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Broken Melody (Graffiti On Tour Series)

Page 18

by Jennifer Miller

  “And you think this will really help sales?” Sailor asks, her eyes still glued to the study findings, making me feel significant embarrassment. I bet she’s regretting having joined us and given up her chance to be a solo sensation.

  “I do,” Rick replies at the same time Nixon says, “You don’t have to do this,” to Sailor.

  “Our music is really great for this album. I say we take the chance and let it speak for itself,” I tell everyone.

  “No,” Sailor says abruptly while still looking down at her paper. “No,” she says again now looking at Rick. “I’ll do it. If Maddox will,” she says quickly glancing at me before looking away again. “then I will too.”

  “Sailor-” I start.

  “Look. I’m invested in this too. We’ve worked hard. We all need to demonstrate our commitment to our success. I am no expert on these items so must look to you, but if you both, Rick and Jace, honestly believe that this is in our collective best interest and has a low probability of hurting anyone or backfiring, then I’ll do it. Why not? Besides, my being part of the band is only temporary anyway,” she says with a shrug. “If all else fails, the timing of this relationship will be the perfect out when the time is right.”

  “Are you sure about this?” Nixon asks.

  “Maddox? What do you think?” she asks me. “Can you handle it?”

  I stare at her hard. Her eyes and posture are full of that sass I love. Her last question was full of challenge. I briefly imagine her body wrapped around mine, how close she’ll need to get to me, hopefully, at times to sell our act. And hell if I’m not all in. “Oh, I can handle it,” I tell her, “Sure, let’s do this.”

  “Alright,” Rick claps his hands together, a smile on his face. “Just look at it as roles you are playing. Actors do this all the time when they have a movie coming out to draw more attention to the movie, this is no different.”

  The limo arrives at our destination and slows to a stop, “We’re here,” Jace announces.

  “When are they starting this whole charade?” Henley asks.

  “Now is as good a time as any. The photographer, makeup artists, hair stylists will all be watching and listening and we all know that at least one of them will defy their confidentiality agreement and be happy to leak some insider information.” With that Rick tells us what he wants us to do for the photos that will be in the magazine and on the album cover before we leave the limo.

  Henley, Rocco, Jace and Nixon all exit the limo first. Rick is heading back to the office apparently. I look at Sailor, and she looks at me. “You ready for this?” I ask her.

  “As I’ll ever be,” she says.

  With that, I step out of the limo first and reach out a hand to her. She grasps mine and I help her out. We each pause and smile at one another, just because. This is a private lot, there are no photographers here, “Let’s do this,” I tell her and she nods.

  We’re barely through the door before Sailor is whisked away to get ready and the guys are taken in the opposite direction to do the same. When we are shown into a large dressing area, some overly friendly women hand us our clothing and then direct us to where we need to go once we’re changed. I pull the clothes away from myself, “I’ve got a white button down and leather pants. Typical. You guys?”

  “I’ve got all black here. Pants and a button up,” Henley says.

  Nixon nods, “Me too on the black. Jeans and a t-shirt for me.”

  “Black pants and a black shirt with vest and tie for me,” Rocco adds.

  “Looks like you and Sailor will be the focal point, which we now know has been the plan. I’m not surprised. In fact, I think we all kind of expected they would showcase Sailor anyway,” Nixon says and we all nod.

  “Did you know, Jace?” I ask him.

  “Know?” he looks at me in confusion.

  “What Rick was going to suggest today?” I clarify.

  “Yes. I was already here making sure the photographer and everyone working was present and going to be ready to go, answering any questions, and making sure everything would run smoothly, which as you know, is my job,” he smiles widely.

  “Yeah, yeah, and you get paid well to do so, though at times I wonder if you remember who it is exactly that pays you.” Henley says with a roll of his eyes.

  “Oh I know and I would have made the pitch myself, but you see, I know that allowing Rick to own this idea is the best business decision. If it goes well, he’ll initially relish in his business prowess, finesse and power of persuasion but certainly will transfer some of those feelings to Graffiti. We’ve seen him do that in other things. Contrarily, if anything goes askew – though I don’t think that will happen – he will also be willing to accept accountability and find a way to make it right for you. So, a win-win for Graffiti. I believe, that thinking through the strategy behind this proposition is my job. Which, I also believe, I managed quite well. You’re welcome,” Jace says. “After agreeing to his desire to pitch this in the limo today, Rick had no issue with me being along for the ride so I could witness it all.”

  “Well, okay. Then I guess I won’t have to kick your ass. So you think this is a good idea too? One that’s needed?” I question.

  “I think it’s one approach likely to work in our favor – more quickly and more easily than many other potential options. And by the way---ass kicking? Really? That will be the day.” Jace says with a laugh.

