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The Sceptre of Power [The Peacekeeper Journals Book 3]

Page 19

by CJ England

  * * * *

  Brianna sat at the bar, her gaze on her glass of Guinness. It tasted like ambrosia to her, after all the watered down brews she'd tasted in America, but tonight, even its flavor didn't really stir her. She kept thinking about Danolas and how she'd been afraid to face him after their altercation in the grotto. “You're a coward,” she told herself as she took a long sip and then licked her lips in appreciation. “A bloody fool and a coward."

  "Brianna, luv,” Tommy, the bartender said affectionately. He was three times her age and as skinny as a stoat, but as kind and gentle as Mrs. Mulgrady's cow. “We've missed you ‘round here. How was America?"

  "'Twas an experience, Tommy. I won't soon be forgetting it."

  "Thought you'd be gone longer.” He wiped away a water ring on the otherwise spotless bar. “Didn't expect you back for awhile."

  She shrugged and took another sip. “Things change."

  "So you're back at the castle, then?” As far as all the mortals in the village knew, Brianna worked at Dunguaire as one of the caretakers and had so for the last few years. For Brianna, it was a bittersweet relationship. Eventually, she'd have to stop coming to the pub, when the fact she didn't age began to be noticed. But, until then, this was one of the few places where she could enjoy herself.

  "Aye. And glad of it."

  "Season is ‘bout over,” Tommy remarked as he nodded to someone at the far end of the bar. He moved to build another Guinness. “Then it'll be nice and quiet ‘round here."

  "It will.” She sighed, as Tommy expertly built the glass of brew and wandered down to the other end to serve it. The winter months at Dunguaire Castle were quiet since the castle was shut down to tourists, but it didn't stop the work of the Society. Within the walls, life went on as usual, the only difference being, they didn't have to worry about humans accidentally getting in their way.

  She stared into the frothy glass, thinking about the Sceptre of Power. It seemed utterly ridiculous she could be the one to find it after all this time. Sure, and she was a descendant and all, but many others had searched and nothing had ever been found. How could she do any better?

  And why now? Did it have to do with the war? Or was it just a coincidence? Brianna shook her head. That ... she didn't believe. This had all started when she'd gone to San Francisco. It was too much to believe one didn't have to do with the other.

  Thinking of San Francisco made her think of Danolas, and the corners of her mouth drooped. She wondered how long she would have to put up with his presence. Having to be around him, knowing how he truly felt, would be the hardest thing she'd ever done.

  She felt him before she saw him. Felt the tingle of magick that announced the presence of another immortal, and she knew the feel of his aura as well as she knew her own. Turning, her eyes widened as Danolas stepped into the small pub. He looked larger than life, his height and the breadth of his shoulders making the dark room look even smaller. He was dressed in white robes and carried the staff of his office in his hand, its crystal glowing brightly. His long blond hair flowed over his shoulders, down to his waist, and his fiercely intelligent eyes glittered as he looked around the room. Her heart swelled with pride as she watched him. He was the most beautiful man she'd ever seen.

  Why ... I am in love with him!

  The realization danced in her brain and then sent rockets of emotion through the rest of her body. She felt faint, as if she'd had too much to drink, and she was forced to hold on to the bar to keep from toppling over. Her head swirled at the very idea of loving him. It was crazy ... she had gone mental. Loving Danolas was the one thing she'd promised herself she would never do. Enjoy him ... yes. Care about him, for sure. But love him? Brianna closed her eyes, feeling tears start deep in her chest. She'd fallen in love with a man who thought she was beneath his notice. Good for a fling, but not forever. She was a fool, and this more than anything else, proved it.

  When she opened her eyes, he was looking at her. She felt the strength of his desire for her like a punch in the stomach. All the air fled her lungs and the faintness returned full fold. Her mouth went dry at the heat that burned in his sapphire gaze. Her body began a fine trembling, and this time, she knew it was not only because she wanted ... but because she loved.

