

  Lucas leaned over and kissed her forehead. “You do now."

  Before she could respond, Jorad spoke up from the front seat. “High Priest? I think we have a problem up ahead."

  Danolas turned to him. “What is it?"

  "Looks like another accident ... a bad one."

  "Christ!” Lucas scooted over and glanced out the window. “Damn it! This is like déjà vu. Check out what that car looks like."

  "I saw that Jeep go past us,” Koran remembered, his amber eyes glowing like two stars. “Something is going on. I do not like this."

  "Neither do I,” agreed Danolas. His power stirred, making his own eyes flame into blue life. “Jorad, stop the car. Let's see what we can do to help."

  "Be careful,” Benjamin admonished. “I don't like the feel of this."

  When the car pulled to a halt, a safe distance from the flaming pile of metal that had once been a Jeep, the Chosen leapt from the car.

  "No!” Danolas told Brianna as she tried to follow. “You stay here. You're injured.” He turned to Lucas. “You too. Watch her.” Saying nothing more, he turned and strode after his brothers.

  Brianna stared in annoyance. “Bloody hell! Who does he think he is to tell me what to do? I'm not staying here! I want to know what's going on out there.” She made to leave, but the wolfman put a big hand on her arm.

  "Don't, Brianna. What he says makes sense.” He shook his head as she turned to argue. “Neither of us are at full fighting form. We could be in the way."

  She frowned fiercely, and then swore under her breath. “I don't like being told what to do!"

  Lucas cocked his head curiously. “Didn't the High Priestess order you around?"

  The witch's eyes widened. “Of course not. She might ask things of me, but I made my own decisions. I'm not a bloody amateur. I've been a working with the Priestess for almost fifty-five years."

  "I guess Danolas does things differently."

  She crossed her arms over her blood splattered T-shirt. “He's going learn, I do too."

  There was a shout from outside and they both stuck their heads out of the limo to look. They gasped as they saw Patrick being attacked by something about the size of a large dog, with messy black and brown feathers. They were too far away to see clearly, but it looked like a large ... rooster? The Ethereal disappeared and the animal tumbled to the ground.

  It was up again a second later, and jumped at Benjamin, who went sprawling. He punched at the brute, sending it flying and before it could re-group, the monster was hit by the combined force of sapphire and amber power. The creature twisted and screamed and ducked out of the stream of magick, leaping after them again. Danolas used his staff to clout it hard and it rolled back toward the burning Jeep. Koran followed the strike up with another shot of magick, while Patrick reappeared nearby, helping Benjamin to his feet. The four men watched the creature get up a fourth time, and this time they all sent their powers at the thing.

  The four colorful magicks intertwined, sending the beast hurtling back and into the flames of the burning automobile. An inhuman screech filled the night air, sending an icy finger down everyone's spine.
They all watched in horror as the blazing thing twisted and writhed against the background of the fire. The acrid smell of living flesh filled the air.

  "Jesus,” Lucas swore out loud. “What the hell is that thing?"

  Brianna shook her head. It couldn't have been what she thought. The creature disappeared in a ball of flame and she cursed again. “It's gone, but they're coming back, fast. We need to get out of their way."

  She was proved right when a second later; the four Chosen slammed their way back into the limo. They were all breathing hard and carried with them the stench of burned carrion. Benjamin's clothes were torn, but other than that, they seemed uninjured.

  "Are you all right?” Lucas asked.

  "Jorad!” shouted Danolas ignoring the question. “Get us the hell out of here. But don't stop for anything. No matter what you see ... keep on going."

  Face white, Jorad nodded and hit the gas. No one spoke as the limousine peeled away from the accident site and back on the road. They all held their breath as they went past the fire-engulfed car, thinking about the unlucky occupant inside.

  Without warning, a small boy appeared in the center of the road. He stretched his arms out imploringly, as piteous tears wet his face. Brianna screamed and lifted her hand to spell-help the child, but Danolas grabbed her and jerked her back.

