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Stitch Page 14

by Jaime Lewis

  He suddenly felt as if he could be considered a suspect. In Willow’s case, yes, but he honestly had no idea where Mia could be. It was upsetting.

  “If she never arrived at her brother’s, that means she’s been missing for five days now.”

  “That is why the police and her family are very concerned about her well-being.”

  “Well, how can I help?”

  “I am hoping I can ask you a few questions.”

  Elijah knew he had to be careful. As much as he was concerned about Mia, he also had to be cautious while providing any information in case the detective would be looking to lure him into a trap. On the other hand, he also couldn’t blow the police off, as that would surely send a red flag up and make them take a closer look at him.


  “When was the last time you saw or spoke with Dr. Chambers?”

  Elijah explained about seeing her at the Fur Ball, then at work the following day. He omitted the part about her showing up at the clinic after the gala because his cousin was an irresponsible idiot.

  “So, you two were on a date?” The detective questioned with a raised eyebrow.

  “No, I wouldn’t consider it a date. It was a work function. I had an extra ticket to the event, and I thought that with Mia being new to the practice that it would be a great networking opportunity for her to meet some clients and other City officials.”

  “Did the two of you ride together to this work function?”

  “To the event, yes. I hired a car service. I left before she did; however, after the car dropped me off, it was sent back to the hotel to pick her up and take her home.” He would need to confirm that Claus contacted his friend at the car service to make sure that was the story they used if they were ever questioned.

  The detective scribbled notes in his notepad before asking, “Anyone, in particular, she was networking with who paid extra attention to her during the evening?”

  Elijah shrugged his shoulders. “I’ll admit, detective, Dr. Chambers is a beautiful woman. She caught the eye of a lot of men that evening.” Including himself, but the detective didn’t need to know that. “I was around her most of the evening, but I can’t say that I noticed anything out of the ordinary.”

  “I see. What time did she leave the office the next day? Did you have any contact with her that day?”

  “I’m not sure I’m following Detective. Am I being investigated?”

  Detective McDonnell smirked. “No, we’re just trying to create a timeline of Mia’s known whereabouts. Are you aware of any clients or other staff members from the clinic who may have had a problem with Dr. Chambers?”

  “None that I’m aware of. Dr. Chambers is well-liked amongst the staff.”

  “Would you mind if I questioned a couple of members of your staff?” He flipped a page in notepad then looked back at Elijah. “Specifically, a Danny Nichols and Willow Marshall. They are known friends of Dr. Chambers.”

  Elijah instantly felt sick. He had already informed the staff that Willow had resigned over the holiday and wouldn’t be returning. He was preparing to tell the detective the same thing, but a knock at the door interrupted him.

  Before he could get up out of the chair to see who it was, the door opened, and his cousin Marlon appeared, along with Oscar and Jules. He bit the inside of his cheek, trying not to reveal his displeasure, but these three were the last people he needed in this office right now while the NYPD was questioning him.

  Marlon’s eyes landed on the gold badge hanging around the detective’s neck, and his eyes widened before he looked at Elijah.

  “Sorry, we thought you were free. We’ll come back later,” Marlon told Elijah, but it was too late as Detective McDonnel stood, folded his notepad, and slid it into his pocket.

  “Oscar Torres,” the detective called out and Elijah watched in horror as all the blood drained from his face. Could he look any more guilty?

  Detective McDonnell eyed Oscar with a questionable look while resting his hand on the butt of his gun.

  “Funny meeting you here. That nose injury looks painful. Who’d you piss off to get that?”

  Shit! Elijah had heard all about how the missing woman who had escaped had headbutted Oscar breaking his nose. Oscar wasn’t the sharpest tool in the shed. The way he just stood there staring at the detective wasn’t doing him any justice. His behavior screamed guilt.

  Thinking quickly, Elijah stepped forward, “Marlon, this is Detective McDonnell. Detective McDonnell, these three men are employees of the clinic. They help with our clients who have larger animals that require house calls, like horses and such.” He chuckled, putting on an acting job that would have won him a bloody Oscar. “Oscar, unfortunately, met his match with a young colt he was helping move last week and caught a hoof to the face.”

  The detective nodded his head, but his unreadable expression was what worried Elijah. He wasn’t confident that the detective bought it.

  Detective McDonnell glanced back at Oscar. “You should be more careful, but then again, I’ve heard that animals have good instincts.” He turned back toward Elijah, and Elijah swallowed hard.

  “Thank you for your time, Dr. Walters. If I have any other questions, I’ll give you a call.”

  “Thank you, Detective. And, again, anything I can help with, please let me know. Dr. Chambers is a valued member of this clinic, and in any way we can assist, we will.”

  “Your cooperation is appreciated.”

  Elijah watched as the Detective showed himself out.

  “What in the hell was that all about?” Marlon asked, and Elijah explained Mia being missing.

  “Shit, are you being looked at as a suspect?”

  Elijah sat down and leaned back in his chair. “No, they’re just building a timeline of when she was last seen.”

  “What did you tell them?”

  “The truth. That she and I were at the gala together, then I saw her briefly in the office the next day. I have no fucking idea where she is.”

