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Stitch Page 15

by Jaime Lewis

  Mia shook Fran’s hand. “It’s nice to meet you, Fran.”

  “Likewise, honey. What can I get you two? The special today is pot roast with green beans, mashed potatoes, and a corn muffin.”

  At the mention of food, Mia’s belly decided to alert the entire mountain population that she was hungry.

  Stitch laughed. “I guess I should have fed you earlier.”

  “The special sounds yummy, and obviously, my stomach already approved. I’ll take that and a sweet tea, please.”

  Stitched loved that Mia wasn’t a self-conscious eater. He’d seen her put away some food.

  Apparently, it had surprised Fran too, because Fran smirked at Mia. “I like you, sugar. A beautiful woman with an appetite.” Then she looked at Stitch. “Do I need to ask you what you want?”


  “I’ll add another special in for you. It’ll be out shortly.”

  Stitch looked across the table and found Mia staring at him. She leaned back in the chair, and her brown eyes sparkled as she spoke.

  “This is a perfect ending to our day. I know I’ve said it several times today, but thank you. I really needed this.”

  He reached across the table and took her hand, stroking the top with his thumb. “It’s perfect when you have the right company.”

  She didn’t try to pull away. Instead, she relaxed.

  “Can I ask you a question?” She asked.


  “What made you buy a cabin in the mountains? With your job, do you get a chance to come here often?”

  Fran set their drinks on the table, and Stitch pulled his hand back to grab his glass and took a sip. He looked back at Mia.

  “That’s just it. It’s because of the job. I wanted another place besides my apartment in town. I wanted a place I could escape to find peace and just take in what the world and nature offered. It’s nice to come up here for a couple of days and tune everything out.”

  She understood what he was saying. She’d heard Ace say when he would come home for a few days to the ranch in Oklahoma. When he wasn’t out helping on the land, she’d always find him sitting out on the back porch, taking in the peacefulness. Living in New York City and coming to a town like this gave her an understanding of what her brother and Stitch meant.

  “I get it, and I can’t disagree with you. It is nice to be able to just relax and not have to worry about life for a few days.”

  “I feel like I don’t get up here enough.”

  “Well, you should definitely take advantage of it more often. It's a gorgeous town, and the views from your place are breathtaking.”

  Stitch grinned. “The view is what sold me on the place. Before we head back to the beach, there is something I want to show you that I’ve never shared with anybody.”

  They talked more about the town and the people that Stitch knew, then before long, Fran delivered their dinner, and they ate while enjoying one another's company.


  When they arrived back at the cabin, Mia wasn’t quite ready to go back inside, so she had asked Stitch if she could sit outside for a little bit. The temperature had dropped as the sun made its descent behind the mountains, and the moon made its appearance. Stitch had some work he needed to handle, so he made a fire in the firepit and then got Mia set up on the deck in one of the lounge chairs he pulled over.

  After a quick run-through of his emails to make sure that the world wasn’t falling apart, he sent off a few emails to the base training staff; he then grabbed another blanket off the couch and walked to the back door. He stood in the doorway, watching Mia take in the sights of what his little slice of heaven offered. Watching the day transition into night, Stitch himself got lost in the picturesque view, and in a matter of seconds, the glow of the sun was gone and replaced by the silhouettes of the mountain tops basking in the moonlight.

  The nature and scenery fascinated him. His life as a SEAL hardened him over the years. Seeing the darkness and evil workings throughout the world took a toll on a person. But Mia managed to light up his life and remind him he was also a human being, and that there was so much good to see.

  He continued to observe her as she watched the doe and fawn making their way through his back yard. The way the moonlight shined down on her as she stood against the railing was a magical sight. It was like heaven shined a spotlight on a true angel. Her face glowed as she took in the movements of the mama deer and her baby. The moment was priceless. Her humbled expression and the way she took in everything around her, as if not wanting to miss out on something, made his heart grow even more. She was a perfect mixture of every quality he imagined his future wife would have. She was sweet, caring, loving, brilliant, and a spitfire when she wanted to be.

  He hadn’t mentioned to her yet about speaking to Ace last week, but he planned on doing it tonight because he couldn’t hold back his desire to not show her how much he loved and cherished her.

  The fire crackled loudly, and Mia glanced over her shoulder, and her eyes fell upon him. He smiled and moved out onto the deck, taking her hand and leading her to the large lounge chair. Once he settled himself, he patted his lap, and her eyes widened.

  “Please, Mia. Sit with me?”

  Without saying a word, she lowered herself, and he scooted over a little. She turned and snuggled into his side, making him sigh in contentment.

  “Did you get what you needed to do done?” She asked in a low voice.

  “I did. What were you thinking about before I came out here?”

  Her head tipped back, and she looked up at him with her brown eyes. “You.”

  His lips curled slightly. “Me? Really?”

  She nodded her head yes, but then laid it back down on his chest, and he sensed that something was off.

  “Mia…” She moved again, and the glow from the firelight shined on her cheek where the bruising was the worst. He ran his fingertips lightly down the soft skin. “I don’t like seeing you hurting, emotionally, or physically. You don’t deserve any of this.”

