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Page 28

by Wegner, Ola

  When he returned over an hour later, he found Thomas and Claire sitting in the waiting area next to Amy’s private room.

  “She’s asleep.” Thomas stood up the moment he saw Jake. “She was very emotional and kept crying. The doctor decided to give her something to make her sleep. We didn’t want to disturb her so we decided to wait here.”

  “Thank you both,” Jake managed a sad smile. “You can go home now. I’ll stay with her during the night.”

  Thomas seemed to hesitate. It was obvious he didn’t want to leave his daughter alone. “You’re sure?”

  “Yes, there’s no point for all of us to stay here,” he reasoned. “But you could drop by tomorrow. I will have to go to the office for a few hours and I don’t want to leave her alone.”

  “We’ll be here,” Thomas assured. He and Claire gathered their things, and went slowly towards the elevator.

  Jake followed them with his eyes until they disappeared and then turned to Amy’s room. She was on her side, and looked to be sleeping soundly. He put his hand on her tummy. The baby kicked his hand. Jake shook his head with a smile. He had a strange feeling that it wasn’t the last sleepless night in his life due to his son’s actions.

  He removed his jacket and shoes and curled up on the small couch positioned beneath the window. His eyes were on his wife as he fought sleep, until he couldn’t any longer.

  Chapter Twenty–Three

  Amy yawned. God but she was bored. She began to flip through the channels again. She’d never in her life watched as much TV as she had during the last few weeks. At last, she turned the sound off and put the remote control aside. She glanced at the clock on the wall. It was nearly two o’clock.

  She felt a strong kick on the wall of her tummy. She smiled, and rubbed the place when her son’s foot stuck out.

  “You don’t want to sleep any longer?” she asked and in response and almost instantly she felt another jab against her palm.

  Now that the baby was older, a day shy from thirty-five weeks, she didn’t feel so panicked any more. She knew that he would have survived on his own now. She was determined though to carry him full term at thirty-seven weeks. She only hoped that her boy would cooperate.

  She wanted Jake home soon. She wondered what took him so long today, but then she chided herself for that thought. He was so good to her. Since she’d been admitted to the hospital he’d barely left her side. He worked from here while she read or watched TV. He talked with Marcia on the cell phone and sent documents from his laptop. He slept on the small couch in her room. Only sometimes he was absent for a few hours, like today, when his presence was needed at a meeting.

  The nurses gossiped about them. And she wasn’t surprised that they piqued people’s interest. It was surely very rare to see such a devoted husband. He helped her with everything. They didn’t allow her to walk, so to her embarrassment he carried her to and from the bathroom, no matter whether she took her bath or had to simply use the toilet.

  She heard the knock at the door.

  “Claire.” She smiled at her stepmother.

  In the last weeks, their relationship had visibly improved. Amy had no choice but to appreciate the other woman’s efforts. Claire visited her daily, and stayed with her while Jake was at the office and couldn’t be with her. Every time she brought something for her, some small things to improve her mood, like fresh flowers, scented candles, glossy magazines, DVDs, and books.

  Surprisingly Claire and she had discovered they shared a love for romance novels. They enjoyed exactly the same authors. So at first they had simply discussed the novels they both had read. It was a safe subject. But later they had started talking about other things too. Amy began to think that perhaps her stepmother was not that bad after all and that she meant well most of the time. She admitted that Jake had been right that she’d been prejudiced about her earlier.

  Amy suspected that her father had returned to work, at least part time and that he helped Jake with the business. There were days when he didn’t visit her at all, and quite often he didn’t stay for more than a few minutes. And he’d started wearing a suit again. She couldn’t decide whether she should worry about this or not. Thomas looked a bit tired, but basically well and even energetic. She presumed he wanted to be needed. He must feel happy that he could help Jake and her in this situation in the best way he could by handling some business on behalf of his son-in-law.

  She talked with Claire for a while when her attention was caught by the TV screen. She took the remote control and turned the sound on.

