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Six Women of Salem

Page 47

by Marilynne K. Roach

  Annie Putnam reports John Willard’s specter tormenting Rebecca Wilkins: Ibid., 185.

  John Willard arrested: Calef, More Wonders, 361.

  Daniel Wilkins dies: Doc, 165.

  Search for Elizabeth Coleson: Ibid., 161.

  Governor Phips arrives: Sewall, Diary, 1: 291, May 14, 1692.

  May 17, coroner’s jury on Daniel Wilkins: Doc, 165, 162; Parris, “Records,” 21.

  Governor’s Council sworn: Massachusetts Archives, “Council Records,” 165–168.

  May 18 hearings: Docs, 296–300, 168, 173–174.

  Sarah Buckley hearing: Ibid., 168, 170.

  Mary Whittredge hearing: Roach, Salem Witch Trials, 131.

  Rebecca Jacobs hearing: Calef, More Wonders, 371; Doc, 172; D. Greene, “George Jacobs,” 73.

  Roger Toothaker: Doc, 166.

  John Willard hearing: Ibid., 173–174 (dialogue combined, emphasis added), 177 (re-afflicted).

  Mary Esty: Ibid., 206 (evidence vs. Mary Esty had come from Annie Putnam, Mary Walcott, Mercy Lewis, Elizabeth Hubbard, and John Indian).

  Margaret Jacobs and Sarah Churchill: Ibid., 295, 172, 512, 753; Calef, More Wonders, 364–366.

  Prisoners transferred to Boston: Doc, 186.

  Elizabeth Booth vs. Mary Warren: Ibid., 167.

  Specters vs. Mary Warren: Ibid., 255.

  May 20, Mercy Lewis’s afflictions, Mary Esty re-arrested and so forth: Ibid., 204–205, 187, 601, 191–192, 197.

  Sarah Procter and Sarah Bassett accused: Ibid., 195.

  Mary Esty’s second hearing: Ibid., 601.

  Hearings of Benjamin Procter, Sarah Pease, and Mary DeRich: Ibid., 198–201.

  Elizabeth Cary: Ibid., 203.

  Prisoners transferred to Boston: Ibid., 212.

  Mary Warren vs. Mary Ireson and Mary Toothaker: Ibid., 305.

  Fast Day scheduled: Ibid., 219; Massachusetts Archives, “Council Records,” 170; Love, The Fast, 481, 260.

  May 26 spectral attacks: Docs, 219, 229.

  William Procter and others accused: Ibid., 221.

  Court of Oyer and Terminer established: Ibid., 220.

  Mrs. Cary: Ibid., 224, 203.

  List of suspects and victims: Ibid., 221–222.

  Elizabeth Fosdick and Elizabeth Paine, second complaint: Ibid., 221, 229.

  Spectral activities: Ibid., 230 (Bridget Bishop), 202 (Philip English).

  Philip English arrested: Ibid., 117, 976.

  Office of sheriff: Massachusetts Archives, “Council Records,” 173–177.

  Oyer and Terminer order: Doc, 232.

  May 31, afflicted witnesses: Ibid., 233, 241–242.

  Bartholomew Gedney: Ibid., 234. Alden’s statement has Gedney present, although only Hathorne and Corwin signed the warrants.

  Thomas Newton: Ibid., 253; Roach, Salem Witch Trials, 144.

  Mrs. Ann Putnam present: Doc, 30.

  John Alden hearing: Ibid., 233–234; Roach, Salem Witch Trials, 10, 51, 97, 149.

  Elizabeth How hearing: Docs 241, 243 (Bridget Oliver).

  Martha Carrier hearing: Ibid., 235.

  Wilmot Read hearing: Ibid., 247, 251.

  Alden again: Ibid., 234.

  Philip English hearing: Ibid., 117.

  William Procter: Ibid., 226, 222, 581–582, 433.

  Arthur Abbott: Ibid., 222.

  Ann Putnam deposes vs. Rebecca Nurse: Ibid., 30.

  Petition for Rebecca Nurse: Ibid., 254, 151–152 (Daniel Andrews).

  Elizabeth Emerson and Grace: SCJ, 1: 52; Ulrich, Goodwives, 196–201.

  Sarah Good and servant girl: C. Mather, “A Brand Pluck’d Out,” 259–260.

