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Victim Of Circumstance

Page 19

by Freya Barker

  “What? She never said anything.” He shakes his head in confusion. “Wait, how do you know Becca?”

  I take in a deep breath to try and get my temper under control before I repeat to Bunker what I told the cop earlier, noting the look of disbelief on his face when I fill him in.

  “Look,” he says when I’m done. “I’m sorry, man, I had no idea. She never let on she knew you, not even when I mentioned…” he lets his words trail off and clenches his jaw.

  “Mentioned what?” Francisi asks.

  I catch a mix of anger and regret when Bunker throws a glance my way.

  “Fuck,” he hisses. “My aunt’s birthday in October; I took my mother to Clare to see her. Becca was there. I may have mentioned Frank leaving you the Dirty Dog.”

  My blood roars in my ears and white-hot anger is beating its way to the surface. That miserable bitch. I grab the first thing I can find—the inverted glass covering one of the beer taps—and haul out, flinging the glass to the far wall.

  “Jesus fucking Christ, man!” I hear Bunker call out, as I’m spun around and pinned to the edge of the bar, Francisi’s bulk holding me in place. Now panic is creeping in. Snaps of being pressed face forward into whitewashed concrete and held there by too many hands start flashing in front of my eyes. I struggle against the hold, hearing a man’s voice muttering something by my ear but the words all blend together.

  “Let him go.”

  That I hear loud and clear through the roaring in my ears and I grab on to the sound of her voice, rising like a beacon from the ruins of my life.

  “You’re okay,” she whispers, and I feel her cool hand on my face. “Just breathe. You’re fine.”

  Chapter Twenty-Five


  “Eat a little more.”

  I watch his silver head shake. He’s barely eaten half of what I’ve seen him put away before, but I’m not going to push him.

  He hasn’t spoken a word since I coaxed him away from the bar and into the passenger side of my SUV. Not on the drive here, not while I heated up some of yesterday’s leftovers for us, and not during dinner.

  I take his half-finished plate and my empty one and set them on the counter in the kitchen.

  I’m not sure what to do at this point. He’s in a weird place where I don’t feel I can reach him. Something happened back in that bar and Officer Francisi’s explanations only go so far.

  I’m beyond furious at that bitch, Becca. Not only does it appear her pursuit of Gray had little to do with him and everything to do with what she thought he could provide for her, but it turns she also doesn’t take rejection well, judging by the four slashed tires on Gray’s truck.

  Francisi mentioned he had reason to believe she also may have had a hand in last week’s break-in at the diner. The logic behind that eludes me at this time, but I’m sure he has his reasons for saying that.

  “Let’s watch something mindless on TV,” I suggest, finally pushing away from the counter. When I notice he’s not moving, I walk over and take his hand. I sit down on the couch and he sits beside me. “Unless you want to talk,” I try.

  His unreadable eyes meet mine, a spark of heat burning through when I put my hand on his thigh.

  “Nothing to say.” His voice is raspy, the way it can be when he first wakes up.

  “Okay,” I decide to concede instead of forcing him to speak.

  Hopefully giving him some space he’ll eventually feel comfortable opening up. His reaction is not just about anger; I get the sense it’s about pain. Maybe if I open up first.

  I grab the remote, find an old episode of Criminal Minds, and pull my legs up under me. Then I coax him to put his head on my lap so I can massage his scalp, something I’ve discovered helps him relax.

  “My husband was an accountant,” I start softly.

  He tries to lift his head but I push it back down, never changing my soothing touch as I explain the history behind his first glimpse of me last September. The hand he has resting on his thigh occasionally clenches into a fist, but he doesn’t make another attempt to lift his head.

  Not even when I’m done talking and my eyes drift back, mindlessly watching whatever is on TV.

  “Paige didn’t know?” he finally asks.

  “I didn’t want her to, but it turns out she remembered enough to know he wasn’t a good man. Killed me to fill in some of the details.” Then I snort at the irony. “Seems we were each trying to protect the other.”