  She sighed. “I just want it to be over. I don’t like the unknown and being afraid of what could be around the next corner.” She looked up at him again and he saw the fearfulness in her eyes. It was a look he never wanted to see. But he sensed there was something else bothering her.

  “What else?”

  Her eyes widened, and he wanted to laugh because that move alone ratted her out. “What do you mean?”

  “What else is bothering you? You mentioned you were thinking about me. Have I done something to upset you?” Stitch asked, hoping he hadn’t. He admitted to himself that he’d been a little bossy over the last couple of days, but that was for her own good to help her heal.

  “I’m afraid of losing you. I know we’re both attracted to each other and we’ve been playing this cat and mouse game ever since the holidays last year, but I’m tired of running and hiding. I’m afraid that when this whole thing going on with me is all said and done with, you’re going to realize that I’m too much trouble and you’ll walk away.”

  Stitch was not only shocked, but he was pissed off that she would think he would be that insensitive to turn his back on her because of something she had absolutely no control over.

  “Oh baby, let’s get something straight right now. I should be insulted that you would even think I could be that shallow of a person.” When she went to protest, he stopped her. “Let me finish. I can understand your way of thinking. You’ve really never had a serious relationship.” When she looked surprised at his statement, he couldn’t help but grin. “Just because I never acted on my feelings didn’t mean I wasn’t keeping tabs on you, sweetheart.” When he saw the dawning light in her expression, he gave her a gentle squeeze and grinned. “I’ve had my eye on you for a while. It just took some time for my brain and heart to connect. I’ve wasted almost a better part of a year thinking about what others would think of us dating when I could’ve enjoyed that time with you. Yeah, you were still going
to school, but still, we could’ve made it work. I kick myself in the ass every day.”

  “We both made that mistake. I knew after the first month of dating Terek that he wasn’t right for me. I think I avoided you because of my brother. God knows what he would think of us dating.”

  “What would you say if your brother gave us his blessing?”

  “I would say that would be a miracle. He doesn’t have much patience when it comes to men and me.”

  He rubbed her back, “Mia, Ace, and I spoke the night you got here.”

  Her eyes snapped up, looking directly into his. “What exactly did the two of you talk about?”

  “You and me, and what we have between us.”


  He reached his hand under her hair, cupping the back of her neck, drawing her closer until they were nose to nose. He pressed his lips gently against hers, testing the waters. He wanted so badly to show her how he really felt and kiss her deeply. He wanted to taste every inch of her, but he was afraid he wouldn’t want to stop, and her body wasn’t ready for that yet. He released her lips and stared into her eyes that glistened.

  “That should answer your question.”

  Her smile was so big, and her brown eyes sparkled. She kissed his cheek, then rested her head against his shoulder. She didn’t say anything for a few moments, and he wondered what was running through her head.

  “You okay?”

  She nuzzled her face against the side of his neck.

  “It’s just a lot to take in. I mean, what if—”

  He put his pointer finger against her lips to quiet her.

  “Don’t play the what-if game. Believe me. It’s not worth the mind-fucking. Let’s just enjoy the time now.”

  She smiled, then covered a big yawn.

  He kissed the top of her head. “You’ve had a busy day. How about I take you up to bed?”

  “Okay.” She said without an argument, and he grinned.

  He got her upstairs and into the bathroom so she could change into her pajamas. He took that time to change into something more comfortable. Pulling on a pair of lounge pants, he thought back to earlier in the day and how much he enjoyed spending it with Mia. She was definitely special.

  She walked out, and he noticed she was favoring her ankle a little more than earlier.

  He held out a pain pill and a glass of water to her. Surprisingly, she took it with no argument, then crawled in bed. He pulled the covers up over her, and she reached for his hand.

  “Stay with me tonight?” She asked him as her brown eyes gazed into his.

  “I haven’t left you alone yet at night.”

  She looked over at the chair sitting next to the bed. “I don’t mean just sitting here in the room with me. I want you to lay in bed with me and hold me. Please?”

  How could he say no to that pout? Without a word, he walked over to the main light switch and flipped it, sending the room into darkness. Seconds later, the moonlight filtered through the window, bringing just enough light for him to make his way back to the bed. Not that he needed the light. He had a knack for finding his way in the dark. He pulled the covers down and slid into bed behind Mia. He pressed up against her back. When she tried to turn, he held her still.

  “No, stay just like this. This is perfect.”

  They lay there in silence. It was what he’d dreamed of and something he’d wanted to do every night.



  “I have a confession.” He could hear the sleepiness in her voice. She was ready to fall asleep any minute.

  “What is it?” He asked, loving the way her body fit against his. Then she wiggled her little ass against his dick, and damn did he have the patience of a saint because he wanted to roll her over and bury himself in her. Then she said the three words that blocked everything his mind was processing, and his heart grew.

  “I love you,” she whispered before her breathing evened out. He grinned and snuggled closer against her body, then kissed her head.

  “I love you too, Mia.”

  His phone buzzed, and he pulled it off the nightstand and smiled, seeing the message from Ace. It was going to be nice to surprise Mia tomorrow morning when he told her that Ace, Alex, and her mom were coming up for a visit.