  Chapter 9: June 1 to 9, 1692

  Transfer of prisoners: Docs, 253 (Tituba), 512, 841 (Procters).

  Esty-Bishop statement: Ibid., 262.

  Mary English statement: Ibid., 263.

  Boston jail: Roach, Salem Witch Trials, 213.

  Philip English’s hiding place: Doc, 876.

  Nurse specter vs. Ann Putnam June 1: Ibid., 267.

  Mary Warren and others questioned June 2: Ibid., 255.

  Witnesses vs. Rebecca Nurse and John Willard: Ibid., 259–260.

  Ghosts attack Ann Putnam June 2: Ibid., 269.

  Magistrates question Abigail and Deliverance Hobbs and Mary Warren: Ibid., 255.

  Ann Putnam and ghosts: Ibid., 269.

  Women suspects examined for witch-marks: Ibid., 271 (and notes), 340.

  Men suspects examined for witch-marks: Ibid., 272.

  Bridget Bishop before grand jury: Ibid., 264; C. Mather, Wonders, 299; Perley, “Salem, No. 14,” 20–37, and “Salem, No. 1,” 172–173; Roach, Salem Witch Trials, 229; Trask, “Legal,” 50–51.

  Bridget Bishop’s indictments: Docs, 273–276.

  Testimony not used against Bridget Bishop: Ibid., 76 (Hubbard), 164, 283 (Sheldon), 258 (Mary Warren).

  Bridget Bishop before trial jury: C. Mather, Wonders, 223–229.

  Thomas Brattle’s letter: Brattle, “Letter,” 174–175.

  Acceptable evidence: C. Mather, Wonders, 216n1, 304n5; Roach, Salem Witch Trials, xxii.

  Evidence vs. Bridget Bishop:

  Hobbs: C. Mather, Wonders, 224; Docs, 95, 116.

  Afflicted in court: C. Mather, Wonders, 223–224.

  Cook: Doc, 277; C. Mather, Wonders, 224.

  Gray: Doc, 230 (and note), C. Mather, Wonders, 224; Calef, More Wonders, 356.

  J and R Bly: Doc, 281, C. Mather, Wonders, 225.

  Coman: Doc, 282, C. Mather, Wonders, 225.

  Shattucks: Doc, 279, C. Mather, Wonders, 225–226.

  Maule: Hale, Modest Enquiry, 156.

  Louder: Doc, 278, C. Mather, Wonders, 226–227.

  Stacy: Doc, 231, C. Mather, Wonders, 227–228.

  J and W Bly: Doc, 280, C. Mather, Wonders, 228.

  Stoughton and Brattle on afflictions: Brattle, “Letter,” 187–188.

  Ann Putnam depositions: Docs, 269, 267.

  Second witch-mark search: Ibid., 271.

  Evidence vs. Rebecca Nurse: Ibid., 291 (Ann Putnam Jr.), 290 (Elizabeth Hubbard), 292 (Mary Walcott), Sheldon/Chibbun (289), 30 (Ann Putnam Sr.), 244 (Abigail Williams).

  Evidence in favor of Rebecca Nurse: Ibid., 293 (Clement Coldum), 294 (Goodwives Preston and Tarbell), 31 (Porter, Cloyce, Andrews), 254 (petition).

  Indictments vs. Rebecca Nurse: Ibid., 285–288.

  John Willard before the grand jury: Ibid., 176 (coroner’s jury’s report), 301 (Parris, Ingersoll, Thomas Putnam).

  Indictments vs. John Willard: Ibid., 296–298 (Sheldon), 299–300 (and note).

  Sarah Churchill and Margaret Jacobs do not testify: Ibid., 295.

  Margaret Jacobs’ recantation: Ibid., 512, 753; Calef, More Wonders, 364–365; D. Greene, “George Jacobs,” 67–69.

  Job Tookey hearing: Docs, 306–307 (Louder).

  Mary Ireson accused: Ibid., 303, 305.

  Mary Ireson hearing: Ibid., 304, 310.

  Ann Dolliver hearing: Ibid., 308–309; Roach, Salem Witch Trials, 164.

  Tookey’s second examination: Doc, 312; Roach, Salem Witch Trials, 268.

  Elizabeth Booth Jr.: D. Greene, “Bray Wilkins,” 105–106.

  Death Warrant: Doc, 313.

  Hanging site: Roach, Gallows and Graves, 7–9.

