by Steve Coll
Goldman Sachs, 554
Goldthwait, Christopher, xiv, 154–55, 157, 169, 170–71, 175, 359–60, 638n
Goldwyn, David, 531
Golubev, Yuri, 269
Goodwin, Rockefeller, 40
GoodWorks International, 370
Google, 20, 551
Gorbachev, Mikhail, 13, 252, 255, 260
Gordon, Bart, 343
Gordon, Douglas, 241–42
Gore, Al, 68, 89, 181, 337–38, 339, 535–36, 635n
Gorton, Slade, 15
Grameen Bank, 554
Grasso, Richard, 272
Gravity Magnetics Group, 158
Great Britain, 51, 58, 61, 85, 197, 200, 220, 231, 244, 261, 282, 286, 293, 455, 619
ExxonMobil operations in, 224
Great Depression, 540
Greco, John, 390
greenhouse effect, 88, 91, 301, 310, 500, 580, 585, 596
cap-and-trade debate and, 539, 547
ExxonMobil’s opposition to regulation of, 180–81, 336, 347–48, 479
natural process of, 77–78
Obama’s energy policy and, 543–44, 545–46, 547
Raymond’s Beijing speech on, 81–84
Rio Summit and, 80–81
see also climate change; global warming
Greenpeace, 26, 34, 85, 181, 336, 536
ExxonMobil as targeted by, 182–88
ExxonMobil protest raid of, 186–88
internal culture of, 182
oil companies targeted by, 181–82
Greenspan, Alan, 200–201, 581, 586
Gref, German, 254, 277
Grumet, Jason, 498, 288
Guatemala, 519
Gulf War of 1991, 228, 229, 511
Guyer, Jane, 165
Guzinsky, Vladimir, 271
Habré, Hissène, 155, 158–59
Hadley, Stephen, 239, 241, 252
Hagel, Chuck, 301–2
Hagen, Pete, 133
Haggar, Ali Abdel-Rhamane, 171
Haifa pipeline, 233–35
Haines, Robert, 72, 108, 113, 220, 342, 403, 563
Halliburton, 52, 67–68, 70, 145, 162, 235, 244, 373–74, 461–62, 567, 573, 602, 613
Halperin, Mark, 487
Hand, Henry, 145–46
Hansen, James, 78, 80, 90
Harper, Stephen, 545
Harris, John F., 487
Harrison, Otto, xiii, 14–15
Hart Research Associates, 554
Harvard Center for Risk Analysis, 481
Hassett, Kevin, 536
Hawrami, Ashti, 567
Hayward, Tony, 612
Hazelwood, Joseph, Jr., xv, 4–6, 634n
Health and Human Services Department, U.S., 381
Heartland Institute, 86, 340, 345
Heimbold, Charles, 91
Heintz, Ron, 128
Henry, Jamie Lee, 334
Henry, Simon, 590
Henry Dunant Centre, 115
Heritage Foundation, 184, 232, 565
Heritage Mobil stations, 372
Hess Corporation, 514–15, 520, 529, 571
see also Amerada Hess
Hewlett-Packard, 80
Hickel, Walter, 605
Hill, Christopher, 558
Hinchey, Maurice, 500
Hissène, Mahamat, 358, 367, 370
History of the Standard Oil Company, The (Tarbell), 35
Hitchcock, Liz, 487, 491
Hochstein, Amos, 292, 295, 297
Houghton, James R., 315
House of Representatives, Nigerian, 466
House of Representatives, U.S., 73, 342, 343, 496, 617, 650n
Energy and Commerce Committee of, 488, 489–90, 494, 551
Science and Technology Committee of, 343
toy safety bill in, 486
Waxman-Markey bill in, 552
Hoyt, Max, 488
Hubbard, Allan, 303–4
Hubble, Henry, 493–94
human rights, 170, 504, 510
Aceh war and, 101–5, 107, 110–11, 114, 118, 120, 396–98, 400
Equatorial Guinea and, 142–43, 145, 146–48, 150–51, 152–53, 296–97, 511–13, 516, 521, 529, 531–33
ExxonMobil and, 220–23, 404–5, 521
Human Rights Watch, 106, 152, 220–21, 222, 405, 531–32
Humble Oil and Refining, 3, 36, 61, 77, 608
Humphreys, Donald, 493
Hungary, 17, 587
Hunt, Hunter L., 569
Hunt, Ray L., 569–70
Hunt Oil, 568–71, 622
Hurricane Katrina, 319
Hurricane Rita, 319
Hurtt, Adrienne, 45
Hushka, Leslie, 481
Hussein, Saddam, 59, 227, 228, 230, 232, 360, 440, 558, 561, 564, 574
Hutchison, Kay Bailey, 335
Hutto, F. Chase,, III, 304–5
Hutton, Keith, 589
hydraulic fracturing, 580–81
hydrocarbons, classes of, 127
hydrogen, 437, 444–45
I.B.M., 19, 318
Ibrahim, Khalil, 357
Ijaw Patriotic Front, 456
Immelt, Jeffrey, 180
Immigration and Customs Enforcement, U.S., 526
Imperial Oil, 544
Inconvenient Truth, An (film), 337
India, 224, 257, 303, 310, 324, 415, 420, 422, 440, 457, 512, 559, 618, 620
Indonesia, 20, 59, 62, 93–94, 95, 99–100, 102, 104, 107, 112–13, 114–15, 116, 197, 232, 351, 352, 364, 415, 419, 636n
John Doe lawsuit and, 120, 399–406, 621
2004 tsunami in, 402–7
see also Aceh war
Indonesian National Army, see T.N.I.
