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Second Chance For The Billionaire: A Billionaire Second Chance Secret Baby Romance

Page 20

by Alice Moore

  “I’m so glad. The only person I usually cook for is my dad, and he automatically likes anything I make ‘cause I’m his daughter.” Rushing my words, I grabbed my fork and knife to turn my attention to my plate. The mashed potatoes didn’t look as bad as I thought they would, and I poked around them for a moment to bask in my accomplishment.

  “It’s good. You did a good job, Caroline.” A fiery blush spread up my neck and across my face, and I furrowed my brows as I shoveled mashed potato into my mouth. The bite had a lot more flavor than I expected; James only had salt and pepper to season anything with. Humming softly in agreement, I peeked out from under my eyelashes to find him watching me closely. “… What else can you make? Can you make jerky?”

  “U- uh… yeah. I know how… Maybe you can butcher the rest of the deer and I’ll make some when I go home? We have a huge dehumidifier- courtesy of Sheila.” Blinking at my own suggestion, I frowned slightly as my voice hung between us. “Or- or I can make the trip back here when my ankle heals up. You want to remodel, but I won’t be much help in a wheelchair. That way I can just bring you it…”

  Cutting into my steak roughly, I pursed my lips together to stop the word vomit that spewed from my mouth. Talking about leaving- thinking of leaving- was so incredibly awkward, and I tightened my grip on my fork to spear my piece.

  The truth was that once I left, there was a very good chance we’d never see each other again. I had no doubt that James recognized that possibility, too, by the way his pleased expression slowly morphed into a scowl.

  “You can’t just make it here? All you need is salt, right?” Chewing my extremely tender piece, I pondered the questions while the dark lilt in James’ voice tickled my ears. My success with this steak fell by the wayside, and I ducked my head in a noncommittal nod before swallowing.

  “Yeah, I could. You’d need a smoke room or something, though- somewhere to dry the meat out thoroughly.” James’ cabin didn’t have any outbuildings; he wasn’t equipped to make one, either. There wasn’t anywhere in the house to dry the meat unless he wanted to use the back bedroom, and I blinked to recall the tortured expression he wore just attempting to open the door.

  “… What about a smoke pit? Would that work? I’ve got a pallet of bricks that the people before me just left out on the back porch.” Nodding around my mouthful, I tossed the idea around a bit before repeating the action more firmly. Across the table, James smirked, and he turned to his plate to eat in silence.

  My mind was in turmoil; it was so easy to forget that James was a complete stranger. Sure- he was a Marine, and Kiki liked him, but I didn’t know him in the way I constantly found myself thinking I did. There was just something about him that seemed so easy to confide in even if he didn’t do the same. Glancing out the window at the bright, summer sun, I sucked my inner cheek between my teeth to hold back a sigh.

  Tomorrow I’m going to go home and leave this paradise behind. The thought was honestly depressing.

  James finished eating before I did, and he dumped his dishes in the sink before getting a beer from the refrigerator. A water bottle landed in front of me, and I smiled in appreciation before reaching for it. Quenching my dry mouth, I watched from the corner of my eye as he leaned on the counter to neck his dark green bottle. The silence surrounding our meal was peaceful, but it took only a few seconds for him to break it when he swiped his mouth with the back of his hand.

  “Can I give Kiki the leg? She hasn’t eaten since yesterday.” Nodding automatically, I scooped up my last bit of corn as James grabbed the leg on the counter. The entire kitchen would probably have to be disinfected, but that was a job a few minutes in the future. Crouching down, he gestured to Kiki under the table before holding out the leg. There was still a generous amount of meat on the bone, and I shuffled in my chair to watch my dog crawl out from her spot.

  “Do you want to let her outside to eat that?” My question seemed to surprise him, and James furrowed his brows as I licked my lips. “You’d have to mop up after her…”

  “Yeah… okay. I’ll do the rest of the doe, too.” Goosebumps rose on my chest and arms at that, and I nodded before gathering up my plate and utensils. Rolling myself to the sink, I rinsed my burden to follow James and Kiki to the back door. The air was heavy even in the shade of his patio, and he set the leg down on the concrete slab with a grunt.

