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Page 8

by Leen Elle

  I really enjoyed the story about the O'Connor children. It is so comforting to know that life goes on as usual at home. I am sure to you it doesn't seem normal, but believe me, ice cream is normal. You have to promise you'll let me meet them when I get home. I have visions of them in my head and would love to see them smile.

  I also have some exciting news about my family. Sarah is married! She was married right before Christmas. I am so happy for her, but sad that I didn't get to see her in her white dress. Hopefully he's a respectable man, I'm sure my Father would have been equally protective of Sarah. Something hurts, knowing I'll never get to see her married. I imagine that things are very different at home now. Sarah is living in the cottage and I have a brother-in-law. Sorry to complain yet again, but she's my sister. I hope Viv is doing well with her newfound love. I also hope, as always, that you are doing fabulously! I miss you more and more as the days go by, and can't wait until I see you!

  Still Captivated

  March 16, 1944

  Dear Lilli,

  I am sorry in advance for the shortness of this letter, but I felt the sudden need to inform you of my feelings. I am in love with you Lilli Windsor. It is my firm belief that a girl should know when she is love, and you are. I apologize for the method and blunt delivery, I would have told you earlier but felt that a letter was not an appropriate way to tell you. But now, as the days become more dangerous, it seems that a letter is all I have. I love you, and I will continue to love you until the day I die.

  Lilli sighed again, reading the last three letters from Joe, like she had done every day since April. Something was wrong, and she knew it. She had sent four letters since receiving his last and had gotten no response. Worry had plagued her thoughts and her features every day. Everyone noticed, especially Mrs. Metcalf.

  After getting herself ready, her father volunteered to drop her off on his way to the office. She was quiet on the ride, smiling briefly in thanks before hopping out of the car. Mrs. Metcalf was waiting for her at the door, Lilli giving her the biggest smile she could manage. Mrs. Metcalf gave her a big hug before speaking.

  "Let's get out to your garden, and then you can give me the update."

  Lilli nodded, heading straight for the small bathroom on the first floor where her gardening clothes were folded neatly. She changed quickly then walked to the victory garden, where Mrs. Metcalf had already set up a chair. Lilli squatted, pushing her hands into the soft earth, methodically pulling out the weeds that had sprouted in the two weeks since she had been here.

  After her fourth weed, she sighed and began to spew all the worries that had been building up inside her. "I haven't heard from him in forty two days..."

  "You're counting the days?"

  "Yes, I know how crazy that sounds, but, I'm so worried. His letters used to come every twenty or twenty five days."

  "It doesn't sound crazy dear, it just sounds like you're in love." Mrs. Metcalf noted.

  "I am," Lilli said desperately, "and he loves me! I wish I had admitted my feelings sooner, but I thought a letter wasn't the right place for it. But what if he died not knowing how I felt?"

  "I'm sure he knew how you felt from your letters."

  "But he couldn't have known the violence of my affection. He couldn't have known that I am so in love with him that I would marry him the moment he stepped off the ship that brought him home."

  "And have you prayed about this, for him?" Mrs. Metcalf questioned.

  "Every day..."

  "Good, now you also need to start praying for God to give you peace about the situation. All of this is in His hands and He will have His way. Just pray for your acceptance of whatever that is."

  Lilli felt hot tears running down her cheeks. "What if God's will is for Joe to be dead?"

  "Then God has a better plan for you, and He will help you through the difficult time."

  Lilli nodded and wiped her face with her muddy hands, then laughed at her own filthiness. She gave a loud sniffle then continued with her weeding.

  "Personally, I am hoping he's ok, because I have my heart set on seeing you married and I am also looking forward to spoiling your children."

  "Oh Mrs. Metcalf, you are the dearest woman in the world! I hope you get your wish."

  "Excuse me, Mrs. Metcalf, there is a gentleman caller for Miss Windsor in the living room." Lynn, Mrs. Metcalf's housekeeper announced.

  Lilli stood quickly and skipped into the house, wondering who could be looking for her here. She slid open the glass door and found her father waiting. Panic flooded her, he had never come for her here before, she assumed something was wrong.

  "Dad, is something wrong?" she asked quickly.

  He smiled, a slight gleam in his eye. "No," he pulled a folded envelope from his jacket pocket, "After dropping you off, I realized I had left something at home, when I got back the maile had arrived and I found this. I know how worried you've been so I decided I'd drive it over."

  Lilli leapt up to her toes and flung her arms around his neck. He kissed her cheek as she pulled away and relinquished the letter to her eager hands. She sat quickly on a nearby settee and ripped the letter from the envelope.

  June 14, 1944

  Dear Lilli,

  I know that you have probably been worried about me. It was killing me not to be able to write to you. I only just received my personal items, which included your address. Now, let me explain my situation, as I am sure you're fretting.

  In an attempt to join another unit, my unit was ambushed by Nazi forces. During the attack, I was shot in my knee. Not directly in my knee, but just above it. I was taken quickly to the nearest field hospital where they tried to save my leg. I was very lucky, I managed to escape the operating room with my leg, although it was very sore. I was then sent to another hospital where it is more safe, and have been going through therapy to regain use of my leg. They believe that when I return I'll have a slight limp. I hope that won't be a deterrent when I return.

