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Touched (The Untouched Trilogy Book 2)

Page 8

by Lilly Wilde

  “Nope, I didn’t. A few of the guys had the novel idea of getting tattoos the night before the wedding,” he replied.

  “A group of wild drunken guys doing God knows what the night before a wedding. I’m sure there’re stories there.”

  “One could say that,” he laughed.

  “What does yours mean?” I asked.

  “It’s the Japanese calligraphy for strength.”

  “Oh. I recognized the symbol but not the interlinked embellishments. I like it. I may get one.”

  “Seriously?” he asked.

  “Yes. Does that surprise you?”

  “Sort of. I don’t figure you as the tattoo type.”

  “There is no type,” I said.

  “Sure there is,” he countered.

  “Are you the type?” I asked

  “I have one, don’t I?”

  “What type am I if not the type to get a tattoo?” I asked.

  “Do you really want to know?” he asked.

  “I asked, didn’t I?”

  “That you did. Okay. The person I’m getting to know seems to be very careful and methodical; people like that don’t normally get tattoos.”

  “Is that all? You made it sound as if you were about to insult me. Maybe that’s the person I was but no longer wish to be,” I said.

  “That remains to be seen,” he replied.

  He was right; although I was joking there was some truth to my statement. I no longer wanted to be that safe, careful girl. I wanted to live in the moment … enjoy my life. Make real memories.

  He stepped on the treadmill and after a few strides, he was jogging. I studied him from head to toe. He was a very appealing man and under different circumstances, he and I would have already been going at it and although I still welcomed the daydream, Aiden’s naked body appeared and blocked out everything else. Would I ever be able to have anything sexual with another man or was I destined to an eternity of one B.O.B. after another? That reminded me … I needed to get a couple of new friends. Guess I’ll be scrolling on my favorite sex toy site tonight. I sighed and started to move on the elliptical. Damn you Aiden!


  Kellan left for New York shortly before 6’oclock with the promise of seeing me when we all met up in Barbados. I wasn’t sold on the idea yet. April texted earlier saying she thought it was a great idea, which was surprising considering she and Blaine had called it quits.

  The remainder of my weekend was spent enjoying several talks with Mom, Lia and Bianca. It wasn’t without its awkwardness and I did sometimes pull back, but we were starting to feel more at ease with each passing day. I was hoping to get some type of idea as to what I could make for them for Christmas. Like Mom, if I wanted to allow time for error, I needed to get started on it as soon as possible.


  A last minute schedule adjustment left Aiden in town for the next three days meeting with different teams … meetings in which I had to be included. I wasn’t as nervous about it as I would have been before my realities set in. Reality number one: I still had feelings for him. I’d accepted the depth of my feelings but I hadn’t planned to do anything beyond letting time do its thing. I had employed the methods that worked previously ... minimal eye contact and absolutely no personal conversation. That worked to a point but he was consistently inconsistent ... and that worked against me.

  Reality number two: I wanted to fuck him … a lot. He was always Mr. Fuck Me … that goes without saying, but there were different versions. He was mesmerizing, humorous and playful at times. Then there were those times when he was in total billionaire CEO mode and that’s the person I was starting to see more often, the person that made it easier to stand my ground, but not today. The display of power and confidence was pulling me to him. It was an aphrodisiac I hadn’t accounted for.

  It was day two; Aiden’s last meeting was with me. I waited until we’d reviewed every item on our agenda before I proposed my idea to him. We would conduct a contest similar to the TV show, The Voice. It would be ninety-five percent virtual in our case, hosting a contest for a different genre each quarter. The contestants would be required to submit specific pieces that are forwarded to all editors of that genre. The editor bids on a contestant and the contestant would be paired with an editor of their choosing who would mentor them and provide content and developmental critiques. At the end of the quarter, one author is chosen for a book deal. After the conclusion of the first year we would have a new author’s book released every quarter possibly more.

