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Tangled Up

Page 5

by Wendi Zwaduk

  “Roll over, sweetheart, so we can all play,” Sav murmured to Min and reached behind him to fondle Arran’s cock.

  Mindy turned onto her side and grabbed a condom. She hooked her leg around Sav’s calf and granted him access as she sheathed him. Releasing his grip on Arran, Sav smoothed his hand around to cup her breast and flick her nipple. Mindy cried out and bucked as he entered.

  “That’s right, baby girl. Take me in.” He groaned. “Fuck, you are tight.”

  While Sav thrust in and out of Mindy, Arran eased up behind him. The chill of lube caressed his asshole and seeped through his body, quickly replaced by the delight of Arran working his cock into Sav’s slickened opening. Sav puffed out a long breath. Each time he pulled out of Mindy, Arran surged forward.

  The feeling of the three of them working and making love in unison seemed like the exact way they should be. Behind him, Arran’s thrusts increased, sending Sav hurtling towards his orgasm. “Fuck, fuck, fuck.” His breath sped and his chest constricted.

  Mindy grasped for his hands, digging her nails into him to hold on as she screamed, “Yes!”

  Arran shuddered and pressed his forehead into the back of Sav’s neck, licking and suckling the skin. “God,” he murmured.

  Hot seed from Arran’s cock surged within Sav at the same time Sav lost control and spiralled into oblivion. Shivering, Mindy stilled in Sav’s arms. “Whoa.”

  Love bubbled deep in his soul, not only for Arran, but Mindy as well. So why couldn’t he vocalise the words? Because things could still fall apart. But what if not? What if they really were meant to be together as three forever? Then life would be perfect. Yes, he needed to tell them how he felt about both of them.

  Chapter Six

  Pocket knife in hand, Sav opened another box of books, then surveyed the order sheet. He clicked his tongue and marked off the inventory. He loved the peace and quiet of the stock room—a few moments to himself to compose his thoughts and find Zen. Plus it afforded him a moment to muse over the nights spent with Arran and Mindy over the past month of being solidly with the pair. His muscles ached and he felt like he was walking funny, but it was a great feeling. Making love to both of them felt better than right. Sexy and perfect.

  Why’d they waited so long to explore the possibilities of being three?

  A knock on the door startled him from his thoughts. Siouxsie grinned at him and leaned on the frame, her arms folded across her chest. The thick, black cable knit sweater hung almost to her knees, hiding the shape of her body. He’d wondered on occasion if she’d ever found ’the one’. If not, maybe someday.

  “Sav? I finalised the times for Mrs. Waterford’s signing next month. Looks like it’ll be a real shindig.” She kicked the toe of her combat boot against the unforgiving wood. “I’m impressed.”

  Sav massaged the bridge of his nose. “She’ll have a gala event. It’s not every day we have a local celebrity stop by.”

  “You’re crazy, but that’s why I love working for you.” Siouxsie turned to leave and stopped short. “By the way, there’s a chicky here wanting to see you. Shocked me ‘cause I know which way you play. Says she’s got a note.”

  “Who is it?”

  “Khloe-someone-or-other. Claims she knows you real well.” Siouxsie drew out the last two words and hooked her onyx-tipped fingers in the air.

  One person came to mind, but he wouldn’t say he knew her well. “Khloe Gustav’s a server at Besta Pizza. She’s all right, I suppose. I don’t get the idea that Arran likes her much. I’ll see what she wants.” He stood and strode through the bookstore to the reference desk, unrolling the sleeves of his dress shirt to look more professional. “May I help you?”

  “Hi, Sav, right? I need to talk to you.” Her gaze roved slowly down his body. “Not here.”

  Unnerved by her visual appraisal, Sav nodded to the coffee lounge. “We can sit on one of the benches in the cafe.” When they reached the cluster of tables, Sav gestured to the closest couch. “Sit?”

  Khloe plopped down and clutched her purse as if it might run away. “It’s about Mindy. She’s not acting like herself and, as her friend, I wanted to talk to you.”

  “Why me? I know her well enough, but I can say I don’t see her having you as a confidante. You have different…tastes.” The strong scent of coffee swirled around him, churning his stomach. Deep in his gut, he had a bad feeling about Khloe being at the store and mentioning Mindy.

