No Matter What

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No Matter What Page 66

by Michelle Betham

  She studied her face in the mirror. Yes, she had lines round the eyes that hadn’t been there before and yes, she looked older. But she was still an extremely beautiful woman, and JJ wanted her.

  She slowly undressed, looking at her body as she did so. It was still perfect, still toned and slim. There was no reason for her to be scared of him seeing it, no reason for her to feel nervous. But she did. This was like the first time all over again and she couldn’t stop the nerves from hitting her.

  Pulling her hair out of its ponytail and shaking it out over her shoulders, she wrapped herself in a huge white towel, closing her eyes and taking a deep breath. This was it. This was step number one, a move forward into that brand new chapter. And she was finally ready to take it.

  Walking back into the bedroom she looked at him as he sat up in the bed, his tanned body quite obviously naked underneath the white sheet. He was beautiful. Just beautiful. Did she really deserve him?

  He smiled, and she felt her heart skip that beat again, her head suddenly throwing out any final seeds of doubt as she dropped the towel that was covering her naked body, watching his face as he looked her up and down.

  “Jesus, India ... you ... you’re incredible ...”

  He threw back the sheet that covered him and it was her turn to stare. He was perfect in almost every way and she felt dizzy and excited and nervous all at once as she lay down next to him, their skin touching. His body was warm and hard against hers, his fingers stroking her back as they just looked at each other. It was after three in the morning and she was lying in bed with a man almost six years her junior, a man who she could quite easily develop feelings for, and it was something she’d never thought would happen after Michael. Oh, she’d been sleeping with Kenny, of course she had, but Kenny was different. Kenny was almost like a therapy she always needed whenever somebody hurt her. He got her through the bad times and he’d helped her get through the past three years, but now - now she’d found JJ. She’d found a way forward and it felt like a dream come true.

  He pushed her onto her back and she stretched her arms up above her head, closing her eyes as she felt his fingers stroke her naked skin. He ran them slowly down her arms, his lips planting tiny kisses as they followed his touch, moving down to her neck, lingering there for a few seconds, those light, gentle kisses making her gasp out loud as his fingers ran over her breasts and down to her hips. Every touch was electric, every kiss brought her out in goosebumps, but she wanted to touch him too. She wanted to look at him, get to know every inch of him. So she turned onto her side, making him do the same so they faced each other and, pulling the sheet down past his thighs, she let her fingers trail slowly over his hips as her eyes followed them. He was extraordinarily perfect to her. His skin was soft and smooth, his muscles hard and taut beneath her fingers and just touching him was making her feel dizzy. She left her hand on his thigh as she looked into his eyes. It was so late, and she was so tired but she didn’t want to be anywhere other than here. With him.

  Closing her eyes she kissed his mouth again and suddenly she was consumed by an overwhelming urge to laugh, burying her face in his shoulder.

  “What’s so funny?” he asked, laughing himself, and she looked up at him, stroking his face.

  “You ... this ... you have no idea how much I needed this, and I never really knew it.” She looked deeper into his eyes, kissing his open mouth quickly. “It’s 4am, and I’m so tired I have no idea how I’m going to get through the day, but all I want is to be here. With you. I don’t want to sleep. Not yet.”

  He smiled, running his fingers along the dip of her waist and over her hip.

  “I’m not really in any hurry to sleep myself,” he whispered, his dark eyes locking onto hers.

  Just thinking about what was going to happen next was giving her butterflies as she moved her hand down, and touched him. He was hard and ready and she wrapped her fingers around him as her stomach did a million more tiny somersaults. He was making her feel like a teenage virgin not a thirty-eight year old mum. Feelings of excitement, fear and nerves were all colliding with each other, her heart beating fast and loud. The anticipation was killing her. She needed to have him now.

  Turning onto her back, she closed her eyes and bit down on her bottom lip as he touched her. His lips kissed her neck, his fingers explored her body, bringing her to the brink and then pulling her back again and how he was managing to hold out himself she had no idea because this was driving her crazy. To take her so close and make her feel what she was feeling was something she’d never experienced before, and she’d had some great sex. But not like this, nothing like this.

