The Giant Book of Poetry (2006)
Page 62
23 (Xxiii)
Poets Look at Eternity Disk A
25 - Dust Unto Dust
28 (Xxviii)
Poets Look at Growing Up and Growing Old Disk A
03 - Generations
51 (Li)
Poems of Romance
13 - Love
Act, The
Poets Look at Growing Up and Growing Old Disk A
13 - Middle-age
Address Of Ruth To Naomi
Poems of Romance
36 - Commitment
After Apple-Picking
Poems of Working
14 - Farm
After Blenheim
Poets Look at War and Peace
22 - Futility
After Great Pain A Formal Feeling Comes
Poems of Loss and Sorrow
35 - Coping
Ah! I Intended
Poets Look at Growing Up and Growing Old Disk A
22 - Aging
Aim Was Song, The
Poems of Nature
26 - Wind and Storms
Alexander Throckmorton
Poets Look at Growing Up and Growing Old Disk A
20 - Looking Back
All The World’s A Stage
Poets Look at Growing Up and Growing Old Disk B
11 - Aging
Allen Ginsberg
Poems of Working
22 - Writing
Alley Violinist
No audio version available
Poets Look at Growing Up and Growing Old Disk B
15 - Aging
American History
Poems of Working
25 - Teaching
American Sketches
Poems of Working
13 - Farm
An Argument
Poems of lust, betrayal, and lost love
15 - Philandering
An Arundel Tomb
Poems of Romance
48 - Commitment
An Exchange Of Gifts
Poets Look at Writing, Art, and Poetry
10 - Writing
An Obstacle
Poems That Make a Statement Disk A
25 - Oppression and Discrimination
An Old Man’s Winter Night
Poets Look at Growing Up and Growing Old Disk B
02 - Aging
An Old Story
Poems of Loss and Sorrow
12 - Loss of a Friend
Aner Clute
Poets Look at Choices in Life
19 - Peer Pressure
Annabel Lee
Poems of Ghosts, Evil, and Superstition Disk B
14 - Death
Answering Machine, The
Poems of the Human Condition
15 - Society
Anvil-God’s Word, The
Poems of Inspiration and Faith
04 - Western Religion
Any Movement Kills Something
Poets Look at Choices in Life
12 - Consequences
Apparently With No Surprise
Poets Look at Eternity Disk A
16 - The March of Time
Poets Look at Eternity Disk B
22 - The End of the World
Armadillo, The
Poets Look at Writing, Art, and Poetry
13 - Writing
Ars Poetica
Poets Look at Writing, Art, and Poetry
29 - Ars Poetica
Ashes, The
Poems That Make a Statement Disk A
13 - Human Rights
Assembly Line
Poems of Working
0”3 - Factory
At The Office Early
Poems of Working
20 - White Collar
Poets Look at Choices in Life
06 - Temptation
Autumn Thoughts
Poets Look at Eternity Disk A
14 - The March of Time
Axe Handles
Poets Look at Growing Up and Growing Old Disk A
02 - Generations
Poems of Nature
11 - Animals
Bagel, The
Poems for Children of all Ages
05 - Strange
Ballad Of Father Gilligan, The
Poems of Ghosts, Evil, and Superstition Disk B
03 - Supernatural
Ballad Of Pious Pete, The
Poems of Ghosts, Evil, and Superstition Disk B
15 - Death
Ballad Of The Black Fox Skin, The
Poems of Ghosts, Evil, and Superstition Disk B
04 - Supernatural
Poems of Nature
06 - Animals
Be Your Words Made, Good Sir Of Indian Ware
Poems of Romance
30 - Seperation
Beautiful Toilet, The
Poems of lust, betrayal, and lost love
34 - Failed Relationships
Because I Could Not Stop For Death
Poets Look at Eternity Disk A
21 - Dust unto Dust
Before Groundbreak
Poems of Working
05 - Construction
Poems of Nature
34 - Landscape
Beleaguered City, The
Poems of Ghosts, Evil, and Superstition Disk A
12 - Ghosts
Bell, The
No audio version available
Belle Isle, 1949
