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The Sceptre of Power [The Peacekeeper Journals Book 3]

Page 24

by CJ England

  The High Priest grinned again. “He didn't take it well. Of course, I chose to give her welcome by kissing her.” He laughed, remembering the moment fondly. “Gallegar is very strong and if I'd been anyone else, I'd have been reduced to a puddle on the floor. But ... I soon learned the error of my ways, even though I didn't understand them. I saw immediately Kira and Gallegar were to be together, long before it actually came to pass."

  "And did you tell them this?"

  "Of course, but the heart must discover the truth for itself.” His gaze turned inward. “When Kira and I joined, she told me she was never meant for me. She told me one was coming who I would love with all my heart, soul and body."

  Brianna felt her heart snap in two. “Please, this isn't a tale I want to hear."

  "Give me a moment,” Danolas begged. “She told me the woman I was destined to be with would be sent to me.” He cupped her face in his hands and his azure eyes burned with an emotion that made Brianna's stomach jump.

  "Kira said the pleasure this woman and I would find in each other's arms would be indescribable.” He brushed his lips across hers. “Imagine my confusion, when the woman who touched me as she prophesied, came to me looking as she did, all dark and scruffy.” Danolas smiled slightly. “You see ... I was supposed to look for someone with eyes as purple as violets and hair as hot as a flame."

  Brianna couldn't move ... couldn't even breathe. She stared at him, for once, totally at a loss for words. She was the woman in the vision? She was the mate he was destined for? Everything fell into place. No wonder he had been so confused, no wonder he'd fought her so strongly. Her inner spirit danced and rejoiced. Reaching up, she grasped his wrists. “Are you saying ... I'm the one you've been waiting for?"

  His lips tightened and she felt a tremor of trepidation go through her. Something was still wrong ... something not quite right. “Danolas?"

  "Perhaps, if I had known what you truly looked like, I wouldn't have been so cruel, so unwelcoming. But you weren't what I expected."

  She suddenly remembered the words he'd spoken to Kira in mind-speech. "She isn't what I expected ... what I'd wanted." Her hopeful heart crashed to her feet. “And no matter the destiny, I'm still not the type of lady you want."

  "That isn't true,” he shot back. “At least ... I don't think it is. Kira says I should be honest with you, but I don't even know the answers to the questions myself.” He traced a thumb over her lower lip. “I do want you. And the pleasure we give each other is more wonderful than I can say. If that was all there was, I wouldn't have any problem claiming you."

  "Then ‘tis the fact I'm no lady.” Brianna pulled away, trying desperately not to burst into tears. “You think that makes it easier? I am the woman who you are destined to love, but since I'm not good enough for you, you hesitate?"

  Danolas could tell he was making a mess of it. “No, Brianna ... please. I have always had a picture of my future mate in my mind. And you're right ... it wasn't a woman like you.” He stopped her from jumping to her feet. “But that doesn't mean I don't care about you, a great deal. I have to get past the fact you aren't like my mother—"

  "You'll be explaining that one, right now!” Brianna jerked away from him. “You've insulted me for the last time. Comparing me to your mother, now, are you?” She spat a Gaelic curse at him that made him flinch.

  "Brianna! Stop it!” Pulling her back against him, he captured her mouth a second time. He held her there, wishing he could put up a privacy shield and make love to her right in the seat. That was the only time it seemed they were perfectly in sync with each other. It was a long time before she stopped struggling, and it was then he tasted tears on her cheeks. “Leannan ... A Stór...” His own eyes misted. “Please ... listen. It wasn't an insult, just an observation."

  "Telling me I compare unfavorably with your mum isn't just an observation!'

  Shaking his head, Danolas sighed. “Remember I told you my parents were diplomats? Very powerful witches?"

  "Aye ... ambassadors they both were. I remember."

  "When I took over the Society, I always felt like I wasn't good enough. Like I had to be perfect and not let them down. When I thought of a mate ... a wife, I always imagined a woman like my mother. She is the epitome of beauty and grace."

  "Well, sure and that makes me feel a whole hell of a lot better.” Brianna gave a loud sniff as she tried to pull away again.