  “Probably shouldn’t say this.” Gray suddenly sits up and places his hands on either side of my face. “But I’m glad the fucker is dead.”

  “Me too,” I admit a second before his mouth slams down on mine.

  I groan at the loss of his lips when he ends the kiss too soon. I’ve missed getting lost in him.

  “Can we go for a walk?”

  I’m a little surprised at the request.


  It’s dark outside and it’s probably cooled off quite a bit, but there’s a plea in the way he looks at me, so I don’t argue and get to my feet. Zeus lifts his head briefly when I pass the chair he adopted as his bed. We shrug into our coats and shoes and make our way outside.

  It’s gorgeous. The cold temperature comes with a beautifully crisp, clear sky filled with stars.

  One of the perks of living in a small community, a fair distance from any large cities, is the amazing night skies.

  “Zip up,” Gray grumbles, turning me so he can close the zipper on my coat, tugging my hood over my head. Then his large warm hand closes over mine and tucks both in his coat pocket.

  We head down the driveway to the road. There are trails behind the house but it would be too dark under the tree cover. There are hardly any cars on this road and this way we can see the stars.

  “It’s easier to talk out here,” he finally says when we’ve been walking for a bit. “Not enclosed. It still bothers me sometimes. Gets my heart rate up. Makes me anxious.”

  My hand warmly in his spasms at his confession.

  “I like walking,” I say clumsily, but he seems to understand what I’m trying to express and gives my hand a squeeze.

  “I lost it today.”

  Sensing he needs to share at his own pace, and afraid I’ll blurt out some other inane comment, I keep my silence and wait him out.

  “I didn’t hear them coming,” he says, so low it’s hard for me to hear. “Three of them. I hadn’t been inside for forty-eight hours yet. Fucking cell block C.”

  My hand is getting sweaty in his big paw, not liking where this is going.

  “They got me from behind and I was shoved face-first into the shower wall. One of them was ready with a balled up shirt he stuffed in my mouth when I opened it to yell. Pinned against that wall…fuck…I knew what was coming. I’d heard the taunts. Fresh meat.”

  I hear a whimper I realize is coming from me and his hands squeezes mine again.

  “They didn’t. Didn’t get the chance. A guard walking by must’ve had a feeling something was off and came in to check.”

  I can feel a shudder run through his body.

  “Never turned my back on anyone after that. Never.”

  “My God, Gray…”

  “Lost my temper earlier, flung a glass at the wall and Francisi was pinning me.”

  “From behind,” I fill in, and turn my head to find his eyes on me.


  “You went back there,” I conclude.

  “Sure did.”

  “That’s understandable.”

  He stops us and pulls our hands from his pocket, bringing them up to his chest. He curves his other hand around the back of my neck and drops his head until the tip of his nose almost touches mine.

  “Is it? I’ve been so repressed all these years, so controlled, but lately it’s like all my emotions have been unleashed. I can’t rein them in; anger, fear, even love… shit… What if I hurt you?”

  “You wouldn’t.” I grab his wrist firmly and pull myself u
p on my toes so our noses touch. His eyes hold mine with an intensity that makes me want to cry.

  “I couldn’t,” he finally admits. “You’re the light at the end of the tunnel. You’re sunshine and fresh air. Jesus, I’m fucked up beyond imagination, but you look at me like that and make me feel whole.”

  Instead of tears, I feel a smile spread over my face.


  I lift my face and kiss him sweetly. Then I turn and start walking back to the house, his hand still in mine.

  “Robin?” he says.


  “I love you.”

  I turn my head and find the truth of his words in his gorgeous eyes.

  “I know.”


  I can’t get her clothes off fast enough.

  She backs into the bedroom, already kicking off her jeans as I’m pulling her sweater over her head.

  “You too,” she urges me, yanking at my belt while walking backward to the bed. The mattress catches her behind the knees and she tumbles, landing on her back, her hair fanning out on the comforter.

