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The Sceptre of Power [The Peacekeeper Journals Book 3]

Page 33

by CJ England

  "This has nothing to do with my mother! Brianna, you don't understand what's happening. This is an illusion."

  She sighed and walked back to him. “Nay ... ‘tis no illusion. I know what I am, and am not ashamed of it. I love you and I'd move heaven and earth just to spend one night in your arms.” She ran her hands up his chest. “Are you ready for bed now, my Lord?"

  Even as his mind rejected her words, his body tightened with passion. It had been so long, and he loved her so much. “Brianna,” he said again, fighting through the fog of desire that instantly covered his brain. “I want you more than I want my next breath, but now isn't the time."

  Laughing, she loosened his robe and ran her hands beneath to stroke his naked back. “I think it's the perfect time. We haven't been together in so long.” She brushed her lips across his. “I love you, my Lord. Your handmaiden is waiting to serve.” Her hands continued their exploration, pushing aside the robe and smoothing over his taut buttocks and hips. When her fingers tangled in the soft hair at his groin, he shuddered and groaned aloud.

  "Leannan ... no."

  "Why do you hesitate, Lord Danolas?” Brianna took his hand and placed it on her soft breast. “Must I lead you to where you so often played before?"

  The gentle words swept away his reservations. He loved her. Had come across eternity to find her. He needed to feel her desire and show her she was his treasure. In any world. He bent and captured her mouth in a long drugging kiss, then lifted her into his arms and carried her to the bed.

  He laid her down and then shrugged off his robe, standing naked before her. Her gaze roamed over his muscular body as if cataloging each new scar. “'Twas a terrible battle, was it not?"

  He was having trouble remembering any battles at all. Pushing the thought away, Danolas shook his head. “The pain in my body couldn't compare to the ache in my soul.” Gently, he undressed her. “I thought I'd lost you forever, Brianna."

  She lifted her hips to allow him to remove the long dress so she lay naked beneath his gaze. “You will never lose me, my Lord. I love you."

  "I want you to be with me ... always."

  Her eyes were sad as she lifted her arms to him. “For as long as you want me, I will be here."

  Danolas shook his head in frustration. Why wouldn't she understand? He loved her. He didn't care what his mother said. He was Lord, was he not? He could marry anyone he chose to. “I will change your mind."

  Brianna's smile held the mysteries of the ancients. “You can try.” She pulled him down next to her. “Why don't you start by showing me what a wonderful lover you are."

  Their bodies fit together in perfect harmony and they both moaned at the contact. Danolas smoothed his hands down her silky side and pulled her against him. His cock throbbed against the softness of her belly. “I love you, Brianna."

  Her eyes filled. “It means much to hear you say it."

  His lips caressed her face. “This will be the first time we make love knowing we love each other."

  She shook her head. “Nay. I have always known you cared for me. But the saying of it will make this time even more special."

  "Then I will say it every day for the rest of our lives. You will get tired of me repeating it. I love you, Brianna. I love you."

  Giving a girlish giggle, she smiled at him, her purple eyes gleaming with joy. “Well then, let us see if you can do the deed as well as you can be saying it."

  His brow rose at her challenge. “Do you doubt your Lord?"

  "Never!” she mocked. “You have won far greater battles than this one."

  "Perhaps.” He bent his head so his lips hovered over Brianna's. “But the prize I'm after this time is priceless.” Keeping his sapphire gaze on hers, he kissed her.

  It was like sinking into sweet oblivion. Her taste was everything to him. All he thought about on those long marches to war and back. She was whom he fought for, whom he wanted to protect. His mouth moved over hers, teasing and nibbling until she was moaning beneath him. He would show her she was more important than his rank. He wouldn't lose her, now that he'd found her again.

  Danolas lifted his head and stared down at her, his mind whirling. He hadn't lost her. She'd been here, as always, when he'd returned. He smiled with masculine satisfaction. And she always would be. Here, with him, as he commanded.

