Book Read Free

Knight Defense

Page 19

by Sydney Addae

  The Admiral rose from his seat when she entered. “What do you have?”

  “I don’t know what’s inside. I found it beneath the floorboards of the cabin. Strange no one found it before,” she said looking at him.

  Their gazes met for a few seconds. “I haven’t sent anyone to search for him. I know of one other person who looked for Lee. Hard to believe he didn’t look beneath the floorboards.” He stroked his chin and stared at her. “You didn’t open it?”

  “No. It’s sealed. You’ll need to break it to see what’s inside.” She reached beneath her dress, pulled it out and dropped it on his desk.

  His brow rose. “That’s Lee’s seal. One he used before.” He grabbed the bag, broke the seal and opened it. Grinning, he dumped the contents on his desk and hurried to sit down. “This might be it,” he murmured and inserted a flash drive.

  Mélange sat in the chair in front of his desk, crossed a leg and waited.

  His eyes gleamed as he read the monitor. “Perfect. This is what I need.” He inserted another flash drive and read through the data, murmuring and nodding periodically.

  Mélange wrote a number on a piece of paper and slid it to him. “The balance of my fee.”

  He glanced at it, nodded and continued reading the information on the screen.

  “Did you have someone watching Lee?” she asked idly.

  He stopped and looked at her. “What?”

  She told him of the man she’d met while searching for Lee, making sure not to mention the two hiding inside. “I ran a check on their rental.”

  He frowned. “You talked to them?”

  “I questioned them,” she corrected.

  He nodded slowly and returned his gaze to the screen.

  “Is that the information you needed?” she asked.

  “Yes, it looks like it. Security tags are in place.” He nodded.

  “Send the rest of my fee now, please.”

  He looked at her as if he just recalled she was in the room with him. “Yes. Great job.” He entered several keys, glanced at the number she’d given him and continued typing. “You’re good.”

  She pulled out her phone, made a few clicks and waited. “Two things. That’s the last time that deposit information will be valid, erase it. Second, if I were you I’d watch my back. Someone had been in that place searching for Lee, it’s possible they killed or removed him to get what you now have.”

  “I see.”

  She stood. “I don’t know who had access or knew the location, but this seems like an inside job.” She walked to the door and looked over her shoulder. “You know how to reach me.”

  ADMIRAL BENTS STARED at the screen and ran another series of tests on it for bugs and viruses before sending it to General Strait. Did someone other than him and General Strait know of Lee’s hiding place? He didn’t think so but wasn’t a 100% sure. Inside job? Who?

  When his assistant returned from escorting “M” off the premises, he questioned her.

  “Did you watch her at the cabin?” The moment he discovered Lee had gone missing, he had dispatched a small team to search the place and install cameras.

  “Yes. She left here and was there within an hour. Would you like to see the footage?” she asked.

  He thought about it and then agreed. “Yes.” She pulled up another screen on his computer, entered the information and then replayed the recording.

  “See the time stamp, this is when she entered.” They watched Melange take her time looking around, pulling out a magnifying glass, sniffing and conducting a very thorough search. He fast-forwarded to the bathroom.

  “This is where she found it,” his assistant said watching as Melange tapped the walls, ceiling and the floor.

  “Okay, I see her point.” He turned to look at his assistant. “Question is, why didn’t our team find it when they searched that place?”

  She shook her head. “I don’t know. I was there and it seemed they were as thorough as she was.”

  Admiral Bents raise his brow. “She knocked on every wall, did our team do that?”

  “No, they did not.” She met his gaze.

  “I’m running checks on the disks to make sure they aren’t compromised and then I’ll send them to Strait. I have another meeting with the Chiefs later this week and need to present this information.”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  He studied her briefly. “What did you think of “M”.

  “An initial for a name sounds like James Bond.”

  He smiled. “Perhaps, but what did you think of her?”

  “Watching her work, I’d say she’s efficient, focused and deadly. She’s the type you won’t see coming or expect. She looks like a young, fragile thing.”

  “Knowing the people who hired her in the past, and that she survived those jobs makes her one of the best in the business. The type of work she does is hard to find. She’s extremely deadly. We only use her when no one else will do. This was just a test to see if she was still on her game.”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  MÉLANGE TOOK THE ELEVATOR to her condo and continued listening to Bents and his assistant talk through the bug she’d left beneath the chair seat. Entering her bedroom, she pulled off the dress she’d worn and replaced it with black pants and a form-fitting black turtleneck. She pulled her hair up into a pony-tail, wrapped it around several times until it formed into a ball, securing it with two long combs. Her bags had been packed and were stored in the trunk of her car.

  She slid on a pair of worn black boots, added her dark hoodie and left the condo through the private elevator.

  In the car, she checked her equipment while listening to Bents discuss her. They were finally leaving. Mélange pulled out and headed north on the loop. She arrived at her destination ahead of her target and made her way to the roof. Her security scanner showed the small attic window wasn’t wired. It took a few moments to cut-out the arched shaped glass and slide through.

