No Matter What

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No Matter What Page 36

by Michelle Betham

  He closed his eyes and let the sun warm his face as he thought about the coming weeks and the new movie he was due to start shooting. For the first time in a long time he was filming in and around L.A., a movie with a strong cast and a very talented director – his son-in-law. Michael Walsh was directing the movie and Reece was looking forward to the experience of working with him again, because he was an extremely respected director now, with a very relaxed yet ordered way of working and that was something Reece liked. The script was good, the locations were close to home and he couldn’t wait to get started.

  He was coming to the end of a few months away from work, a lot of which he’d spent over in Hawaii with his partner of the past three years, an actress called Martha Turner. But now he was looking forward to getting back to work.

  Martha was forty-seven years old, Californian born and bred, an extremely good character actor and somebody Reece had admired for years. They’d been friends for a long time – she’d been Reece’s companion at India’s wedding – but their relationship had suddenly changed one night when they’d gone out for dinner with a group of friends and halfway through the evening suddenly realised they only wanted to be alone.

  She’d moved into his Hollywood Hills home last year and so far it was working out perfectly. It had been a long time coming, but Reece thought he might finally have found the love he’d been looking for. He’d been so consumed with the need to find his daughter, and then everything that had followed, that love had always taken a back seat for Reece. But now, with India settled and happy, he could finally start to think about himself, and Martha was good for him. She was funny and kind and the best cook Reece had ever come across. For an American she could make the most amazing roast beef dinners. But, most importantly, she loved India and India loved her. They got on like best friends, sharing the same sense of humour and a love of the same TV programmes, and Reece had often come home to find the pair of them curled up on the sofa watching some sitcom or drama serial, drinking wine and eating chocolate and to see them like that, the two most special women in his life, it was the best feeling. Everything was coming together, fitting into place. Reece finally had the family he’d craved and that was something all the money in the world couldn’t buy.

  He pushed his glasses up on top of his head and smiled as Martha ran out into the garden, looking happy and extremely pretty in a girlie, floaty dress and sandals. She leaned over and gave him a quick kiss, throwing herself into the chair next to him, pouring herself a large glass of orange juice.

  “Busy day?” he asked, looking at her for a second. She had shoulder length blonde hair, the bluest of eyes in a face that belied her forty-seven years, and a light golden tan that accentuated the pale blue dress she was wearing. She was a beautiful woman. Reece was a very lucky man.

  “I’ve spent the day talking to journalist after journalist about this movie,” she sighed, taking a sip of orange juice. “You never realise just how tiring that can be, even though we’ve done it so many times before.” She had a film due for U.S. release next week and the publicity band wagon was in full swing for Martha. “How was India? Did she like her present?”

  “She loved it,” Reece smiled. Martha had India down to a tee, buying her a specially commissioned diamond cuff bracelet that India had adored.

  Martha smiled too. “I really wanted to see her today. I imagine she’s already in Malibu, is she?”

  Reece nodded. “Michael should be home by now.”

  “I’ll give her a call later. Wish her happy birthday.”

  “Call her now.”

  Martha looked at him. “Reece, baby, I don’t think we should be disturbing them. They’ve been apart for three months, remember? I don’t think talking to me is top of her agenda right now. She’ll be busy welcoming home that husband of hers.”

  “Martha, please.”

  “Reece honey, she’s thirty-three years old, stop pretending she doesn’t have sex. She’s been away from that guy for over three months, what do you think they’ll be doing?”

  “I know what they’ll be doing, Martha, I just choose not to think about it.”

  She smiled at him again and he couldn’t stop laughing. She loved to tease him. He was half English and half Irish but sometimes that English reserve just couldn’t stop itself from appearing, despite all his years in L.A.

  “Did you guys have a good morning together?” Martha went on, lying back in the reclining chair and closing her eyes against the sun.

  “We had a lovely morning,” Reece said. “Just being able to spend time with her, well, I never take that for granted. Not now. Not after everything.”

  Martha reached out and took his hand, squeezing it gently. “I know. Look, she’s probably gonna want to spend the evening with Michael but, why don’t we take them both out to dinner? Saturday night?”

  He looked at her and smiled. “That’d be wonderful, Martha.” He leaned over to kiss her quickly. “Thank you.”

  She stroked his cheek, kissing him back. “That’s sorted then. I’ll mention it when I call her later then we can get somewhere booked. Somewhere special. A belated birthday dinner ... with her family.”

  And as Reece looked into her beautiful blue eyes that word had never meant more to him. Family. And Martha was part of it, Reece knew that now, he knew that she was comfortable with that and he knew that India loved her. There was no problem, no obstacle standing in his way, nothing stopping him now. The final piece of the jigsaw in Reece Brogan’s life was falling into place. And he couldn’t be happier.