  My friend Wes was also injured, while rescuing me, he was shot in the shoulder. He has also come out of surgery completely intact. It looks as though neither of us will be returning to combat. After a bit of rehabilitation, I believe they intend to send us home. I am sure not even you can imagine the immense smile that covers my face at writing those words. Even though I am not entirely out of danger...I feel for the first time, confident that I might return home safely, and soon.

  Since being here, I have not received any of my mail. I hope my letter declaring myself was not offensive. Don't' think for a moment that I am taking it back, but I realize that perhaps a letter was not the best place to tell you my feelings. I wrote that letter under fire, I was desperate for you to know my feelings if anything happened. I am sorry if it caused you pain to be any more great as you worried. I hope my next letter will give more specific details of my return home. I will see you when I get home, soon!

  All My Love

  Lilli's mouth was opened in a wide smile, she dropped the letter and threw open the sliding glass door. "Joe is safe, and he's coming home!"

  Chapter 12

  August 18, 1944

  July 7, 1944

  Dearest Joe,

  I am so relieved to hear that you are safe! I will tell you truthfully that I did a dance of joy as soon as I read your last letter! Please be sure to let me know when you will return. I will be waiting for you on the docks. I hope they give you enough notice so that I can be there. Do you think your family will be there? I so look forward to meeting them all, and to think it will be happening so soon gets me all the more excited!

  As to the letter you referred to in your last. It was not offensive in the least! I was touched by your admission and only wished that I had admitted my own feelings sooner. You seemed so desperate in your letter that it did worry me. I thought you might be in danger. I wrote my reply quickly, hoping it would give you some comfort. I am sorry you had to wonder for so long. I hope you know now that I am quite in love with you, desperately, d
eeply in love with you. Don't worry at all about you limp. I will love you with a limp, without an arm, leg or eye. You could arrive home in any state and I would still love you. I think my love will never end, even if you had not returned home, I would cherish your letters and love you always.

  Don't worry about telling me how you feel in a letter. I know it may not have felt normal, but there is not much about our relationship that is normal. Hopefully when you come home it will become more usual, but no less extraordinary! I will be praying for you and Wes as you heal, and I will pray for your safe and quick return home. Tell Wes that he can be expecting a big hug and kiss from me when he gets home for rescuing you like he did. I don't know how I will make it through the next few weeks waiting for you to come home, I don't think I'll be able to concentrate on anything but you! I am completely and totally in love with you Joe Sinclair.



  Sam had been elated as he read the beginning of her letter, the last line left him completely gutted. While in camp, meeting her had seemed so far away, so, improbable. But now, he would see her, now he loved her, but she loved Joe. He knew deep in his heart that it was him she loved, but she was expecting Joe. For the first time since he began writing to her, he worried about her reaction to his arrival.

  "Dreaming of someone?" Wes' voice interrupted his thoughts.

  "More like worrying..."


  "What am I going to say to her? She is expecting Joe, she thinks she loves Joe! What was I thinking?" Sam sighed, throwing his head in his hands.

  "Before I say anything, let me remind you that I told you this. With that said, you said you couldn't let her go, you had to get to know her, you were enchanted."

  "Yes, but now I know her, I'm far passed enchanted. I love her, and I can't imagine life without her. At least if I had told her initially, I wouldn't have known how wonderful she was. She is the woman of my dreams and she may never forgive me."

  "If I remember correctly, that was a risk you were willing to take."

  "Yes, and now it seems like the most foolish decision I ever made."

  Wes moved closer, reaching toward Sam with his good arm. "Maybe she'll understand. All you can do is pray and offer your honesty, your feelings and your motives. If she does not understand, you give her space, and hope her love is strong enough to forgive."

  Sam gave a stunted laugh, "When did you become so wise Wes Mason?"

  "All that time sitting alone gives a guy time and motivation to read his Bible."

  "I don't ever remember romantic advice in those pages."

  "Then you haven't been reading very closely. God has a say on just about any subject if your heart is open. One prophet watched his wife go back to prostitution a whole bunch of times, but always waited for her. You may just have to wait for Lilli. I'm not saying it's exactly the same, but Lilli might need time in order to forgive you."

  "Thanks Wes, you're a good friend, I am glad we get to return together. I will have to spend some time rehearsing for my meeting with Lilli, but for now, let's forget it. How did your exercises go?"

  "Alright, I don't think I'll ever be able to reach over my head with this arm. But, speaking of therapy, that was the reason I came to see you, but now I don't know if I should tell you. It may just prove to make you more anxious."

  "Then you should have kept your mouth shut!" Sam said, shoving Wes playfully. "What is it?"

  Wes turned, an excited gleam in his grey eyes, "We will be arriving in Norfolk on September fourth."

  "What? So soon? I thought we still needed therapy."

  "We do, but they think we are well enough to be moved, and they need the room here for soldiers that more critically wounded."

