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Just As I Am: The Autobiography of Billy Graham

Page 88

by Billy Graham

  Lewis, Sinclair, 127–28

  Li Peng, 604–6

  Li Xiannian, 531

  Liberia Crusade, 338–39

  Library of Congress, 645

  Lindbergh, Charles, 328

  Lindsay, John, 446

  Lindsay, Mrs. W. B., 14

  Lindsay, W. B., 14, 27, 31

  Lindsell, Harold, 74, 289, 293, 569

  Linton, Dwight, 623

  Linton, Stephen, 620, 623, 624, 631, 632

  Linton, Wonsook, 620

  Little, Paul, 569

  Little Rock (AR) Crusade, 651

  Liu Gengyin, 603

  Livermore, Tom, 208, 232

  Livingstone, David, 346, 351

  Lloyd-Jones, D. Martyn, 208

  London Crusade (1954)

  coverage in the media, 213–19, 223, 224, 226–27, 234, 237–38

  final meeting, 233–34

  first meeting, 221–23

  friends and supporters, 231–32

  gaining momentum, 224–27

  impact of, 237–38, 264, 326, 747–48

  inspiration for the, 208–10

  meeting with Churchill during the, 235–37

  opposition to the, 207–8, 213–17

  planning for the, 210–13

  public relations work, 217–21

  testimonies, 227–31

  via telecast, 432, 637–38

  London Crusade (1955), 254

  Long, Beatrice, 454

  Loomis, Ralph, 735, 736

  Lopez-Fresquet, Helen Bigger, 618

  Lord, Bette Bao, 607

  Lord, Winston, 602, 603

  Los Angeles Campaign (1949)

  assistance during, 155

  attendance by Ruth, 146

  background and preparations, 143–46

  celebrities attending the, 145–46, 151–53

  closing the, 157–58

  coverage by Hearst newspapers, 149–51

  early meetings, 146–47

  extending the, 148–49

  final meeting of the, 147–48

  impact of the, 158, 159, 172, 728

  and Northwestern, 122

  personal pressures/physical demands during the, 155–57, 671

  Los Angeles Crusade (1963), 370

  Los Angeles Crusade (2004), 728

  Lotz, Anne (formerly Anne Graham; daughter), 117, 146, 157, 416, 476, 707, 720

  Lotz, Danny, 416

  Lotz, Denton, 476

  Louisville (KY) Crusade, 304, 727

  Loveless, Wendell P., 86

  Lovett, Sidney, 304–5

  Lowry, Betty, 122, 299–300, 308, 317

  Luce, Henry, 162, 213, 220, 256, 392, 393

  Luke of Pavenham, Lord, 219–20, 258

  Lustiger, Jean-Marie, 692

  Luther, Martin, 484, 512–14, 565

  MacArthur, Douglas, 194

  MacArthur, John, 472

  Mackay, John, 255

  Mackay, Mrs. John, 255

  Mackle, Bob, 448

  Maddox, Paul, 214, 231–32, 250, 269, 307, 334, 338

  Madison Square Garden. See New York City Crusade (1957)

  Madras (India), 267–68

  Magnin, Edgar Fogel, 450

  Magsaysay, Ramon, 273

  Maier, Walter A., 176–77, 180

  Malik, Charles, 647

  Malsbary, Roger, 93

  Man in the Fifth Dimension (film), 435

  Manila, Archbishop of, 273

  Manila, Philippines, 272, 275

  Mannheim (Germany), 254

  Manogarom, J. Victor, 267

  Mantle, Mickey, 314

  Mao Tse-tung, 596, 612

  Maracaibo (Venezuela), 362–64

  Margaret, Princess (United Kingdom), 247, 699–700

  Marina, Princess (formerly Duchess of Kent), 233

  Marriott, Bill, 456–57, 532

  Marriott, Mrs. J. Willard, 532

  Marshall, E. A., 45

  Marshall, Rick, 678

  Martin, Dean, 529

  Martin, Frank, 234

  Martin, Guy, 682

  Martin, Mel (Mel Dibble), 308, 317

  Marty, Martin, 285, 287

  Martyn, Henry, 680

  Marx, Karl, 523

  Massey, Charles, 45, 51, 52

  Matthies, Richard, 90

  McCall, Joe, 11

  McCall, Maggie, 4

  McCarrick, Theodore, 663

  McCarthy, Joseph, 219, 381

  McCormack, John, xvii, xix

  McCrary, Jinx, 309

  McCrary, Tex, 309

  McDonald, Jimmie, 415

  McElroy, Catherine (formerly Catherine Graham; sister), 4, 7–9, 12, 13, 17, 19, 41, 81, 371, 718, 733