  His hand moved to caress her breasts. Her pink nipples tightened, beckoning him to taste the small lush berries. His body ached with the need to be inside her, but he needed to show her his love ... for some reason it was very important he did so. So, he kissed her again, smoothing his lips over both breasts and up to her mouth, before traveling down her throat to suck at the same delicious fruit again.

  Then, he traced down her stomach, nibbling at the small indentation in her belly. Brianna moaned and her legs widened instinctively. Danolas grasped her hips with his hands and buried his face in the soft hair at the juncture of her thighs. She was already wet with her own juices and the scent of her arousal made his mouth water. Suddenly, he needed to taste her here, as well. His fingers carefully parted her nether lips and he curled his tongue around her swollen clit. She jumped and cried out, but he held her down, teasing her until she was shaking beneath him. When his tongue stabbed into her hot channel, she moaned and her whole body tightened. She raised her hips and moved with him, and he felt her pleasure as strongly as he did his own.

  He continued to love her, enjoying her taste, loving the small moans and breathy cries she uttered. His own body was throbbing with lust for her, but he held back, wanting her pleasure first, before he took his own. Circling her clitoris one more time with his tongue, he then blew on it, and while she was reacting to that, he put his lips around the small piece of flesh and sucked.

  With a wild scream, she came, her body shuddering and jerking as her orgasm overtook her. The connection they had between them made Danolas feel it as well, and the mind blowing pleasure made his control snap. He slid back up her body and before the last ripple of her climax had begun, he pushed inside her hot quim, feeling her body clench as he sent her over the edge a second time. His command of himself totally gone, he pulled her legs around him and pounded against her, his only thought to be as deep inside her as he could.

  She moved with him, encouraging his thrusts with small moans of delight. His need for her was so great, it wasn't long before his cock swelled and he shouted out her name as he began coming, jetting his semen into her so hard, his vision went gray. It was if they'd been apart forever, his orgasm was so strong. Afterwards, he collapsed on top of her, his heart pounding with satisfaction and love.

  Brianna kissed the side of his neck as her hands moved over his scarred back. Her sigh of contentment shivered through him, and he lifted himself up on his elbows to look down at her. “Now that was a welcome home."

  Her sultry smile warmed him all over again. “Sure, and there's more where that came from."

  He bent and licked at her breast. “I love you, Brianna. It only gets better."

  "Aye ... that it does."

  Danolas lifted a hand and smoothed back her hair. “It will be even better when you are up in the castle with me."

  Violet eyes darkened. “Please, my Lord. Let's not start that again."

  "I want you to be my bride. If my mother doesn't except you, she will be the one to leave, not you. You are who I want. You are who I'll have."

  She stared at him, her mouth slightly open in wonder. “You'd choose me, over your Lady Mother?"

  He kissed the soft part of her jaw. “I already have."

  Tears came to Brianna's eyes. “You truly mean it, don't you? You want me to be Lady Brianna, of Dunguaire Castle."

  Something wasn't quite right, but he was so pleased she seemed to be softening, he ignored it. “I do. My wife. My love. Mother of my children. I want it all, Brianna."

  Her body began a fine trembling. “And when you go to war?"

  He brushed a kiss over her lips. “You will be the Lady of the Kee
p. My wife. Holder of the keys to my heart. I will trust you to watch over our people, and I will give you the full authority to rule in my stead. Understand me, leannan ... this will be forever."

  She lifted a hand and stroked down the scar on his cheek. It brought back a memory of another woman. One with golden eyes and hair the color of the moon. He shook his head. Never had he betrayed his lady with another. She had owned his heart from the first moment he saw her. But he frowned, suddenly unsettled.

  "What is it, my Lord?” Brianna asked; her eyes worried. “Do you change your mind, then?"

  He shook away the uneasy feeling and rolling, pulled her into his arms. “Never. I know what I want. Mistress you will still be, but mistress of my hearth and home. Lady of the castle, and owner of my heart. Soulmate, lover and friend. Say yes, Brianna, for I will not take no for an answer."

  She looked at him shyly. “And if I were to say aye to this request, when would it be done?"