  “Well, glad we don’t need to remind you who exactly you work for,” Nixon says, slightly flummoxed.

  “Don’t worry. I know damn well. Even though I agreed, I told Rick that I understood where he was coming from, but the decision of course was all yours. Should you have said no, we would have gone to plan B or C.”

  We are reminded that the clock is ticking so need to sever this discussion though there are several other things I would have liked to have asked. Like what was plan B or C? What about the female fans who like the fantasy of capturing the heart of their available man crushes? Will we lose many since I won’t be in their dreams? Immediately, I realize that I don’t mind decreasing the number of men who may have chosen to target Sailor. But no time now, and really those questions don’t matter given our agreement to initiate this engineered relationship.

  We change our clothes quickly and then are ushered into hair and makeup. They style our hair, put powder on our noses so we ‘don’t shine’ under the light, put lip balm on our lips and even shit on our cheeks. When they try to add guy liner to me, I put on the brakes. “No way, not happening. I’m not into that look.”

  “I’ll take some,” Henley says while he checks himself out in the mirror.

  “Seriously?” Nixon asks while Rocco chokes on a laugh.

  “I’m man enough to rock some guy liner. I’m not intimidated,” he says.

  “I didn’t know you were into looking like some pussy rock star wannabe,” I goad.

  “I’m no pussy. Don’t make me whip out my dick and show you,” he says defensively.

  “Your dick size doesn’t mean shit,” Nixon says. “You’re still wearing girly makeup.”

  “Just wait and see how the chicks dig it, then you’ll be wishing you put some on too,” Henley says not at all ruffled and quiets down while Susie, the makeup artist, places the lines on his eyes. When he’s done, he checks himself out in the mirror again turning his head from side to side. “I think I’m going to do this for concerts too.”

  “Oh god,” Rocco says.

  “I say go for it if you like it,” Jace says.

  When we’re done teasing Henley, we move out into a large room where the photographers have their equipment set up. Who knew they needed so much shit to take some photos. Several different cameras are sitting on a table and people are milling about. There’s a long table full of food, people walking around with headsets doing god knows what. “Go ahead and help yourselves to the food, but please put these on if you eat,” an assistant says holding up large bibs to cover our shirts. Make yourself comfortable,
” she says pointing out the large leather couches and chair in the room. “It will be a few moments yet before Sailor’s ready. I think they just got her in hair and makeup,” she says.

  We don’t waste time, we all put our bibs on like we’re told and head to the table to load up our plates. We’re starving. It isn’t until we’re sitting faces full of food that Sailor walks into the room. It’s a damn good thing I’m wearing that stupid bib because I come damn close to dropping my plate all over my lap. As it is, it catches the drool falling down my chin, because holy fuck.

  She saunters toward us and I thank the gods that we are seated so far away because watching her walk to us is a fucking privilege. It’s a shock her mere presence isn’t setting the room on fire.

  She’s wearing leather pants so tight each and every inch of her is on display. She’s mounted on studded high shoes that look so uncomfortable I give thanks again that I’m a guy, and marvel as I watch her manage to move in them gracefully. Her shirt, fuck her shirt is bright red, the only pop of color in our group, aside from her lips that match, and the damn thing is cut practically down to her navel. I’m sure they’ve got those babies taped in nice and tight but I find myself staring there anyway hoping and praying for a peek.

  “Whoa,” I mutter under my breath and all the guys turn in synchronization to see what I’m looking at.

  “Wow,” Nixon and Rocco say.

  “She looks great,” Henley says.

  Funny how none of them make me aggravated with their comments. Maybe because I know they aren’t interested in anything other than her voice. But right then and there, I know, that I’m doomed, because I want Sailor Blue, and I’m going to use the brand new opportunity presented to me to make her mine – even if it kills me.

  Given the looks on faces surrounding me and subtle mumblings, they think I look as hot as intended. I’m not sure if I should be offended by their surprise. Jace walks up to me. “Sailor, you look great! You ready for this?” he asks touching me on the elbow.

  “As ready as I’ll ever be, I suppose.” I realize that’s becoming a favorite line when I want to conceal how overwhelmed I really feel.

  “Don’t be nervous. You’ll be a pro, I know it,” he says kindly.


  “I really am delighted that you asked me to be your agent. And I want to reassure you that I do believe that the agreement made with Rick is a good one for you.”

  “I’d like to hear more about that but it looks like we’ll have to postpone for now and discuss this at another time.”

  “Yes, let’s,” Jace says.

  “Discuss what?” Maddox asks walking up to us and catching the tail end of our conversation.

  I simply stare at him, now having an up close and personal look at him in his leather pants and shirt. He looks delectable. Is it wrong to want to take a bite out of him? Because I sure as hell do - I really do. Suddenly, I wish Britt were here so she could help me keep these hormones in check.

