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No Matter What

Page 94

by Michelle Betham

  Kenny sat at the bar, just watching everything that was going on around him. Sometimes he loved to just sit and people watch. Him and India had used to do that all the time in the early days. He remembered how they’d used to sit on the beach for hours at weekends, drinking beer and just watching life go on around them, laughing and making up stories about the people they were looking at. Those were the days before everything had got so complicated. Even now, almost nineteen years on, he still wondered if he could have done anything different to change the way things had turned out. He wondered if he could have done something to make sure he’d never let India go, because, even though he’d finally accepted that she was never going to love him in the way he wanted her to, he never stopped wondering what it could have been like if she did. But he knew he had to stop doing that and move on. He had to find a relationship that he could really be a part of and stop wishing he could have someone else’s. JJ was a good man, and he loved India. She was happy. And that was all that really mattered.

  To have almost lost her, to have had that feeling that he might never see her or speak to her again was a feeling Kenny never wanted to repeat so just knowing that she was in his life and always would be was enough for him, it had to be. He was part of the family, a permanent fixture. Maybe he just needed someone else there beside him to complete the picture.

  As he ordered another drink he couldn’t stop himself staring at a woman at the other end of the bar. She had the most beautiful red hair that cascaded down her back in huge curls and as he watched her laughing, he thought she looked vaguely familiar. There was something about her that told Kenny they’d met before, possibly only very briefly, but they’d definitely met before. And he had the feeling it had been here, in Vegas.

  She was incredibly pretty with a smile that seemed to light up her entire face and he found himself looking at her left hand to see if she was wearing a wedding ring. She wasn’t. He smiled to himself. Maybe things were starting to look up after all. Kenny Ross might be in his mid-forties now but he hadn’t lost any of that charm, and certainly none of his good looks. If anything, he was only getting better looking with age.

  He took a sip of his whisky and looked at her again, only this time her eyes caught his and she smiled at him. He didn’t look away, and she started to walk towards him, sliding onto the stool next to him, still smiling.

  “Hello,” she said, and Kenny couldn’t take his eyes off her. Where had he seen her before?

  “Hi. Erm, look, I didn’t mean to stare, by the way. I’m sure we’ve met before, that’s all. I just can’t place where.”

  “Here,” she replied, taking a sip of her cocktail through a straw, an action Kenny found quite appealing. “We met here. Only very briefly, which is probably why you’re finding it quite hard to remember.”

  Kenny narrowed his eyes as he tried to think. “Here? In this hotel?”

  She nodded. “It was a good few years ago now. When you were here, shooting ‘The Wedding Convention’ with India Walsh. That was a great movie by the way.”

  “Yeah. Thanks.” He was trying desperately to remember her. A lot had happened since that movie.

  She could see the concentration on his face and she couldn’t help laughing. “Casey Frost,” she said, holding out her hand for him to shake. “Friend of Charley Maine’s.”

  Recognition suddenly crossed his face and he took her hand, holding it gently.

  “Showgirl Casey?”

  She laughed again. “Yeah, that’s right. Showgirl Casey. Although, I have to say, those days are over now. Sort of.”

  “Sort of?” he asked, raising an eyebrow.

  He was still holding onto her hand, still looking at her. He remembered her now. She seemed even prettier though, and she’d been a great looking girl back then. He’d just had too much on his mind to really notice at the time.

  “I’m in charge of all the Showgirls at Vince and Charley’s hotels. I run all the shows, look after all the girls. It’s a great job. I love it. Vince and Charley are incredible people. They’ve given me a wonderful life here.”

  Kenny realised he was still holding her hand and he quickly let go, looking down at the bar.

  “Have you gone all shy on me, Kenny Ross? Because you never came across as the shy type to me.”

  He looked up at her and he couldn’t help laughing. “Can I take you to dinner, Ms Frost?”

  She took another sip of her drink, her eyes locking with his as she did so. “You can take me anywhere you like, Mr Ross.”

  And Kenny had a feeling he might just take her up on that offer.


  Michael watched his son at the other side of the room as he proudly showed Layla his new iPod. Ethan was obsessed with music; music and soccer. But he’d already told his dad that he wanted to be in a rock band when he grew up and Michael couldn’t help smiling as he remembered the serious look on his little boy’s face as he’d told him that. Kenny was already teaching him to play guitar and Michael had a feeling the little guy had some talent in there already.

