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Godschild Covenant: Return of Nibiru

Page 62

by Marshall Masters

  “OK,” Anthony sighed reluctantly. “I'll see him to the elevator and come back."

  Following Boole's orders, the soldiers carefully lifted the biostasis chamber and started towards the stairwell at a deliberate pace as Vigo and John-Pierre watched them leave.

  Vigo waited until they entered the control room accessway tunnel to the storage room and turned to John-Pierre. “Hey look, you've done a hell of a job here today, and your only thanks is our gratitude and the fact that you're now a marked man. I know you pledged yourself to Jarman and his family, but sometimes we make commitments in the heat of the moment that we later come to regret. If you want to go to ground, I can help you with a new identity or whatever you want."

  John-Pierre shook his head. “Colonel Jones, have you ever known me to back out on anything?"

  “No, can't say I have."

  “Then I thank you for your offer, old friend, but I meant what I said back there in the control room, and nothing can change that. I know this is hard to explain, but in less than a heartbeat I not only changed; I saw a purpose in life, and I do not need your permission to follow it."

  “And what is your purpose now?"

  “What else? De Bono."

  “As a friend of the family, I have to ask you to set that aside and to follow a different path. You see, I'm about to send Anthony and his family so far away that De Bono could never hope to touch them, and I want you to go with him."

  “Is it dangerous, this place you intend to send them?"

  “No, it is the safest place in the universe if you ask me, but some day he'll have to come back because his destiny is here. The reason why I want you to go is that you need to bond with him so that only a gesture or a nod is all it takes to understand volumes."

  “I understand what you're saying. I also had such a relationship with Joe Napolitano, and now he's lying dead out in the tunnel."

  Vigo grimaced. “John-Pierre, I'm sorry about Joe, but you know, this is the business we're in. He died like a true warrior. Maybe if circumstances had been different, he'd still be alive, but we can't afford to belabor the point now."

  John-Pierre put his hand on Vigo's shoulder. “I know all that. It is just that I will not be here to bury him."

  Vigo laid his hand upon John-Pierre's hand. “I will be, and I promise you that he'll be buried with full military honors, and if he has family, I'll see to it that they're taken care of as well."

  A proud smile filled John-Pierre's face as he gripped Vigo's shoulder tightly. “Then let me ask you one last favor before I go to this faraway place."


  The proud French-Canadian warrior removed his hand from Vigo's shoulder, unclipped his knife sheath from his web belt and handed it handle first to Vigo. “Perhaps this will come in handy when you meet De Bono?"

  Vigo smiled and unclipped his own tactical knife end handed it to John-Pierre. “Let's just say you've got more time than I do to put a proper edge on this,” he said with a wink.

  “It would be my pleasure,” John-Pierre replied as he hugged Vigo. “I feel like we've become brothers."

  “So do I,” Vigo replied warmly as he hugged John-Pierre back, “and it is good to have you in the family."

  After a few grunting tugs, they released their grip and Vigo said, “If you don't mind, I need a few moments alone."

  “Sure, I'll go to the elevator and escort Anthony back."

  * * * *

  VIGO WAITED TILL he heard John-Pierre's footsteps in the accessway tunnel and casually walked down the stairs into the control room. He cleared a spot on the command console table, sat down and pulled his medallion out from under his collar. After taking several deep breaths to calm himself, he held the medallion to his right temple, closed his eyes and directed his thought to JALA.DEE, the mother of JALA.TRAC.

  JALA.DEE's weathered and kindly, old face appeared in his mind. “Hello Mother Dee,” he greeted her in the familiar manner. “I need to discus a matter of the utmost importance with you."

  “I see your thoughts, Vigo,” she replied sadly. “So much violence today. This is not the way to those seeking awareness."

  “I live to serve those who do, Mother, in the hope that someday I can begin the journey myself. Until then, I must live within my world as it is.” He opened his mind fully to her. “I've kept the faith with our agreement. I could have used my medallion today, but I didn't."

  “I know,” she replied appreciatively. “Still, it pains me to see such violence. Please promise me that you will leave your present path one day, as soon as you can."

