The Giant Book of Poetry (2006)
Page 64
33 - Ars Poetica
O Blush Not So
Poems of lust, betrayal, and lost love
06 - Lust
O Captain! My Captain
Poems of Loss and Sorrow
14 - Loss of a Friend
Ode On A Grecian Urn
Poets Look at Eternity Disk B
12 - Immortality
Ode To The Maggot
Poems of Nature
15 - Insects
Of Time And The Line
Poets Look at Writing, Art, and Poetry
32 - Ars Poetica
Old Days
Poets Look at Growing Up and Growing Old Disk A
25 - Aging
Old Liberators, The
Poets Look at War and Peace
07 - Soldiers
Old World, The
Poems of Inspiration and Faith
16 - Pagan Religion
On A Tree Fallen Across The Road
Poems of Inspiration and Faith
33 - Inspiration
On His Blindness
Poems of Inspiration and Faith
27 - Questioning Religion
On His Seventy-Fifth Birthday
Poets Look at Growing Up and Growing Old Disk B
22 - Waiting for Death
On The Disinclination To Scream
Poems of the Human Condition
32 - Confession
On The Wire
Poets Look at War and Peace
16 - Casualties
Poems of the Human Condition
26 - Confession
One Art
Poems of Loss and Sorrow
15 - Loss of a Spouse
One Fallen Flower
Poems of Nature
42 - Trees
Poems of the Human Condition
04 - Unexpected or Inner Beauty
Only One Of My Deaths
Poems of Nature
14 - Insects
Onset, The
Poems of Nature
17 - Earth
Opera Season
Poems of Loss and Sorrow
19 - Loss of a Spouse
Out, Out -
Poems of Working
08 - Construction
Owl And The Pussy-Cat, The
Poems for Children of all Ages
02 - Nursery
Oxen, The
Poems of Inspiration and Faith
25 - Questioning Religion
Poets Look at Eternity Disk A
30 - Dust Unto Dust
Pact, A
Poets Look at Writing, Art, and Poetry
11 - Writing
Party Piece
Poems of the Human Condition
18 - Sex and Relationships
Poems of Working
19 - Transportation
Poets Look at War and Peace
26 - Bystanders
No audio version available
Phantom Ship, The
Poems of Ghosts, Evil, and Superstition Disk A
13 - Ghosts
Poems That Make a Statement Disk A
24 - Oppression and Discrimination
Pied Piper Of Hamelin, The
Poems for Children of all Ages
09 - Story
Pit, The
Poems of Loss and Sorrow
27 - Depression
Pity Of The Leaves, The
Poets Look at Growing Up and Growing Old Disk B
26 - Waiting for Death
Place (“There’s A Way Out”)
Poets Look at Growing Up and Growing Old Disk B
20 - Waiting for Death
Place For Everything, A
Poems of the Human Condition
10 - Parents
Plunge, The
Poems of Romance
23 - Love
Poems of Working
07 - Construction
Poem You Asked For, The
Poets Look at Writing, Art, and Poetry
25 - Poetry
Poet, The
Poets Look at Writing, Art, and Poetry
28 - Ars Poetica
Poets Look at Writing, Art, and Poetry
19 - Poetry
Poetry Reading At West Point, A
Poets Look at Writing, Art, and Poetry
27 - Poetry
Poet’s Fate, The
Poets Look at Writing, Art, and Poetry
16 - Writing
Poets Look at War and Peace
24 - Futility
Pope’s Penis, The
Poems That Make a Statement Disk A
27 - Religion
Poems of lust, betrayal, and lost love
40 - Failed Relationships
Porcelain Couple, The
Poems of Loss and Sorrow
34 - Coping
Porphyria’s Lover
Poems of Ghosts, Evil, and Superstition Disk B
09 - Murder
Potter’s Wheel, The
Poets Look at Eternity Disk B
04 - Dust unto Dust
Presentiment, A
Poems of Ghosts, Evil, and Superstition Disk A
18 - Supernatural
Poems That Make a Statement Disk A
15 - Human Rights
Promise, The
Poems of Romance
21 - Love
Props Assist The House, The
Poems of Inspiration and Faith
32 - Inspiration
Pulling A Pig’s Tail
Poems of Working
16 - Farm
Poems of the Human Condition
13 - Society
Puppy Called Puberty, A
Poets Look at Growing Up and Growing Old Disk A
09 - Puberty
Poets Look at Writing, Art, and Poetry
31 - Ars Poetica
Quake Theory
Poems of the Human Condition