Poems of the Human Condition
08 - Friendship
Beyond Recall
Poems of Loss and Sorrow
22 - Disbelief and Visits
Binsey Poplars
Poems of Nature
39 - Trees
Poets Look at Growing Up and Growing Old Disk A
14 - Looking Back
Birth Stone
Poems of Working
15 - Farm
Poems of lust, betrayal, and lost love
46 - Moving On
Poems That Make a Statement Disk A
19 - Oppression and
Discrimination Blessing, A
Poems of Nature
02 - Animals
Boy Died In My Alley, The
No audio version available
Brass Knuckles
Poems That Make a Statement Disk A
07 - Poverty
Brook In The City, A
Poems of Nature
19 - Earth
Poems of Working
21 - Writing
Bus To Veracruz, The
Poets Look at Eternity Disk B
11 - Heaven, Hell, Purgatory
By That Fallen House
Poets Look at War and Peace
21 - Futility
By Their Works
Poems of Inspiration and Faith
03 - Western Religion
Camouflaging The Chimera
Poets Look at War and Peace
08 - Soldiers
Cardinal Detoxes: A Play In One Act, The
Poems That Make a Statement Disk B
02 - Religion
Carrion Comfort
Poems of Inspiration and Faith
26 - Questioning Religion
Carrion, A
Poets Look at Eternity Disk A
22 - Dust unto Dust
Ceist Na Teangan (The Language Issue)
Poets Look at Writing, Art, and Poetry
03 - Language
Certain People
No audio version available
Channel Firing
Poets Look at War and Peace
19 - Futility
Charge Of The Light Brigade, The
Poets Look at War and Peace
03 - Glory
Clearances (Part V)
Poems of Romance
18 - Love
Come Not, When I Am Dead
Poems of Romance
06 - Unrequited
Poems of lust, betrayal, and lost love
26 - Battle of the Sexes
Computation, The
Poems of Romance
26 - Seperation
Confessional, The
Poems of lust, betrayal, and lost love
20 - Betrayal
Confined Love
Poems of lust, betrayal, and lost love
12 - Philandering
Conrad Siever
Poets Look at Eternity Disk B
18 - Immortality
Consulting The Oracle
Poems of Inspiration and Faith
19 - Eastern Religion
Poets Look at Choices in Life
24 - Faith
Poems of Nature
44 - Trees
Country Fair
Poems of the Human Condition
14 - Society
Couple, A
Poems of Nature
13 - Insects
Cremation Of Sam Mcgee, The
Poems of Ghosts, Evil, and Superstition Disk B
10 - Death
Cubist Portrait
Poets Look at Choices in Life
30 - Anger & Forgiveness
Curse, The
Poems of lust, betrayal, and lost love
27 - Battle of the Sexes
Dacca Gauzes, The
Poems That Make a Statement Disk A
18 - Human Rights
Dance, The
Poets Look at Growing Up and Growing Old Disk A
21 - Looking Back
Danse Russe
Poems of the Human Condition
03 - Unexpected or Inner Beauty
Darest Thou Now O Soul
Poems of Inspiration and Faith
28 - Inspiration
Daydreaming On The Trail
Poems of Nature
29 - Landscape
Poets Look at Eternity Disk A
13 - The March of Time
Dead Village, The
Poems of Ghosts, Evil, and Superstition Disk A
02 - Haunted Buildings
Dead Water
No audio version available
Poets Look at Growing Up and Growing Old Disk B
16 - Aging
Death Of The Ball Turret Gunner, The
Poets Look at War and Peace
11 - Casualties
Death Of The Hired Man
Poems of Working
27 - Household
Decade, A
Poems of Romance
20 - Love
Deed Knocks First At Thought, A
Poets Look at Choices in Life
05 - Temptation
Defense Of The Meek
Poems of the Human Condition
16 - Society
Poets Look at Writing, Art, and Poetry
30 - Ars Poetica
Dichtung And Wahrheit - Part Xxxiii
No audio version available
Did I Miss Anything?
