Ace's Wild: A Bad Boy Sports Romance (The Beasts of Baseball Book 2)

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Ace's Wild: A Bad Boy Sports Romance (The Beasts of Baseball Book 2) Page 6

by Alice Ward

  My lips puckered, and my throat worked to reject the liquid pouring into my stomach. “What the fuck was that?” I demanded.

  “A red-headed slut.” Frank laughed so hard he snorted.

  “You’re a real dick, you know that?” I laughed, admiring the irony.

  “I know.” Good Lord, another snort. “Yeah, we all told him that was a stupid idea.”

  I glared at Frank. Did he seriously just admit to knowing Belinda was on her way without warning me ahead of time.

  “Okay, so now you’re not allowed to bring any guests without pre-approval either,” I snapped, quickly realizing that was a foolish rule. Frank had never invited anyone. He relied on my rolodex of women to find one to play with. He was still searching, and I was running out of entries.

  “I didn’t think he would. I mean, not after we all told him you’d be pissed.”

  Yeah, Luke is officially a dick.

  “I’m gonna get out of here.” He slapped my leg and then stood.

  “Well, glad you made it out.” I walked him to the door and then out into the cool night air. It felt good outside, the March wind slapping at my clothes.

  “Did you know the pitchers were heading down early?” I asked him, trying to sound casual.

  “Yeah. Some kind of new shoulder strengthening program they’re testing.”

  “Interesting. Hope it works.”

  He gave me a little wave. “See ya next week.”

  “Yeah. Later.”

  I waved him off and pulled my phone from my pocket, scrolling through my recent emails. Nothing new about travel plan changes or anything related to me. No new emails. No new texts. No new calls.

  I thumbed back to my call log and stared at the recent calls. Nothing new, just the ones from my sister and Holly last night. I hadn’t even listened to the voice mail yet. My sister was probably complaining that I hadn’t been home, especially since I’d been off for the last several months. I didn’t want to go home, not just because of her, but because of my dad.

  I sent money for his care, but I didn’t want to see him. Ever.

  I stared at Holly’s number, debating on calling her. I knew she wanted me. If she didn’t, she wouldn’t have called. So why hadn’t I heard from her today?

  I tried to remember last night. I’d just fucked Belinda’s mouth, then she’d accidently answered the call. Holly told me she was coming to New York, but we hadn’t set anything up officially… had we?

  Shit. I couldn’t remember.

  Was I supposed to pick her up from the airport? Had I left her standing out in the cold?

  Nah, Calvin would’ve said something. He was good about giving me a head’s up when I needed it, especially when it concerned Holly. He was like her big brother, always looking out for her.

  My thumb grazed over her number, almost daring itself to tap the call button.



  I gripped my phone and thought about calling Ace. I knew spring training was about to start, and he would be whisked away to Daytona Beach where half-naked women would surround him, worshipping him, and he would probably forget all about me again, just like he had in Hawaii.

  I hated that he hadn’t even called to tell me he was leaving. I hated it more that he hadn’t called me back to set up a time to meet up. And I hated myself the most for caring.

  I’m not supposed to care.

  My hand squeezed around my phone, almost cracking the case that was meant to protect it. Nope. Not tonight. Whitney was right. If he calls, that’s great. If he doesn’t, that’s great too.

  I remembered how Calvin looked at Whitney, and how I yearned for that same look from a man. Ace Newman not calling was probably the best thing.

  I pulled out my little yellow cocktail dress with black lace down the front from my garment bag and smoothed it out on the king size bed in my guest house. It was exciting to go out for a night on the town, even if it wasn’t with Ace.

  I dressed, brushed out my hair, and reapplied fresh makeup. The front door of the guest house opened, and heels clicked on the tile entry. I knew Whitney was ready to go.

  I turned to see my best friend looking fabulous in a beautiful blue cocktail dress with matching shoes. Her hair was pulled up in a sophisticatedly messy bun. “Wow, look at you, hot bitch.” I couldn’t hide my smile. She really did look beautiful.

  “Talk about wow, look at you!” she returned the compliment.