  She was so close to begging him to just do it, begging him to just finish the job but she held out, gripping the pillow tighter and tighter until he finally pushed inside her and she cried out in a mixture of relief and overwhelming pleasure. She felt as though he was taking over every inch of her, his body filling hers with a warmth that flooded right through her. He was making her skin tingle and her breath catch in her throat, it was like nothing she’d ever felt before and she wanted to feel it forever. All those clichés of being taken to heaven, they were true because that’s where JJ was taking her now. And she never wanted to come home.

  He pushed deeper and deeper until the inevitable crashing climax hit her like a fast-moving train, his fingers sliding between hers, every inch of his young, hard body lying against her tingling skin, and she didn’t want to open her eyes. She didn’t want this to end. But, as she lay in his arms, her head on his chest, still not wanting to sleep, still wanting to just lie there with him and hold him, she knew this was only the beginning. This was her whole new beginning.


  She hadn’t slept, she hadn’t been able to. She’d tried, she’d spent the past hour or so trying but every time she’d closed her eyes she’d just wanted to open them again and look at him as he’d slept beside her, his head turned to one side. He was so beautiful; all she wanted to do was look at him. They both had to be on the ‘Covert One’ set in just over two hours and she knew she should really try and get at least some rest but she couldn’t. It just wasn’t happening.

  She kissed him gently and slipped out of bed, pulling on her clothes, quickly writing him a scribbled note and leaving it on the pillow next to him. It was pointless waking him, but she was on too much of a high to settle down. She needed to tell someone, she needed to talk; she needed to let somebody know how she was feeling right now because she was like a kid at Christmas and she couldn’t keep the excitement to herself.

  She let herself quietly out of JJ’s house, took her ‘phone out of her bag and called Bobby.

  “Where the hell are you?” Bobby asked, picking up after just two rings. “I’ve been worried sick!”

  India couldn’t help giggling.

  “Well? Where are you, missy?”

  “Bobby, I’m sorry, but you sound so funny. I’m thirty-eight years old. I can stay out all night if I want to.”

  “You could try calling to let me know first. And what time do you call this, anyway?”

  “I call it 6.30 in the morning, what do you call it?”

  “Are you drunk?”

  She laughed again. “No. But I am so happy, Bobby! Come and meet me at our favourite coffee shop, I’ve got something to tell you.”

  He sensed gossip was on the way and his tone changed immediately. “I’m on my way, angel.”

  She drove to the coffee shop, singing along to a Nickelback CD, tapping her fingers on the wheel, her sunglasses on to shield her eyes from the early morning Californian sun. She felt like a new day really was beginning and she’d never felt so excited, not for a long time. Not since Michael. But thinking about him didn’t hurt anymore, not as much as it used to, anyway, and it didn’t make her feel sad or angry or resentful. Those feelings had gone, they’d been put aside. She was finally free.

  As she pulled up outside the coffee shop, which, even at that early hour of the morning, was fair
ly busy, she still felt like she was walking on air and she practically ran inside, greeting the staff with the biggest of smiles. She was a regular there, the staff knew her well, and they knew what she liked, so she ordered her usual tea and blueberry Danish, which she was far too excited to eat, while she waited for Bobby to arrive, and she could hardly contain it any longer as he finally slid into the booth opposite her.

  “Ok, princess. Details, come on. Who is he?”

  “What makes you think I’ve been with a man?”

  “You forget how transparent you are sometimes, angel. You’ve got that look about you that’s screaming you’ve just had great sex ... and by the looks of it “just” had it is about right.” He leaned forward and brushed her fringe away from her eyes. “Have you slept at all?”

  She shook her head, not able to keep the smile off her face.

  “You’ve been up all night?”

  She nodded, her stomach flipping over and over as she thought about JJ, remembering the way his body had felt inside hers, his kisses so soft on her mouth, his fingers on her skin. She could still feel it all.

  “Yeah ... once filming finished we were up all night. I’ve not slept for one second, Bobby. Not one second. I couldn’t.”