  “I promise,” Vigo replied sincerely. “But today, I seek your help for an extraordinary situation—one that goes beyond our agreement."

  “I've seen this coming for some time,” she admitted. “I've watched young Anthony with great interest. He shows much promise."

  “As well as a great destiny,” Vigo added “So then it comes as no surprise, Mother Dee, that I am asking you for temporary asylum for Jarman and his family on Godschild. I cannot protect him here on Earth until I've dealt with the man who seeks his end and that of his family."

  “If you feel it is necessary, it is so granted. How soon must this happen."

  “As soon as possible, Mother Dee. Is it possible for your son, JALA.TRAC to retrieve them here, where I am?"

  “He is on Godschild now, Vigo. Can this wait for a few days until he arrives?"

  “I'm afraid not, Mother Dee."

  “Then I will come myself. I am only a few minutes away, but my personal SHEM is small. I only have room enough for five and a small amount of luggage."

  “That will be more than enough, Mother Dee; I am very grateful for this, and I know the risk you are taking."

  “We do much for love, Vigo, and I sense the deep love you feel for these people. The only real risk is not being able to love and be loved."

  “Your words fill my heart with joy, Mother Dee, although it is burdened by the present health of Jarman's son, Russell. He suffers from a terrible head injury. If there is anything you can do to help him..."

  “Of course, we'll do what we can.” JALA.DEE paused in her thoughts. “What I've been wondering is why the people who kidnapped this boy went to such extreme lengths to do so. Since you know them better than I do, perhaps you can explain this to me?"

  “The same question has been crossing my mind for some time,” Vigo agreed. “All of this has gone beyond simple political blackmail, although that is how I believe it all began. Perhaps the boy is an Indigo Child like his father, but even that would not justify the blood and treasure they've spilt to keep him. No, there is something extraordinary about this boy. Something they want from him or want to do with him that will advance their plans by long strides. I've pondered this question a great deal and yet, I can never seem to find the answer. Perhaps you will on Godschild if the boy recovers."

  “I have an idea in my mind, but it is too early to say. Perhaps once I've had a chance to examine the boy, I may find a clue. If he is as important to these violent people as you say, perhaps the answer may hold the key to his safety and that of his family. We will try."

  “You are most kind, Mother Dee."

  “You're welcome. Will you be joining us on the trip to Godschild? It has been a long time since you and I have watched a moonrise together."

  Vigo could hear the approaching footsteps of Anthony and John Pierre. “Not this time, I'm afraid, but I will do my best to prepare them for the journey in what little time we have."

  “Then do so. I shall be there shortly."

  * * * *

  ANTHONY PICKED UP one of the padded control room chairs then sat it upright and plopped down in it with a tired grunt. “I feel like a truck just ran over me,” he complained as he rubbed his eyes. “So what's on your mind, Vigo?"

  “Anthony, I didn't expect to run into De Bono today.” He glanced over at John-Pierre. Leaning against a wall cabinet, John-Pierre simply shrugged his shoulders. “I was counting on getti
ng out of here without leaving a trace of ourselves. Now, this whole mess is front page news and De Bono has issued a warrant for your arrest."

  “So what; he said he would. Besides, if we go to Russia as planned I'm sure they'll keep him off my back."

  “There is only so much they can do, and De Bono has played a trump card. Eventually, they would have to turn you over, as would any UNE member state. Even the non-member states would have to honor the warrant, which by the way, is to have you institutionalized as criminally insane."

  “Now that's one right out of the KGB rule book,” John-Pierre added. “He can discredit you without the need for a messy trial and keep you pumped full of drugs till you finally die, or till he feels he can have you terminated without risking an incident. This is very dangerous indeed, Anthony. I think you should do exactly what Vigo says now. He understands these things better than either of us."

  Vigo picked up another one of the control chairs and used his cap to dust off the broken glass. Rolling it near to Anthony, he sat down and leaned forward. “We don't have much time, so let me explain everything."

  “I'm too tired to argue,” Anthony replied as John Pierre stepped closer.