  Today was so mosey; yesterday could’ve been attributed to the drugs I’d had, but this series of moments were all my own. My camera sat on the chair I’d been in before lunch, and I took it gently while James made his way back to his makeshift butcher block. He had everything he needed to live out here, even if most of it was rudimentary. Holding my camera to my eye, I locked on his form to snap a photo of him next to the dead, skinned animal. We’d only been inside for half an hour or so, and there wasn’t a single fly buzzing around the carcass.

  “This is nice… I can see why you like it out here. It’s peaceful.” Speaking before I could stop myself, I sucked in a breath at how stupid I sounded. James had never given any indication he liked living here; he just couldn’t bring himself to leave for whatever reason. Peering at his face through the lens while he bent over the doe, I pursed my lips together tightly at the thick crease between his brows.

  “I guess. I mean- I have money… a lot of money. Yet, I’m still here. I could’ve left after all of that shit I went through, but I didn’t.” James was so physically imposing that seeing him in any other environment was almost impossible. Smiling slightly, I turned my camera to Kiki as she tackled her leg. She gnawed at the meat, not even trying to bite off chunks.

  Lazy dog.

  “I’m glad you didn’t. Otherwise I’d be screwed.”

  “Your ex-fiancé…” Lowering my camera at the topic, I glanced at James as he raked a knife through the front of the doe’s rib cage. I almost regretted telling him about Jason, but it seemed like the right thing to say at the time. “He never tried to get back with you? Do you know what happened to him?”

  “Nope, and no. I’ve seen him a few times in public or on the street, but I never approached him, and he never took a second look at me.” Even nearly a decade later, I wondered how I could be so stupid. Of course, I wanted children; my dad wanted to be a granddad.

  But I didn’t want them at 21 years old or with a man I had essentially settled on. There were so many little details I had left out that had cultivated into what would’ve been a shit storm if Jason and I really went through with our marriage. I probably would’ve gotten cold feet and called it off. It would’ve been the right thing to do, but I’d probably be in a lot of shit if everything had already been paid for.

  “I haven’t been in a lot of relationships. Being with a Marine isn’t exactly the best life for most women. Plus, Nick’s incredibly rich, so I tried to steer clear of all that shit because I never knew if they liked me or him. But he and Hannah are having their first kid in a couple months. Every time I think about it, I’m so glad it’s him and not me. I couldn’t see it then, but she’s so sunny and happy- it would’ve driven me up a wall.”

  “What do you look for in a woman?” I couldn’t help it; I was a terrible person for even asking that question, but I wanted to know. Besides, he brought it up. It’s his fault. In the ensuing silence I wondered what kind of man I wanted. Just like James, I hadn’t dated much after breaking off my engagement. Photography took up a lot of my time and energy, and then I adopted Kiki. Men seemed unnecessary after that because I had everything I wanted.

  I was successful, accomplished, and companioned. There was always the option of toys to fill in the rest.

  “It sounds stupid, but I want someone that I can talk to that doesn’t pity me. I hate pity. I’ve been through some shit, but I did it because I wanted to do it at the time. A lot of people, especially women, act like my leg and my buddies are some sensitive subject they shouldn’t ask about.” Resting my camera in my lap, I narrowed my eyes on James as he heaved a sigh, his lip quirked in
a slight, depreciating smirk. “Woman don’t like my leg. They think I’m an invalid. I don’t limp or anything, but sometimes it hurts… especially when I get stressed.”

  “It doesn’t sound stupid, James. And for what it’s worth, I don’t really notice your leg. And your buddies- your tours- they make you who you are. That’s nothing to be ashamed of, so there’s no reason to pity you for it.” Truth rang in my voice, and James glanced up with a bit more of a genuine smile. My chest tightened, and I lifted my camera to capture the moment. He was sweet, and his eyes searched through my lens before he returned to his work.

  AND that’s it! That was a long sneak peek, actually half the book!