  "Don't!” Danolas warned. “Just listen. I guess I always thought of her and Father as these special important people. I never thought of them as my parents, not really.” He shrugged. “That was the role model I had. It's what I looked for. But Brianna ... then I met you."

  She went still again.

  "Yes.” He shook her gently. “I met you and my world turned upside down. You were brash and rude and earthy.” He grinned as her eyes fired. “And you kissed like an angel and made me want you so much, I ached. Suddenly, I was seeing a whole new future. Yet, I knew it couldn't be. You weren't the person Kira had seen for me, so I fought what I was feeling, and in the process I hurt you. For that, I am truly sorry."

  "She knew I had changed my appearance, didn't she?"

  Danolas’ mouth tightened. “Yes. She said she couldn't tell me, and knowing Kira, that means the Power has something to do with it."

  "What Power?” Brianna's eyes narrowed in confusion, then cleared. “Ahhh, the one that did the creating of her."

  He nodded. “I'm still not sure why, but I wasn't to know who you were."

  "And now? Now that you know? What difference did it make?"

  "I know I wanted you before I knew who you were. And bad temper, pushiness and language that would make a sailor blush, didn't change that.” He laughed at her expression. “You've made me rethink what I want in a mate. My mother is a wonderful woman, but do I want to be married to someone like her?” Danolas shrugged. “Honestly, I don't know any more. I find arguments and T-shirts like that one,” he pointed at the tight T-shirt that said, Carpe Dame (seize the woman), “are growing on me. That's what I was trying to explain at the table that night. I need to understand my heart. It should be more than destiny that brings us together. More than just passion."

  "It should be love,” Brianna whispered as she looked up at him. “If there isn't love, than there is no reason for being."

  "You ... you say you love me.” Danolas stared deep into her violet eyes as he asked the question that troubled him the most. “Have I ruined that?"

  She looked away. “If you don't love me, I don't see that it matters."

  "It matters,” he insisted as he pulled her, hard, into his arms. “Please, Brianna ... this is too important to use as a weapon. I must know. Did you mean what you said that night? Are you in love with me?"

  Brianna stared up into his handsome face and her heart pounded wildly. He must care, or he wouldn't need to ask. “You're right ... love isn't a tool to be used against someone, nor is it a bargaining chip. ‘Tis a gift ... one that is given freely."

  "And do I have this gift from you?” The vulnerable look in his eyes made her own fill with tears. She couldn't lie to him. She didn't have it in her. Leaning up, she touched her lips to his.

  "Gráím thú, Danolas. God help me, but I do love you."

  Chapter 11

  She said nothing else. She didn't need to. The exultant glow in Danolas’ eyes said it all for her. Brianna struggled with the fact she'd given him everything, when he hadn't given her anything in return, but, she reminded herself, love was a gift. As she'd said, given freely, or not at all.

  They arrived in the township of Enniskillen just before sunset. It sat on the shores of Lough Erne, about thirty miles over the border into Northern Ireland. Founded by the Maguire Clan in the twelfth century and used as a military outpost, a market port and now the largest settlement and main retail centre for Fermanagh County, it was a picturesque snapshot of a beautiful Irish river town. It was hard to believe such beauty could hide such horrible evil. The company was
on their guard as they pulled up in front of the small hotel where Benjamin had made reservations for the group.

  "It does look nice,” Kira commented as she stepped from the bus. “It is a beautiful little town."

  Gallegar put his hand on her shoulder. “Looks can be deceiving A Ghra..."

  "Hell, Irish showed us that.” Lucas grinned down at Brianna, who frowned.

  "'Twas not intended as deception,” she argued, “but as safety."

  "Whatever the reason, it worked.” Danolas ended the argument. “But now you are yourself, which we all find very pleasing."

  Patrick's brown eyes scanned the waterfront as he and the other Chosen joined them. “There is much unrest here. I can sense it."

  "Danger?” Gallegar pulled Kira back into his arms, and to Brianna's surprise, Danolas mirrored him by doing the same to her.

  The shade shook his head. “No, not danger. Just something off ... like it's not quite right with the rest of the world."