  “I like this idea. It’s actually brilliant. Of course, we would have to get the appropriate checks in place … R&D, legal and marketing,” Aiden said.

  “That’s already been taken care of. I’ve been meeting with the teams for a while now,” I said.

  “So I’m the only holdup?” he asked.

  “It would appear so.”

  “If you would have come to me with this sooner we could have already had this in place. Was there a reason for the delay?”

  “I was still on the fence with my decision to stay here.”

  “And why is that?” he asked.

  Was he fucking kidding me?

  “The first few weeks upon my assuming this position, I was forcefully immersed into the storm that was Chicago Brown every fucking day and then as soon as he left, you were back in town. That type of oversight doesn’t exactly instill the confidence that I thought you had in me when you strong-armed me into his position. If you felt I needed to be watched every day, why do I have this position?”

  “Aria I don’t feel that way at all. I think you misinterpreted the situation.”

  “Whatever Aiden. I eventually decided that if I couldn’t lead this company in the manner that I saw fit, I should leave this company, regardless of your ability to restrict me from working elsewhere.”

  “So you’re still pouting over that?” he asked.

  “Pouting? Is that what you think I’m doing? Do you really expect no reaction from people when you bulldog them? Obviously you’re accustomed to having everything your way.”

  “Not with you it would seem.” He walked over to the bar and poured a drink. “Would you like one?”

  “No, thank you,” I said.

  “I’d like nothing more than to have my way with you. Right here in your office. But since you’re obviously opposed to that …” He walked back over and took a seat.

  And how I would love to let him. It was mind-boggling how we diverted conversations to terribly inappropriate topics and bounced right back into business.

  I needed an orgasm so desperately that I damn near jumped from my chair and demand he do just what we both wanted. But what would follow? I didn’t want to find out so responding to his offer was not the best of ideas.

  “I’m surprised you didn’t come to me sooner with this. Certainly you know that whatever it is you think I’m doing to you comes second to a sound business decision.”

  Oh asshole, I don’t think you’re doing it. I know you’re doing it.

  His phone rang. He pulled it from his pocket to see who was calling and answered. He held up a finger excusing himself as he stood and walked over to the window. I busied myself with some notes for The Writer as I waited. At the conclusion of his conversation he assumed the seat across from me.

  “I’m afraid we’ll need to table our meeting until later this evening. Brooklyn’s set up a video conference that I need to be in on. I would like to tie this up before I leave tomorrow so if you can get the appropriate papers and background information to me I’ll review it with you tonight over dinner at my place.”


  “Let’s say 7’oclock.”

  I opened my mouth to object but he turned and walked out of my office. Dinner at his place? I hardly think that’s necessary. Why couldn’t he and I have a video conference as well? Did we have to be face to face to tie this up? I considered several alternative options for a few moments but came up with nothing of which he would agree. F
uck it. I’d go. I’d get in and get out within thirty minutes or so.

  I rushed home after work and started on my plan to repel all non-business tactics. Maybe I was overdoing it but the ends would justify the means. I’d planned it all. What I’d wear. What I’d say when he opened the door. Where I would suggest we sit. All of it. And I’d be damned if it didn’t all go out the fucking window as soon as I saw him.

  “Good evening, Aria. Come in,” he said, standing in the door way. His undiluted scent assaulted me as the air from the motion of the door sashayed its way to my nose.

  “Hi.” I followed him inside. He was barefoot; wearing jeans and a snug black t-shirt that showcased his sculpted arms. He looked amazing. I, on the other hand, looked just the opposite. I had scrubbed my face clean of all makeup, thrown on some sweatpants and tossed my hair in a messy bun … all part of my plan to get-in and get-out … untouched.

  “Would you like a glass of wine?” he offered.

  “Yes, please,” I replied on instinct. Oh fuck, that should’ve been a no. “On second thought, I’d better not.”