  In the attic, there were a couple planks of plywood covering a small portion of exposed beams and insulation. Mélange leaped forward to land on the board and made her way to the small crawl space opening. Using the security scanner, she disarmed the system and dropped to the floor in the closet. It took a moment to reseal the attic door before heading to a second bedroom, and sliding into a corner of the closet, reactivate the alarm, and wait.

  When Bents assistant arrived home half an hour later, she was surprised by an intruder.


  JARCEE DROVE TO THE art museum fully aware he was being followed. A few hours earlier, he’d woke and had a long conversation with La Patron, sharing what happened in his dream.

  La Patron agreed with “Grandfather” to a point. There were things he wouldn’t do for anyone, but he appreciated Jarcee’s willingness to keep his mate and the pack from a compromising position.

  When he mentioned the idea of flirting with someone to give the illusion of moving on, Silas suggested Renee. Since Jarcee had bounced Renee on his knee, he balked.

  “Storm and Renee would consider it an honor to help you this way. Talk to them about it before saying no. When Faye returns, she’ll meet Renee, attend the wedding and understand that this was part of the ruse.” When La Patron put it like that, it made sense and was difficult to refuse.

  Just as her father predicted, Renee was super-excited to play her role in saving Jarcee’s mate. Storm agreed to the ruse and would be on the grounds when Jarcee arrived.

  Jarcee pulled into the parking lot of the museum. Three cars were in the over-sized lot that normally held hundreds of cars this time of day. The museum really was a jewel in the Nation’s crown and it was regretful it had been attacked.

  Taking a deep breath, he stepped out the truck, locked it and walked toward the employee entrance. He sensed the car that had been following him had stopped short of the parking lot. Security confirmed his assessment. Renee opened the door, threw her arms around his neck and pulled him inside. It was a brief momen
t that probably looked worse than it was.

  Renee and Jackie often greeted him that way and given their history, no one thought anything about it. Until now.

  Laughing Renee grabbed his hand and pulled him down the corridor toward her workstation where Storm waited.

  “They’re sitting in the car watching,” Storm said taking Renee’s free hand and pulling her in for a quick kiss.

  Jarcee sat in the chair and ran his hand through his hair. Faye filled his thoughts. What was going on? Were they doing more tests? Would she come home today? Tomorrow?

  “Hey, Jarcee,” Renee said looking at him. “Daddy’s got eyes and ears on her. Soon as they get information, you’ll know. Okay?”

  He nodded but didn’t speak. Even though he understood, neither he nor his beast liked it. They both wanted their mate with them.

  “They just pulled into the parking lot,” Storm said, sounding surprised. “And the passenger is getting out. Ballsy today.” He looked at Jarcee. “What do you want to do? Should I get the door, or do you want the honors?”

  Jarcee wanted to grind them into dust for what they were putting Faye through, but he’d given her his word to not interfere with her job. He stood and walked to the side entrance where he’d entered.

  The buzzer had gone off a couple times before he opened the door and stared down at the human. Jarcee stepped out and crossed his arms.

  “What do you want?”

  The guy stared up at him a couple seconds. “When does the museum open again?”

  Jarcee pointed to the “Closed until further notice sign.”

  “Oh, I see. Well, thank you, um... my name’s John.” He held out his hand.

  Jarcee looked at his hand and then at the man. “What’re you doing?”

  John dropped his hand and rubbed it against his pant leg. “Just being friendly.”

  “Why?” Jarcee sounded as confused as he looked.

  John shrugged. “Just something polite. Say hello and exchange names.”

  “No, it’s not,” Jarcee said, pleased when John’s cheeks reddened. He looked at the driver and then back at John. “What do you guys want? Are you scoping out the museum?”

  “What? No. We’re just looking around.” John looked at the guy in the car and then back at Jarcee.

  The guy stepped out the car and walked over to them. He placed his hand on John’s shoulder and looked up at Jarcee. “My name’s High, you know why we’re here, don’t you?”

  “No, I don’t.” He wondered if this was Faye’s boss.


  It took everything in Jarcee to leash his beast and not respond. He frowned. “Faye?”

  “Yes, she lives with you,” High said.

  “I know who she is, I’m trying to understand why you’re here because of her,” Jarcee snapped.

  The two men stepped back and stared at him.

  Inwardly, Jarcee cursed and forcibly dialed it down a notch. “She told you to come here?” He looked around as if she might be hiding behind a bush or something.

  High frowned. “No. She’s out of town. Haven’t you talked to her?”

  “Not since she left for work yesterday morning,” Jarcee said, pleased his voice normalized. “Is that why you’re here? Because she left town or something?” He looked from one to the other.

  “Is there someplace we can talk?” High asked.

  “We are talking,” Jarcee said.

  “Someplace a little more private,” High said looking around.

  “This is fine, why are you here? You never explained that” Jarcee said.

  “Are you dating Faye?” High asked.

  Jarcee looked at him but didn’t answer.

  “She won’t get in trouble, we just need to verify her story,” High said and asked the question again.

  Jarcee exhaled and crossed his arms over his chest. Idiots, he thought, hearing the clicks on their phones as they recorded the conversation. He turned to return inside.