25 - Confession
Questions About Angels
Poems of Inspiration and Faith
09 - Western Religion
Poems of lust, betrayal, and lost love
36 - Failed Relationships
Rainy Day, The
Poems of Loss and Sorrow
30 - Depression
Raven, The
Poems of Ghosts, Evil, and Superstition Disk A
19 - Supernatural
Poets Look at Writing, Art, and Poetry
04 - Reading
Reading In Place
Poets Look at Writing, Art, and Poetry
06 - Reading
Reading Myself
Poets Look at Eternity Disk B
17 - Immortality
Reassurance, The
Poems of Loss and Sorrow
24 - Disbelief and Visits
Red Wheelbarrow, The
Poems of Working
12 - Farm
Poems of Loss and Sorrow
03 - Final Instructions
Poems of Loss and Sorrow
05 - Final Instructions
ReQuiem - Instead Of A Preface
Poems That Make a Statement Disk A
11 - Human Rights
ReQuiem For The Croppies
Poets Look at War and Peace
10 - Soldiers
Response To Emily Dickinson’s “Wild Nights—Wild Nights!”
Poems of the Human Condition
20 - Sex and Relationships
Reuben Bright
Poems of Loss and Sorrow
18 - Loss of a Spouse
Revenge Of Ha
Poets Look at Choices in Life
29 - Anger & Forgiveness
Rhapsody On A Windy Night
Poems of Loss and Sorrow
29 - Depression
Rhodora, The
Poems of Inspiration and Faith
12 - Western Religion
Richard Cory
Poets Look at Choices in Life
15 - Consequences
Rime Of The Ancient Mariner, The
Poems of Ghosts, Evil, and Superstition Disk A
14 - Ghosts
River-Merchant’s Wife: A Letter, The
Poets Look at Choices in Life
14 - Consequences
Road Not Taken, The
Poets Look at Choices in Life
02 - Difficult Decisions
Room, The
Poems of Loss and Sorrow
08 - Loss of a Child
Rudimentary Explanation Of An Ideal Poem, A
Poets Look at Writing, Art, and Poetry
20 - Poetry
Ruined Maid, The
Poets Look at Choices in Life
07 - Temptation
Sad Shepherd, The
Poets Look at Eternity Disk B
03 - Dust unto Dust
Poems of lust, betrayal, and lost love
04 - Lust
Poets Look at Eternity Disk A
04 - Priorities
Satan Says
Poems of the Human Condition
29 - Confession
Scholar, The
Poets Look at Growing Up and Growing Old Disk B
28 - Mortal Illness
Selecting A Reader
Poets Look at Writing, Art, and Poetry
26 - Poetry
Poems of Loss and Sorrow
28 - Depression
Shadow Friends
Poems of Loss and Sorrow
31 - Depression
She Walks In Beauty
Poems of Romance
10 - Beauty
Sheaves, The
Poems of Nature
31 - Landscape
Sheep Child, The
Poems of the Human Condition
23 - Sex and Relationships
Poems of Working
02 - Factory
Shooting Of Dan Mcgrew, The
Poems of lust, betrayal, and lost love
35 - Failed Relationships
Sick Rose, The
Poems of lust, betrayal, and lost love
31 - Failed Relationships
Silas Dement
Poems That Make a Statement Disk A
09 - Change
Silence And Dancing
Poets Look at Growing Up and Growing Old Disk B
08 - Aging
Smoking Frog, The
Poets Look at Eternity Disk A
29 - Dust unto Dust
Poets Look at Choices in Life
18 - Peer Pressure
Poems of Working
26 - Household
Snow Man, The
Poems of Nature
20 - Earth
Poems of Inspiration and Faith
10 - Western Religion
Snow-Storm, The
Poems of Nature
22 - Wind and Storms
So, We’ll Go No More A-Roving
Poets Look at Growing Up and Growing Old Disk A
24 - Aging
Soaking Up Sun
Poems of Working
30 - Retirement
Soldier Of Fortune, The
Poets Look at War and Peace
06 - Glory
Soldier, The
Poets Look at War and Peace
04 - Glory
Solitary Reaper, The
Poems of Nature
33 - Landscape
Poems of Inspiration and Faith
34 - Inspiration
Poems of Loss and Sorrow
04 - Final Instructions
Song From Charles The First
Poets Look at Growing Up and Growing Old Disk B
12 - Aging
Song In The Front Yard, A
No audio version available
Song Of Prudence
Poets Look at Choices in Life
16 - Prudence
Song: Why So Pale And Wan, Fond Lover?