Industry and Trade Ministry, Indonesian, 114
Ingersol, Scott, 562
Inhofe, James, 87, 185
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (I.P.C.C.), 79, 81, 88, 347, 635n
Interior Department, U.S., 605–8, 609, 610
Interior Ministry, Saudi, 207
Internal Revenue Service, 188
International Committee of the Red Cross, 111
International Labor Rights Forum, 119
International Monetary Fund (I.M.F.), 259, 358
International Peace Operations Association, 281
International Space Station, 252
Internet, 441–42
I.P.T., 374
Iran, 2, 52, 54, 161, 196, 197, 203, 205, 222, 245, 246, 247, 249, 415, 419, 421, 436, 440, 511–12, 519, 520, 567, 618
Iranian Revolution of 1979, 29, 52, 95, 239, 242
Iraq, 52, 54, 197, 203, 205, 222, 228, 281, 293, 360, 419, 436, 440, 641n
Kurdish oil industry in, 567–69, 622–23
oil reserves of, 230, 248, 249, 558
Rumaila oil field of, 571
Sunni-Shia rift in, 559, 622
West Qurnah oil field of, 572, 574, 575, 622
Zubair oil field of, 575
Iraq National Oil Company, 231
Iraq Petroleum Company, 231
Iraq War, 227–30, 243, 303, 324, 435, 499
Bush (G. W.) administration and, 228, 231, 236–37, 247–48
ExxonMobil operations in, 561–65, 573–75
Haifa pipeline debate in, 233–35
Hunt-Kurdish oil deal in, 569–71
insurgency in, 236
Iraqi nationalism in, 563
Iraqi oil industry in, 232–37, 248, 559, 562–63, 564–68
oil concessions auction in, 557–60, 571–73
postwar planning in, 232–37
“stealing” Iraqi oil question in, 227–33
Iraq War (cont.)
U.S. invasion in, 226, 228
U.S. war aims in, 228–29
Israel, 3, 18, 29, 237, 296, 440, 525, 530
Equatorial Guinea’s relations with, 516–17
Haifa pipeline and, 233–34
Italy, 197–98
Jackson, Lorie, 341, 549, 554
Jacksonville Exxon, 371�
��79, 377, 488
lawsuits and, 384–93, 620–21
oil leak from, 374–79, 377, 384, 390–91
Jacobs, Emil, 447–48
Jaffe, Amy Myers, 325, 326
Janka, David, 123, 130
Japan, 95, 197, 255, 439, 449, 547
Jefferies Group, Inc., 578
Jeffers, Alan, 494
Jendrzejczyk, Mike, 220–21
Jobs, Steve, 577
John Doe I et al. v. ExxonMobil Corporation et al., 120, 399–406, 621
Johnson, Donald C., 509
Johnson, Lance, 109
Johnston, J. Bennett, 73
Joint Special Operations Command (JSOP), 173, 174
Joint Task Force, Nigerian, 456
Jordan, 66, 233–34, 558, 562, 567
J.P. Morgan, 49, 335, 588
Justice Department, U.S., 142, 298, 401, 622
Kagan, Robert, 5
Kaharuddin (rebel), 395
Kamarck, Elaine, 537
Kansteiner, Walter, 174, 622
Kareri, Simon, 152–53, 287
Karl, Terry Lynn, 166
Kasim, Ifdhal, 103
Katrina, Hurricane, 319
Kauffmann, Howard, 37
Kazakhstan, 18, 58, 59, 62, 70, 168, 222, 252
Kearl project, 548, 598
Keller, Laura, 481
Kellogg Brown & Root, 461
Kellogg’s company, 216
Kelly, John, 523
Kelso, Dennis, 10, 12
Kemnetz, Frank, 322
Kennedy, John F., 77
Kenya, 66, 172, 173, 369, 531
Kerr, Lauren, 338
Kerry, John, 343, 507, 550
Kheshgi, Haroon, 79
Khodorkovsky, Mikhail, xv, 259–60, 622
arrest of, 274–75, 276, 418
Browne’s meeting with, 264–65
Dart and, 262
political ambition of, 264, 265–66
Putin’s conflict with, 261, 263–65