  “Susan, thank you for agreeing to talk with us.” The reporter greeted the tall brunette standing on the red carpet in a beautiful designer gown. “Tell us why did you decide to support the cause for building more shelters for young homeless women?”

  The actress’s brilliant smile vanished and her expression turned to one of concern. “Because I know very well how it is to be young, without friends, money and education,” she said earnestly. “I was once there and I still remember very well how it was. Thankfully, I managed to do something with my life. I am aware though that not all young women are so lucky to be given the opportunity. Sometimes a small amount of help can literally rescue a girl’s life and future. She needs someone to talk to, to give her a roof over her head for a couple of months, and what’s even more important some small sum of money to help her stand on her own feet.”

  “You know that she was born here?” Claire asked unexpectedly.

  Amy stared at the older woman in surprise for a moment. “Yes, I know.” She turned the sound off again. “I actually met her.”

  It was Claire’s turn to stare. “You did?”

  “Yes, when I was in Florida,” Amy admitted, “She was terribly nice to me.”

  Claire didn’t look convinced about that. “Really?”

  “Yes,” Amy nodded. “You see I stayed on the beach the whole morning and later I decided to have some lunch. There was a restaurant nearby but all the places were taken by the film crew who were shooting a movie nearby. I was really tired and hungry, and she invited me to her table. She was very nice to me, asking about the baby and everything.”

  Claire raised one thin brow. “You say that she was nice to you?”

  “Very nice. You can imagine that. She saw me, a pregnant woman talking with the hostess, wanting to have a rest and eat lunch and she simply proposed that I share her table. You must agree that it was very thoughtful of her.”

  “She wasn’t that kind to people when she lived here.”

  “You knew her?”

  Claire shrugged. “Sure. We were in the same year in high school. Her family was poor, even poorer than mine but she was the most popular and understandably the prettiest girl in school.”

  Amy gave the other woman a searching look. “Were you... friends?”

  Claire laughed. “Are you kidding?” She shook her head. “No, we weren’t friends. I was some sixty pounds overweight and lived with my aunt in the trailer, because we couldn’t even afford a decent apartment. I wasn’t the kind of girl with whom Susan Spencer would like to be friends.”

  Amy reached for Claire’s hand and gave it a squeeze. “I’m sorry.”

  Claire’s face brightened. “Don’t worry about me. I’m good now. After high school, I went to beauty school and lost all that weight. Then I met your father. I feel pretty blessed.”

  Amy hesitated for a moment or two with the next question. “Claire, you do know that Susan Spencer and Jake dated, don’t you?”

  Claire’s expression reflected her obvious surprise. “Yes, I know. But how do you know that? Did Susan tell you that when the two of you met? How could she know who you were?”

  Amy shook her head. “No, of course she didn’t know who I was and she didn’t tell me anything about Jake. He told me once that he dated her.”

  “He did?” Claire raised her thin eyebrows in surprise. “You know...” She started fumbling with her long nails. “At that time I heard some rumors t
hat they did not part on exactly good terms.”

  “Yes, I gathered as much from what Jake told me.”

  Claire leaned toward her and whispered, “They broke up, and she left town so suddenly, never coming back. That’s so strange that the two of you had met.”

  “Yes, I know.... Claire, tell me...” Amy bit her lower lip. “Did he love her?”

  “Who?” Claire frowned in confusion. “Susan Spencer?”


  Claire laughed. “No!” she exclaimed. “Of course not. You cannot seriously be thinking that.”

  Amy shrugged. “I’m not so sure. She’s so beautiful, like some goddess. You saw her too and not just on the screen. She’s physically perfect in every single way.”

  “So what?” Claire snapped. “You’re saying that she was kind, but I remember her to be a nasty bitch, cold and manipulating. Not really a nice person. Only now she acts like Mother Therese or someone like that because she can afford it, I tell you. What’s more, you likely don’t know or remember but your Jake was once a bit of a local Casanova. He had many girlfriends, but never one who would last longer than a few months. He dated Susan Spencer, it’s true, but he dated many other girls, too. I don’t say this to upset you—it was just like that. He was young, handsome and well... he used that.”