  The next morning Stitch walked into the bedroom and smiled. He couldn’t remember the last time sleep had come so easy for him. A lot of nights, he was met with demons from his past missions. Having Mia next to him had been comforting. She was a snuggler, but he didn’t mind one bit. He loved having her close and in his arms.

  He walked toward the bed, and she popped her head up. Her hair was all tousled, but she still looked sexy. She stretched like a kitten just waking from a nap.

  “Hey, sleepyhead. How did you sleep last night?”

  She smiled and curled herself around his pillow. “Well, considering I had a very comfortable pillow, I slept like a log.” She turned her nose into the air and sniffed. “What smells so delicious?”

  “That would be breakfast. Your brother and Alex will be here any minute, and they have a surprise for you, so you better get up and get ready.”

  He smiled when he saw her face light up. It was nice to see her smiling more.

  “Ace is coming?!” She asked excitingly and tried getting out of the bed too fast and then winced as she grabbed her side. “Damn ribs are becoming a royal pain in my ass, I tell you.”

  He wanted to laugh but thought better of it. Instead, he lowered to a knee in front of her. She reached out and cupped his cheek. He turned his head and kissed her palm.

  “You need to be careful. We did a lot of walking yesterday. Maybe too much, now that I think about it.”

  She smiled at him. “Stitch, yesterday was perfect. I’m just a little achy.”

  Her recovery was priority number one, and he didn’t need her reinjuring herself and causing a set-back.

  He stood up and took a step back.


  “Yeah, babe?”

  He watched her closely as she slowly got herself up out of bed and padded in her bare feet over to him. The good news was she seemed to be able to put more pressure on her ankle. He thought with all the walking they did yesterday, she would be feeling some soreness this morning. Once she was in front of him, she placed her hand on his chest. Her touch alone sent warmth through his body. When she looked up at him with those big brown eyes of hers full of so many emotions, he knew he was a goner. There would never be anyone else who stood by his side.

  She nibbled her lip and appeared to have something on her mind. He placed one hand over hers that rested against his chest, and the other he wrapped around her gently as not to pester her injuries.

  “What is it, Mia? You can be honest with me.”

  “I wanted you to know that I meant what I said last night when I told you that I loved you. You probably thought I was asleep, but I wasn’t, and I heard you say it back but…” Her words trailed off, and he knew what was coming, but he was done pussyfooting around.

  Once he finally swallowed the huge mass that suddenly formed in his dry throat, he was able to speak.

  “Mia, I’m gonna lay it out for you. I’ve been in love with you since you showed up at Ace and Alex’s last Christmas. I know we’ve been around each other different times before then, and I don’t know….maybe it was because during those encounters, we really didn’t get to spend a lot of time around each other, alone. I think I’ve always been attracted to you, but there were complications that we spoke about yesterday that I think prevented that attraction from growing. But getting to really spend time with you over this past year, I fell head over heels in love with you. And that’s the honest-to-god’s truth. I love you, and if I could marry you tomorrow, I would.”

  He loved seeing that big bright smile he knew she had. It was a part of her that he loved. She was always a people person and friendly. Unless you pissed her off, and then the gloves
were off. He’d witnessed it.

  “Now, I’ll let you get ready since our guests should be arriving in the next twenty minutes or so, but if I know your brother, he’ll probably be walking in any minute. He is anxious to see you.” She grinned, and that look warmed his heart. He gave her another quick kiss. “When you’re ready to come downstairs, holler, and I’ll come and get you.”

  “Stitch, I told you, I need to start walking on my own, and that includes walking down the stairs. Even you’ve mentioned how I need to build back my strength.”

  Ignoring her comment, he said, “I’m sure the hot shower will feel good on those sore muscles.”

  “Actually, a hot shower sounds really nice.”

  “Just remember to sit on the bench. I don’t need you falling down and hurting your pretty little self any more than you already are.”

  “Yes, Sir.” She said as she gave him a mock salute then giggled when he gave her that stern look.

  He pointed to the bathroom. “Go!” She chuckled again, and the sound went straight to heart.

  “Love ya!” She called out.

  “Love you too,” he responded as he walked out of the room, feeling a little lighter on his feet. He shook his head. Damn, it felt good to be able to express his love to her finally. Now, he just needed to make sure her overprotective brother was really on board. He may have already talked to Ace about him dating Mia, but now it was time to clue him in that she was it and he wanted to marry her.


  Mia sat out on the deck with her mom. Alex was there, but then she had gone inside to give them some time alone.

  Her mom reached out and pulled her into another hug, and Mia fought off the tears. She knew her mom had been worried and wanted to come sooner, but it hadn’t been safe. It still wasn’t, considering the police were still yet to obtain any leads on her kidnapping.

  “Oh, baby girl, we were all so worried. Your brother knew something wasn’t right when he read that text you sent.”

  “I hope he’s not blaming himself for this.”

  “You know your brother. You were always his favorite. Since the day we brought you home from the hospital, he was always by your side. As you grew older, he was also the first in line to be the one to teach you things. And to this day, I think he still needs that connection with you. But you both are adults now, and I think he feels like he let you down.”


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