  “Make-up’s gonna be fun this morning then, isn’t it?” His expression suddenly changed into one of realisation as he remembered exactly who she’d been filming with last night. “No!” His eyes widened. “Have you been with ...?”

  She rested her chin in her hand and smiled, nodding again. “I’ve been with Joe. I’ve been with the most incredible man, Bobby.”

  Bobby just looked at her, speechless for a few seconds. “Did you ... have you ... what am I saying? Of course you have. Talk about jealous! I am so jealous, angel!”

  Her stomach flipped over again and all she wanted to do was relive the last few hours. She was in a daydream she didn’t want to wake up from.

  Bobby stared at her again. “What has he done to you? I’ve never seen you like this! How many times?”

  “Just the once.”

  “Once? And he’s got you in this state?” Bobby took a long sip of coffee, watching her intently.

  “What? You’re not getting details, Bobby.”


  She leaned forward and smiled at him. “Anyway, enough of that ...”

  “Well, you might think so but I’m quite happy to hang around for the full story.” He looked at her. “Are you going to see him again?”

  She looked at her watch. “In about an hour and a half, actually.” That thought alone made the butterflies return in full force.

  “You know what I mean, missy.”

  She played with her napkin, absent-mindedly pulling pieces off it.

  “He’s walked into my life and changed the way I’m seeing things.” She looked up at Bobby. “I’m no longer thinking about Michael every hour of every day, I’m no longer wasting hours and days going over things in my head and ... I think I need him, you know?” She shrugged, sitting back in her chair. “Who knows what’s going to happen. I just know that last night ... last night was amazing. Oh, I don’t know, he’s younger than me for starters.”

  “You’re hardly Mrs Robinson, princess. Six years is nothing.”

  She looked up at him again. “Don’t say anything to anybody, Bobby. Please. Nobody, not even Miguel. I don’t want anything to get in the way of this. I don’t want anyone else to know. Not yet. I had to tell you, I’d have gone crazy if I hadn’t told you, but that’s it. Nothing is going to spoil this.”

  He reached out and squeezed her hand. “You know me, angel. Discretion is my middle name.” He smiled at her, thinking how beautiful she looked for someone who’d had no sleep. “If he makes you this happy then he must be one incredible guy.”

  She held onto his hand. “He is. I really think he is. Jesus, Bobby, I’m acting like some lovesick teenager here but he’s got my head all over the place.” She pushed a hand through her hair, trying to fight the tiredness that was starting to flood her body, grabbing her ‘phone as it rang, smiling at the voice on the other end of the line.

  “Hi mommy!”

  “Hey baby!”

  “Granddad said I could use the ‘phone, he said you’d be awake. Are you awake, mommy?”

  She laughed, suddenly feeling quite tearful, and missing her little boy. “Yes, darling, I’m awake.”

  “Daddy’s coming home today.”

  “Is he, baby?” India wasn’t aware that Michael was coming back to L.A. so soon. He must be making a special trip to see Ethan.

  “Mommy, can he take me out after kindergarten? Can he?”

  “Listen, Ethan, honey, can you put granddad on the ‘phone? Please?”

  “Will I see you later?”

  “Of course you will, sweetheart. Now put granddad on the ‘phone. Love you loads, baby.”

  “Love you more, mommy ... granddad! Mommy wants to speak to you!”

  She heard Reece take the ‘phone from Ethan.

  “Have you spoken to Michael?” she asked.

  “He called last night. I tried to ring you but your ‘phone was switched off.”

  “I was filming. Sorry, I haven’t checked my messages yet.”

  “Not since last night?”

  “No. I’ve been busy.”

  Bobby almost choked on his coffee and she kicked him under the table, throwing him a look.

  “So, Michael’s coming home then.”

  “Just for a few days, to see Ethan. He wants to pick him up from kindergarten this afternoon and take him to his for the night. I said I’d have to speak to you first and get back to him.”

  She sighed, sitting back in her chair. Reality had certainly landed right back in her lap with a vengeance.

  “I suppose that’s ok, but when am I going to see Ethan? I’m filming all day today and I’m probably not going to get home until this evening, at least.”