  McElroy, Sam, 733

  McGovern, George, 417

  McIntire, Carl, 302, 303

  McKinley, William, 413

  McMahan, Tom, 341

  McMakin, Albert, 5, 11, 18, 26, 34, 35, 38

  McMakin, Bill, 18

  McMakin, Wilson, 18

  Mead, Bill, 179, 682

  Meadowlands (NJ), 324

  Means, Marianne, 414

  Mears, Henrietta, 137, 138, 145–46, 231

  Mechanics Hall (Boston), 159–60, 186

  Meese, Ed, 529, 530

  Meir, Golda, 353

  Melbourne (Australia) Crusade, 329–31

  Memphis (TN) Crusade, 671

  Menuhin, Yehudi, 471–72

  Mercer, John, 211

  Mercer, Wanda Ann, 686, 714

  Merman, Ethel, 186

  Metzker, Al, 130

  Mexico Crusade and rallies, 359, 376–77

  Meyer, Christopher, 731

  Miami Campaign, 129–30

  Miami Rock Festival, 419–22, 648

  Mickelson, Paul, 186

  Miklos, Imre, 480, 488

  Miller, Jerry, 645

  Miller, Julian, 16, 22

  Miller, Paul, 401

  Minder, John, 47–53, 56, 58, 59, 75, 79–80, 103

  Minneapolis (MN) Crusade, 356

  Mitchell, Ralph, 303

  Mixter, Russell, 66

  Modesto (CA) Campaign, 127–29

  Mondale, Walter, 496

  Montgomery, Don, 156

  Montgomery, Rosa (formerly Rosa Bell), 75, 77, 79, 96, 156–57, 595, 596, 617, 739

  Montreat (NC), 79, 90, 95, 96, 101, 107, 108, 118, 146, 706–9

  Montreux (Switzerland), 560–61

  Moody, Dwight L., 26, 50, 184, 208, 293, 303, 435, 559

  Moody Bible Institute, 40–41, 45, 85, 368

  Moomaw, Donn, 218, 530, 535, 536

  Mooneyham, Stan, 561, 564

  Moore, Arthur, 185

  Morris, Carloss, 681, 682

  Morrison, Charles Clayton, 285, 286

  Moscow, 378–83, 502–9, 522–27, 550–53

  Moscow Crusade, 553–56

  Moses, Robert, 435

  Mosvold, Torrey, 349

  Mott, John R., 559

  Mowll, Howard, 326

  Moyers, Bill, 409

  Moynihan, Daniel Patrick, 276, 281

  Mr. Texas (film), 175–76

  Muggeridge, Malcolm, 570

  Murdoch, Rupert, 334, 500

  “My Answer” (newspaper column), 282–83

  Mydens, Carl, 223, 519

  Mydske, Norm, 361, 643

  Myra, Harold, 294

  Nagaland (India), 276–80

  National Cathedral (D.C.), 661, 662

  National Catholic Welfare Conference (NCWC), 301–2

  National Day of Prayer and Remembrance to the 9/11 tragedy, 661–62, 751–54

  National Prayer Breakfast (formerly Presidential Prayer Breakfast), 202–3, 397–99, 404, 450–51, 653

  The Navigators, 242, 244, 300, 362

  NBC radio network, 180–81

  NCWC (National Catholic Welfare Conference), 301–2

  Nehru, Jawaharlal, 271, 274

  Neighbor, E. R., 46

  Nelson, Horatio, 670

  Nelson, Victor, 561, 564, 569
, 570, 575, 640–41, 643

  Nevius, John Livingston, 601

  New Delhi (India), 270–72

  New England tour

  blessed by local support, 167–70

  Boston Common Peace Rally, 166–67

  ending the, 170–71

  press coverage during, 164–65

  student meetings, 165–66, 254

  New Jersey, 324

  New Orleans, 729–30

  New York City Crusade (1957)