  “Really, we’re super close.” Khloe sat forward on the navy seat. The front of her parka parted, revealing the deep vee of cleavage her fuchsia tunic couldn’t contain. “Anyway, she told me Arran’s back in her life, but not because she wants him to be. It was all pity sex. You know? She’s got a guy and she’s just screwing Arran to make him feel better.”

  “She told you all this?”

  “Every word.” Khloe nodded solemnly.

  Sav rubbed his chin. He didn’t buy a word of her declaration, but then again, he wasn’t sure who Min hung out with, so it could be possible. “Who’s the lucky guy?”

  “Ronan. They’ve been together since July of last year. He wants to pop the question.”

  “Interesting.” Sav suppressed a snort. If he said more, he’d burst out laughing. Min had more sense than to screw around with Ronan, even if he did own three quarters of the restaurants in the Crestline/Mansfield area.

  “When they do get hitched, she gets stock in half of LaBreque’s Place.” She nodded and her eyes widened, as if to emphasise her point.

  “Seems like there’s no issue to keep them apart. It’s win-win.”

  “How so?” Khloe cocked her head.

  “Nothing you’ve mentioned is bad, except that maybe Min’s cheating on Ronan. But he’s a documented philanderer, so it’s probably fair.”

  “Ah, well.” She released her grip on her purse and wagged her index finger at him. “You know Ronan’s connections with the wrong side of the law. If he finds out that she’s fooling around, Arran could be in danger of losing Besta Pizza and his life.” She edged towards him and dropped her voice to a whisper. “He is your squeeze, isn’t he?”

  “Squeeze?” Sav choked on the word. “I’m sorry.”

  “Your hunk, your guy, your piece of ass.” She bobbed her head and fluttered her hands. “Your…partner.”

  “He’s my partner, yes.” He ground his teeth together. No wonder Khloe drove Arran crazy. If she treated her customers with the same crude language and flashed so much skin, he probably lost a lot of business.

  Khloe clutched his arm with one hand. “So protect your man by keeping him away from her.”

  Wrestling his forearm from her, Sav leant back in his seat. “Now why would Ronan want Besta Pizza? He owns Palisades Pizza in Mansfield and Hot Slice on the outskirts of Crestline. Arran and Min should be the least of his worries—if he actually cares about Mindy.”

  Khloe scooted closer and twined her fingers with his, caressing the back of his hand. “You make it sound like there’s trouble in paradise.”

  “Nope, I’m good.” He removed his hand and folded his arms.

  “Just you?” She bobbed her brows and ran the backs of her knuckles down his cheek. “I can be an asset to you.”

  “Khloe, don’t pry and don’t touch me.” He inched to the end of the couch and faced her. “We’re fine. Arran and I can take care of ourselves.”

  She shrugged. “Okay, but don’t say I didn’t warn you. Talk to you later.” She stood and strolled to the door, her ass waving as she walked.

  After she left the building, he wandered back to the stockroom. He had to shelve the box of romance novels and a shipment of Art Nouveau books. As he placed the paperbacks on the cart, he mulled over the odd conversation. Mindy had remained friends with him and Arran after the marriage fizzled and she and Arran had both professed to have moved on, but the shared passion—if she had faked it…she deserved an Oscar. Arran knew her best. He trusted her.

  The thought of Mindy possibly being wi
th Ronan churned Sav’s stomach. Oh, the man looked okay, but his ideas on running a business and the legendary way he mistreated his girlfriends rubbed Sav raw.

  But Khloe… He wasn’t sure what she had to gain. As far as he could gather, she could be the one fucking Ronan. If so, why cause Min and Arran trouble? Sav groaned. The more he thought about things, the more he needed to talk to Arran, but he wasn’t around and calling him wasn’t an option—he’d already started his shift at the pizzeria. What about Min? Nope—she’d picked up an evening shift at LaBreque’s. Crud.

  Sav placed the last book on the shelf and tapped the spine. Stewing over things wasn’t his style, even if he wanted to keep his partner, his lover, safe. Ride it out and see where things go. Talk about the impossible.

  * * * *

  At twelve-thirty that night, Arran strolled into the living room and plopped down next to Mindy on the couch. What a night. A fight, a cretin had pissed on the building and two servers had called off. He needed aspirin and a healthy dose of Min and Sav.