  His eyes never left hers as he made his way across the floor. He ignored the wide-mouthed gazes of the villagers as if they weren't even there. His commanding presence would be talked about for months to come, a tale that would grow bigger as the winter months went by and interesting stories were hard to come by. Brianna knew she should do something ... say anything to explain his theatrical appearance, but her voice was like the rest of her ... frozen by the sight of him.

  Danolas didn't stop until he stood right in front of her. He stared at her for a long moment and then, as if making a decision, he reached out and gently cupped her cheek in his big hand.

  "Will you come with me, Brianna?"

  His dark, sexy voice sent desire rushing through her. She looked at him, her questioning gaze searching his face, looking for why he'd come after her.

  "You know why,” he said hoarsely, as if he'd read her mind. His jaw clenched and something flared deep in his eyes. “So I ask again ... Will you?"

  She knew she shouldn't. Knew it could only end up in heartache for her. But the need on his face, the almost vulnerable look in his eyes, made her ignore all the warning signs in her head and follow the cry of her heart. She loved him. For however long she might be allowed to be a part of his life ... she would be his. He held out his hand, and she took it. Then he turned, and without another word, led her out of the silent pub.

  Once outside, he pulled her into the shadows and swept her into his arms. His mouth fused onto hers as if he was starving, and threading her hands into his long hair, she answered him with all she was. Their tongues touched and teased as passion ignited between them. He groaned, deep in his throat and dove in again, lifting her against him so tightly, Brianna could barely breathe.

  She wrapped her legs around his waist and kissed him back, wanting to scream out her love for all the world to hear. Only the knowledge he'd probably turn away from her again, prevented her from telling him the truth. So she showed him instead, surrendering herself to him in a way she'd never before done with any man.

  Danolas struggled to hold onto his control. He wanted her so badly ... needed her in ways he couldn't even begin to fathom. It frightened him, this soul rending passion that took him over whenever he held her in his arms. But he wouldn't fight against it anymore. He didn't know what the future might bring, or how long it would be before his true mate arrived, but he would take the joy that Brianna offered him and pray when the time came to let her go, her heart ... and his would remain intact.

  Her small hand wandered down his side to cup his rear and Danolas shuddered, feeling his desire for her rocket even higher. He tore his mouth from hers and stared down into her passion-softened face. Her lips were swollen from his kisses and the flush of need darkened her eyes. “Not this time,” he growled. “This time I will make love to you the proper way."

  She nipped at his chin. “Any way is the proper way ... as long as it's with you."

  His heart skipped a beat at her words and his body went rock hard. He crushed her mouth under his for another long moment before he muttered, “hold on.” Pounding his staff on the ground twice, they disappeared.

  He was still kissing her when they reappeared in her bedroom. He started to toss her on the bed, but one look from her dark eyes stopped him.

  "Not here,” she whispered. Her chin went up. “In your room. That way I know you won't leave me again."

  His jaw clenched and he kissed her ... this time gently, knowing he'd bruised her heart too many times before. This one request, he could easily grant. When she'd finally relaxed against him, he moved his staff again, and this time when they reappeared, they were lying on his bed.

  He let his staff fall, and with a flick of his wrist, candles appeared at
the corners of the room. Celtic music played, soft and low in the background, and the scent of a crackling peat fire in the hearth filled the room.

  Tears filled her eyes as she looked around. “'Tis perfect,” she murmured. “Just as I imagined it would be.” She lifted her arms to him. “Make love to me, Danolas. Please."

  The glow in his eyes intensified, but slowly, savoring the moment, his head bent and his mouth moved over hers. With infinite care, he kissed her, enjoying the softness of her lips and the sweet taste of her mouth. Danolas reined in his passion, determined to show her he could be more than an animal when he touched her. He nibbled and sucked at her lips, not touching her in any other way. He feasted, feeling as if at long last he could satisfy the hunger she alone could create.

  He feathered kisses over her lips, her cheeks and her eyes. Then he moved to nibble at her chin, and up the jaw line to her sensitive ears. He felt goose bumps appear on her arms as he bit the side of her jaw, and she shivered as he traced the shell-like curve of her ear with his tongue.

