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Scorpion - The Rae Wars

Page 16

by Kyle Mata

  “Hey, Karr, what’s the latest?”

  “Nyrotsi and Coalition are aware of the Rae, any word on the Rae fleet?”

  “No, they vanished again. Also, no word on the Dominar, but Admiral Tavington is calling all Nyrotsi fleet commanders to a meeting with Coalition and Mason leadership on Vurumon. It’s going to be mediated by the Knights of the Order of the Nebula.”

  Vurumon is an independent world, completely pristine and untouched other than a small area that is home to the Knights of the Order of the Nebula. The KON are a mix of ancient Earth’s medieval knights and monks. They live in solitude and maintain a healthy relationship with nature and the galaxy. Unlike the modern Shadowri, they wish to aid anyone in need, so long as they remain neutral, as no one deserves their help less than anyone else. The KON have mediated many peace talks and ceasefires throughout history, earning them a respected and protected place in the galaxy. Vurumon is the epitome of purity and innocence in the galaxy. The planet is easily the most beautiful planet that any human has ever laid eyes on, so much so that Vurumon was become a word synonymous with heaven, or paradise, to many.

  “Understood. We think Tavington is working for the Rae somehow. Keep an eye on him, please.”

  “If he is, then this could be a huge trap. I assume you’re headed there?”

  “As soon as possible. I am sending you contact information of a new ally of mine. His name is Spartanis—make contact with him. He will be a good ally to have. Tell him you are a friend of Karr McArthur’s.”

  “McArthur? Are you taking on a fake alias?”

  “Not fake, just new. I was disarmored.”

  “Karr McArthur, it is.” Mory said, knowing how serious being disarmored was for a Shadowri and deciding not to touch on the subject with his friend. “Anything else you need from me?”

  “If you get any word on the Rae fleet, I would like to know. I will contact you when I have made landfall at Vurumon.”

  “Will do, good luck, Karr.” Mory said, while he began running a search on the surname McArthur to maybe gain insight as to why his friend had chosen it. Simply asking would have been too easy. The link closed.

  As Karr stood he saw his armor in the mirror. His appreciated that his ancestor chose a color that was tactically sound; he seldom understood when a Shadowri painted their armor bright or shiny colors, probably pilots. Karr left his quarters and found the rest of his team conversing in the hallway. He pulled off his helmet.

  “Well, what do you think?” Roux asked, eyes wide with anticipation. Karr was about to tell her his plan for the Rae, but he remembered she had painted his armor for him and caught himself.

  “I really like it. Thank you.” He said looking down at it. Roux figured that any compliment from Karr was worth its weight in steffanium and was overly satisfied.

  “Tavington is gathering just about every major leader in the galaxy at his summit on Vurumon,” Thomas said, handing Karr his katana, which the swordsmith had apparently sharpened.

  “Probably a trap,” Karr said, accepting the katana and mag-latching it to his back.

  “Exactly what we were thinking. Majex, and what’s left of his fleet, are going to be a short warp-jump distance away, along with a three other Nyrotsi fleets he’s convinced to withhold a full appearance. They hope to prevent a total ambush, but that means up to fifteen other fleet commanders could be in attendance—including Tavington, who is doing his best to discredit Majex, meaning Tavington is almost certainly a traitor.”

  “But why? To what end? Why sell out your own species?” Roux asked.

  “Beats me, but I’m sure we’ll find out soon enough,” Thomas said. “Shall we head to Vurumon?”

  “Sure, we can head there, and then be apprehended as soon as we land. The Knights of the Order of the Nebula don’t mess around when it comes to security,” Roux said.

  “I think I can get us on the planet,” Daena said. “Also, good morning, Karr.” She added with a small smile.

  “Good morning, Daena. How?” Karr asked.

  “I sorta dated one of the Knights.”

  “Dated? Is that allowed?” Roux asked, her voice equal parts surprise and envy.

