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His Secret Baby

Page 155

by Ashlee Price

  The flight finished boarding, and they took off. It wasn’t as scary as Shania was expecting, and once they were in the air it was very smooth. Before she knew it she was fast asleep in her seat.

  When she woke up, the captain was announcing that they were almost at their destination. Shania sat up a little straighter and peered out the window. She saw a lot of empty land, farm land she assumed.

  Andrew had told her that someone would be waiting for her to take her to the ranch she was to live on. Once the flight had landed and she found her luggage, she started to look around for a sign with her name on it. That’s not exactly what she found. Instead, she spotted a cowboy hat, and when she read the sign he held, it was not her name but instead it just said ‘photographer’.

  She began to laugh and walked up to the man in the hat. “I think that’s Me.” she said still giggling.

  The man holding the sign started to laugh too, “Sorry,” he said, “Boss didn’t tell me what your name was.”

  “That’s okay,” she stuck out her hand, “I’m Shania Matthews.”

  He grabbed her hand and shook, “Liam Turner.”

  “It’s a pleasure.” She smiled up at him.

  Liam was very tall, taller than her father for sure and if she had to guess she would say he was close to thirty. His skin was dark from working outside in the Texas heat, and he had great muscle tone. His teeth were very white against his tan skin, and his eyes were a pale brown. There were small wrinkles around them which made her think that he must smile a lot. She like Liam right away and was surprisingly relieved.

  He took her bags from her and started to walk towards the exit. They got outside and he led her to a giant brown truck. So typical of a rancher, she thought to herself and giggled again. Liam helped her in to the passenger side, it was very high off the ground, and he left the airport.

  The drive to the ranch was about an hour, and she stared out the window the whole way. She had never been out of New York before so this was all new. She saw a lot of fields, some with cows, and some with horses. They went past entrances to other ranches, and when the road turned from pavement to gravel, she saw some men riding along the road.

  Liam chatted with her the whole way home, telling her facts about the ranch. The name was Sunset Ranch. He told her the story of how it was started; it was named after a horse. The ranch is run by the son of the founder, his father retired a few years ago.

  They came up to a long driveway with a beautiful sign at the end with a vivid painting of a huge sunset on it.

  “I’m assuming we are here?” She looked at Liam and smirked.

  He smiled back, “Yes we are here.”

  They drove up the long driveway and came to an old farm house. At least, the style was old but everything on it looked to be brand new. The siding was bright white and clean, the roof was shiny and in great condition. The house was full of big beautiful windows on the bottom and top floors. It was just the kind of house Shania had always dreamed about living in.

  Past the house there were a few huge barns. Liam told her that one was the horse barn, one was the cattle barn and one was the milking barn. He promised a tour of them all.

  Shania hopped out of the truck once it had come to a stop and looked all around her. It was beautiful. She dug her camera out and started to take pictures. The barns looked just right, and she could see some cattle grazing in a nearby field.

  Liam had to break her out of her picture trance to show her where she was going to stay. The loft in the horse barn had been set up for her. They went in through a little door on the right side of the barn and up a set of stairs. The loft was nothing like she was expecting. It was huge, the floors were all refinished barn board; the walls of the main living area were painted a light tan. There was one huge window that faced the fields on the left, and it was fully furnished. There was a couch and a chair in the main part, a queen sized bed in the little bedroom and a three piece bathroom attached. The kitchen was small but it was painted a cheery yellow and it had a small table and apartment sized appliances. It was perfect.

  After showing her the loft, Liam left her to get settled. She unpacked all of her bags and took a shower. She spent the evening searching through the channels on the TV and taking pictures of the sunset.

  The first couple of days in Texas were great. Shania toured around the property, she took pictures of the men herding the cattle, milking the cows and saddling up the horses. She got her tours of the barns and she was quite impressed. They were all very clean and up to date. She saw everything there was to see, except for the owner of the ranch.

  She finally got so curious that she had to ask Liam about him.

  “He’s away at an auction right now; he’s getting us some new horses.” He said. “He’s scheduled to come home tomorrow evening.”

  Well that made sense.

  The next day, Shania lingered around the main house for the most part of the day, waiting to meet the owner. When she saw a white truck coming up the driveway pulling a horse trailer, she tried to look nonchalant. It pulled up and parked close to the horse barn. One of the men saw it and yelled

  “Boss is home!”

  All of the men dropped what they were doing to come and meet their boss. Shania heard the door open but she was on the opposite side of the truck. She saw cowboy boots and heard him talking to his men.

  “There are three in here. Take them to the barn and Liam, call Monty, they’re pretty green so he’ll have to work them.” They all replied with

  “Yes sirs”.

  Shania just stood where she was on the other side of the truck. The owner who she didn’t even know his name yet was slowly walking towards the front of the vehicle talking to one of the men. His upper body came in to her view, and his head turned towards her. Their eyes met at and Shania could have sworn that everything stopped moving.