  challenges of the, 298–99

  closing event at Times Square, 320–21

  continuing the, 319–20

  coverage in the media, 300–301, 307–13, 316–18, 321, 322

  first closing event at Yankee Stadium, 320–21

  Forest Hills Tennis Stadium meeting, 315–16

  impact of, 323, 325, 476, 588, 642, 728

  opening meeting, 311–12

  opposition from religious groups, 301–4

  organizing the, 292, 299–301

  personalities of the, 314–15, 321–23

  physical and personal demands of, 305, 316, 318–19, 323–24, 712

  preaching in Leif Eriksson Square, 313

  presidential support, 306–7

  Yale meetings, 304

  New York City Crusade (1970), 324

  New York City Crusade (2005), 728–30

  New York World’s Fair (1964-65), 435

  New Zealand Crusade, 331–32

  Newell, W. R., 46

  Nickolson, Susie, 13

  Niebuhr, Reinhold, 135, 301

  Niemöller, Martin, 254

  Nigeria Crusade, 342–44

  Nihuli (Kohima servant), 278–79

  9/11 tragedy, 658–59, 729, 751–54

  Nixon, Hannah, 440, 441, 444, 450

  Nixon, Julie, 440, 441, 449, 451, 462, 463

  Nixon, Pat, 440, 441, 449, 458, 459, 461–62

  Nixon, Richard

  advice from Johnson, 417

  advising Billy on Moscow trip, 500

  attends LBJ library dedication, 403

  on Billy’s acquaintance with world leaders, 691

  campaign against Kennedy, 390–93, 442

  comments on Korean border, 616

  death of, 462–65, 538

  early political defeats of, 442–43

  as Eisenhower’s running mate, 191

  faith of, 440–41, 461

  first White House worship service, 450–51

  friendship with Billy, 200, 201, 441–42, 451–56, 462

  at funeral for Pat Nixon, 461–62

  the Grahams’ trips to China and, 596, 601, 604

  handling of Vietnam War, 450, 453–54

  at his mother’s funeral, 440, 444

  ill with thrombophlebitis, 467

  impact of the Watergate affair, 421, 456–59, 466–70

  inauguration of, 416

  misunderstandings with Eisenhower, 205

  1968 presidential campaign, 443–49

  support for the Crusades/tours, 307, 319, 459–60

  trip to China by, 613

  utilizing Billy for foreign relations, 274–76, 281

  Nixon, Tricia, 440, 441, 449, 462–63

  Nkrumah, Kwame, 339–41

  North Korea (Democratic People’s Republic of Korea)

  Jimmy Carter’s trip to, 497

  and the Korean War, xviii, 170, 190, 286, 616, 623

  Ruth Graham’s trip to, 738

  tensions with U.S. in early 1990s, 629

  North Korea trip (1992)

  arrival in Pyongyang, 622–23

  audience with Kim Il Sung, 625–27

  connections to Ruth Graham’s childhood, 617–19, 627–28

  highlights from meetings, 623–25

  logistics and planning, 619–22

  politics and the, 616–17, 620–21

  subsequent visit by Ned Graham, 628

  North Korea trip (1994), 629–33

  North Vietnam Embassy siege, 469

  Northern Ireland, 427–30

  Northwestern Schools

  Billy as president of, 114–17, 134–35, 140, 158

  Billy resigns from, 121–22

  Billy’s absences from, 117–19, 156

  establishment of, 113–14

  staff of, 119–21

  Novosibirsk (Siberia), 522–23

  Nürnberg (Germany), 254

  Ockenga, Harold John, 159, 160, 167–69, 288–89

  O’Connor, John, 548

  O’Dalaigh, Chief Justice (Republic of Ireland), 429

  Oklahoma City bombing, 653–54

  Olav, King (Norway), 677

  Olford, Stephen, 111, 116, 359, 454

  Olsen, Erling, 313, 316

  Olson, Warwick, 569

  Olympic Stadium (Amsterdam), 241

  Olympic Stadium (Mexico City), 376–77

  Olympic Stadium (Moscow), 554–55

  Omaha Crusade, 370

  Onassis, Jacqueline Kennedy, 393, 394, 401

  Orr, J. Edwin, 137, 146

  Osaka, Japan, 273

  Oslo, Norway, 254, 677

  Ottawa (Canada) Crusade, 727

  Outlaw, Charles, 185

  Owen, Alfred, 108, 208, 293

  Oxford (England), 676–77

  Paar, Jack, 455

  Pace, E. J., 46

  Palamcottah (India), 270

  Palau, Luis, 438

  Palms, Roger, 296

  Palotay, Sandor, 477, 478, 480

  Pan-African Christian Leadership Assembly (Nairobi), 572–73

  Panama rallies, 359

  Pantke, Mrs. (Hinsdale landlady), 81

  Paraguay, 372–74

  Paris Crusade, 246, 297

  Patterson, Eugene, 224

  Patterson, Vernon, 24

  Pawlik, Zdzislaw “Fred,” 483

  Paxton, Sam, 16, 31, 35

  Peace Corps, 396–97

  Peace with God (Graham), 284, 383, 429, 476, 715

  Peale, Norman Vincent, 315, 391–92, 451

  Peale, Ruth, 315

  Pearson, Drew, xxi, 180, 201–2

  Pennington, Ponzi, 60

  Perot, Ross, 694

  Perry, Bill, 463

  Perth (Australia) Crusade, 333–36

  Peru, 366–67

  Pew, J. Howard, 288, 290, 316, 362

  Philadelphia Crusade, 356

  Philip, Prince (United Kingdom), 471, 510, 531

  Philippines, 273

  Phillips, Frank, 173, 178

  Phillips, Tom, 645

  Phillips, Wendell, 40, 42, 46, 50, 51

  Piatt, Dan, 242, 327, 366, 435

  Pierce, Bob, 155, 174, 178, 192, 193, 294

  Pimen, Patriarch, 500, 504, 521, 527, 548, 551

  Pittsburgh Crusade, 459

  Player, Gary, 431, 695

  Plowman, Ed, 488, 519, 604

  Poland (1966), 383–84

  Poland (1981), 487

  Poland tour (1978)