  "No!” he growled. “Don't stop, Jorad! Drive over the top of it.” When his acolyte hesitated, his power filled the small cab. Do it! I command you!"

  With no more hesitation, Jorad obeyed. Brianna struggled and rained curses on the High Priest's head, but a moment later, there was the sickening thud of something being run over. Jorad was looking more green than white now, and he swallowed rapidly, as if fighting not to be sick.

  "You want to tell us what the fuck is going on?” Lucas snarled. “You just ran over a kid back there!"

  Danolas gave Brianna a hard shake. “Stop it!” he demanded. “This is not the time for one of your tantrums."

  "Oh, you sorry bastard!” she shrieked instead. “You murderer! May the death of the kittens be on you. May your pipe never smoke! May you be afflicted with the itch and have no nails to scratch with!"

  "It wasn't a child!” Danolas roared, his voice reverberating in the small space. “It was a changeling!"

  Total silence filled the car as Brianna went still as stone. Pink flooded her face. “Changeling?” she whispered in a tiny voice. “How do you know?"

  "Because we saw it when we checked the accident scene.” Benjamin sniffed at his ripped clothing and grimaced. He smelled like a sewer. “We heard crying and went to check. Saw this little boy near the fire."

  "Since the fire couldn't hurt me, I went to check him,” Patrick picked up the story. “I could see it was a kid about four or five. But when I got closer ... this creature jumped me."

  "I do not know what it was,” Koran stated. “I have never seen such a thing."

  Since Brianna hadn't moved since he'd yelled at her, Danolas released her arms. “I'm not sure either, but it was very strong and tough ... and brutal.” He shuddered remembering what they'd seen of the driver. “It mutilated the person in the Jeep. Ripped him apart."

  Brianna had a very bad feeling about this. Her hand went to her throat. “Tell me what you saw."

  Benjamin shook his head. “Honestly, I'm not sure. It was the weirdest thing. It looked like a bird, all covered in these really dirty ruffled feathers, but it didn't have a bird's body. Only one of those comb things, like a rooster has on his head, but made of more feathers."

  "It looked somewhat human,” Koran added, “but it did not have arms or legs."

  "Yes it did,” disagreed Patrick. “But they were deformed and missing. It had a single hand sticking out of its chest, and a leg that came out of its stomach.

  "It only had one eye. In the center of the head, like a legendary Cyclops,” Danolas remembered.

  "And it stank.” Benjamin pulled at his clothing. “Like the inside of a slaughterhouse and cesspool all mixed together."

  Patrick looked at the expression on Brianna's face. “You know what it is, don't you?"

  Fear shot through her, making her want to crawl under the seat ... or into Danolas’ arms. But after what she'd just said and done, she didn't think she'd be welcome there. “It ... it sounds like Fachan."

  Koran and Danolas’ eyes widened, but the others just looked blank. Lucas cleared his throat. “Fa ... what?"

  Crossing herself instinctively for protection, Brianna rubbed at her arms. “Fachan. A particularly evil and vicious Irish spirit. Legends say it is the bane of travelers and goes after them exclusively. It pursues them, attacking them from behind, before killing and mutilating them."

  "But that doesn't make sense,” Benjamin objected. “The guy it killed wasn't a tourist. He had local plates."

  "It was not after the man,” Koran stated quietly. “That Jeep looked just like Lucas'. The ... Fachan is an Irish evil spirit ... some say a faerie. It went after that car because it thought an Irish tourist was in it.” He looked at Brianna and all could see the concern in his face. “It went after the wrong person."

  "It meant to kill me.” Brianna looked up at Danolas, the blood congealing in her veins. “I'm thinkin’ you're right, then. I did bring a problem with me."

  * * * *

  A few showers were in order when they got back to The Loft. The Chosen allowed Benjamin first dibs due to the fact none of them could bear to be in the same room with him, but all felt the need to wash and come away clean after the ordeal.