  “Wait,” High said.

  Jarcee looked over his shoulder at the man.

  “I apologize for this. Can I ask a few more questions?”


  “How tall are you?”

  “Seven feet, you?” Jarcee asked.

  High smiled. “Five, ten. Is it common for pack members to date humans?”

  “I don’t know anything about that,” Jarcee said.

  “Is Faye in any danger?” High asked.

  The question jolted Jarcee. “Not from me. I don’t know anything about the group she works with.”

  “What are the chances I can have a sit down meeting with La Patron?”


  “You know him?”

  “Everyone in this area knows him,” Jarcee scoffed.

  “Not personally. He doesn’t visit everyone,” High said.

  “He doesn’t?” Jarcee said, sounding surprised. “I didn’t know that.”

  “Faye says she met La Patron and his wife at your home, is that true?”

  “If that’s what she told you, then it’s true,” Jarcee said enjoying the guy’s discomfort over not being able to pin him down.

  “That’s not an answer.”

  “Of course it is.” Jarcee took another step to the door.

  “She says she loves you,” High threw out.

  Jarcee smelled the lie and hint of desperation. “Really?” he grinned. “That’s cool. When’s she coming back?” He kept that sickening, self-satisfied grin on his face until High answered his question.

  “Today, possibly tomorrow. I’m sure you’ll be glad to see her.” High glanced at the door. “If you have time.” He turned and headed back to the car.

  “Hey man,” Jarcee called before High slid behind the wheel. “Thanks for the heads up, the whole love deal. Much appreciated.”

  High nodded and a few moments later pulled off.

  Jarcee returned inside and leaned against the door. His stomach rolled.

  “You okay?” Renee asked placing a cold bottle of water into his hand.

  “Yeah. Such liars,” he muttered and took a sip.

  “You were great, though,” Renee said bouncing. “Since I know you, I could tell you wanted to drop kick them into next week, but you came across almost bored. It was epic.”

  Jarcee released a breath. “Thanks, I was sure I’d blown it, but they were so damn transparent. I don’t think they had a plan if I talked to them and tried to wing it.”

  “They weren’t prepared,” Storm said joining them. “The driver is the one in charge. Hawke is running their photos, we should know more about them soon.”

  Jarcee nodded. “Thanks. A couple of them were snooping around the house when I left to come here, Security took care of them.” He wiped his face with his palm. “This needs to end soon.”

  Renee hugged him. “It will. I’m so sorry this happened and can’t wait to meet Faye, my new god-mother.”

  Jarcee chuckled and placed a kiss on the top of her head. “Don’t run her off so soon. You four are a hand-full at any age.”

  “I know, right. If she wasn’t in the military, this would be much easier. Daddy says she plans to retire soon, do you know when?”

  “No. She just said this was her last job.”

  That was something they’d talk about tonight. This separation was hard on both of them but being together last night helped.


  JACQUES CALLED SILAS. “It’s happening.” After all their hard work, everything was finally coming together to solidify their defense. One area and step at a time.

  Satisfaction rolled through Silas. “Have everyone meet in the conference room, let’s watch it play out.” He walked into the kitchen where Jasmine had just cleared away everything from their meal. “Jacques says it’s happening.”

  She smiled. “Good, give me a second.” She rushed to the bedroom and came out wearing maroon sweats and a tee shirt. They headed toward the conference room. Aware that so many t
hings could go wrong, Silas tamped down his excitement while hoping they were successful.

  Silas and Jasmine entered the conference room and took their seats. Hawke, Angus, Jacques and Asia sat around the table facing a wall monitor broadcasting the news.

  “Breaking news, Admiral James Bents was arrested for the death of Major General Robert Lee.” The camera showed Bents being led from his home with his hands behind his back.

  Silas grinned.

  “Admiral Bents is a member of the Joint Chiefs and has served the Military over 40 years. Major Lee had been court-martialed but pardoned by the President. We’re looking into more information on this breaking news.”

  Jacques flicked the channel. Another anchor showed Bents handcuffed and placed into the back of a car. Every channel covered the news.

  Angus howled.

  Silas, Hawke, Asia, and Jacques joined in. Bents had been a nasty thorn in the Nation’s side for decades. He’d worked with the Liege and McNeill’s inhumane breeding program. He authorized testing on the Knights, the man was worse than scum.

  Finding Humphrey’s information filled in several blanks which allowed a reckoning against those who defiled and harmed the pack for decades.

  “So they found Lee’s body. What took so long?” Jasmine asked.

  Silas shrugged. “It doesn’t matter. As long as the body died at the same time Bents met with Mélange that’s what’s important, he has no alibi.”

  “Jayden found the same letter opener Mélange saw on Bents desk and had Bents fingerprints placed on it as the murder weapon. Good thinking to have the janitors remove bottles and drinking glasses Bents handled,” Hawke said. “I think they found a couple strands of his hair and saliva?” he looked at Silas.

  “Yeah, pack in cleaning services provided more than enough DNA, and fingerprints to Jayden,” Silas said, proud of how everyone worked together to make the mission succeed.


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