  Danolas broke into a wide grin. “We can be handfasted on the morrow, married when the banns are sung. Is that soon enough for you, my Lady?"

  She put her chin up high, suddenly the proud, haughty lover he knew and adored. “Ask me again ... this time, proper like."

  He lifted an eyebrow, but obeyed, taking her hand and lifting it gently to his lips. “Brianna, you are already wife of my heart, and my only love. Marry me and make me the happiest man alive."

  Her eyes danced in joy, and he could feel her love spin through the room as she wrapped her arms around him. “Then I say yes to you, my Lord. If you're willing to take on a peasant witch for a wife, I will take a chance on a warrior priest."

  His eyes flared blue with satisfaction. “Then, from this moment on, you are mine.” He bent and kissed her, allowing all his love to pour into her with that single kiss.

  "And you are mine,” Brianna returned, pulling him over on top of her. “Forever and always."

  * * * *

  Danolas was awakened by the feeling someone had called his name. He slowly sat up and eased out of bed, not wanting to awaken Brianna who still slumbered beside him. Walking naked to the outer room, he stood at the window. He felt restless, as if he had unfinished business somewhere, but had forgotten where he should be. He could see his castle in the pale, dreamy moonlight, and had the sudden thought he had to be home by the midnight hour. He smiled and shook his head. Was he a youth, that his mother had given him a curfew? Turning, he made to go back to the bed. He'd only taken a few steps when a whisper of sound penetrated his mind.

  "Come back, Danolas. I need you. Do not leave me. Do not leave those who love you. Come back. Come back to us all."

  He stopped dead in his tracks, his hand going instinctively to his staff, which stood next to the table. He grasped it firmly, before he moved around the small room, seeking the intruder. He stumbled against the fireplace when the voice came again.

  "Danolas ... you are lost. Lost behind the veil. Do you not remember who you are? You must come back ... now, before you lose yourself completely."

  The same image of the beautiful woman with pale hair came into his memory. Danolas shook his head. What was happening? Was evil trying to take his mind?

  "My seer ... do you not know who I am? I am Kira, and I need you desperately. You interpret my visions and ease my heart with your friendship. Your brothers need you as well. Without your guidance we will all be lost."

  He sat shakily on the table, rubbing his staff against his forehead. Kira? Why did he remember that name? And his brothers? Who were they? He was an only child, wasn't he?

  Another picture popped into his head. A tall dark man with emerald eyes and a power stronger than anything Danolas had ever seen. Another, with silver eyes and a short temper. Three more ... one who spoke in a slow drawl, another with ruby eyes and a smile you could trust, and a third, a faerie, with magick as strong as his own.

  "My brothers,” he whispered.

  "Yes, Danolas,” the beautiful voice whispered joyfully. “Remember us. Remember too, why you were sent beyond the veil. Your time runs out, my seer. If you do not return to us, you will have to stay forever."

  "But I want to stay,” he argued. “I have a home here. And a woman to take to wife."

  "That is not your home, but an illusion. You were sent to bring Brianna home, but you have become trapped in the fantasy she has crafted for herself.” Danolas could almost feel the urgency now in the mind-voice. “You must break through. You must remember."

  Danolas stared at Brianna's sleeping form. There was no way he was going anywhere without her. He rubbed his head. “I don't understand."

  "We do not have much time. You must trust what you are seeing is not real. This is what is real, my seer. This is what you have left behind."

  Suddenly, Danolas’ mind filled with pictures. Of him and the woman he knew as Kira when they first touched each other's magick in the most intimate of ways. Another, of a battle, where he was almost struck down by an ancient man he knew ... Adrian. His fist gripped the staff harder. They had killed the wizard in a mighty battle ... one against the very denizens of Hell.

  Another memory surfaced. One of Brianna, tossing her head and shouting at him. When she picked up a plate and hurled it at his head, he had to smile. But he paled when he saw her lying unconscious in the coils of a sea serpent. Then, the horrible recollection of her death made him cry out and full memory poured back into him in a cold rush. His heart almost stopped in fear.