  "Sweet,” he muttered as he tugged gently on the earlobe with his teeth. “I wanted to do this and more that first time.” He moved to brush kisses down the curve of her neck and pulling aside the T-shirt she was still wearing, he nibbled gently on her soft shoulders. He felt her trembling grow stronger and it pulled at his control, but he fought back the primitive need to take her hard and fast, and kissed his way back up to take her lips again.

  She was lost in a whirlwind of sensation. Never before had a man loved her in such a way. She felt like she was precious to him ... a treasure he was just now discovering. His mouth was all that had touched her, yet the desire she felt was so strong, she ached from it. She turned her head restlessly, as his lips moved over the other side of her jaw and neck. Of their own volition, her hands lifted and clenched at his robe, trying to pull him closer. He chuckled, the sound low in his throat. Then her hands were taken and held next to her head.

  "My turn,” Danolas said simply. His mouth covered hers again. He tasted like brandy and man, and her heart nearly stopped beating when he sucked at her lower lip and groaned. She wanted to tear at his clothes, to force him to go faster, but her arms were suddenly weak and her body could do nothing, but feel, as he touched her in ways she'd never been touched before.

  She was a puddle of need, her arms and legs totally useless, by the time he raised his head and looked down at her. His face was tight with passion, his eyes so dark they looked almost black. He never took his eyes off her as he eased the T-shirt up and over her head. His indrawn breath when he discovered she was naked beneath, made her tremble even harder.

  "No more,” he growled, as his hand cupped a breast and his thumb teased the nipple into a hard point. “I don't want you going out without a bra again."

  Brianna couldn't answer. She writhed beneath him. His touch sent moisture flooding between her legs and she couldn't decide whether to clasp them together to get rid of the ache, or spread them wide so he would touch her more intimately. The decision was taken away from her when he settled himself over her body, using his knee to force her legs open.

  "You are so beautiful.” He kissed the rosy point of her breasts, before drawing the nipple in to taste. She cried out as liquid heat shot from her nipples to her loins. He continued to lave the erect berries, moving back and forth between her breasts until she was mad with need for more.

  "Please ... Danolas...” she whispered, almost weeping with the pleasure he was giving her. “Ba mhaith liom tuilleadh."

  He chuckled deeply. “You want more, do you? Greedy now, aren't you leannan?"

  Brianna's passion glazed eyes met his. “For you, Danolas. Only for you."

  Danolas’ heart swelled with emotion at her simple words. His mouth captured hers again, trying to show her without speaking, just how much she meant to him. He whispered a simple spell into her mouth and felt her gasp when the remainder of their clothing vanished. Naked, they lay together, her soft skin making it even harder for him to control the longing he felt to be inside her.

  He touched her then, his hands moving gently over the curves of her body. He hadn't had the chance before to learn what she looked and felt like, and he was determined tonight would be different. So as much as his own hungry body would allow, he memorized her soft form, learning she had a mole just to the right of her navel, and that she was ticklish behind her knees. Her shudders and small cries of desire fanned his need even higher and he wondered fleetingly if he would be able to control himself when the time came to claim her as his own.

  His heightened senses could smell her arousal, and his jaw clenched tightly when finally, he moved his hand down over her stomach to cup her soft mound. She was warm and wet with her own passion, and Danolas shook as he fought to keep from burying his aching shaft in her hot, moist quim. He wanted her so much his hands shook.

  His cock was throbbing so hard, it actually hurt, and he knew he couldn't last much longer. Carefully, he eased a finger within Brianna's warmth, breaking out in a sweat when he felt the burning heat of her. He slid in a second finger, using his thumb to caress her clitoris. She cried out, her channel clenching down on his fingers so hard he groaned aloud. His cock jumped, the head leaving trails of pre-cum sliding down Brianna's thigh.

  She writhed beneath him and his already shaky control splintered. “Please,” she moaned, pulling him closer. Her legs shifted wider and she lifted herself against him. “Please."