  Christ, she’s beautiful; her eyes shining with passion, a deep flush high on her cheeks, and those lush, wet lips slightly parted in anticipation.

  I’m out of my jeans in seconds, ripping my boxer briefs down with them and toeing off my socks. When I straighten up and pull my shirt over my head, Robin’s eyes drop down to my cock, jutting out eagerly.

  Her skin contrasts pale against the black bra.

  “Take it off.”

  My voice is hoarse with barely contained lust as she arches her back to reach behind her. I have no idea where the garment lands when she flings it off the bed, since my eyes are glued to her creamy soft breasts. My gaze slides down over the swell of her belly to the edge of her black panties. Immediately her hands move down to her hips hooking thumbs underneath the elastic.

  “Let me.”

  I brush her hands away and slide the panties down her legs, the scent of her arousal tempting my senses. Sinking down on my knees, I drag her body close to the edge of the mattress and pull her legs over my shoulders. Her fingers restlessly dig into the comforter; I don’t hesitate lashing the flat of my tongue along her crease.

  My eyes close and a satisfied groan works its way up from deep in my chest when her flavor hits my sensory receptors. I’m not in a hurry, savoring every moan from her lips and tremble of her body. Time, once all-important, becomes meaningless when her thighs clamp tightly on my head and Robin cries out her release.

  My scruff still slick with her essence, I kiss my way up her body, nipping and tasting her soft, pliant skin. She doesn’t flinch when I reach her mouth. Her hands pull my face close, kissing me back hungrily. Without losing our connection I slide my arm underneath her, moving us farther onto the mattress. She wraps her legs around my hips, as I align my straining cock to her center and sink myself deep inside her.

  “Gray…” she sighs, ending our kiss.

  Her hands slide down to my ass, fingers digging into my flexing muscles as I pump into her body. Already I can feel tightness building at the base of my spine and my movements grow erratic.

  “Honey…” she whispers, her eyes holding mine captive. “Love you back.”

  My thin thread of control snaps hearing those words.

  “Fuuuck yesss,” I grind out as I buck, spurting hot streams of my cum inside her. A full-body shiver makes me weak and I collapse on top of her, my face buried in her neck.

  I may have dozed when I hear her soft strangled voice at my ear.

  “I can’t breathe.”

  “Sorry,” I mumble, rolling over and taking her with me so she’s on top. “Better?”

  “Much.” She nuzzles the hair on my chest. “But I’m leaking all over you.”

  I chuckle at that. She’s not lying; we’re virtually glued together.

  “Fine. Shower.”

  I hold onto her firmly and swing us both out of bed. She giggles in my arms, grabbing onto my shoulders, as I walk us to the bathroom. I take great pleasure in washing her clean under the warm stream, and I gladly let her return the favor.

  Zeus is curled in the middle of the mattress when we get back to the bedroom. He protests loudly when Robin picks him up, plants a kiss on his head, and sets him on the floor before crawling in bed. I flick off the lights and get in to spoon her, tugging her body close.

  I stroke the pads of my fingers lazily along her skin and breathe in the freshly washed scent of her hair.

  “You love me.”

  It’s more a statement than a question, but she answers anyway, twisting her head to look at me.

  “I do.”


  She snorts and rolls toward me. “Why? Well, because…” She hesitates and then shakes her head. “It’s really not that simple.” She pushes me to my back, and props her chin on my chest.

  “There’s darkness inside me.”

  “And there’s light,” she counters.

  “I get angry.”

  “And you can be exquisitely sweet.”

  “I’m violent.”

  That earns me a narrowing of her eyes.

  “Bullshit. You’re one of the most gentle men I’ve known.”

  I shake my head and don’t bother hiding the small smile tugging at my lips.

  “Do you have an answer for everything?”

  “Try me,” she challenges, and I wrap my arms around her while my body shakes with laughter.

  Chapter Twenty-Six


  Shirley slips past me with the order for table seven, tossing me a little smile over her shoulder.