  Mindy squeezed his thigh and rested her head on his shoulder. “I never imagined this would happen—being with you again. Arran, it’s like a dream come true. You and Sav, I love you both.”

  Arran opened his mouth to reply, but the shrill ring of his cell phone split the air. “Just a moment.” What the fuck? He pressed the buttons to answer the call. Who needed him past midnight? “This is Arran.”

  “Glad I caught you. I know it’s late, but how about we get down to business.”

  Arran clutched the phone in a tight grip. “Ronan, what are you talking about? And yes it’s too fucking late to call.”

  “Forgive me the hour, but I’m about to make an offer on Besta Pizza. I saw the figures and know the rumours. Your affair with a certain Savion Welles isn’t good for sales. Why don’t you hear me out? My offer is a lucrative one for you and your—fluff. Might even give you some free time to play with your man.”

  “I don’t make deals with the devil,” Arran snarled. This wasn’t the way he’d planned to increase his blood pressure, dammit.

  “Mindy said you’d be a hard sell. She’s a wonderful mole.” Ronan chuckled, his voice syrupy smooth. “And you thought she loved you? Poor man. She’s in love with me and willing to devote herself to my business.”

  “Go to hell.” Arran snapped the phone shut and pinched the bridge of his nose. He needed to sort things out with Min. She wasn’t the type to cause trouble—not to the degree Ronan insinuated. Still, too many things remained unclear. Was that the reason she came over originally? He doubted it, but things seemed too weird.

  “Arran?” She patted his thigh again. “What’s wrong?” Confusion shone in her eyes.

  “I just got an interesting call.” He closed his eyes. “Want to tell me why Ronan’s offering to buy the pizzeria?”

  “I have no idea,” she said matter-of-factly. “Ronan likes to cause trouble. He’s a grade-A jerk, but he never said a word to me about buying anything.”

  Sav stalked into the living room from the bedroom. “Don’t play innocent. I know what happened.”

  Opening his eyes, Arran focused on Sav, shocked by Sav’s curt tone of voice. “What do you know, and why are you so keyed up?”

  Sav propped his hands on his hips. His brows knotted together as he clenched his jaw. “I got a personal visit this afternoon. The coincidence is a bit much to swallow.”

  Mindy’s gaze vacillated between Arran and Sav. “Coincidence?” She edged away from Arran on the couch. “Come on, you know me better than that. Give.”

  “We’ve been a happy little threesome for what, going on three years? And sometime last month you suddenly decided it’s okay to take things to the next level? Seems a bit convenient.” Sav narrowed his eyes and jabbed a finger in her face. “You insinuate yourself into our lives and for what? To help Ronan steal the pizzeria.”

  Her eyes widened. “I never—“

  “I saw you talk to him before you took our order. All those times he pulled you aside when we came to visit,” Sav snapped. “He gave you instructions on what to say and how to play the game.”

  “Sav, back off.”

  “So you’re taking her side? Come on, Arran, she’s screwing with your business.” Sav towered over her small body. The vein in his neck bulged. “In all our years together, I never thought you’d do this to him.”

  “Arran?” A waver tinged Mindy’s voice.

  “Ronan claims you’re a mole.” Arran stood and tugged Sav away from her. “He made an offer to buy Besta Pizza.”

  “I didn’t. I wouldn’t.” Her words came out in a squeak.

  “Get out.” Sav’s voice echoed in the small room. “Get the fuck out.”

  “It’s not like it seems,” Mindy murmured brokenly then ran to the front door. “Goodbye, Arran.” She shoved her feet into her boots and thrust her arms into her coat. Tears and mascara trailed down her cheeks.

  The door clicked shut as she fled the house. Ice filled Arran’s chest. Despite the call from Ronan and Sav’s meeting, Arran didn’t believe she’d use him.

  “I can’t believe you married her.” Sav put up both hands. “No, I know exactly why you married her, but I don’t see why she’d want to hurt us. I thought we were a team.”

  Arran turned and drew a long breath into his lungs. He exhaled and slumped his shoulders. “I don’t think she told him anything.”