  Chapter 10: June 10 to 30, 1692

  Execution of Bridget Bishop: Doc, 313, 408.

  Thomas Maule and Reverend Hale: Ibid., 313; Hale, Modest Enquiry, 156; Matthew 12:31, 32; Roach, Salem Witch Trials, 167–168; Tully, Almanac, “June Hath 30 Dayes,” xiv. Regarding unforgivable sin (Geneva Bible translation in Weigle, New Testament Octapla): “Wherefore I say unto you, everie sinne and blasphmie (against) the holie Gost shall not be forgiven unto men. And whosoever shal speake a worde against the Sonne of man, it shalbe forgiven him: but whosoever shal speake against the holie Gost, it shal not be forgiven him, neteher in this world nor in the worlde to come.”

  Disposal of Bridget Bishop’s body: Doc, 313 (and notes).

  Wells attack: Massachusetts Archives, “General Court Records,” 226; Massachusetts Archives, “Council Records,” 178.

  Phips consults the ministers: Massachusetts Archives, “General Court Records,” 227–228; Boyer and Nissenbaum, Salem-Village Wtchcraft, 117–118; Levin, What Happened, 110–111.

  Nathaniel Saltonstall resigns: Brattle, “Letter,” 84.

  Nurse family and Salem Village: Boyer and Nissenbaum, Salem-Village Witchcraft, 279, 296–297.

  Nurse specter vs. Jonathan Putnam: Doc, 360.

  Sarah Good before the grand jury: Ibid., 329 (Tituba).

  Indictments vs. Sarah Good: Ibid., 330–332.

  Statement for Elizabeth How: Ibid., 341.

  Rebecca Nurse’s petition: Ibid., 340.

  Indictments of June 29: Ibid., 347–348 (Elizabeth How); 349–350 (Susannah Martin); 348, 350, 111 (Putnam testimony).

  Sarah Good’s trial: Ibid., 345, 352–353, 369 (Bradford and Rayment), 326, 364–365, 367 (Sheldon/Chibbun), 364–365, 367 (statements vs. Sarah Bibber); Calef, More Wonders, 357–358 (knife episode).

  Susannah Martin’s trial: Docs, 106, 108–111, 139–142, 159–160, 193, 311, 351, and others; C. Mather, Wonders, 236.

  Reverend Samuel Willard accused: Calef, More Wonders, 360; Haefeli, “Dutch New York,” 303.

  Rebecca Nurse’s Indictments: Docs, 285–288.

  Defense for Rebecca Nurse: Ibid., 35 (Samuel Nurse and John Tarbell), 368 (James Kettle), 371 (Joseph Hutchinson), 369 (William and Rachel Bradford and William Rayment Jr.), 370 (Robert Moulton Sr.).

  Statements for and against Rebecca Nurse: Ibid., 289 (Sheldon/Chibbun), 358 (Sarah Houlton), 359 (Nathaniel and Hannah Ingersoll), 362 (John Jr. and Hannah Putnam), 372 (John Sr. and Rebecca Putnam), 373 (Nathaniel Putnam Sr.), 285 (other).

  Rebecca Nurse’s jury trial: Ibid., 366, 416; Calef, More Wonders, 358–359.

  Rebecca Nurse’s comment: The quotation here combines two versions of her comment: Calef, More Wonders, 358, has “What? Do you bring her? She is one of us.” And in Rebecca’s own statement in Doc, 416, “and upon my saying that Goodwife Hobbs and her Daughter were of our Company . . .”

  Sarah Nurse’s statement: Doc, 366.

  Chapter 11: July 1 to 18, 1692

  Rebecca Nurse July 3 excommunication: Salem Church, Records, 172, 127 (combined); Lupson, Saint Nicholas Church, 68–69. Noyes’s remarks are based on Robert Keayne’s notes for Mistress Ann Hibbens’s 1640 excommunication from Boston’s First Church, in Demos, Remarkable Providences, 279–281.

  Ann Pudeator July 2 hearing: Doc, 399; Perley, The History of Salem, 2: 39, 122 (Neal).

  Mary Bradbury hearing: Docs, 572, 587–589.

  Margaret Hawkes and Candy hearing: Docs, 763–764, 395, 414; Hale, Modest Enquiry, 80–81.