  Over the next several minutes, Vigo explained his relationship with the Friends and showed them his medallion. Wide-eyed, they listened in stunned silence as he explained his plan with JALA.DEE to give them temporary asylum on Godschild.

  After he finished, John-Pierre was the first to comment. “This is so amazing I can hardly believe my ears."

  Anthony looked at him and replied, “This I believe. However, if you were to tell me that one day I'd die in my own bed a happy grandfather and in the arms of my loving wife, I'd call you a raving lunatic."

  “All things are possible,” Vigo said with a smile.

  “Yadda, yadda, so who all is going besides Tanya, Russell, John-Pierre and myself?"

  “If asked, I think Dr. Boole will go, but I think you should be the one to ask him, Anthony."

  “I can't fault your logic,” Anthony said with a groan as he lifted his tired, aching body from the chair. “Let's get going."

  * * * *

  AS THE ELEVATOR came to a stop and they found Jeffrey, Dr. Boole and Tanya standing beside General Hennicker.

  Anthony leaned his head toward Vigo. “Don't tell me, that's Hennicker?"


  They walked up to the small group, and Tanya went to Anthony and hugged him. “I think we're in a lot of trouble, Anthony. I'm afraid."

  “Don't worry dear,” he whispered as he pulled her to his side. “Everything will be OK.” He extended his other hand. “It is a pleasure to finally meet you, General Hennicker."

  “The pleasure is all mine, Captain Jarman, but I truly wish it were under better circumstances. I hope your boy recovers."

  “Thank you general,” he replied as they stepped out in the early light of day. “We're all praying he recovers soon. What about the Israelis?"

  General Hennicker smiled. “Talk about a sense of timing,” he chuckled as he pointed towards the airfield. A moment later, they could hear and see the Flying Circus taking off in a full power climbing turn towards them. Flying over the missile field, Captain Jerome Richard wagged the wingtips of the huge C-130J as everyone on the ground waved goodbye."

  “God's speed Shai; we couldn't have done it without you and your men!” Anthony shouted out as the Flying Circus completed its turn taking it on a southerly heading.

  “They'll be in Mexico with Darkazani in a few hours,” General Hennicker said, “and your wounded man is about to arrive at Fort Sam for emergency surgery. I'm told he'll be OK."

  “Ramona is with him,” Boole added.

  “I'm really glad to hear that,” Anthony said as Tanya snuggled close to him. “Say doc, can I have a private word with you?"

  “Of course."

  Anthony pointed his thumb towards General Hennicker. “Hey Vigo, the general needs to know and so does Jeffrey."

  “Know what?” Hennicker and LeBlanc asked with puzzled expressions.

  * * *

  Escape to Godschild

  USING VIGO'S MEDALLION as a homing beacon, JALA.DEE guided her radar-shielded ship, SHEM.GADOK to the silo field. As her ship landed, she saw a small group of people surrounding Russell's oblong biostasis chamber along with several small cases and satchels. A young soldier holding two yellow sticks guided her to a marked spot on the paved road in front of the guardhouse.

  She slowed her descent to hover just feet above the ground as the landing struts of her circular ship extended and locked into place. As her ship settled down upon the ground, from the side facing the group, a ramp opened from the seamless hull.

  Alerted by the hum of her ship, Ben Green left his investigation inside the large portable building that had served as the living quarters for the Peacekeepers and froze at the door. “Holy crap,” he muttered to himself.

  While the Texas Highway Patrol Captain watched in stunned disbelief, JALA.DEE walked slowly down the ramp and stood next to it on the ground. Slightly shorter than her son, JALA.TRAC, her weathered face showed centuries of keen interests and the building of families. Dressed in a white gossamer robe, her silver-streaked gold hair hung down along her thin shoulders. Her blue-green eyes turned to Vigo as he approached.

  “Welcome, Mother Dee; we are grateful for your help."

  “And we are most glad to help,” she replied. “We haven't much time.” She glanced at the group standing next to the biostasis chamber, “I trust the boy is strong enough for the journey to Godschild."