  Elijah couldn’t help the odd feeling he got in the pit of his stomach. It wasn’t a good feeling either. He needed to watch his back. He’d put a call into Vargas, his informant he had inside the NYPD, and ask him to keep an ear out for anything related to Mia’s case. He’d also have Claus ask around town if anyone had heard or seen anything. Jesus, he didn’t need this shit right now.


  Once Marlon and the others left to take care of some business, Elijah tried to occupy his mind with a backlog of paperwork, but it wasn’t working. He couldn’t come to grasps that Mia was missing. Knowing the type of criminal activities that took place around the city, he couldn’t help but be worried. Mia may be independent, but she was no match for the thugs that ruled the streets.

  He threw down his pen and stood up. Maybe some caffeine would help him concentrate. He picked up his coffee mug and headed to the breakroom. On the way down the hallway, he saw Danny.

  “Dr. Walters, is it true that Mia is missing?”

  Elijah nodded his head. “I’m afraid so Danny. Did the detective speak with you?”


  “Have you had any contact with her since work last Wednesday?”

  Danny shook his head. “No, but I told the detective to talk to Willow. She and Mia were supposed to go out for drinks that evening. Willow said that there was something she wanted to talk to her about, but she didn’t want to do it here at the office.”

  “Really?” Elijah suddenly wondered if his instincts were right. Had Willow caught on to his underground business? Has she planned on telling Mia? He then realized he was glad that Willow had been silenced.

  “Mia and I were just talking about this last week, but have you noticed a change in Willow the last few weeks?” Danny asked Elijah.

  Elijah lied, not wanting to draw any attention to himself for Willow’s sudden resignation or disappearance.

  “No, but I haven’t really had much interaction with her. I will say that her sud
den resignation caught me off guard over the weekend. She was a great employee.”

  “Mia noticed a change in her too. Actually, now that I think of it, Willow had given Mia an envelope but instructed her not to open it until they spoke that night.”

  Elijah’s hairs stood on end, and he wondered what had been in that envelope that was so important that Willow had to discuss it with Mia outside the office. Could the mystery envelope still be at Mia’s apartment?

  Elijah played it off. “Who knows.”

  “Well, maybe Willow can give the detective more information. I gave the detective her phone number since she no longer works here. He wanted to speak with her.”

  He could only cover up Willow’s disappearance for so long before someone started questioning her whereabouts as well. At least where Willow was concerned, she didn’t have any family.

  Elijah nodded his head. “Let’s hope for the best and that we hear some positive news about Mia.”

  Once Elijah got back to his office, he closed the door, then picked up his phone and dialed Claus’ number. He needed to make sure that there was no way anyone could trace Willow’s disappearance back to him, and he needed to know what was in that envelope Willow gave to Mia.


  “We may have a situation. I need you to do some investigating.”

  Chapter Sixteen

  Mia was curled up on the couch in front of the toasty fire Stitch had started earlier that morning. She laid the tablet down next to her. Thank goodness, Alex had thought to get her a couple of items like the tablet and some magazines that would keep her occupied, considering Stitch didn’t have a TV at the cabin. She was finally starting to feel a little better and had more mobility than she had six days ago. Her primary source of pain was her rib area and shoulder blades. Overall she’d been a good patient and had followed Doctor O’Neal’s orders. It didn’t hurt to have Stitch looking after her to ensure she followed the doctor’s directives. He still insisted on carrying her around wherever she needed to go. As much as she wanted to try to walk more independently, she also cherished being held in his arms.

  What had been bothering her, though, was his avoidance of the attraction between them. Yes, he had flirted and made comments, and had even kissed her that first night, but over the last day or two, he’d been a little more distant when it came to them. For her, every time Stitch walked into the room, she could feel the atmosphere change. Maybe it was her that needed to initiate things.

  “Hey,” Stitch greeted her as he walked into the living room, and again his appearance created an energy that felt like a power surge had struck her. The connection between them was so strong.

  She wondered where he might be off to, considering he was dressed, had his boots on, and carried his coat. She couldn’t help the jealousy swirling around in her. She would kill to go somewhere, even if it was just a trip to the store. Hell, she’d settle for just a car ride. She just wanted to get out.

  “Hey yourself,” she replied, flashing him a smile.

  He walked over and sat on the coffee table in front of her. She stared at his thighs and the way his jeans molded to the muscles flexing against the material.

  “How are you feeling today?”

  She sat up a little straighter. “Not as sore as yesterday. I might feel a little better if I could get out of the house for a bit, even if I just sat outside on the porch. I need some fresh air.” The closest she’d come to fresh air was when the front or back door opened, and she caught a breeze. “Don’t get me wrong. I appreciate everything you have done for me, but I’m feeling antsy, especially now that I’m not sleeping most of the day. I’ve always been an active person, and I have to say, out of all my body parts, I’m sure my eyes are in the best shape right now considering I do over three hundred eye rolls a day.”

  Stitch laughed. “I kinda figured. I thought maybe we could go a little further than the porch, though.”

  He had her attention. “What did you have in mind?” She asked, sounding overly hopeful to her own ears.