  Nurse family gathers support: Docs, 254 (petition), 285 (Stephen Sewall’s statement), 416 (Thomas Fisk statement, see also Calef, More Wonders, 358), 417 (Rebecca Nurse’s statement, see also Calef, More Wonders, 358–359), 294 (Rebecca Preston and Mary Tarbell statement).

  Phips and Council: Massachusetts Archives, “Council Records,” 180–184.

  Commencement: Roach, Salem Witch Trials, 194–195.

  Anthony Checkley: Massachusetts Archives, 40: 264.

  Sir William Phips: Roach, Salem Witch Trials, xxxix–xl.

  Rebecca Nurse reprieve: Calef, More Wonders, 359.

  Nurse and others death warrants: Doc, 418.

  Invitation to Andover: Brattle, “Letter,” 180; Calef, More Wonders, 371–372; Docs, 425 (Foster specter), 427 (Bradbury specter).

  Ann Foster hearing and confession: Docs, 615–616, 419; Hale, Modest Enquiry, 30

  Foster specter vs Timothy Swan: Doc, 822; Roach, Salem Witch Trials, 175.

  Francis Nurse and eclipse: Boyer and Nissenbaum, Salem-Village Witchcraft, 296–297; Docs, 596. Tully, Almanac, [xiv] “June,” 6–7, (“Of the Eclipses”) says “may presage the Death of Aged persons, as well [as] persons of Quality.”

  Chapter 12: July 19 to 31, 1692

  Hanging of Rebecca Nurse and others: Doc, 418; Calef, More Wonders, 367, 358 (Sarah Good); C. Mather, Diary, 1: 142; C. Mather, “A Brand Pluck’d Out,” 269. Noyes’s remark is paraphrased from Calef’s statement: “Mr. Noyes . . . told her she was a Witch, and she knew she was a Witch.” Sarah Good’s retort is given as: “You are a lyer; I am no more a Witch than you are a Wizard, and if you take away my Life, God will give you Blood to drink.” Her folk reference is based on the verse in Revelation 16:6 (see Weigle, New Testament Octapla for the Geneva Bible translation), in which the Angel of the Waters empties a vial upon the rivers and the fountains (springs) turning the earth’s waters to blood: “For they shed the blood of the Saintes, and Prophetes, and therefore hast thou given them blood to drinke for they are worthie [i.e., deserving of the punishment].”

  Burials: C. Upham, Salem Witchcraft, 514; Roach, Salem Witch Trials, 202; Roach, Gallows and Graves, 7–9, 14–17.

  Complaint vs. Mary Lacey Sr. and Jr.: Doc, 421 (and note).

  Mary Lacey Sr. hearing: Ibid., 426, 424.

  Mary Lacey Jr. arrested: Ibid., 422.

  Foster and Laceys questioned: Ibid., 424–426. Some quotations are combined from two versions of notes, such as: “[W]e have forsaken Jesus christ And the devil hath got hold of us. how shall we get cleare of this evil one?” Doc 426, and “Oh, mother! how do you do? We have left Christ, and the Devil hath gat hold of us. How shall I get rid of this evil one? I desire God to break my rocky heart that I may get the victory this time,” Doc, 424.

  Richard and Andrew Carrier arrested: Ibid., 625, 423.

  Carrier brothers questioned: Ibid., 423, 425, 428–430; John Procter in Calef, More Wonders, 363.

  Effect of the Andover confessions: C. Mather, Diary, 1: 142.

  Martha Emerson arrest: Doc, 427.

  John Procter’s letter: Calef, More Wonders, 362–364 (and notes), addressed to Reverends [Increase] Mather, Allen, Moody, Willard, and Bailey.

  Martha Emerson hearing: Doc, 432.

  Elizabeth Ballard dies: Savage, Genealogical Dictionary, 1: 108.

  Husbands accuse wives: Docs, 24 (Giles Corey), 745 (Andover kin).

  Thomas and Mary Bradbury: Ibid., 625, 597, 439, 431 (petition).

  Thomas Oliver probate: Essex Probate Docket #20009, July 30, 1692 inventory.

  Philip and Mary English in jail: Roach, Salem Witch Trials, 213; Bentley, Diary 2: 24–25; Docs, 975–976.

  Jail breaks: Roach, Salem Witch Trials, 213; Calef, More Wonders, 352; Brattle, “Letter,” 178.