  “Yes, the Order of the Nebula actually encourages it, saying love increases their connection to the galaxy…never mind that. Anyway, we dated a few years ago when he and a few other Knights came to Gardenia to help with a terra-slide that hit one of our farms. Long story short, I left him before he traveled back to Vurumon, and I may or may not have broken his heart. He still tries to comm me all the time.”

  “Powa, and who said you were boring?” Roux said with a nudge toward Daena.

  “Well, you better get out the red lipstick, darling; you’re our ticket in. You can comm him before we warp-jump to Vurumon. Let’s get some sustenance. We can’t save humanity on an empty stomach,” Thomas said.

  Thomas and Roux began walking toward the nearest dining hall. Daena and Karr followed.

  “An ex-boyfriend?” Karr asked Daena.

  “Yes, is that a problem?” Daena looked up at him.

  “No. Why did you leave him?”

  Daena smiled at his interest. “I guess he just wasn’t tough enough to handle me.”

  “A Knight of the Order?” Karr asked, with eyebrows raised behind his helmet.

  “That’s right. A Knight of the Order.” Daena repeated coyly, then she made a large effort to out-stride the Shadowri and catch up to the others, leaving him at the rear of the group with his thoughts. “The new armor scheme is powa by the way. It suits you,” Daena called back.



  As the Athena’s Owl pulled away from Liber’tira, Daena exhaled heavily as she sat in the privacy of Roux’s small personal quarters in front of the avionics bay on the Owl. She finally commed Theron Aznable. She had not spoken to Theron since he left Gardenia so many years ago. He answered almost immediately. His deep brown eyes widened upon seeing her face, as he pulled off his ceremonial corinthian-style Knight helmet and brushed aside a tuft of his perfect blonde hair. Time had certainly been kind to her former boyfriend.

  “Daena? Daena Staal?” Theron said, a touch of astonished disbelief in his voice.

  “Hello, Theron,” Daena said.

  “Wow, it really is you. Your voice sounds like that of a chorus of one thousand angels. And you’re just as beautiful as the day I last saw you, if not more so.”

  “Time has been kind to you as well, Theron, but you flatter me.”

  “Dare I ask why my prayers have finally been answered?”

  “I need your help.”

  “Anything for you, my sweet miss Staal. I’d traverse the depths of the abyss just to hear your ravishing laugh.”

  “Can you get me and some of my friends into the conference with Admiral Tavington?”

  “It just so happens that I am chief of security for the event. I think adding you as my plus one for the ceremony will be quite as easy as remembering your smile.”

  “Wonderful, Theron. You’re too much,” Daena said with a blush, now remembering how much of a sweet talker he was. “It will be me and three dear friends. But won’t your significant other be a bit off put by my appearance?”

  “Oh, no, no, there is no one else in my life. I have not found love since I left Gardenia; every other woman pales in comparison to you…”

  “We’ll arrive in about two hours on a Mason’s Guild rocket.”

  “I wait with baited breath! I shall send coordinates to you as soon as we end comms, so we may meet in person at last.” Daena closed the comm. He was awfully sweet. Her comm beeped as she received the coordinates, which she forwarded on to Roux.

  She opened the hatch and climbed down into the passenger bay where she met Karr.

  “He’s happy to help us,” Daena said, sitting in the seat nearest Karr. Karr was standing with his boots magnetically clamped to the floor, as he usually did.

  “Good,” Karr said flatly. For the first time Daen
a wasn’t sure if Karr was being short because he was upset or just because he was being Karr.

  “Coordinates received—everyone clamped in? We’re jumping to warp.” Roux called down from the cockpit. Daena quickly clamped in.

  “Punch it,” Karr replied, and a second later the Athena’s Owl leapt into its warp-jump.

  About halfway through the warp-jump Daena realized Karr wasn’t going to say anything.

  “You okay, big guy?” She asked.

  “Yes.” Came his reply.

  “You’re all healed up already?”

  “Yes. My body is good at repairing itself.”