  “You could try going to Michael’s and seeing him there. It wouldn’t hurt for you two to talk.”

  She felt herself tensing up and tried desperately to remember the calming feeling of JJ’s fingers on her naked skin, how he’d made her feel like any problem in the world could be solved so easily. But it was quite evident they couldn’t. He’d made her feel better about her situation with Michael; he’d made her stop caring about him, made her stop hating him. But he hadn’t made her want to see him again. She still couldn’t go there, she still couldn’t think about facing him again. It was the one thing she didn’t want to do. For so many reasons.

  “I’m not going to talk to him, dad, so don’t start, ok? I’m tired and I don’t need this.”

  “You need a break.”

  “I just need to make my own decisions.” She pushed a hand through her hair again, looking at her watch. “Look, I’ve got to go so ... tell Ethan I’ll see him later. Somehow. I’ll see him later.”

  She hung up and looked at Bobby, who just raised an eyebrow.

  “That killed off love’s not-so-young-dream then?”

  She kicked him under the table again. “You’re no spring chicken yourself. Come on. I’m gonna be late if I don’t get a move on.” She stood up, grabbing her bag. “And remember, not a word to anyone about me and JJ, and especially not to him. Don’t you dare let him know what I’ve told you.”

  “As if.”

  “Yeah, well, just don’t even look at him in a way that might make him think I’ve told you anything. Jesus, he made me feel about sixteen last night and now I’m acting like it. Come on. Let’s go. If I get there quick enough I might still have time for half an hour’s shut eye because I am done in.”

  But all she really wanted to do was see JJ again. That’s all she wanted to do.


  JJ opened his eyes and turned over, expecting to see her next to him and finding a note instead. He sat up and picked up the note, smiling as he read it. He’d spent the night with India Walsh and he felt like the luckiest man alive. He did
n’t know how it had happened, he certainly hadn’t planned for it to happen but it had, and he wanted more. He wanted to see her again; he wanted to be with her again. He wanted to touch her the way he’d touched her just a few short hours ago. If he closed his eyes he could still feel her soft skin, her firm breasts, he could still feel her breath on his face as he’d made love to her and he’d give anything to have her here and go there again.

  He’d always thought she was beautiful, although, until he’d met her just over a month ago, he’d only ever really seen her in movies or magazines, and he’d seen every movie she’d ever made. He was a fan, sure he was. He always had been. She was one hell of an actress, but she was also an incredible looking woman.

  He’d been just twenty-one years old when she’d done her now infamous ‘Viper’ shoot and he’d bought the magazine especially because she’d been on the cover with a ten page spread inside, infact, he still had one of the more revealing pictures stuck to the inside of one of the kitchen cupboards so he’d been thankful she hadn’t gone looking around in there last night. He’d wanted to see her naked so badly back then, he’d wanted to see her show it all off and he hadn’t been disappointed. They’d all been really subtle photographs, of course, but she’d obviously been naked and that’s all he’d wanted to see. What he’d done in front of those photographs was what millions of others like him had done but he’d never for one moment thought that, eleven years later, he’d be holding that body for real. Eleven years later and she’d hardly changed. Sure, she was older but she was still the most stunning woman he’d ever seen, with the most incredible body. She put women half her age to shame. She was as sexy as hell and he wanted her again, his own body was telling him that right now as he thought about her.

  He lay back against the pillows and closed his eyes, remembering the events of the past few hours. He’d never set out to get her into bed, not when the night had begun. He’d meant it when he’d said he wanted to get to know her as a friend but at some point - and he couldn’t even remember when - but at some point something had changed. He’d watched her as she’d spoken about her little boy, watched the way she’d played with her hair when she was nervous, the way she’d laughed. Something had made him want to get to know her far more intimately than you would a friend, and it had been intimate alright. He’d touched her in places millions of men could only dream about touching her and it was driving him crazy just thinking about it. He was about to reach down and finish the job in hand himself – literally - when the ‘phone ringing shook him back to reality and he reached out for it, hoping it was her.


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