  Chapter 13: August 1 to 11, 1692

  John and Elizabeth Procter’s trials: Docs, 310, 389 (grand jury June 31; trial jury August 5).

  John Procter’s will: J. Proctor, “Estate of John Procter Sr. of Salem”; Essex Deeds, 8: 338–341, #123.

  George Jacobs Sr.’s trial: Docs, 479 (and note), 480–481; D. Greene, “George Jacobs,” 67–66.

  John Willard’s trial: Docs, 295, 297–300 (and note).

  Pro-Procter statements: Ibid., 503, 495–496.

  Statements for and against Elizabeth Procter: Ibid., 382, 500, 708; Calef, More Wonders, 360.

  Jamaica earthquake: Roach, Salem Witch Trials, 225.

  Putnam baby’s death: Doc, 185.

  George Burroughs’s trial: Ibid., 699; C. Mather, Wonders, 215–222; Docs, 446, 452–455; Calef, More Wonders, 301; Hale, Modest Enquiry, 34–35; I. Mather, Cases, 70.

  Annie Putnam pulled from horse: Doc., 507.

  Pro-Bradbury statements: C. Upham, Salem Witchcraft, 697–705 (letter); Doc, 431 (petition).

  Nurse family: Doc, 596; petition in Boyer and Nissenbaum, Salem-Village Witchcraft, 296, from Salem Village Church Records, November 26, 1694.

  Andover suspects: Doc, 503 (and notes), 504, 506 (Carrier children), 745 (Reverend Dane on Betty Johnson); 507 (Abigail Johnson).

  Philip and Mary English in jailer’s house: Doc, 975–976.

  Chapter 14: August 12 to 31, 1

  Procter confiscations: Calef, More Wonders, 361; C. Upham, Salem Witchcraft, 600 (Upham says some of the older Procter children were at the Ipswich farm but gives no source. However, someone had to be living on the Salem Village farm to provide details of the confiscations); Brown, “Forfeitures,” 85–111.

  August 19, Procter and Noyes: Calef, More Wonders, 364.

  Margaret Jacobs: Calef, More Wonders, 354–356; C. Upham, Salem Witchcraft, 531, 533; D. Greene, “George Jacobs,” 67–69.

  Martha Carrier: C. Mather, Wonders, 74; Roach, Salem Witch Trials, 242.

  Cotton Mather’s prayers: Brattle, “Letter,” 177.

  George Burroughs: Calef, More Wonders, 360–361.

  Thomas Brattle: Brattle, “Letter,” 177.

  Reverend George Burroughs: Calef, More Wonders, 360–361.

  Philip and Mary English: Doc, 902. August 21 was the Sunday before the next ­trials.

  Reverend Joshua Moody: Sibley, Biographical Sketches, 1: 367–380. The Geneva translation of Reverend Moody’s text is cited, a more modern version is: “They that are persecuted in one city, let them flee to another.”

  Reverend Samuel Willard: Brattle, “Letter,” 186–187; Willard, Some Miscellany Observations; Calef, More Wonders, 360; Haefeli, “Dutch New York,” 303.

  Moody and Willard persuade Philip English to escape: Bentley, Diary, 2: 24–25; Cheever, “A Sketch,” 164–165. The last also quotes a letter from Bentley to Alden, MHC, 1st ser., 10: 65–66. Dialogue here is combined from Bentley’s Diary and the account of Cheever, a descendant.

  Philip and Mary English reach New York: Brattle, “Letter,” 178; Haefeli, “Dutch New York,” 306.

  English family lore about the escape: Cheever, “A Sketch,” 164, 166; Bentley, Diary, 2: 25; LeBeau, “Philip English,” 35n17.

  Reverend Willard’s son John helps Mrs. Cary escape: Massachusetts Archives, “Middlesex County Court Records,” 158.

  English daughters: Docs, 975–976; Bentley, Diary, 2: 25.

  Mary English and Mary Phips: Hutchinson, History, 2: 46; Baker and Reid, New England Knight, 147–149.

  Accusations ignored: Brattle, “Letter,” 177 (Margaret Thatcher); Cheever, “A Sketch,” 164 (Mary English).

  Extraditions ignored: Brattle, “Letter,” 177–178; Roach, Salem Witch Trials, 313.

  Increase Mather: Murdock, Increase Mather, 185–189.

  Philip English’s expenses: Doc, 902–903, 976.


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