  You can get the Full book for $0.99 or FREE with Kindle Unlimited on Amazon right now by clicking here : The Mountain Man’s Baby

  Sneak Peek of My Mom’s Billionaire Boyfriend

  Title : My Mom’s Billionaire Boyfriend ( A Billionaire Secret Baby Romance)



  Staring down at my phone with wide eyes, I squeezed the flimsy device and clenched my teeth to hold back my groan. Beyond my small desk the office was quiet, and I didn’t want to disturb Anthony and his new, shifty client. Curling up in my chair, I struggled to take a breath through my clogged throat as annoyance threatened to choke me.

  “What the Hell, Mom… I told you not to call me at work.” Whispering angrily, I reached to tuck my hair behind my ear, giving me a clear side view of the office. “You know my boss doesn’t tolerate it.”

  “Risha, honey, there’s no need to be so uptight. I called because it’s important.” A harsh sigh escaped me; there wasn’t anything in my mother’s life that was important as most people defined the word. When she stayed quiet I unfurled my body, leaning back in my wheeling chair to spin in slow circles.

  “Well spit it out, Mom. I’m working, remember- one of us has to.” My harsh snap only produced a sigh across the line, and I rolled my eyes. She could never just get right to the point, my mother; everything deserved a grand entrance.

  “I’m calling to tell you I won’t be around on Wednesday. William’s taking me to this big, important charity auction for breast cancer.” A frown twisted my features, and I held back an irritated noise.

  “You called me for that? Mom, I don’t care about your little sugar daddy or what event he invites you to. Do. Not. Call. Me. At. Work. Understand? Don’t call me unless you’re in trouble, or hurt, or anything serious.” Carefully punctuating my message, I hung up without waiting for a reply to lean back in my chair. My gaze flittered over the paperwork I had been sorting, and I scowled at the innumerable lines of interviews.

  Letting out a heavy sigh, I raked my hand through my hair before haunching over my work. I didn’t enjoy paperwork, but I liked to be tidy. Anthony had such bad chicken scratch handwriting he couldn’t even read it, and it’d take me hours to decipher. Frankly it was the perfect distraction I needed to forget my mother’s bothersome interruptions.

  When I glanced at the clock on my computer it was nearing 5p.m., and I flexed my hands absently. The all-in-one station was sleek, but really it was just a glorified alarm clock for a good 75% of the time. Anthony demanded hard paper copies as well as digital records, and translating his gibberish took much longer than typing it.

  Of course, the downside was that I couldn’t type what I couldn’t read, and I usually had to make sure I hadn’t misinterpreted anything.

  “Risha, I thought I told you t-“ Snatching a sheath of paper, I wordlessly held it up as Anthony came strutting out of his office.

  “Already done, just waiting for you to make sure I translated your handwriting properly. You can stop talking to me like I’m a fresh intern, you know.” My griping cut my boss off, and I glanced up from the computer screen as Anthony reached to take my offering. A tight smile stretched his lips, eyes apprehensive as if he was really starting to feel the effects of not having a partner.

  Why doesn’t he have a partner? Because he’s the work equivalent of a college frat jock in his first year without his mommy.

  “Did you do th-“

  “Yes, I did the prison interviews, too. Anthony- seriously, I’ve been working for you for a year and a half. I know how you like your paperwork.” Frowning down at me, Anthony grunted as he flipped through the folder. Watching him never ceased to fascinate me, and I watched him lean back on his heels through narrowed eyes. I had never, ever met a person so damn smart, and if he wasn’t such a controlling slob his brains would’ve been attractive. It didn’t help that he was an incredible 6’8” tall- much too lanky and elbowed for me. Being around him reminded me of my freshman year of high school; my growth spurt had hit me hard right as winter break was coming on.

  “I also need tho-“

  “I sent your partner interviews to your e-mail, your lunch tomorrow with Patterson is set, and I’ll order your special vegan whatever it is from Pergini’s before I go. Anything else?” Deep, dark brown eyes scanned me, and I clasped my hands on my desk to stare at Anthony’s perplexed expression. “You pay me 33$ an hour. The least I can do is remember your go-to overnight meal.”