  “Think so?” Amy asked unsurely.

  “Amy, you have nothing to be worried about,” Claire said with conviction. “Jake has changed a lot since then. I think that he is like a different person nowadays. The way he takes care of you... you cannot doubt his love for you. He’s so devoted to you and the baby.”

  “You’re right.” Amy smiled. “I just needed some reassurance. Thank you.”

  “Any time.” Claire grinned at her. “Now, I must run,” she said, standing up. “Your father should be home soon.”

  After Claire left, Amy napped for an hour or so. She awoke to someone kissing her forehead and she smiled, knowing it was Jake.

  “You’re back,” she murmured. She glanced at the clock on the wall. It was nearly six pm.

  “What took you so long?” She looked into his tired face. “Something’s wrong?”

  He sighed and his frown deepened. “Yes. I must go to California. Tomorrow.”

  She sat up in bed. “So suddenly?”

  He sat on the bed next to her. “Yes, it’s an emergency. My partner suspects that there is serious fraud in the books.”

  “You really have to go?”

  “You know that it’s the last thing I want to do now, leaving you alone, but I really should be there. I’ve invested too much. We could lose everything.”

  Amy’s eyes widened in apprehension. “Is it that bad?”


  “Don’t worry about me.” Amy rubbed his arm. “We’ll be just fine. I have a feeling that the baby will be born full term.”

  Jake smiled tiredly and then announced. “Thomas is going with me.”

  Amy stared at him in surprise. “What for?”

  “He once had a similar situation in his company,” Jake explained. “Your father is a very sharp businessman. He’s got more hands-on experience in such matters than I. I need him there.”

  She took his hand in both of hers. “How long do you think it will take?”

  “Just a couple of days, I promise.” He lifted her hand to his lips kissing it. “Our flight is booked for tomorrow morning.”

  Amy smiled. “Go and do what you have to do. We’re going to be just fine,” she said placing her hand on their baby.

  * * * *

  The next morning Claire drove her husband and Jake to the airport. The flight turned out to be half an hour delayed so all three of them went to the coffee house.

  “I hate lying to her like that,” Jake murmured over his cup.

  “You know it’s for her own good,” Claire reasoned. “To protect her. We all know how emotional she can be. If she heard what happened to Peter....”

  “Claire is right,” Thomas supported his wife, “The doctor said no stress.” He looked at his son-in-law. “I shouldn’t have asked you to go with me.”

  Jake shook his head. “No, it’s ok. You will need my help to get him out of jail and later put him into some good rehab centre. I talked with her doctor yesterday. He thinks that there’s a great chance for her to carry to term. Nothing should happen during those few days.” Jake sounded as if he wanted to convince himself.

  “Of course, Amy is going to be fine,” Thomas said with confidence. “We’ll be back soon and Claire will visit her every day.”

  “Sure I will,” Claire assured quickly. “Don’t worry Jake. I’ll keep her company.”

  “Yeah, I know,” Jake said, as he swallowed the rest of his now cold coffee.

  * * * *

  The same night at eleven Amy’s water broke and she immediately went into hard labor. The doctor decided that there was no stopping the birth of the baby now. Thomas Jake Barry was born through c-section a few minutes past midnight. He was almost eight pounds and perfectly healthy, breathing on his own with fully developed lungs. He stayed with his mother for the night, having his first nursing before going to sleep.

  Amy phoned Jake as soon as she was able after the baby was born. His first reaction was to catch the first flight back home, but his wife reasoned with him that she and the baby were fine, and that he should take care of the business if he was already there.

  It was one o’clock in the morning three days later when Jake hailed a cab from the airport and went straight to the hospital. He left his father-in-law back in California, to deal with Peter, released from jail, and find a rehab center for him.