  But whatever he did in his life he was going to be a star. Just like his mommy. His beautiful, talented, amazing mommy. One half of one of the most perfect celebrity couples around, that’s how they were being described – India Walsh and JJ Foster. They had everything. They had a successful TV show together, they were two of the most beautiful people anyone had ever seen; they had a gorgeous daughter and an incredible life. But they deserved it all. After what they’d been through they deserved it all, and Michael was trying to be happy for them. He was. He was really trying. He’d never forget the sheer panic and desolation he’d felt when he’d thought she was going to die, followed by the overwhelming relief when he knew she was going to be ok, and it was then that he’d finally realised he had to let her go. He still spent every waking minute wanting her back, desperate to love her again, but he didn’t want to hurt her or anyone around her just because he couldn’t have her. He’d wasted too many years trying to do that and he had to move on. He and India were friends; close friends, and that was more than he could have hoped for after everything he’d done to her.

  He looked over at Layla again. He was slowly finding out that she really was an incredible woman. That girl she’d been in the past just didn’t exist anymore and in her place was a beautiful, confident and talented young lady whom Michael was trying his hardest to love. She made him happy and it was good to be happy again.

  She was now an actress and TV presenter, hosting her very own chat show on a major network TV channel and Michael was extremely proud of her because she’d achieved everything all on her own. She hadn’t asked for anyone’s help, she’d just put the work in and it had finally paid off. She’d wanted the world to see a different Layla Boyd and she’d managed to achieve that. Even she and India were growing closer, which was something Michael had never thought he’d see. They weren’t exactly the best of friends but they liked each other, and proof of that was the fact India had chosen Layla’s show to appear on to give her first major interview since the accident. It was the scoop everyone had wanted and India had chosen to keep it in the family, much to Layla’s excitement. India had made her very happy and for that, Michael was extremely grateful.

  As for himself, he was still acting, still directing, still producing. He had a lot of things in the pipeline. He was still a very busy man. Michael loved doing what he did, he loved his work. He loved his son. Maybe now he could finally start to settle down.

  But he knew life was never that simple as far as everyone here was concerned. Their lives were like one big, long movie being played out for real; a movie where the ending hadn’t yet been decided, where the storyline was changing all the time and the cast were being shunted from one plotline to another without catching their breath. It had been like that for over eighteen years and he saw no reason why things were going to change now.

  But, for the time being, he was happy. Without India. He was happy without India. He just hoped it w
ould last. Otherwise that storyline was going to change all over again.


  India looked at JJ as they stood outside the room, waiting to go inside.

  “Are we gonna do this then?” JJ smiled, looking into the eyes of the woman he’d thought, at one point, he was never going to see again, and to have her here with him, alive and beautiful and real was the most incredible feeling. He’d fallen in love all over again and he felt like the luckiest man alive. Alive. That word was so important now. This stunning woman was back in his life and she was alive and she was his. JJ loved her beyond anything he could ever explain. He just loved her.

  She smiled back, looking up into his dark eyes. “Yeah. We’re going to do this. Again.”

  They both laughed, something they’d done a lot of since the accident. Laughing.

  “You know I love you, don’t you?” JJ said, suddenly getting serious.

  “Hey, of course I do, baby.” She moved closer to him, reaching up to gently stroke his cheek. “Of course I do.” She ran her fingertips slowly over his perfect jaw line, touching his mouth before kissing him gently.

  “I nearly lost you, India. I can’t forget that. I nearly lost you ...”

  “But you didn’t, did you?” She felt his arms hold her tight and she couldn’t take her eyes off him. She didn’t want to. She just wanted to look at him forever. “You didn’t lose me. I’m here, Joe, and I love you too, baby. God help me, I love you so much.”

  He smiled, his hands resting in the small of her back, loving the feel of her against him. She’d walked into his life and turned his world upside down and he was always going to be grateful for that. They had the best life together, but he still wanted to make it better.

  “Do you think we’re gonna get it right this time?” he asked, his eyes meeting hers.

  She smiled, wrinkling up her nose. “Yeah. I think we might just manage that.”

  And she had no doubt about that at all. They’d learnt valuable lessons too important to forget. Everyone had. Her family, her friends, they’d all learnt lessons.

  She looked at him again. JJ Foster. The man she loved. This was just the beginning for them, the beginning of a whole new future. For all of them. She really felt that. They’d all come such a long way, been through so much, but there were new adventures waiting out there. For everyone.

  “We’re gonna be ok now, aren’t we?” he whispered, still holding her close.

  She was still looking into his beautiful eyes, each second that passed making her fall in love with him more, making her realise that what she’d given up may just be worth it after all. Because she really needed it to be worth it.

  “Yeah,” she smiled, stroking his face with her fingertips. “We’re going to be just fine, Joe. All of us. We’re going to be just fine.”

  And as she closed her eyes, his mouth touching hers in a beautiful, slow kiss, she knew she could stay like this forever, in his arms, just kissing him. But a whole new crazy journey was beginning for all of them, right here, right now. And she was more than ready for the ride.



  See You At The Show

  Too Much Trouble in Paradise

  Bon Voyage

  And the follow-up to No Matter What; Illusions of Love

  Table of Contents





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