  “How can you trust her? She took the accusations without a fight!” Sav stood tall before Arran. “I want to believe her. I want to say it’s a big joke, but I’m not good at trusting people.”

  “It doesn’t help that you told her to go.” Arran stepped toe to toe with his lover. “You blindsided her.”

  “And now you take her side. Show me why I’m wrong.”

  Smoothing his hands along Sav’s shoulders, Arran cocked his head. “Let’s think about this. What did the mystery woman say when she cornered you?”

  “No mystery—it was Khloe, and she said your life was in danger because Mindy was screwing with you. She doesn’t love you because she’s in love with Ronan. What we did was pity sex.” Sav snorted. “In hindsight, it does sound a bit cooked.”

  “Cooked? Yeah, he and Khloe used you.”

  Defeat shone in Sav’s dark eyes. “Why didn’t I come to that conclusion earlier?”

  Arran cupped Sav’s cheek, rubbing his thumb over the slight stubble peppering the otherwise smooth skin. “I know you and I know Min. You are my hothead, shoot from the hip, and ask questions later man. I love your impulsiveness, even when you want everyone to think you’re so collected. Min’s more the fiercely loyal Momma Bear. If she gave him any sort of information about BPA or our relationship, it was by accident or misunderstanding. The pizzeria was never an issue between us.”

  “As much as I care about her, she works for the enemy, Arran.” The words came out low, like a threat.

  “Like she could work for me? I shoved her out the fucking door. She took her dignity and left me alone except when I—we wanted a friend. I’m the foolish one for not deciding I loved both her and you all along.”

  “What are we going to do to fix this?”

  “You need to calm down and figure out how you plan to apologise.”

  “You’re right.”

  “This thing between the three of us is too strong to ignore or throw away because Ronan wants to rule the eating habits of Crestline in order to line his pockets. He’s a bastard cloaked in a sugary shell. But he doesn’t realise that Nate’s the majority owner—by one percent, but still majority. He’s my ace in the hole because I never told Min anything about it. She’s innocent. Someone else leaked the information.” Arran held out his hand. “Come with me. We’ll sort this out and come out stronger on the other side.”

  “Think she’ll forgive me?”

  “Depends on how much you’re willing to grovel. Now let’s get some sleep so we can save our girl in the morning.”

  Chapter Seven

; The next afternoon, Mindy wiped off another table. Sav’s reaction had hurt, but the devastation in Arran’s eyes had cut her to the marrow. She rarely talked to Ronan about anything other than schedules, servers and popular music. Besta Pizza and Arran never came up in conversation. Had she been foolish to believe she and Arran could have a future together? Despite her broken heart, she didn’t regret her decisions.

  “How’s Arran and Sav?” Khloe bumped Mindy’s elbow, knocking over a glass of ice. “I’ve always wondered what it would be like to be the meat in the sandwich.”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Mindy brushed the ice into the towel. “Since you’re not interested in cleaning up after yourself, don’t you have tables to wait on?”

  “Someone’s touchy this morning.” Khloe leant forwards, her face inches from Mindy’s. “Did something happen? You can tell me all the juicy details.”

  “It’s nothing that concerns you. Now go. I need to get this mess cleaned up.”

  “Spoil sport.” Khloe shrugged and stomped away, leaving Mindy in silence once again.

  Mindy sighed and stacked the dishes. Whoever had hired Khloe had picked the wrong woman. If she wasn’t chatting with the cooks, she stood outside on a cigarette break and ignored her tables until tip time. What a waste.

  “I’d like a table in Mindy’s section please.”

  Her ears perked. Arran? When Mindy glanced at the foyer, Arran and Sav grinned. Twelve hours prior, Sav had hated her guts. Why the change?

  “The lunch rush just slowed,” Khloe replied. “So you get me. I’m known for special treatment. Ronan says I’m number one in customer service. Hi, Sav. Back to see me?”

  “Never mind. We aren’t here for you.” Arran winked at Khloe and headed towards Mindy. “We’re good.”

  “This isn’t my section.” Mindy backed up against the edge of the table and fisted her hands. “I’m bussing the lunch rush mess.” It wasn’t fair. Clad in a butter soft leather jacket, Arran moved with the sinewy grace of a cat stalking its prey. Sav followed, hot on his heels.


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