  “It’s a good thing you’re not included in my partnership contract, Risha. I don’t know what I’d do without you. Remind me to give you a good Christmas bonus.” Cocking my head at the praise, I smiled at Anthony’s sincere words; it wasn’t often he uttered them to me. Carefully he tucked the folder beneath his arm with thin, knobby fingers, and I pushed myself to my feet before offering a reply.

  “I think I will remind you. I’m going to head out for the night, but text me if you need me.” Waiting for Anthony to nod, I grabbed my purse to let out a pleased sigh. Absently he wandered back to his office, and I put my computer to sleep before sliding out from behind my desk. Today had been better than I expected considering Anthony had a big case coming up. Usually he was cranky and demanding, unable to do anything for himself as he fretted over his presentation like a college freshman.

  Stepping out onto the cold street, I hugged my coat tightly to my body as the wind cut through the darkness. Snow sprinkled from the sky, and I tilted my head to savor the cold burn on my cheeks. The air smelled heavy and pure, and a small smile picked up my mouth before I slowly wandered down the sidewalk.

  Despite the darkness that engulfed my world the streetlamps had just been flicked on, their beams still soft and weak enough not to hit the concrete. White flakes floated around me, absorbing the sounds of cars as they rolled much slower than the speed limit. In a mere few hours the city would be covered in white, but right now the tiny crystals couldn’t even stick to the wet pavement.

  Scraping the soles of my low heels on the welcome mat splayed across the landing, I dug my keys out of my purse with a lightness in my heart. Light, white huffs escaped me with each breath, and I shoved my key into the hole before glancing behind me. The snow had started in earnest, a thin layer coating the sidewalks that made walking hazardous.

  “I need to get a dog or something.” Muttering to my empty, dark home, I strode on tired legs into the kitchen to set down my purse and hang my keys. Ever since leasing this apartment I’d wanted a dog, but I didn’t have the time to train it. If there was one thing Anthony hated, it was a lack of punctuality. There were no excuses that would dull the verbal beating he’d give me if I was late simply because I had to wait for my dog to use the bathroom.

  Flipping on the television in the living room, I watched the news absently through the breakfast nook. Pouring myself a glass of wine, I took the fruity smell deep into my lungs before letting it out in a gust. Slow evenings were commonplace, and I took a sip of my red before setting down my glass to start dinner.

  A melodic chime filled my home, and I turned away from my chicken parmesan to watch Cynthia hustle through the front door. Her short, curvy frame was hidden under a thick snow coat, and I could help but smirk at how unflattering she looked. With harsh breaths she swiped away her short, curly bob of brown hair roughly, k
icking the door shut. Round, thick cheeks glowed red, and her eyes shone as she shirked off her coat.

  “I hate my hair. It sticks to my face and I’m just- ugh! I’m going to shave it off!” The complaints pulled a laugh from me, and I grabbed a second wine glass as Cynthia sauntered through the open plan living room. “Why are you laughing? This is serious, Risha.”

  “I know you hate it, but just be patient and it’ll grow back.” My gaze scanned Cynthia’s form, and in my mind my mother’s call floated back to the surface. “So… my mother got invited by her boy toy to a breast cancer charity auction. Have you heard anything about it?”

  Pouring my friend a healthy glass, I paused my question carefully as my eyes lingered on Cynthia’s chest- or what used to be her chest. Now she was flat as a board after her mastectomy; her perfectly round, firm bust that she’d prided herself on was completely gone. Snorting roughly as I passed her the glass, she shook her head before gulping down her wine smoothly.

  “Hell no. You do know that no one actually cares about breast cancer survivors themselves- just the idea that breast cancer can be the one.” Disgust laced Cynthia’s voice, and she grabbed the long neck of the wine bottle to pour herself more. “If you ask me it’s just an excuse for rich people to look good because they donated.”

  “I agree. I only ask because my mother said it’s on Wednesday, and I know you have your thing on Wednesday.” Taking a sip from my glass, I turned back to dinner only to find water boiling in its pot. Carefully taking the long, dried strands of spaghetti in both hands, I snapped them in two before tossing them in. Against my back Cynthia’s gaze bored holes, and the hairs on my neck stood up the longer the silence went on.


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