  “Oh, impressive…”

  “Do you still love him?” Karr blurted.

  “Love who? What are you talking about? Theron? No! I mean—” Daena was taken off guard by how forward Karr was with his question. Karr was quiet again. He was well aware of his lacking social abilities, but he felt strange around Daena—a good strange—as though any situation was improved by her presence, and he felt he needed to know about this Theron character.

  “Hey, you two, why don’t you come up here? We need to discuss our strategy for the conference, both with the politicians and the Rae.” Thomas called down, diffusing the moment. Daena and Karr wordlessly walked to and climbed up the ladder into the cockpit.

  The team spent the remainder of the trip discussing tactics, potential threats and allies, and the overall strategy for their upcoming venture. They finally dropped out of warp in orbit over Vurumon. The blue, green, and gold planet was breathtaking. Roux had to let Thomas take over the landing maneuvers as she wanted to just stare at the landscape forever. They were cleared to land on a very-important-person landing pad. As soon as the ship touched down dozens of drones rushed forth to begin refueling and carrying out routine maintenance on the rocket.

  As the ramp lowered, the team was overwhelmed by the pure smell of the surrounding forest. A large team of Knights of the Order of the Nebula stood at the foot of the ramp. Their chrome armor was equal parts handsome and practical. Their shields were large, round, and decorated with markings of their feats, and their swords were long and supremely polished.

  Karr remembered an old adage: ‘A knight in shining armor has clearly never had his metal tested.’ One knight removed his helmet and stepped forward, bowing in front of Daena. He took her hand and kissed it tenderly.

  “Daena Staal, I have dreamed of this day.” The Knight stood once more.

  “Theron, these are my friends, Roux Galt of the Mason’s Guild, Captain Thomas Winchester of the Nyrotsi fleet, and Karr McArthur, Shadowri Liberator.”

  “I am Theron Aznable, Arch Knight in the Order of the Nebula,” he said with a light clang of his gauntlet against his shield in salute. “Any friend of Daena’s is a friend of mine.” Theron then turned to the group of unwavering Knights behind him. “Titan legion, you are dismissed.” The Knights turned in perfect synchronization and began to march in step off the landing pad. Theron turned back to his guests. “Come, please, the ceremony is not for a few hours and we’ll have to find something more… appropriate for you to wear,” he said as he gestured toward the battle-armor clad team.

  He led them through the small, and aesthetically perfect, little encampment. Theron stopped at a small chrome homestead that was dug firmly into the terrain.

  “I’m afraid my quarters are small; the Order encourages us to keep few possessions, so we may appreciate what we do have, and so we can move easily.” He opened the door. “Only through marriage can we set up a larger stead. Join me inside. I’ve had a friend’s wife bring me some dresses for you to try on… and Roux as well. I’ll see if some of my suits fit your friends.”

  “That won’t be necessary,” Thomas said. “I’ll get a dress uniform from the Nyrotsi procession.”

  “But what about you, sir?” Theron put a hand on Karr’s arm. “You can’t attend a ball dressed like this.”

  “No.” Karr said with an augmented voice. He had not removed his helmet. Theron pulled his arm away.

  “I have some armor polish, perhaps we could—”

  “No.” Karr repeated. Theron looked a Daena, Daena shrugged, and they all continued walking.

  They stepped into the small stead. It was like a small apartment on a city planet like Grahnd or Fortshione: one bedroom, one small kitchen, and a cleanser-room. He went to the small closet and held up six or seven dresses of various colors.

  “The ladies can try these on in the cleanser-room.” Roux and Daena exchanged glances of approval before taking the dresses and disappearing behind a sliding door. After wearing battle armor for several days straight, Daena was not opposed to the idea of feeling pretty again.

  Thomas grabbed Karr and pulled him toward the door. “Come on, Karr, I’m going to grab a uniform. We’ll meet back here in less than an hour. That’ll give the ladies plenty of time to get dressed.”