  He couldn't prevent the shudder that went through him. Almost desperately, he fit himself to her and gritting his teeth, he slid slowly inside her quivering heat. They both went still as their bodies joined, feeling a connection, a rightness neither of them would ever speak aloud. Danolas gazed down at Brianna, his heart turning over in his chest as their eyes met. He bent, kissed her and then he began to move, slowly, achingly, never taking his gaze from hers.

  His eyes were such a beautiful blue, glowing with life and so much need, it took Brianna's breath away. All the love she had for him exploded inside her and the feel of him moving so carefully ... so tenderly inside her, made the emotions that much fuller. Tears filled her eyes and slid down her cheeks, making Danolas murmur and hold her closer as he kissed the droplets away.

  "Don't stop,” she wept out when he stilled over her. She wrapped her legs around his trim waist and held him tightly. “Please, don't stop."

  He shuddered once, and then covered her mouth with his, as he began moving again. Pulling all the way out, so just the tip of his penis stayed inside her warmth. Then, driving his cock so deep within her clinging warmth, she couldn't tell where he ended and she began. Over and over again ... until the passion rose so high between them, she couldn't think of anything but him, and how he made her feel.

  A coil of sensation began to tighten deep in her loins, spiraling out slowly so her whole body was enveloped in the delicious tension. Her breasts felt hypersensitive when Danolas’ long hair brushed over them; the pleasure so acute it was almost painful. She moved with him, feeling his strong arms tighten around her. His breath was harsh in her ears as he, too, came closer and closer to the peak.

  At the last moment, Danolas lifted partially off her, and captured her gaze with his. He clasped her hands in his, his muscles flexing as he held them on either side of her head. “Look at me, Brianna,” he growled, his voice filled with soft intensity. “I want you to see who is loving you."

  She gasped as he pushed back deep inside her, rotating his hips so he touched every inch of her sensitive quim. The same rainbow colors of bliss she'd experienced before filled her mind and soul, and she cried out in joy at the feeling. They were one ... joined in a way she had never before experienced. She could sense his desires, feel what he was feeling, and that, combined with her own passionate response was enough to send her over the edge into a whirlpool of pleasure.

  Her shivering climax destroyed Danolas’ last bit of control. The connection he felt was so perfect, so completely right, his mind bla
nked of all but Brianna and how she felt in his arms. His thrusts became wild, as the feelings in his body and spirit chased away all the doubts in his mind. He held her tightly against him, his whole being fused with hers. Her life force united with his, strengthening it, healing that which had weakened earlier in battle. He felt stronger, more able and unbelievably whole again. Danolas heard her thoughts, tasted her passion, and when he felt her full surrender, he buried his face between her soft breasts and let himself go, exploding into her with such force, he felt like he'd imprinted himself on her very soul.

  But it didn't stop, even then. The rainbow swirls of feeling enveloped them both a second time, teasing them into a deeper union. Words were whispered, promises made that neither of them fully understood. Colorful light surrounded them as they loved their way through the night. Neither spoke of the future, knowing they could only think of the present. Their bodies stayed joined, infused with colors that were so beautiful, they hurt to look at. Again and again they reached for each other.

  Sometimes, it was enough to just be linked together, their bodies intertwined as they dozed. But then, the passion would rise between them and they would make love again. The candles gutted out, and the fire burned into pale red embers. The music had long been replaced by the soft murmurs of lovers sharing their hearts. It was just past dawn when they finally both fell into a deep sleep. Their bodies close together, their hearts beating as one, even in rest they refused to let go of each other.

  A pale golden light lit the room, moving to hover over the sleeping couple. The Power smiled, and touched Danolas, seeing his confusion and his longing. She felt his hunger for a mate and his desire for the woman he held in his arms. She then looked into Brianna and saw the wealth of love the young witch had to give. She saw Brianna loved Danolas, yet was filled with insecurity and fear of rejection. Smiling sadly this time, the Power breathed on them, sending a wave of magick washing over the two in the bed so strong, they stirred and murmured in their sleep.


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