  “Maybe a drive along Skyline Drive, stopping at a few of the overlooks so you can get some fresh air, then grab an early dinner in town on the way back.”

  If she could bolt upstairs to grab her shoes, she would, but instead, she opted for a big smile. “I would love that. When do we leave?” She asked, starting to lift herself from the couch. She was already dressed in a pair of black leggings and a white long-sleeved tunic. All she needed were shoes and a coat.

  Once she was steady on her feet, Stitch stood up. She knew he was observing her. She surprised him when she got up on her tiptoes, putting most of her weight on her good ankle, and kissed his cheek. His skin felt smooth and warm against her lips.

  “Thank you for everything, Stitch.”

  He placed a hand on her hip. “I would do anything for you, Mia. Anything.” They stared at one another for several seconds before Stitch said, “I already brought your shoes down, and Alex left a coat for you. Do you need any help getting them on?” Ordinarily, she would have been appalled by him asking her that, but considering that bending over was still a difficult task with her ribs, all she could do was smile up at him because he was sincerely only trying to help her.

  “Alex made sure that I had shoes I could easily get my feet in and out of.” She opened the box and showed Stitch the light gray slip-on tennis shoes, and he smiled.

  “Alex thinks of everything.”

  Oh, how his statement was true. Little Miss Alex didn’t miss a beat. Mia still couldn’t believe the sexy panties and bras Alex bought her during her shopping trip.

  Stitch held her jacket open for her, and she slid her arms in. He was so gentle it warmed her heart.

  “We can also stop at any stores you want along the way. There are a couple of really cool antique shops. I know you like to browse through those.”

  “That sounds great. I would love to stop and look around if you don’t mind.”

  “As long as you’re feeling up to it.”

  “Trust me; if I’m not, I’ll let you know. If we don’t make it to them, I can always come back.” She glanced over her shoulder and found Stitch staring at her. She looked down at her hands that were clasped together. “Well, that is if I’m welcomed back considering all the trouble I’ve caused.”

  He placed his hand against her cheek, and his thumb caressed her bottom lip. She couldn’t resist the pull, and she leaned into his touch.

  “You’re welcome here anytime. In fact, I hope you decide to spend more time here with me.” He looked so serious as he told her, and Mia could only hope he was telling the truth because she would absolutely love to spend more time at the cabin with him. She just needed to get to the bottom of the mess she was currently in currently.


  The drive along the scenic route was the perfect distraction that Mia had needed. The beauty and calmness the mountains had to offer were breathtaking and tranquil. They had driven a few hours, stopping along the way at various points to view the mountain landscape as well as the many historical spots. She never realized how rich the locale was in Civil War history. She was bummed she didn’t have her phone to take pictures, but Stitch had taken some. She would definitely be returning when she was healed to tour the nearby caverns, maybe get a little snow skiing in, and exploring more of the mountains and communities surrounding it.

  On their way back home, they stopped at a little Mom and Pop diner that Stitch regularly frequented when he was up this way.

  Finding a table near the back, Mia looked over the menu. She couldn’t stop thinking about the last few hours and how Stitch’s attentiveness was so different today than the last few days.

  Around the cabin, he operated in a work mode mentality. Every now and then, he would sneak a little innuendo in, but today was different. It felt like a turning point in their relationship. That power surge feeling she got had been with her all day. His attentiveness had been off the charts. When they stopped at Hogback
Lookout, her favorite lookout stop of the day, Stitch had held her hand the entire time. When they stood together gazing out over the valley below them, he’d hugged her close to him. She savored every moment of the closeness. Neither one had much to say during the drive, though she did want to ask him if he’d heard anything about her case, but it had been too special of a day to ruin it with that ugliness.

  Since that first night, she found it frustrating that he had yet to try and kiss her again. She had wondered if she needed to make the next move and show that she was all in for them being together. They definitely needed to talk because the biggest obstacle facing their future together was her brother.

  “You’re not hurting, are you?” Stitch asked, getting her attention and pulling her from her thoughts.

  She shook her head and gave him a soft smile. “No, what made you ask that?”

  “You got quiet, and your eyebrows were drawn in.” He reached over and brushed his thumb across her forehead. The move sent little tingles through her body. She hadn’t realized she was that deep in thought.

  “Your expressions are one of the qualities I love so much about you. The way you express yourself, whether you’re talking, or like just now as you were thinking.”

  “Unlike you and my brother, who are tough people to read, but that doesn’t mean I don’t try to decipher whatever y’all got going through those thick skulls of yours.”

  He chuckled. “Well, we have had some practice. Believe me, that practice has saved our lives on numerous occasions.”

  An older lady with graying hair approached the table, and a huge smile crossed her face when her eyes landed on Stitch.

  “Stitch! I thought that was you. It is nice to see you again. It’s been a while.” The lady looked at Mia and smiled. “And I see you brought some company with you.”

  Stitch smiled. “Hi, Fran. It has been a while.”

  “Well, it’s always a pleasure to see your face around here.”

  “Fran, I’d like you to meet Mia. Mia, this is Fran. She and her husband, Theo, own this place.”


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