  She arrived back in town last week and after getting herself sorted, started at the diner yesterday. She seems like a different person from the woman I’d worked alongside for years before.

  That woman had been distant, reserved, and rarely cracked a smile. The woman who showed up yesterday looked like the weight of the world was lifted from her shoulders. She hugged everyone, cried happy tears, and has treated customers to wide smiles and kind words all day yesterday and today.

  “Do you have a second?”

  “Sure.” I barely get the chance to answer when Shirley grabs my arm and pulls me toward the ladies’ room. “What is it?” I ask when she shuts the door behind us.

  “I owe you an apology.”

  “For what?”

  Her eyes flit to a point beyond my shoulder and she visibly steels herself.

  “It may have been my fault Mike came after you.”

  “That wasn’t your responsibility,” I assure her, but she shakes her head sharply.

  “It was. I told my boys you’d dropped me off here. I didn’t know my youngest shared your name with his father. He knows Mike attacked someone, but didn’t put two and two together until he called me last night to see how my first day back had been and I happened to mention you. He feels awful.”

  The poor woman has tears in her eyes, and I quickly put my hands on her shoulders and give her a little shake.

  “None of that. The only responsible person is locked up,” I state firmly. “Besides, I’m totally fine. I think you’ve wasted enough energy on that man. Let it go. Fuck, let him go. Trust me on this.”

  She blinks her eyes a few times, takes a deep breath in, and manufactures a wobbly smile.

  “You’re right.”

  “You bet I am, and tell your boy to put it out of his head.” I give her another little shake before letting her go. “One of these days, when we have a moment of quiet, I’ll tell you my story, but for now let’s get some food on those tables.”

  Kim is at the cash register and eyes us closely when we approach.

  “Everything all right?”

  “Yup,” Shirley answers, making a beeline for the pass-through lined with orders.

  I just give Kim a wink and grab the next order. It’s for the threesome of regulars at their customary table.

  “Two eggs over easy, bacon, sausage, bisc
uits and gravy?”

  “That’s mine.” Eddie Banks lifts a hand and I slide the plate in front of him.

  “You know that’s gonna kill ya, right?” John tells him before turning to me. “Egg white, spinach omelet is mine, darlin’.”

  “You bet.”

  I serve him his breakfast and the final plate, a tall stack of pancakes, has to be Enzo’s. He smiles his gratitude and doesn’t hesitate digging in.

  “Up for a game tonight?” he asks with his mouth full.


  “Pool, girl. I hear you’ve been practicing quite a bit.”

  I grin. Sneaky old geezer. I bet he’s seen my CRV parked outside the Dirty Dog a few nights a week. Not that I was practicing my pool, or even in the bar for that matter. I probably had my hands full with—or should I say of—the man living upstairs.

  It had been Gray’s idea to stay over at his place when I have an early shift. Mostly because it saves me fifteen minutes in the morning, which he apparently likes to spend in other ways. The other nights he’s spent with me. There have only been a couple of nights we haven’t been together when our schedules didn’t align, and it was just easier to sleep in our respective beds.

  Zeus is becoming a well-traveled cat, and has taken a liking to car rides. I may have melted a little when I discovered Gray had bought food and a matching bed for the cat to keep at his place.

  “You just want an easy win,” John accuses his friend.

  “So? You guys are a bunch of sharks,” Enzo fires back.

  “Come on, guys, no fighting,” I admonish them with a smile. “Eat your breakfast.”

  Eddie pulls his wallet from his pocket, takes out a twenty-dollar bill and slaps it on the table in front of John.

  “Twenty on Robin.”

  John glances at me before he turns to Enzo, who is busy glaring at Eddie.

  “Now, guys…” I try, but already John is fishing money from his pocket.

  “Enzo’s got this.” He slaps a matching bill beside the other on the table before he turns to me. “No offense, Robin, but you suck.”

  “None taken, John. You guys want a top up?”


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