  He spun around shocked by my change of mind. “It’s just wine Aria. It’s not as if I’m asking you to strip of your clothing and allow me to pour it over you and lick it off ... however, if that’s a scenario of which you have interest, I’m sure we can work something out. ”

  “You bastard,” I knew he’d do this but I didn’t expect it as soon as I walked in fucking door.

  “What? I offered you something to drink; I hardly think that justifies name-calling.”

  “If I were any other person you wouldn’t have said that,” I said.

  “But you’re not just any other person.”

  I looked into his intense green eyes and I knew I needed to run.

  “I thought a drink would put you at ease. You’ve been wound pretty tight lately; I was merely attempting to help,” he said, shrugging it off.

  He was his most charismatic in situations like this and the part of me that enjoyed the game we once played gave in. “Let’s forget it.”

  “Consider it forgotten. So what about that drink? Shall I pour you a glass?” he asked.

  “Sure why not?”

  “Good,” he said, taking in my appearance. He smirked as he turned away.

  Yeah, soak it all in asshole. This is all for you.

  I grasped the strap of my carrier bag and pulled it over my head and reached for the wine he extended and took a sip. “I know you said you wanted to do this over dinner but I’m really tired so if we could just finish this up so that I can get home, that would be great,” I said. That was part of the plan; to tell him I was tired so we could move things along without any weirdness.

  “Well, I’m really starved and I need to eat.”

  Well, shit. That wasn’t part of the plan. I didn’t want to react to the double meaning of his words; experience had shown it was best to just ignore it. “Okay, well food it is. Let’s do it,” I said, turning toward the kitchen.

  “Actually everything is set up in the dining room. Come,” he said, motioning for me to follow him. It would appear he had some strategies of his own. I followed him to the dining room, my bag clutched to my chest as I reconstructed my plan.

  “May I?” he asked, taking my bag and extending a seat to me. I sipped the wine as he moved toward the head of the table, taking his seat.

  “This is a really nice wine,” I said.

  “I thought you would like it,” he replied as he studied my face. What was he looking at?

  “I don’t want to keep you any longer than necessary so let’s see what you have for me,” he said.

  You’ve already seen what I have for you. Stop it Aria. Focus.

  “Well, you reviewed most of the material today,” I began.

  As we started to eat, I completed the proposal; reiterating some of the critical components. “The other information you’ll need is outlined here,” I said, passing him the portfolio from my bag. He skimmed over it as he ate. I watched him. I couldn’t help it. He was such a magnificent specimen.

  He looked up to find me studying him and smiled. “Yes?”

  “Nothing. I’m a wee bit anxious to hear the final response,” I lied.

  “In that case, you have nothing to worry about. As I said earlier this is brilliant. I say we get moving on this first thing.”

  “That’s exactly what I wanted to hear,” I replied, smiling. I was so excited that I was damned close to bouncing up and down in my seat.

  He smiled at me and our eyes momentarily connected, both of our smiles slowly fading. I looked down at my plate, breaking our eye contact.

  “Anything you think we missed?” I asked.

  He only had a few modest suggestions and we fell into silence. It was intimate, yet it felt like two strangers with so many questions that neither would ask … such as why he and I couldn’t seem to shake our intense attraction for each other or what we should do about it or why he freaked out on Kellan at the charity event.

  “Thank you for dinner. I need to head home. Now that you’ve given the green light, I have tons to do tomorrow.”

  “It was my pleasure and again great work. I expect great things Miss Cason.”

  “And great things you shall have Mr. Raine.”

  I was inwardly breathing a sigh of relief. He didn’t do anything or say anything inappropriate over dinner and he was allowing me to leave without any other advances.

  “I’ll walk you out,” he said, pushing away from the table. “After you,” he offered.

  I was almost out of here. I grabbed my bag and headed toward the door. He walked quietly behind me. This was so crazy. I felt on edge. I reached the door and turned to face him. He was staring down at me like a predator eyeing its prey and my heart rate instantly accelerated.

  “Are you okay?” he asked, reaching out to me. “You look adorable by the way.”