  Auschwitz and Birkenau, 485–86

  final press conference, 486–87

  impact of the, 487

  meetings, 482–84

  politics and planning around, 481–82

  reflections on Catholic devotion, 484

  Pollard, Bill, 682

  Pollock, Anne, 731

  Pollock, John, 445, 461, 731, 755

  Ponomarev, Boris, 506–7, 524–26

  Pope, Alexander, 456

  Portland (OR) Crusade, 172–75

  Portland Story, The (film), 175

  Potter, Dan, 299, 314, 319, 323

  Powell, Colin, 592

  Presidential Medal of Freedom, 539

  Presidential Prayer Breakfast (now National Prayer Breakfast), 202–3, 397–99, 404, 450–51, 653

  Prevatt, J. D., 29–30

  Price, Carol, 533

  Price, Charles, 533

  Princeton Seminary, 255

  Princeton University, 422

  Protestant Council of New York, 302

  Puerto Rico, 359, 360

p; Pusan (Korea), 196

  Pyeng Yang Foreign School, 71, 617, 627, 633, 738

  Pyongyang (North Korea; formerly Pyeng Yang), xxii, 71, 497, 617, 620–23, 630, 631

  Queen Mother (United Kingdom; Elizabeth II), 699

  Quinn, Anthony, 175, 416

  Quito (Ecuador), 365–66

  Rader, Paul, 440

  RAI Center (Amsterdam), 574, 575, 578

  Raines, Robert, 304

  Ramsey, Michael, 702–3

  Rank, J. Arthur, 176

  Reagan, Nancy, 528, 532–38, 592

  Reagan, Ronald “Ron”

  awards Billy Presidential Medal of Freedom, 539

  burden about daughter Patti, 537–38

  defeats Jimmy Carter, 496

  departing the White House, 592

  faith of, 534–35

  first acquaintance with Billy, 528–29

  foreign relations matters, 521, 535–36

  invites Grahams to state dinners, 531–34

  knighting of, 538

  1980 presidential campaign, 529–30

  at Richard Nixon’s funeral, 538–39

  shooting of, 535–37

  thoughts on Billy’s Moscow trip, 502

  Reardon, Tex, 599

  Rebozo, Bebe, 444, 448, 449

  Reddy, Neelam Sanjiva, 438

  Redpath, Alan, 99

  Rees, Jean, 99

  Rees, Paul, 214, 217, 234–35, 259, 314

  Rees, Tom, 99, 209, 252

  Reformed Theological Academy (Hungary) honorary doctorate, 488

  Regan, Donald, 537

  Remsey, John, 480

  Rennie, David, 543

  Republic of Congo, 345

  Republic of Ireland, 429

  Restless Ones, The (film), 491

  Resue, Vera, 59–60

  Reynolds, Billy, 394, 395

  Rhodesia Crusade, 345–47

  Rice, Condoleezza, 663

  Rice, John R., 253, 302

  Rice, Lucian, 741

  Richard, Cliff, 433, 696

  Richardson, David C., 415

  Richardson, Sid, 188–90, 203, 220

  Riggs, Charlie

  in Asia, 277–79

  in Australia, 327

  implements Operation Andrew, 250–51

  part of Africa Crusade, 338, 342, 349

  part of London Crusade, 224, 229

  as part of the Team, 670

  at the Pittsburgh Crusade, 460

  teaching counselors in South America, 361, 375

  work on New York Crusade (1957), 300, 314, 319

  Riley, Marie, 114, 115, 117–18, 140, 156

  Riley, W. B., 45, 112–18, 120, 136, 137

  Rimmer, Harry, 46

  Rio de Janeiro (Brazil), 359–60, 376

  Rittenberg, Sidney, 598, 605, 610, 612–14

  Rittenberg, Yulin, 598

  Roberts, Oral, 563

  Robles, Ray, 361

  Rockefeller, Mrs. Nelson “Happy,” 457

  Rockefeller, Nelson, 446, 457

  Rodeheaver, Homer, 46, 283, 672

  Rogers, Roy, 231

  Roman Catholic Church

  in China, 599–600, 609

  opposition to Billy’s work, 273, 383

  politics and John F. Kennedy, 390


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