  All she could see was him. Had stopped talking and was just staring back at her. He was tall, about the same height as Liam, he was wearing a brown cowboy hat that was worn by the sun but underneath she could see curls of blonde hair curling up. His eyes were so bright blue they put the sky to shame. Her stare headed south towards his mouth, it was perfect, and his lips were full and pink. He had just the right amount of scruff along his jaw, and his shoulders were wide and strong. She could see the muscle in his arms underneath of his black button up shirt, but that was it. He was still behind the truck so she couldn’t see any more.

  They stood like that for a long minute, staring at each other. Shania knew he must be feeling the same thing she was. She couldn’t breathe, all she could do was fight the urge to walk over there and run her hand down his muscled arm.

  Finally he broke eye contact and said something to the man he had been talking to and he walked away from him. As soon as the other man was gone, he looked back over to Shania. Slowly, he started to walk towards her. Her breath, that she had just gotten back, caught in her throat and she couldn’t breathe again. Her heart started to pound and she felt like she was covered in sweat. He stopped in front of her. His mouth opened and she moved her gaze to watch him speak.

  “I’m Taylor; Taylor Neely.” He stuck his hand out and all she could do was stare at it. His voice was still swirling through her head, deep and masculine and smooth.

  Shania mentally shook herself and reached her hand out to grasp his. “Shania; Shania Matth-” she didn’t get the full sentence out because when her skin made contact with his, it was like a fireworks show was going off. Her hand began to tingle, but not in a bad way. He must have felt it too because she heard him inhale sharply.

  She let go of his hand and shook herself again. She cleared her throat and said, “Sorry, I'm Shania Matthews. I'm here from Life Style Magazine.”

  “Oh yes, I remember something about that now.” Then he smiled at her and she thought her heart was going to stop. His smile was perfect, enough to melt any woman’s heart. “It is very nice to meet you.” He reached for her hand and brought it to
his mouth, she watched him kiss it lightly and put it back down. The sexual energy she felt when his lips touched her skin caught her by surprise. She hadn’t felt like that in quite a while, not since her last boyfriend six months ago. She was just too busy with work.

  Shania couldn’t bring herself to say anything and Taylor didn’t seem to notice. His eyes were roaming her face, and then they landed on her lips. He hesitated for a brief moment and then said; “I better get to work. It really was nice to meet you Miss Matthews.”

  The rest of the day, while taking pictures of the new horses,

  Shania thought about Taylor’s eyes on her lips. Did he want to kiss her? God, she hoped so.


  For the next couple of weeks, Shania looked forward to seeing Taylor every day. She would take pictures of him doing different things, instructing his men on what to do, fixing the tractor tire, helping the trainer with the green horses. Whatever he was doing he seemed to have this air of power. She could tell that the men respected him immensely, and he was clearly their boss. He was never mean, but he was definitely the alpha.

  He would talk to her if he had a minute; they flirted back and forth a little. Each time she saw him or heard his voice, something deep inside of her stomach clenched. One day he helped her on to a horse, and she could barely stay on after he picked her up so close to his body.

  One night she was taking pictures of the evening milking when he came up behind her. “Do you want to have dinner with me?” He asked quietly.

  He had startled her and she jumped a little and put herself off balance. His reflexes were quicker than hers and he threw out his arms and caught her before she could tumble to the side. In his arms, all she could see and smell and hear was him. He smelt like fresh grass and summer air, and she could hear his slow breathing.

  She righted herself and he dropped his arms. “Sorry.” He said.

  “That’s okay, I'm a klutz. What did you say?”

  “I asked if you would like to have dinner with me; maybe tomorrow night? In the house?”

  She didn’t even have to think about it. “Absolutely. I would love that.”

  He smiled wide. “I’ll see you there at seven.” Then he turned around and walked away.

  The next day Shania didn’t see Taylor at all. She was out and about on the ranch but there was no sign of him. She went in to the loft around 5 to shower and get ready. She didn’t bring any fancy clothes because she didn’t think she was going to need it. She settled for a dark pair of jeans and a red long sleeved shirt.

  By the time it was six forty five she was ready to go and nervous as hell. She was pacing around the living area of the loft; sure she was leaving a mark in the floor. Finally she got enough courage to leave and head towards the house.

  She came up to the front door and before she could knock, Taylor opened the door and invited her in. As soon as she was in the house, she was no longer nervous. It was like being in his presence calmed all of her nerves.

  “Supper isn’t quite ready yet.” He called from what she assumed was the kitchen.

  “You cook?” She called back.

  She could hear the smile in his voice when he replied, “Yes, and very well too. I hope you like lasagna.”

  While he finished up supper, she wandered around the downstairs of the house. It was beautiful. The living room was large and furnished with beautiful leather couches and chairs. There was a stone fireplace on one wall, and a grandfather clock on another. The dining room had a huge eight person mahogany table in it, each place setting all set up.

  She finally made her way to the kitchen and saw that Taylor was just pulling something out of the oven. “It smells amazing in here.” She said.

  There was a small table in the corner that had two table settings, a lit candle and two glasses of red wine already poured. She assumed this was where they were eating so she took a seat. Shortly after, Taylor brought over the dinner and dished it out. He was right when he said he was good at cooking. It was amazing.