  The Maine Resort had never been used as a location for filming before but Vince was more than happy for it to be used for the filming of ‘The Wedding Convention’, a romantic comedy set in Las Vegas and based around, as the title suggested, a wedding convention. He had his reasons Of course. It would provide some great marketing for the hotel, having it used in a Hollywood movie, but the main reason was because of it’s star – India. Having her on board had swung it for him. It had made the decision a no-brainer.

  Filming was due to begin next week and the place was already buzzing with preparation. India was arriving in Vegas on Sunday evening and bringing Michael with her for a couple of days before he started work on his new movie in L.A.

  It was all happening at The Maine Resort, and as far as Vince was concerned, that was when he was at his happiest.

  He smiled to himself as he walked past the largest of the hotel’s theatres, which was in full preparation for the showgirl auditions, the noise and the excitement already building, he could feel it, even from outside. He never loved it more than when things were happening. Vince didn’t like being idle, he found it hard to tear himself away from work. He’d probably describe himself as a workaholic but that was no bad thing in his eyes. His father before him had always instilled the importance of hard work into him, and everything that could be achieved through that, and Vince was proof that it could pay off. He had the hotel, the production company he part owned alongside Michael Walsh and the prospect of another hotel here in Vegas. He was also looking into taking over a restaurant in The Napa Valley with a chef friend of his so he certainly had a lot going on.

  But he really wanted to stick around here in Vegas during the filming of this movie. He wanted to spend a bit of time with India. He’d set aside one of the villas in the grounds of the hotel for her to stay in whilst she was filming, it was somewhere private for her when Michael visited, which Vince was certain would be as often as he could. After all, Kenny Ross was India’s co-star and Vince knew better than anybody how uncomfortable that was making Michael feel. He was only too aware that Michael had never got used to the friendship between his wife and Kenny, and he probably never would. They had history and nothing could change that, but they also had a bond that was never going to be broken, that was quite obvious now.

  Vince stopped and stuck his head around the door of the theatre, taking a quick look at the barrage of beautiful girls that w
ere hanging around waiting for the auditions to begin. He loved his life, he really did. He loved this city, he loved the buzz and the noise and the people, and he loved being surrounded by women. He was about to leave to go and check on the casino when one of the girls caught his eye, a pretty dark haired girl who looked more than familiar to him. He squinted to try and get a better look but she was dragged away by her red-headed friend before he could focus properly. He shrugged and closed the door behind him, leaving them to it. He’d probably just seen her around town one night. This place was full of pretty girls.

  He turned and started to make his way down to the casino, feeling his ‘phone vibrate in his pocket, and he reached in to retrieve it, looking at the caller display – India. He smiled and clicked ‘answer’, talking as he walked.

  “Hey, how’s the most beautiful actress in the world?”

  “You’re such a charmer.”

  “I know. It’s my middle name. So, what can I do for you, gorgeous?”

  Vince Maine was a man in love with his life. He loved the people around him, the city he lived in; he loved this hotel. And he couldn’t think of anything else he’d rather be doing. He couldn’t think of anything else at all.


  “When did this turn into a family vacation?” Michael asked, leaning back against the wall of the elevator as the doors closed.

  Everyone had decided to land on Vegas for the next five days - everyone being Reece and Martha as well as Michael. There were a few days yet before Michael and Reece had to be back in Los Angeles to begin work on their movie so, although Michael had always planned to spend this time with India, Reece and Martha had also decided that a bit of time in Vegas wouldn’t hurt either.

  “It didn’t.” India half smiled at her husband. “And it’s not like they’re even staying anywhere near us. They’re here in the hotel and we’re in the villa. We don’t even have to see them if we don’t want to.”

  “I know ... but I wanted to spend some time alone with you. I wasn’t banking on your dad joining us. I’ve only been home three days and in another few days we’ll be apart again ... hey, you ever had sex in an elevator?”

  India looked at him again and she couldn’t help laughing as he smiled that smile at her, raising one eyebrow.

  “No, and I’m not about to start now.”

  He came over to her, pulling her against him and kissing her neck, slipping a hand down her jeans.

  “Michael! They’ve got cameras in these things you know.”

  “So, we make a little movie of our own, what’s wrong with that?”

  “Michael, come on!” She slapped his hand away as he tried to shove it up her t-shirt, but she couldn’t stop laughing. “Stop it, or we’re gonna end up all over the internet.”

  “Spoilsport,” he smirked, putting his hands back where she could see them. “You gonna let me have it when we get to the villa then?”

  “What is wrong with you?” she laughed. “Have you forgotten what we did this morning?”

  “That was hours ago. I’ve been three months without you, baby. Three months. That’s a killer amount of time when I’m married to someone like you.”

  “And binge sex helps, does it?”

  “Like you wouldn’t believe,” he grinned, and she laughed again. He could be so funny at times. She loved him when he made her laugh. She loved him anyway; she just wasn’t over-keen on his moodiness that was starting to creep in now and again.

  She kissed him quickly, slipping her hand into his as he pulled her close for another slower, longer kiss, neither of them hearing the elevator doors open.

  “Jesus, get a room will you?” Vince said, smiling.