  So he liked me even when I tried to look like crap. I shrugged his hand away. “Yes, I’m fine.”

  “Are you sure?” he asked, stepping closer … he was mere inches from me.

  “Yes, I’m sure,” I replied, swallowing the lump in my throat.

  His gaze lowered to the rapid rise and fall of my chest. “Why has your breathing accelerated?”

  “Because you’re pissing me off.”

  “I suspect there’s more to it than that,” he said.

  “Well you’re wrong. I’m upset because in a span of five seconds, you spoiled what I’d considered a nice evening.”

  “I think you’re upset because you want something you’re afraid to ask for.”

  “And according to you, I want you?” I asked.

  “It’s okay. Don’t be afraid. Ask. I’ll give it to you,” he said, his voice deep and laced with honey. There was no doubt about it … his voice was pure sex.

  “Of course, you’d think that. You make everything so much more difficult than it has to be. You frustrate the hell out of me!” I exclaimed.

  “We all have frustrations Aria. It’s how you resolve them that makes the difference. In regards to you for instance, you have frustrations with me. Take them out on me. Fuck me. I’ll surrender total control. You wanted that at one time right?”

  “Is that what this has reverted to?” I asked, in disbelief.

  “Only because you’ve made it that way. And if that’s the only way I can have you, I’ll take it … at least for now.”

  “What about your paramour? Is she on board with your sexual propensities?” I probed.


  “The insecure twit that was with you at the charity event,” I said.

  “Aria, I’ve told you on countless occasions, you needn’t focus on irrelevant people; focus on me.”

  “I don’t want to focus on you Aiden and I can certainly do without the headache of dealing with you again.”

  “Okay, no headaches then…you’ve dissociated sex and emotions before. Do it with me.”

He was confusing me and he’d obviously read and shredded the hell out of my plan long before I’d arrived because this shit had gone terribly awry.

  “You heard me.”

  If I could actually do that with him, it would be the best of both worlds.

  What are you? Crazy? Say yes bitch! Virginia just had to come bursting out of her cave. Of course, she wanted me to say yes. Kingston was all she wanted.

  I sighed. I could make it easy and just fuck the shit out of him. But nothing was ever easy with him. I opened my mouth to say no but somehow Virginia spoke for me. “Just sex? Our secret? No expectations? No emotional bullshit?”

  “That’s what I’m offering.”

  “In that case, I accept.” I knew I was lying to myself even before I said the words. As badly as I needed to, I couldn’t shut off my feelings but I wanted to fuck him so badly that the lie didn’t matter.

  He pushed me against the door, his eyes filling with heated lust as they linked with mine. He traced his thumb across my lip and in the next second, his mouth was on mine, assaulting my lips, his tongue rediscovering my mouth. My bag fell to the floor and my hands were in his hair, fisting handfuls as he raptured me. He grabbed my hands, forcing them above my head as he went for my neck … uncontrollably sucking, licking and kissing. His hungry mouth devouring me; he was as starved for me as I was for him.

  I struggled to pull my hands from his grasp. I wanted to touch him. He released my wrists and turned me to face the door. He pressed his rock-hard frame against mine and nipped my ear as his hands traveled along my body. His mouth was on my neck, kissing and licking. In one swift movement my sweatpants and panties were at my ankles and he was on his knees, spreading my ass apart. I moaned as his tongue prodded the tight hole. I reached for his head and pushed it in further, rotating my ass in his mouth. He stood and scooped me up. Our lips and tongues tousling as he swiftly carried me to the bedroom. He severed our kiss and dropped me on the bed. We were both panting as we stared at each other. I reached for his waist and with anxious hands, I hurriedly unbuttoned his jeans. He pushed my hands away and pulled out his big beautiful cock. I gasped upon seeing the vast satisfying image of what I’d been fantasizing about for months. Not removing his pants, he shoved me back on the bed and pushed my legs apart. He was in me within seconds. I screamed, digging my nails in his back at the first deep intrusive thrust.


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