  The hospital was quiet and the nurse on the night shift let him in. Amy’s room was dark when he entered it. She slept on her back, and there was a white bassinet beside her bed. He walked closer. The light from the brightly lit hospital corridor allowed him to see the baby. His son was breathing evenly. He had dark thick hair like him, but his face resembled Amy more than him. Still he couldn’t figure out much of his features in the semi darkness. He wanted very much to take him out of the bassinet and hold him for a moment, but at the same time, he was afraid he might harm him somehow. He only touched him lightly, and stroked his soft head and cheek.

  Jake removed his shoes and jacket and laid down on the couch he’d slept on during the weeks when Amy was on bed rest. He tried to keep his eyes open to be able to look at his family, but soon he fell asleep.

  When he woke up it was already late morning, the bright sunlight falling through the blinds. Both Amy’s bed and the bassinet were empty.

  Before he began to panic about where his family had been taken, Amy walked through the bathroom door with the baby in her arms and the nurse who followed her.

  “Hi.” Amy smiled softly as soon as the nurse left.” You’re awake,” she whispered and sat next to him. “We’ve just had our very first bath,” she said as she unwrapped the baby from the blue towel.

  The baby boy had his eyes open. He was moving his hands and legs, obviously happy to be free and unwrapped.

  “Why didn’t you awake me?” Jake asked his eyes glued to the baby.

  “You looked really tired.” Amy smoothed his disheveled hair away from his forehead. “Everything all right?”

  “Yes. The business is fine. I’m sorry I didn’t come back the day he was born. How are you?”

  “Oh, we are just fine,” she said softly and smiled adoringly at the baby. “Now, you should hold him.”

  “I’m afraid I’ll drop him,” Jake protested instantly.

  “No, no you’ll be fine,” she assured him. “Just wash your hands first.”

  Jake went to the bathroom and washed his hands several times. When he came back, he sat next to Amy and she was already gently placing the baby into his arms.

  “It’s time for him to meet his daddy,” she whispered.

  The baby’s eyes focused on his father for a moment, but soon he seemed to lose interest and his eyelids dr

  “He’s got your eyes and your hair,” Amy said.

  “But your nose.” Jake touched the baby’s face which drew the infant’s attention again and made him open his eyes.

  Amy smiled at the baby.” Yes, it looks like my nose, but it’s too soon to say for sure. It can still change when he’s older.”

  Jake tore his eyes from the baby. “How are you feeling?” he asked, his eyes on her.

  “I’m good.” She smiled and added, “Stitches pull a bit, but it’s nothing unbearable.”

  The baby started fussing; his little face frowned and he squeaked. Amy took him from Jake.

  “I think he’s hungry again,” she said, settling herself more comfortably.

  She opened her shirt, brought the baby to her chest, and directed his little face towards her breast. Instantly the boy started suckling vigorously.

  “He’s always hungry,” she noted, while the baby placed its hand on her breast and closed its eyes, entirely focused on feeding.

  “Does it hurt?” Jake stared fascinated.

  She shook her head. “No, it can be uncomfortable sometimes, but I’m getting used to it.”

  “I cannot believe that he is here,” Jake whispered. He leaned over and kissed her forehead. “Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome,” Amy whispered warmly.

  She shifted and supported her back against her husband’s chest. Jake wrapped his arms gently around his family, his eyes glossy as he stared at his son suckling hungrily at his mother’s chest.

  “You know, it is I who can’t believe that all of this happened.” she said wistfully. “Exactly a year ago I was single and now I’m married and have a baby.”

  “You don’t have any regrets, do you?” There was a catch in his voice.

  “Of course not,” she answered quickly. “I should thank you for making me this proposition.”

  The baby finished feeding. Amy moved him onto her shoulder to burp him.

  “Is he going to sleep now?” Jake asked curiously, when Amy put the boy on the flat surface, and reached for the new diaper.

  “Yes, he should.” Amy’s moves were careful and slow, still unsure when she dressed the boy. “He doesn’t cry much and he sleeps a lot during the day. But he wakes often because he’s hungry or wet, or both,” she said and smiled.


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