Poems of lust, betrayal, and lost love
45 - Moving On
Sonnet 017 (Xvii)
Poets Look at Eternity Disk B
19 - Immortality
Sonnet 018 (Xviii)
Poems of Romance
41 - Commitment
Sonnet 032 (Xxxii)
Poems of Romance
42 - Commitment
Sonnet 055 (Lv)
Poems of Romance
43 - Commitment
Sonnet 130 (Cxxx)
Poems of Romance
11 - Beauty
Sonnet 138 (Cxxxviii)
Poems of Romance
16 - Love
Sonnet 143 (Cxliii)
Poems of Romance
04 - Unrequited
Sonnet 147 (Cxlvii)
Poems of lust, betrayal, and lost love
21 - Betrayal
Sonnets From The Portuguese – 1
Poems of Romance
33 - Redemption
Sonnets From The Portuguese – 14
Poems of Romance
37 - Commitment
Sonnets From The Portuguese – 20
Poems of Romance
34 - Redemption
Sonnets From The Portuguese – 43
Poems of Romance
38 - Commitment
Poets Look at Growing Up and Growing Old Disk B
19 - Waiting for Death
Space Heater, The
Poems of the Human Condition
33 - Confession
Poems of Ghosts, Evil, and Superstition Disk A
17 - Ghouls
Spring And Fall
Poems of Loss and Sorrow
36 - Coping
St. Francis And The Sow
Poems of Nature
12 - Animals
Still Life
Poets Look at Growing Up and Growing Old Disk B
18 - Waiting for Death
Stones, The
Poems for Children of all Ages
08 - Strange
Stopping By Woods On A Snowy Evening
Poets Look at Growing Up and Growing Old Disk A
23 - Aging
Storm Fear
Poems of Nature
21 - Wind and Storms
Story, The
Poems of lust, betrayal, and lost love
37 - Failed Relationships
Strange Lady, The
Poems of Ghosts, Evil, and Superstition Disk A
07 - Ghosts
Stretch Marks
Poems of Romance
46 - Commitment
Poems That Make a Statement Disk A
02 - Physical Abuse
Suicide’s Note
Poems of the Human Condition
17 - Suicide
Summer Morning, A
No audio version available
Sun And Shadow
Poems of Inspiration and Faith
37 - Inspiration
Sunt Leones
Poets Look at Choices in Life
25 - Faith
Poets Look at Eternity Disk A
03 - Priorities
Swan At Edgewater Park, The
Poems of the Human Condition
21 - Sex and Relationships
Sweet Will
Poems of Working
04 - Factory
> Talking In Bed
Poems of lust, betrayal, and lost love
38 - Failed Relationships
Tame Cat
Poems of lust, betrayal, and lost love
03 - Lust
Tavern, The
Poems of Ghosts, Evil, and Superstition Disk A
04 - Haunted Buildings
Terence, This Is Stupid Stuff
Poets Look at Writing, Art, and Poetry
21 - Poetry
Poets Look at Eternity Disk B
07 - A Passageway
Thanksgiving’s Done
Poets Look at Growing Up and Growing Old Disk B
07 - Aging
There Came A Wind Like A Bugle
Poems of Nature
24 - Wind and Storms
There Will Come Soft Rains
Poets Look at War and Peace
23 - Futility
There’s A Certain Slant Of Light
Poems of Loss and Sorrow
26 - Depression
They Say My Verse Is Sad: No Wonder
Poems of lust, betrayal, and lost love
43 - Moving On
Poets Look at Growing Up and Growing Old Disk A