  “Just agent talk,” Jace answers Maddox making him frown a little.

  Maddox moves in front of Jace and I’m not sure if he does it on purpose but the look on Jace’s face as he turns and walks away is almost humorous.

  I finally smile, “I know, I look over done and ridiculous. Don’t say anything.”

  “That is not at all how I would describe the way you look right now,” he says while his eyes rake me head to toe.

  “Oh yeah? What would you use then?”

  “I would say a lot of things, but the first thing that comes to mind is smoking hot.”

  I feel myself flush at his words, and then another wave of heat hits me again for flushing in the first place. What the hell is wrong with me? I don’t blush. And of course Maddox smiles wide at the sight. “Well, well, well. Are my eyes deceiving me or are you blushing?”

  “Shut up,” I practically snarl, my embarrassment in full affect now. “I am not.”

  Maddox laughs, “Wow. I wonder what else I can do or say to make you blush, songbird? I feel like I have a new life goal.”

  “Oh shut up,” I tell him wishing I had something better to say, but feeling too flustered to find the words.

  “You know… I think you already forgot that we have a show we’re supposed to be putting on.”

  “A show?”

  “Yep. You. Me. Together. Ring any bells?”

  “Ah, that,” I answer nerves making my stomach flip.

  “Do you think it’s very likely that the woman I’m having a hot, steamy, passionate relationship with would walk in a room looking like that and I wouldn’t have my hands on her?”

  Holy hell, I swallow thickly and shake my head, “No, I suppose not.”

  “Me either,” he says as he walks up to me, puts his arms around me, pushes my hair that is curling in waves down my back behind my shoulder. He lifts my chin up, smiles at me in a way that makes my knees literally shake, and gives me a small kiss on my lips, before placing another on my nose. I’m not sure what the look on my face must be, but whatever it is, it makes him smile.

  “Um, I’m….yeah…that…” I point. And I don’t know why I point.

  “What? You don’t have anything to say about the way I look?” Maddox asks with a cocky looking smirk on his face.

  Shaking off the effects of his act a moment ago, I walk around him in a couple circles. When I’m behind him, I smack him loudly on the ass. “You look hot, babe,” I say before walking to the front of him and smirking now when I see the look of shock on his face. I wink, and walk to the other band members with Maddox’s chuckle at my back and they all whistle at my approach. “Shut up,” I tell them and they laugh. “Where did you get the food?” I ask changing the subject even though I already saw the table full of all kinds of things when I walked in.

  They point me in the correct direction and I head over and grab a plate and a few finger foods that will be easy to pop into my mouth and won’t make a mess or ruin my make-up and a bottle of water. I stand and eat a couple things quickly because I’m hungry, but I’m also nervous. Feeling annoyed with myself, I dump my plate. Before I can blink, a makeup artist that was clearly waiting in the wings comes up to me and hands me a toothbrush and points me in the direction of a sink. After I brush my teeth, they reapply my lipstick. It makes me wonder why the hell they even applied it first to begin with?

  “Alright, everyone,” someone yells and I turn to see a tall man with a camera around his neck clapping his hands to get our attention. “My name is Garrett and I’m the lead photographer. I’ve received instructions from Rick and I have a clear vision of what he’s expecting from today’s shoot. Does anyone have any questions?” He looks around the room and everyone is staring back at him remaining silent. “Great then let’s get this show on the road! Sailor and Maddox, we’ll start with the two of you.”

  As I walk to Garrett, Maddox meets me half way rubbing his hands together, “You ready for this?”

  “Not really.”

  “What’s wrong?” he asks likely hearing something off in my tone of voice and taking my hand and holding it in his. He’s really good at keeping up appearances that’s for sure.

  “I’ve never done this before. I feel nervous. And rather ridiculous.”

  “There’s nothing to be nervous about, I promise. They’ll likely take pictures of the two of us first, next they’ll add in the guys, then do individual ones with each of us. Since the magazine is announcing the new album and your addition to the group, they likely want all kinds of photos because they’ll do a whole feature on their website, then follow it up in the magazine with a full spread. They wanted to interview all of us too, but Rick shut it down and for this one, only basic information will be given because they want to maintain the mystery for a bit.”

  “Oh, I hadn’t heard that,” I tell him wondering why I always feel like I’m the last to know. Not that it really makes a difference I guess. That’s something I can discuss later with Jace, I mentally note.

sp; “Jace was just telling us while you were eating something. We weren’t purposefully leaving you out or anything,” he smiles kindly and I find myself returning it. I love that he automatically knew what I was feeling and thinking without my needing to say a word. Maybe it’s because he would have felt the same way.

  “Maddox and Sailor, lovely to meet you both. I’d like to begin our session with photos of the two of you please, the group’s marvelous lead singers that are also involved romantically from what I understand.”


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