  "It would make sense an Ethereal would feel it first. He is closer to the other side than we are.” Koran gazed around at the streetlights just beginning to come on. “I, too, can feel something is wrong, but I have to concentrate."

  "Y'all are linked with me. That's why you can feel it, I suppose.” Patrick nodded as if thinking that through. “An advantage for all of us."

  "The only advantage I can sense is the smell of dinner.” Lucas sniffed at the air like the wolf he was. “I'm starving."

  "Me too.” Benjamin breathed in the smell of meat cooking. “The trip was short, but I believe the tension has tired me out. I will sleep well tonight."

  Danolas nodded. “As will I. The protectors can take turns standing guard.” He turned to Jorad who was hovering close by. “Make it so. Set up watches around the hotel and the bus—” He stopped dead and glanced at Gallegar, a wry look on his face. “Sorry."

  The vampire chuckled. “I think you were a better leader than you think.” He nodded at Jorad. “Do what your master commands.” As the acolyte scurried off, Gallegar took Kira's hand. “I believe a meal and a bed are in order. Tomorrow morning will come early enough."

  As they all followed their leader into the hotel, Brianna touched Danolas’ arm. “Patrick is right. ‘Tis something very wrong here. I feel as if the very air is pressing down on me."

  He frowned. “I feel it too. We must very careful. I don't want the enemy to know we're here."

  Brianna rolled her eyes. “Saints preserve us. A busload of men and two women roll into town. Whether we like it or not, someone will take notice."

  * * * *

  She didn't expect him to come to her. When they'd checked in, he had his own room and other than a smoldering look he tossed her way after dinner, he'd said nothing more. She sighed as she took a shower and washed her long hair, realizing even with the sharing they'd done on the bus, he still couldn't accept the love she had for him. Brianna's heart ached with longing for him, but she knew she could do nothing more. They'd shared the truth with each other, but sometimes the truth wasn't enough.

  She fell asleep with his name on her lips and she wasn't surprised when her dreams were filled with him. Soft slow caresses, long deep kisses, as his body pressed hotly against hers ... all making her moan and whisper her need for him in the dark.

  And then he was there ... sliding in beside her to take her into his arms, and hold her just as he had in the dream. He said nothing, but just looked at her for a long silent moment before his mouth bent to take hers. The kiss was slow and seductive, unlike any other he'd given her. His lips traced softly over hers, making nerve endings catch fire, and desire unfurl like the petals of a rose. She began to tremble, and then to gasp, but those devastating lips only teased her more.

  She cried out when his tongue moved to encircle her already erect nipple and quickly, his mouth captured hers again to cover the sound. His hand moved instead, to touch and caress all the sensitive parts of her body, until Brianna was writhing in excitement beneath him.

  No words were spoken as he eased her thighs open and slipped in between them. Their eyes met as he entered her ... so slowly ... so deliberately, tears came to her eyes. Danolas kissed them away, and held her tightly against him, not moving, allowing her to feel him throb within her until she couldn't take any more and she wrapped her legs around him, urging him to move.

  Still, he didn't lose control, but thrust in and out of her in careful, precise motions meant to bring her the most enjoyment. Unable to do anything, but take the gift he was offering, she held him close until the pleasure became more than she could bear. All the love ... all the passion she held inside for him shattered, taking her with it. She heard him whisper her name as he swelled and then drove deep one last time. His mouth covered hers again in a kiss so possessive, she wanted to weep for joy and then he, too, exploded, taking her with him; tumbling into passion one more time.

  Afterwards, as she lay trembling, he slipped out of her and pulled her into his arms. “Sleep,” he whispered, touching his lips to her forehead. “I will keep you safe."

  * * * *

  When Brianna awoke the next morning, Danolas was gone and all the joy she'd felt disappeared in a painful rush of disappointment. Feeling old and beaten, she rose and showered, dressing in her old jeans and a T-shirt that shared her feelings perfectly.

  "Next time you talk to me ... bring duct tape!" Lucas lifted a brow as he read it out loud at the breakfast table. “Bad night, Irish?"

  She shook her head. “The night was fine. ‘Twas the waking that did me in."