Poems of Working
24 - Teaching
Poets Look at Writing, Art, and Poetry
17 - Writing
Ditty, A
Poems of Romance
29 - Seperation
Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night
Poems of Inspiration and Faith
41 - Inspiration
Poems That Make a Statement Disk A
17 - Human Rights
Doing, A Filthy Pleasure Is, And Short
Poems of Romance
02 - Courting
Don Fargo & Sons
Poems of Working
06 - Construction
Dream Deferred: Harlem
Poems That Make a Statement Disk A
21 - Oppression and
Discrimination Dream Of Death, A
Poems of Ghosts, Evil, and Superstition Disk B
12 - Death
Dream Of Jealousy, A
Poems of lust, betrayal, and lost love
17 - Philandering
Dream Pang, A
Poems of lust, betrayal, and lost love
33 - Failed Relationships
Dream, The
Poems of Loss and Sorrow
25 - Disbelief and Visits
Poets Look at Choices in Life
10 - Temptation
Driving Lesson
Poets Look at Growing Up and Growing Old Disk A
04 - Generations
Dry Tortugas, The
Poems of the Human Condition
11 - Parents
Dulce Et Decorum Est
Poets Look at War and Peace
14 - Casualties
Dumka, The
Poems of Romance
40 - Commitment
Eating Poetry
Poets Look at Writing, Art, and Poetry
07 - Reading
Eating Together
No audio version available
Electric Elegy
Poems That Make a Statement Disk A
16 - Human Rights
Epitaph For James Smith
Poems of lust, betrayal, and lost love
10 - Philandering
Epitaph On A Henpecked SQuire
Poems of lust, betrayal, and lost love
32 - Failed Relationships
Epitaph On William Muir
Poems of Inspiration and Faith
29 - Inspiration
Everything The Power Of The World Does Is Done In A Circle
Poems of Inspiration and Faith
14 - Pagan
Poems of lust, betrayal, and lost love
28 - Battle of the Sexes
Eyes, The
Poems of Romance
27 - Seperation
Facing It
Poets Look at War and Peace
12 - Casualties
Fading Into Background
Poets Look at Growing Up and Growing Old Disk B
10 - Aging
False Though She Be To Me And Love
Poems of lust, betrayal, and lost love
19 - Betrayal
Fawn’s Foster-Mother
Poems of Nature
10 - Animals
Fiddler Jones
Poets Look at Eternity Disk A
08 - Priorities
Filling Station
Poems of Working
17 - Transportation
Fire And Ice
Poets Look at Eternity Disk B
23 - The End of the World
Fire Of Drift-Wood, The
Poets Look at Eternity Disk A
17 - The March of time
First Day, The
Poems of Romance
0”3 - Courting
First Fig
Poets Look at Choices in Life
09 - Temptation
Five Lives
Poets Look at Eternity Disk B
02 - Dust unto Dust
Flask, The
Poems of Ghosts, Evil, and Superstition Disk A
06 - Ghosts
For Annie
Poems of Ghosts, Evil, and Superstition Disk B
13 - Death
For Once, Then, Something
Poems of Ghosts, Evil, and Superstition Disk A
09 - Ghosts
Poets Look at Growing Up and Growing Old Disk A
17 - Looking Back
Poets Look at Choices in Life
28 - Anger & Forgiveness
Poems for Children of all Ages
/> 07 - Strange
Fountain, A Bottle, A Donkey's Ears, And Some Books, A
Poets Look at Writing, Art, and Poetry
18 - Writing
Poems of Romance
22 - Love
Poems of lust, betrayal, and lost love
41 - Moving On
From A Plane
Poems of Nature
30 - Landscape
From Beginning And End - Knowledge
Poets Look at Eternity Disk A
23 - Dust unto Dust
From Fuses I - On Art
Poets Look at Writing, Art, and Poetry
35 - Art
From Fuses I - On God
Poems of Inspiration and Faith
24 - Questioning Religion
From Fuses I - On Love
Poems of lust, betrayal, and lost love
25 - Battle of the Sexes
From Idem The Same, A Valentine To Sherwood Anderson, A Very Valentine
Poems of Romance
24 - Love
From Selected Shorts
No audio version available
From The Longbeards’ Saga