  Brianna checked her face in the mirror, frowning at the slight swelling. The cuts were healing well, by tomorrow they would be gone, but they didn't help her overall appearance now. Sighing, she put on a fresh pair of jeans and another T-shirt, tossing the ruined one in the trash. Immortal or not, that type of accident was frightening, and the knowledge she was being chased by an evil faerie from her homeland worried her a great deal. Why would anyone want to kill her? And how much danger would this new family of hers be in if it were true? Her lip went out in a pout. I'll bet they want to get rid of me now.

  Fearing the worst, she tiptoed downstairs. If they were going to send her home, she'd like to know now, before getting any closer to any of them. As they said they would, they'd all put their lives on the line for her. They'd kept their promise. No one had ever done that before.

  She heard male voices in the kitchen and as she stepped into the dining area, Patrick and Benjamin came out of the kitchen with their arms full of food. Lucas followed soon after, a breadstick stuck in his mouth. His hands held plates of meat and cheeses, and he was smiling happily.

  "Feel better, Irish?” he asked around the crusty bread. He set the food on the table and rubbed his hands together. “I'm starving."

  "What else is new?” asked Koran as he carried several bowls of fruit and chips out to the table. “You live to eat."

  Brianna grinned at their easy camaraderie. She knew she would miss it if she was asked to leave. She grabbed a celery stick for herself and pulled over some dressing to dip. “Where's Himself?"

  The other Chosen looked blank, but Lucas chuckled. “Danolas is downstairs. Said he had a call to make."

  Her heart sank. He was going to send her back to Ireland. Unwelcome tears burned, but she blinked them back. She sat down at the table and chewed morosely. It was several moments before the utter silence made her head jerk up.

  All the Chosen were staring at her as if she had two heads. Rapidly, she swallowed her celery. “What?"

  There was another long beat of silence, then Patrick sat down as well. “It's nothing, Bri. You're just sitting in Kira's chair, that's all."

  Brianna shot to her feet like she'd been stuck with a pin. Her eyes filled. “I'm sorry. I didn't mean to. I just...” She sighed gustily. “I'm sorry."

  "No, you didn't do anything wrong.” Benjamin grabbed a beer and opened it before also sitting. “It's just ... we miss her."

  "When we are not toget
her, it feels as though something is missing.” Koran sighed, and shook back his pale hair. “It is part of being joined."

  "I miss my purpose,” Lucas growled. “Just like Patrick misses his faith, Benjamin his control, Koran his companionship and Danolas—"

  "I miss my vision,” the witch interrupted as he came into the room. His sharp eyes saw where Brianna was standing and understood immediately what had happened. He walked over and pushed her gently down into the chair, and then took the one beside hers, not mentioning it was the one Gallegar used. “We feel incomplete. As this is the first time we've ever been separated by a great distance, it is ... difficult to bear."

  "It's hard to understand what you're feeling,” Brianna said quietly. “What you all have together ... I've never heard of it before."

  "That is because it is different,” Koran said proudly. “Together, we are a new power, something no one has seen before. A company of different magicks, brought together to save the world."

  "And am I a part of it?” Brianna asked before her courage failed her. “Or are you sending me home?"

  Danolas put down the whiskey he'd brought halfway to his lips. He stared at her. “Send you home?"

  Biting her lip in consternation, she went on. “Lucas said you had a call to make. I thought you were telling Aebh I was too much trouble.” Grabbing the other witch's hand, she swallowed hard. “I'm sorry I shouted at you in the car. I thought the boy was real. I was an idiot and I deserve to be sent back, but I'm a telling you, if you let me stay, I'll try not to lose my temper and I'll try to listen and do what you say.” She flung her hand out, almost knocking over her beer. “I know I've brought danger here, and I almost got you killed, but you kept your pledge and stood up for me. I promise you, I'll do the same. I may not be your Peacekeeper, and I don't have the connection with you she does, but I'll try to be a help to you. I swear it."

  She took a deep breath. “And I take back all my curses. May your pipe always burn proper and you have no itching at all. And ... your kittens ... May they live long and happy lives."

  There was silence in the room as all the men just stared at her.


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