  He frowned as he glanced around at the others seated nearby. “I'm sure that makes sense to someone."

  Brianna shrugged. No need to inflict her bad mood on everyone. Instead, she stayed quiet and just picked at her breakfast. She had almost finished when Danolas and Koran came in the door. They were both bright-eyed and flushed with excitement. To her utter shock, the other witch strode over to her and dropped a hard kiss on her surprised mouth.

  "Good morning, leannan,” he said loud enough for anyone close to hear. “I hated to leave you so soft and beautiful in sleep, but Koran needed my help."

  She just stared at him and Danolas realized she'd thought he'd walked out on her again. Regret darkened his eyes. “I should have left a note. Forgive me."

  Blinking rapidly, she shook her head. “'Tis ... ‘tis all right. I just..."

  "I know what you, just.” He kissed her again. “But I don't want you thinking that any more."

  Brianna said nothing; only watched him with wary eyes, as he grabbed a nearby chair and pulled it close to hers. Snatching a piece of sausage off her plate, he popped it in his mouth. “Delicious.” He grinned at her. “Why aren't you eating?"

  She looked down at her plate. “Ummm..."

  Lucas answered for her, a smirk lighting his rough-hewn face. “Must have been the way she woke up. Put her right off her appetite."

  Danolas frowned at the wolfman, and then turned back to Brianna, taking her hand in his. “I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you. Not again.” He wanted to kick himself at his thoughtless behavior. He wished he could take her back up to their bed and show her his feelings, but there were other matters to attend to. “Where are Kira and Gallegar? We have news."

  "Still sleeping.” Patrick sipped at a cup of coffee, enjoying the taste of it. He didn't partake often, but this morning there was a touch of coolness in the air, and a cuppa tasted very good.

  "Guess they're still on their honeymoon,” Benjamin teased. “At least we didn't shorten it too much."

  "Well, if Koran hadn't woken me up, I'd still be in bed.” Danolas lifted Brianna's hand to his lips. “I was very comfortable this morning."

  Brianna stared at him, wide-eyed, and then grabbed the coffee he was drinking. She sniffed at it suspiciously. “I don't smell any strong drink. What are you about?"

  Danolas smiled at the dramatics. She'd have to get used to him being this way. “I told you yesterday I wasn't going to p
retend you aren't important to me any longer. Did you think I was lying?"

  "Lying no, exaggerating...” She shrugged. “I'm not sure I know what you're doing."

  "Trying to be honest,” he replied very seriously. Then, in a quicksilver change of mood, he laughed. “Where are those two? We've much to tell them."

  "If you are referring to us,” Gallegar said, as he walked in the room with Kira on his arm, “then we are here."

  "Finally!” Koran stopped pacing and sat down near Benjamin. “We have good news."

  "Yes,” Danolas agreed. “We have discovered something."

  Kira looked at him as Gallegar ushered her to a seat. “What have you found?"

  "Let Patrick begin,” the witch answered. “He started this whole thing."

  The shade chuckled. “I guess that's what happens when you don't sleep.” He floated over and sat near Kira. “I was out and about last night. Checking on the protectors and the guards they'd put up. Then I figured ... one more shade wandering around town wouldn't be noticed. As long as I didn't use any power, I should go unobserved, so I did some exploring."

  Gallegar's green eyes gleamed with curiosity. “And did you find something?"

  Patrick nodded. “I sure did. A huge outpouring of psychic energy from this one area. I couldn't read it, so I woke Koran up."

  "And once I took a look at,” the faerie added, “I felt Danolas should examine it. It was something he needed to see."

  "So ... what was it?” Lucas, always impatient, looked back and forth between the three Chosen. “What did you find?"

  Danolas turned to Brianna. “Do you remember when we were searching the archives; we found where Labraic's home was?"

  She nodded. “Aye ... the estate just out of town, it was."

  "We assumed that was where he met his end. That was where your ancestor battled him."


  The High Priest shook his head. “It wasn't. He died elsewhere, and that was the energy Patrick discovered."

  "Where?” Gallegar's shoulders tensed with anticipation. “Where did the demon die?"


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