  "That's wonderful Wes! What is the first thing you're going to eat when you're home?"

  Wes licked his lips, as if tasting his craving before answering, "An apple, picked off one of your trees."

  "Really, an apple? Not an apple pie at least? I think I would have something with peanut butter." Sam said in almost a daze. Wes stayed on Sam's bed for a while longer, exchanging a list of firsts for when they returned to their families. Wes couldn't wait to drive his truck again and Sam wanted to climb to the top of one of his many trees. It seemed that both had a lot to look forward to, but for Sam, one of those things could be bittersweet.

  Chapter 13



  September 4, 1944

  AUGUST 18, 1944


  Lilli clutched the telegram she had read over a thousand times in her right hand, a large umbrella in her left. Though tall, she still had to pop up on her toes to see over the crowd that had gathered on the dock. The Sea Clipper had come to berth about an hour ago. Lilli watched in anticipation as they secured the lines and lowered the gang plank. "Any minute," she thought, "any minute he'll be walking toward me."

  She watched as the first soldiers were brought out on gurneys and felt as though she might throw up. Viv had offered to come with her, and now she wished she had allowed her to. Men started to walk down the plan, some with crutches, others wrapped in bandages. She searched the crowd for Joe's face as people around her exploded with excitement upon seeing their soldier.

  More than an hour went by as the boat and dock seemed to empty. Lilli frantically looked down at the telegram, SEP. 4, she read again. As she looked up, only two fella's remained, one with blonde hair, the other a light chestnut color, both huddled into the arms of one girl.

  . . .

  "Just go! You'll never find out unless you talk to her." Kate pressed.

  "He's been a wreck all the way across the Atlantic, I don't know that he's going to go see her with the way he's been talking." Wes commented, laughing.

  "Come now Wes, it's not funny," Kate said, shoving him in annoyance. "I understand how much is riding on what you say. But if you never say anything you'll lose her. Sammy, you have to go now, she's going to leave, and then you'll never find her."

  "I know where she lives..." Sam said.

  "Samuel! You will not let that poor girl wait in the rain for someone who isn't coming! She deserves the truth, and you won't be able to rest until you know what she thinks of your explanation. Go and get it over with!" Kate said forcefully.

  "Ok," Sam said under a huge sigh, "Wes, take Katie back to the hotel will you? I don't want either of you to have to wait for me, I don't know how long this will take. I'll grab a taxi when I'm finished."

  "Sam, I don't need Wes to look after me, I'm not a child!" Kate whined.

  "Kate, you are both going to the same place, just go with him, please? It will make me feel better."

  "Fine!" Kate huffed, turning on her heel with Wes behind her, muttering to herself. "He's not even home for ten minutes and he's already right back to looking after me like I'm a little girl." Spinning back around she made another point to her brother, "The hotel is only two blocks south of here, we'll walk and leave the truck for you." She threw the keys to him easily, he was about to object, insisting they take the car and he walk, when he remembered his knee. He nodded and headed purposefully toward Lilli on his crutches. Kate quickened her step, tucking herself behind the first building she saw, reaching for Wes, pulling him close. Without hesitation their lips met, Kate's fingers running through the thick brown hair she thought she'd never feel again. She pulled him closer, causing him to groan and she fell against the wall.

  Her breath was heavy, but she reached up to touch his stubble dusted chin. "Oh how I missed you!" she breathed. "It was all I could do not to jump into your arms at the sight of you!"

  "I hardly think my shoulder would have survived it." Wes laughed, his eyes roaming over her, seemingly memorizing every inch of her.

  "Do you think Sam suspects?" Kate asked.

  "No, he's too preoccupied. Even if he wasn't, that line about your not needing me to look after you w
as quite convincing, I almost believed you myself."

  "Well you should have, I don't need you to look after me...but I do need you." She popped up on her toes to give him another quick kiss.

  "I'm glad to hear it."

  "Did you also like the way I shoved you when you were laughing at Sam?"

  "Yes, smart thinking." Wes smiled, putting his good arm around her shoulder. "But, in all honesty, I don't think we need to keep it a secret anymore. Sam is going to find out eventually, and he might be just as mad if he finds out we've been keeping it from him."

  "Wes, we only started seeing each other just before you left. We only had two weeks of normal dating before you were shipped away to fight in this awful thing. Both of us agreed that until we knew we would stay together forever, we wouldn't tell Sam. I couldn't face being the reason you lost your best friend, and I would never want you to get in trouble with him for breaking my heart."

  "So you're telling me you don't think we'll stay together forever?" He asked seriously, leaning himself against her, his forehead touching hers, his hazel eyes peering into her brown ones.

  "You know that's not what I mean. I love you Wes Mason, but all we have are letters, secret letters. I haven't kissed you in two years, and you have no idea what life is going to be like at home for you now. Can't we keep it a secret for a little while longer?" she pleaded, her eyes wide and pressing.

  "Alright, but only a little while. It takes everything inside of me not to shout from the rooftops that I'm in love with the prettiest girl in Virginia." he smiled, dipping to kiss her again.


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