Raymond’s meetings with, 268–70
U.S.-Russia oil relationship and, 266–67
Yukos negotiations and, 260–65, 268–69, 270–71
Kingston, David, 343, 346
Kittywake II, 122
Kohl, Herb, 340
Koonce, Terry, 255–56
Korea, Republic of (South Korea), 197, 198
Kosovo conflict, 280
Kreindler, Tony, 552–53
Kruger, Richard, 493
Kunkel, James, 5
Kurdish Regional Government, 567–70
Kuwait, 59, 144, 195, 222, 228, 291, 326, 510, 511, 564, 566, 574, 575
Kuwait Petroleum, 53
Kwiatkowski, Karen, 173–74
Kyoto Protocol, 81–84, 85–86, 89, 183, 187, 226, 301, 479, 535
Labor Party, British, 106
Laidlaw, Sam, 566
Lambert, Richard, 63
Lansdale, Edward, 96
Larson, Alan, 146, 147, 148–49
LaSala, Stephen, 493
Latham & Watkins, 431
Lautenberg, Frank, 320
Lavrov, Sergey, 277
Lazard (bank), 428, 431, 433
Leahy, Don, 138–39
Lebedev, Platon, 271
Le Billon, Philippe, 166–67
Le Floch-Prigent, Loik, 171
Lehman Brothers, 540, 588
Leiter, David, 343, 507, 550, 551
Levin, Carl, 299
LeVine, Steve, 192, 634n
Lewis, William “Buford,” 73, 75, 342, 445
Library of Congress, 266
Libya, 52, 97, 155, 159, 162, 166, 172, 197, 222, 246, 531
Life, 77
Lincoln, Abraham, 541–42
Lincoln, Blanche, 551
Lindeberg, Mandy, xv, 122–25, 131–32, 136
Logo Logistics, 288
Loiero, Andrea, xv, 372, 375–76, 378, 379, 390
Longwell, Harry, 99, 172, 209, 217
Lowe, Leslie, 345–46
Lujan, Manuel, Jr., 15
Lukoil, 266, 271
Lund, Ray, 144–45
Lutz, Peter, 609
Luzzatto, Tamera, 550
Lyons, Virginia, 485
McCain, John, 497–99, 503–4, 505, 607
McCall, Steve, 5
McChrystal, Stanley, 173, 174
McDonald, David, 570
McElroy, Michael B., 446
Mach, Joe, 262
Macías Nguema, Francisco, 137–38, 140, 141
McKee, Rob, 565–67
McKinsey & Company, 263
McMurray Formation, 544
Madec, Andre, 151, 363
Maduekwe, Ojo, 474
Mahmud, Malik, 117, 118
Makovsky, Michael, 233–34
Malaysia, 97, 103, 172
Maliki, Nouri Al-, 558, 574
Manchin, Joe, 552
Mandelson, Peter, 611
Mann, Simon, xiv, 284–86, 288–89, 524–25, 527, 644n
Marathon Oil, 140, 142, 146, 147, 149, 150, 151, 262, 283, 291, 297, 299, 514, 515, 520, 529
Marbun, B. N., 104
Marcellus Shale, 577
Martyrs Brigade, 456
Massey, J. R., 428, 430–31
Maya, Ruben, 516
Mearsheimer, John, 244–45, 246
Menatep, 260–62
M.E.N.D. (Movement for the Emancipation of the Niger Delta), 456–57, 463–67, 468, 470–71, 473–74, 476, 529
methyl tertiary butyl ether (MTBE), 381–82, 384–86, 445, 488–89
Metropolitan Club, 613–14
Mexico, 440, 453
Military Professional Resources International (M.P.R.I.), 147–48, 283, 291, 295, 296, 514, 525
Milov, Vladimir, 261, 275
Minerals Management Service (M.M.S.), 606, 608–9
Minyard, Robert, 431
Misamore, Bruce, xv, 262–64, 265, 267, 271, 273–74
Mitchell, George P., 584
Mitchell, Jeanne O., 73, 75, 342, 494
Mitchell Energy, 584
Moats, Simeon, 72, 162, 521–22
Mobil Exploration Nigeria, Inc., 465
Mobil Oil, 36, 40, 161, 203, 325, 413–14, 416
Aceh war and, 93–98, 102–3, 105, 106, 107, 143
Equatorial Guinea oil deals of, 139–40, 142
Exxon’s buyout of, 60–66
liquid natural gas business and, 197–98
Nigeria operations of, 465–67