  "By the Power,” he cried aloud as he raced to the window to check the time. The moon was almost high. “What have I done?"

  "There is still time, my seer. Do what needs to be done. Complete your quest, Danolas. Bring your soulmate home."


  With Kira's voice ringing in his head, he almost didn't react to Brianna's soft murmur. He was furious with himself for getting caught up in the illusion, no matter how enjoyable it had been.

  "My Lord? Is someone here? I heard voices."

  Danolas turned to see Brianna standing at the doorway, a soft shawl hiding her nakedness. “No, leannan,” he managed, realizing even in the fantasy, she'd heard the mind-linking. “No one is here.” He walked over and pulled her into his arms. “But we do need to talk."

  She looked at him warily. “All right."

  He drew her back to the bed and they both sat down. Sending a quick prayer up to the Power, he took Brianna's hand in his. “You know how I asked you to come back with me to the castle?"

  Nodding slowly, she bit her lower lip. “Aye."

  "Don't worry, my love.” Danolas kissed her trembling lips. “That, I still want, but not in the way you think."


  He sighed. No matter what he said, it was going to sound crazy. “Do you believe I love you?"

  Brianna's eyes softened. “I do."

  "And I want you to be with me."


  "Do you believe I would do anything, go anywhere to make sure we could spend the rest of our lives together?"

  She frowned, but nodded. “I believe you would care enough to battle demons of Hell to be with me."

  His heart leapt. “Good. Because I have, and I probably will again."

  Her face went blank. “Are you teasing again, my Lord?"

  "Brianna.” Danolas drew a deep breath. “What would you say if I told you I have come a very long way to bring you back to the castle again? That I had managed to go beyond the very veil of death itself, to have one more chance to tell you I love you?"

  "I'd ask again about the poitín."

  He shook his head. “Damn it. I don't have much more time. I've wasted the day."

  She tossed her head and her eyes flared. “Sure and loving you is a waste of my time as well. You black hearted son of a devil. How can you say such a thing?"

  "Brianna!” He stopped her with a hard kiss. “For once in your life, shut up and listen to me. We are not in Ireland. This is not your house and I am no Lord. This is an illusion. A fantasy you
made up."

  "What?” She gaped at him. “Are you crazy, then? I've always lived here. I was born in this very room."

  "No.” He took her face between his hands and forced her to look at him. “This is nothing but a dream. One you wanted very much. It was so real; you sucked me into it too, for a while. I'm lucky I have people who love me. They made me see the truth."

  "And just what is that truth?” The look on her face said she was humoring him.

  He stiffened, but held her gaze with his own. “The truth is, Brianna ... you're dead."

  Brianna felt a buzzing in her ears and she shook her head slowly. “Are you mad? I'm no more dead than you are."

  "You must listen to me,” he insisted. “When you died, I ... I fell apart. I loved you and you left me before I had the courage to tell you so. I couldn't eat or sleep. Finally, the Power came to me and showed me a way to come to you. To bring you back home with me."

  Brianna stared at him. “And why would this Power do that? Everyone knows you can't bring the dead back to life."

  He nodded. “That's usually true, but you died in my stead. You loved me enough to sacrifice yourself for me. She said your destiny wasn't complete. She wanted to give you another chance."

  The buzzing turned to a major ache in her temples. “You are mad. You're telling me I'm dead and living in a cottage in my fantasy of Ireland?” She snorted. “If that were true, why aren't I the lady of the castle? Why am I living here, waiting for my lover to come and visit me? Wouldn't I make my fantasy more enjoyable?"

  Danolas touched her cheek. “You chose this scenario because you wanted to be safe and happy. I didn't do well by you in your true life. Something I regret with all my being, but I loved you then and I love you now. I want you to come back with me. Everything I've said to you is true. You will be my mate, my wife and my Lady. Just come back through the veil with me."

  "Stop it!” she shouted, jerking away from him. Suddenly, she was terrified. “You're making this all up. You are Lord Danolas, and I am your mistress, soon, if that is still true, to be your wife. I don't want to talk about anything else."


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