  Thomas and Karr stepped back out into the fresh Vurumon air. The encampment overlooked a valley full of gold and other precious metals that sparkled brightly in the white sun. Thomas saw a Nyrotsi diplomat shuttle and headed toward it; he looked back when he noticed his Shadowri friend was not accompanying him.

  “I will stay here,” Karr said.

  “Okay, but Karr, wait until after the ceremony to kill him, please? He’s our ticket to Tavington.” Thomas remarked. Karr did not reply. Thomas headed for the Nyrotsi shuttle. Karr remained by the door like a guard, turning up his audio sensitivity so he could try to hear through the solid metal door.

  “How do we look?” Daena asked as she and Roux emerged wearing their dresses. Both of their smiles immediately fell when they saw only Theron was in the room.

  “Like a midsummer night’s dream, if I may say so myself. Both of you look marvelous.”

  “Why, thank you, Theron. You are just the sweetest man I’ve ever met.” Roux said with a little curtsy. She hadn’t worn anything aside from her skin hugging flight suit in weeks. She felt freed by the expensive dress that fell comfortably down her legs. “A little too sweet, don’t you think?” Roux whispered toward Daena.

  “Where’s Karr and Thomas?” Daena asked. Theron’s smile faded just a shade.

  “Oh, um, Thomas went to retrieve a Nyrotsi dress uniform, and as for Karr, he did not seem to fancy the idea of dressing up. I guess he has no desire to attend the dinner, despite the exquisite company.”

  “Oh.” Daena said.

  “Well, that will work out then. Thomas and I can go together, and you can accompany Theron,” Roux suggested.

  “Well, I don’t know; Theron is the head of security. He’ll be much too busy,” Daena retorted.

  “On the contrary; my men and women will have the ballroom sealed tighter than an airlock, and I would be a fool to miss the opportunity to arrive with you on my arm, Dae.”

  “You haven’t called me that since…”

  “Since our last date, I know.”

  “On that note, I’ll go find Thomas. Shall we meet at the ballroom a few minutes before the ceremony begins?” Roux asked as she stepped toward the door.

  “We will see you in thirty minutes, Miss Galt,” Theron answered politely. Roux stepped out and the door slid closed behind her. She found Karr standing by the door like the galaxy’s most overqualified security guard.

  “Where is Daena?” He asked.

  “Um… hm… she’s still inside with Theron. Where’s Thomas?” Karr pointed toward the Nyrotsi diplomatic shuttle. “Keep an eye on, Theron, please. I just don’t trust someone so… over the top like he is, but please don’t barge in there; he’s still our ticket to the ball and Tavington.” Karr just nodded at Roux in understanding. He already planned on watching Theron like the Kepler XIX telescope. Roux walked off to find Thomas.

  “There is a war going on and you people want to go to a fancy dinner? Absurd… Logos!” Karr muttered inside his helmet, so nobody would hear.

  Theron stepped closer and put a swift arm around Daena’s waist. She
didn’t accept his arm, but she didn’t deny it either. Daena felt conflicted. Theron was a great man and she was young and probably immature when she made the decision to break things off with him, but she thought something was developing with Karr, although Karr didn’t seem to feel the same way—at least he didn’t show it. Reading Karr’s emotions was like trying to read the emotions of a battle cruiser.

  Theron was willing to give her the planet, and most anyone in the galaxy would kill to have a Knight of the Order of the Nebula on their arm. The KON were practically celebrities to every faction and have been for hundreds of years.

  Oh, well, if Karr cared, he’d have said something by now.

  “I’ve thought about you since the day I had to leave. I’ve thought about going back so many times, but you never answered my comms and I figured…” Theron took one step closer. “But that doesn’t matter now. You’re here with me. I couldn’t be happier.”

  “Theron I… I don’t know what to say.” Daena replied quietly. His touch was warm and comfortably firm. He wore every emotion on his face openly, and most of all, it felt familiar, as though all those years between them had washed away.


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