  “Yes, Mother Dee. Do you mind if a few soldiers help us carry his chamber into your ship?"

  “As long as they are not armed. However, those who will be making the journey are free to bring their own personal weapons if they choose to do so."

  “I know your feeling on this, and I've already taken the precaution.” JALA.DEE nodded appreciatively and Vigo gave the prearranged signal to Boole who, along with three soldiers, lifted the biostasis chamber and started toward JALA.DEE's ship.

  “Just carry it into the center of the ship,” she said in a sweet voice as they paused at the lip of the ramp.

  “Thank you,” Boole answered nervously as he guided the group up the ramp and into the large, saucer-shaped craft.

  The interior of the ship was larger than it appeared on the outside; it appeared as an empty shell. The surface of the interior walls was a solid, seamless swirl of pinkish-white material that reminded Boole and the soldiers of the inside of a conch shell.

  After placing the biostasis chamber in the center of the ship, the soldiers walked out with amazed looks in their eyes. Boole followed behind and stopped next to JALA.DEE. “Excuse me, but I'll be a member of the group, and I noticed that the ship is empty. Should we bring sleeping bags or something?"

  Vigo laughed at the question. “Don't worry, doc. Once you're on your way, she'll make the place nice and comfy, just like home. On my last trip, she turned the inside of the ship into a mountain cabin including a couple of nice, deep chairs in front of a roaring fire. You're in for a real treat, my friend, so just go and get your things."

  “Uh-huh,” Boole replied numbly.

  Vigo then turned toward the small group and said, “Time's a-wastin’ folks. Let's get a move on."

  Holding Tanya's hand, Anthony walked towards the craft as John-Pierre followed just a few steps behind carrying armfuls of satchels and containers.

  They met Vigo and JALA.DEE at the base of the ramp and Vigo introduced the three. JALA.DEE raised a thin eyebrow as he introduced John-Pierre. “This Durand,” she said pensively. “I sense there has been much violence with him. Is this wise?"

  John-Pierre spoke for himself. “You are right to feel that way. Until this day, I was a man of violence, but through the events of this day, I've gotten a new chance to serve a higher purpose in life."

  Her gaze shifted to Anthony and she spoke to him for the first time, “And you want this man t
o join you on this journey?"

  “Yes, JALA.DEE. People can be friends for a lifetime and never know how much one is willing to sacrifice for the other. Today, I shared awareness with John-Pierre, and he saved us all from certain death. I trust him completely."

  “Very well,” she nodded. “Then you are welcome, Durand. May your path to awareness be fulfilled."

  The hum of the ship had troubled Tanya and now she felt a strange magnetic force emanating from it, similar to that of the Mystery Spot. She held Anthony close. “Anthony, I believe I need to stay. I'll have to wait for you here on Earth, my love."

  Her sudden announcement caught Anthony completely off guard. “But why?” he stuttered.

  “I can't say why,” she protested as tears began to form in her eyes. “But I'll wait for you. I love you, Anthony, and I'll wait for you forever."

  Torn between being separated from the love of his life and his need to be with his son, Anthony suddenly felt helpless. “Tanya, please don't do this to us,” he begged.

  JALA.DEE had watched the tender moment between Tanya and Anthony with a sad expression. Normally, she would have remained quiet, but with a love this great, she couldn't resist. She walked up to Tanya and placed her hand on her belly and after a few moments asked, “Have you told him?"

  Tanya's eyes opened with surprise. She wanted to pull back, but JALA.DEE's touch was warm and comforting. “I understand your concern. The strange feelings you are feeling here will not trouble you once you are inside my ship, and absolutely no harm will come to your unborn children during the trip to, or on Godschild."

  “You're pregnant,” Anthony stammered out loud, as JALA.DEE removed her hand from Tanya's belly.

  “Next time, try a megaphone!” Tanya shot back, then paused. “Hold on a second,” she muttered to herself and turned her attention back to JALA.DEE. “Did you say unborn children as in the plural? As in more than one?"

  JALA.DEE smiled warmly, “Twins, a boy and a girl. Both will be Indigo children as you call them and healthy."


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