  When they were finished eating, they sat at the little table and talked for what seemed like forever. The window closest to them was open and when a chilly breeze came in, she shivered a bit.

  “You're cold. Let’s move to the living room in front of the fire.”

  She didn’t argue, she was a little chilly. He led her to the next room and laid a comforter on the floor in front of the flickering fire. She sat down and she was instantly warmer. He sat beside her, and they talked again.

  At one point in the conversation, she brought her hand up to her face because she was laughing so hard. When her arm fell back down, her hand landed on Taylor’s thigh. They both instantly became quiet and she slowly brought her hand back to her own body.

  Slowly, Taylor reached out and grabbed her hand in his. “I don’t know what it is about you Shania, but I have this attraction that I just can’t hide any longer.”

  Shania stopped breathing. “So don’t hide it.”

  Taylor’s eyes widened, and then his lips were on hers. He kissed her softly at first and she was shocked at how soft his lips were. She kissed him back and he immediately deepened the kiss, his tongue licking at her mouth to let him in. She parted her lips and her tongue met his. Her whole body was on fire, her skin sensitive to his touch.

  Taylor leaned his back against the couch and lifted Shania on top of him as if she weighed nothing. She was straddling him; her legs spread wide, knees on either side of his hips. She wrapped her arms around his neck and deepened the kiss even more. Her ass was on his lap and so she pushed it even more, he automatically pushed his hips in to her and let out a soft moan. The sound made that spot deep inside of Shania clench even further. She could feel the wetness swelling between her legs.

  Taylor grabbed her ass and pushed his hips in to her again. There was that moan. Then he found the bottom of her shirt and broke the kiss only long enough to remove it and his own. He then picked her up again and leaned forward, laying her out on her back and settling on his hip beside her with one leg in between hers. He sat up and unbuttoned her jeans. They slid off of her legs easily and she was glad she had worn boot cut. He then removed her panties and bra. He stared at her, lying naked on his living room floor for just a minute before he removed his pants and boxer briefs.

  She took a minute to admire his impressive erection, and then he was settling himself between her legs. He took one finger and slowly pushed it inside of her and then started to massage her most sensitive spot. It wasn’t long before she felt the tightening of her abdomen and the buildup of the orgasm that was coming. His talented fingers kept working her, circling, in and out, until her body exploded in to a rush of pleasure. Every muscle in her body tightened as she rode the waves of her enormous climax.

  Before she was finished climaxing, Taylor was inside of her. He slammed himself in to her and she gasped loudly, he was so big and he filed her to the core. He started slowly, pushing in and out, letting her get used to the size of him. When she couldn’t handle the slow and steady anymore, she reached around and grabbed his ass and slammed him in to her. He took the invitation and picked up the pace. He began to pump faster and faster, her moans getting louder and louder. Her heart was racing and they were both breathing hard. She felt another climax begin to grow and suddenly Taylor wasn’t inside of her anymore.

  He picked her up again and placed her so that she was on her hands and knees in front of him. He entered her again but from the back. She had to get used to this angle again, and he went slow but soon picked up the pace again. He slammed himself in to her; she could barely contain her moans, almost on the edge of screams. Her orgasm started to build again, deep inside of her. Higher and higher she went until she fell off the edge and she orgasmed again; her core squeezing Taylor inside of her and wrapping tightly around him. He began to orgasm as well, pushing himself deep within her.

  When they both became still, he slowly pulled himself out of her and she fell on to the blanket and he lay beside h
er. They laid there quietly for a while, getting their breath back to normal and letting the air cool their bodies.

  “Do you want some ice cream?” Taylor asked.

  She laughed out loud. “Sex and ice cream, there’s nothing better.”

  He laughed too and stood up. He put only his jeans back on and went to the kitchen. She could hear him rustling around in cupboards and drawers. She got up and put her clothes back on and then went searching for the bathroom. When she came back he was sitting on the floor with two bowls of chocolate ice cream. She joined him and they ate.

  He invited her to stay the night in the house with him and she agreed. They slept in his huge king sized bed. The next morning, she was awoken by a hard erection pushing in to her hip. Taylor was lying on his side with one arm thrown across her body. His eyes were still closed, but she knew he must be awake.

  She reached below the blankets and grabber on to him. His eyes opened immediately and he rolled over on to his back, taking her with him. He held her hips and slowly lowered her on to himself. She moaned as he filled her up again. He held on to her hips and started to rock them forward and back, hitting just the right spot. Her breath began to pick up and small moans began. Then it was her turn to take control. She put her hands on his chest and lifted her hips off of him slightly and slammed them back down. The moan that came out of his mouth was like heaven. She did it again and again, each time he would make the same noise getting louder and louder.

  Abruptly, he rolled over and was on top. He took her legs and stretched them above his head and laid them on his shoulders. Then he started to pump. The way he had her legs up made it so he could be extra deep and she felt everything; especially when the orgasm started. As if he knew, Taylor began to pump faster; slamming himself in to her over and over again, matching her moaning. Right before she came to the peak of her climax, she felt him go rigid inside of her; they orgasmed together; her sex milking him as he climaxed, squeezing around his length.


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