  Michael looked at him, smiling back. “What are you doing here, Maine?”

  “Well, last time I looked, Walsh, I owned this joint.”

  India stepped out into the lobby as Michael gave Vince a friendly hug. “Great to see you, Vince.”

  “You too, Michael. I was just making sure everything was ready for your arrival. I like to give my V.I.P. guests the personal touch.”

  India smiled at him and hugged him tight as he lifted her up and swung her around.

  “And you just get more beautiful each time I see you, Mrs Walsh.”

  “Watch him, India. He’s an irrepressible flirt,” Michael smiled.

  “Ignore him,” India said, kissing Vince quickly. “And thank you for letting us take over one of your villas. I’m really grateful.”

  “Well, I thought it might be a little more private than a suite here in the hotel. You just make yourself at home, and anything you need at any time you just call me and it’s there, you got that? I want this place to be your home from home. Come on; let’s get you both over to the villa.”

  She still couldn’t get used to all this attention, to the fact that all she had to do was snap her fingers and whatever she wanted or needed was there. Even after all these years it was still something she found strange.

  She held tightly onto Michael’s hand as they walked through the hotel, following Vince even though they knew exactly where the villas were. They knew this hotel like the back of their hands after countless visits because India loved Las Vegas. She loved the feel of the place and the sense of freedom it gave people. If she had to spend more time away from Michael working then she couldn’t think of a better place to be. There were enough distractions here to take anyone’s mind off anything. Although whether it could take her mind off missing Michael was yet to be seen.

  Each of the six villas at The Maine Resort was set in its own private grounds. There were four two-bedroom/four bathroom villas and two three-bedroom/five bathroom villas, each with its own large private terrace, garden, swimming pool and Jacuzzi. Inside, they all had huge living rooms with sixty inch plasma screen TVs and state-of-the-art sound systems, a gym, private spa, kitchen, dining-room and permanently stocked bars, not to mention staff on call round the clock. There were LCD wall mounted TV’s and sound systems in every room, including the bathrooms, which featured the most amazing steam showers, and a 24 hour butler service was also on hand if called for. The first time India had seen these places she’d been blown away. They could only be described as magnificent. But staying here meant that she could have total privacy whenever she wanted it and she needed that sometimes. It was important to her.

  “Vince, this is amazing! I never get tired of saying that because every time I see these places they still take my breath away,” India gasped, as they walked into the vast entrance lobby of the two-bedroomed villa she’d be staying in while she was in Vegas.

  “Well, this is your home now, sweetheart. I just want you to be comfortable.”

  “I think we can safely say that I’m definitely going to be that,” she smiled, letting go of Michael and looking around her. “Right, I’m going to go check out the bedrooms. I’ll leave you two to a bit of male bonding.”

  Michael watched her walk away, something he never, ever got tired of doing, watching her walk. And for a split second his mind wandered back to that very first day he’d seen her, that first time he’d watched her walk into that screen-test room and how every inch of him had ached for her. Right from the start. For ten years she’d been all he’d ever wanted, and now he had everything. Well, almost everything. A baby would make it all complete. He just had to get India to think the same way.

  “The honeymoon period still alive and well then?” Vince smiled, as they went into the living room.

  “I don’t think it’ll ever go away.” Michael looked at Vince. “When’s Kenny getting here?”

  “He’s already here.”

  “In the hotel?”

  “He’s staying here too, Michael. Come on, what’s on your mind? You’ve got that look about you, something’s bothering you.”

  “Kenny’s bothering me.” He walked over to the huge windows that overlooked the private garden.

  “Even now? You still feel threatened by him, even now?” Vince walked over to the ba
r and poured them both a bourbon. “She married you, remember?” He handed Michael his drink. “She’s in love with you, don’t you get that yet?”

  “I’m getting older, Vince. And I can’t stop that. The hair’s getting thinner; there are more lines on my face ...”

  “And I love every one of them, you paranoid, middle-aged idiot,” India smiled, standing in the doorway. She’d only checked out one bedroom but she’d already concluded that it was bigger than the entire flat she’d used to live in back in England.

  Michael looked at her, just hoping she hadn’t heard anything he’d said about Kenny. He didn’t want her knowing how much he bothered him, how knowing she was going to be near him 24/7 for months was getting to him more than he cared to admit.

  India smiled at her husband. “I’m going to take a shower. Ok?”

  The look she gave Michael sent out a message he couldn’t miss, but there was something he had to take care of first. He waited until she was out of sight then turned back to Vince.

  “Look, I am more than desperate to get in there with her ...”

  “I’m sure you are,” Vince said. “Who wouldn’t be?”

  “That’s what I’m worried about ... Vince, I need you to do something for me. I need you to keep an eye on India and Kenny.”

  Vince looked at Michael, narrowing his eyes. “I’m not spying on her, Michael. That’s bullshit, no!”

  “Vince, I’m begging you, please!”

  Vince knocked back his drink. “You should trust her. What the hell is wrong with you?”


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