  I spun around in my yellow dress and kicked up one of my matching black high heels. It was unbelievable how much better we both dressed here in the city, but that was partly due to the fabulous shops that were practically on every corner.

  “Harry’s out front.” Whitney checked her makeup in my mirror.

  “Where are we going?” I asked, already feeling famished from not eating for several hours.

  “Blue,” she said without any explanation.

  I wasn’t sure I’d heard of that one. “A club or restaurant?”

  “Both,” she replied with a smile.

  Harry opened the back door to the Lincoln for us to climb inside. Whitney scooted close to me in the seat, her hand on my knee. “I’m so glad you’re here.”

  “Me too.” I sighed, meaning it more than she could ever know.

  Harry stopped the car under a large blue awning. The club lit up bright blue with an under-lighting that brightened the otherwise dull and neutral colored walls. “Wow, this is really nice.”

  “Did you expect me to take you to a dump your first day as an official New Yorker?” Whitney’s comment struck me in a good way. A New Yorker. That’s what I was now, a New Yorker.

  I smiled and gripped her arm while walking towards the entrance.

  The front doors were opened for us to enter by a cute young man in a tuxedo, and once inside, several women wearing tight black cocktail dresses congregated at the hostess stand smiling to greet us. “Just two?” one of them asked.

  “Four,” Whitney said calmly.


  “Yeah, I told Calvin to just meet us here in a couple hours.”

  We followed the hostess to a round table in the center of the bar. Men were staring, almost rubber-necking really, as we walked by. That felt damn good.

  We ordered drinks, two Cosmopolitans, because we were city girls now, and then started browsing the appetizer menu, because we were still small town girls at heart. Women didn’t eat here; it was crazy watching how super thin they all were. Neither Whitney nor I were heavy, not in the least, but the women here all seemed to be scared of blowing up if they ate more than a single piece of lettuce.

  “I’m starving!” Whitney pointed to the appetizer sampler, and I nodded. When the waitress returned with our drinks, we put in the order while she stared at us in amazement. Yes, we plan on eating, ya skinny broomstick!

  “Have you noticed?” Whitney started to say as the waitress walked away.

  “That women don’t eat here?” I finished her sentence, and we both had a good laugh.

  “So, has Ace called?” Whitney asked, and my momentary good humor evaporated.

  I shook my head and grabbed a chip from the bowl that sat in front of us. “No. He probably forgot that I even called.”

  “Was he drunk?” Whitney asked.

  I watched her dip a chip into the hot salsa and then lift it to her mouth. I didn’t know how she handled that hot stuff.

  As I watched her chew, I wasn’t sure how much to tell her. I didn’t want to confess that he’d been with another woman when I called. It would just be another reason for her to disapprove of our… our what? Relationship? Friendship? Fuck buddy status? Friends with benefits situation?


  How could I explain anything to her when I wasn’t even sure what to call whatever the hell Ace and I were doing? Or weren’t doing at the moment. Might never do again.

  Whitney cleared her throat, and I realized I hadn’t answered her question. “He was at the bar.”

  She nodded, smiled, and then devoured another hot salsa covered corn chip.

  “What will you do if he doesn’t call? If he’s forgotten?” she asked.

  I shrugged, lifted my drink to my lips, and offered up my coolest, disinterested smirk. She looked pleased that I showed little concern for hooking up with baseball’s baddest boy. Little did she know, it was actually tearing me up inside.

  A couple of men sitting at the bar bought us drinks. The waitress looked annoyed as she brought them over to our table. “Do you need more chips?” she asked with a judgmental tone. She set the drinks down on the table, motioned to the men at the corner of the bar. “These are from them.”

  Whitney told her to thank them, tipped her a bill that looked like a twenty, then smiled to the men as she waved her engagement ring hand.

  “Are you interested in either of them?” she asked apologetically. “It’s just habit, but you might want to talk to them.”

  “No, thank you.” I smiled, avoiding any eye contact with the pair wearing expensive suits and had slicked back black hair. Brothers maybe.

  “So, tell me all about this bakery you’re opening,” she said, thankfully changing the subject.

  “Well, there isn’t much to tell that isn’t a dream,” I told her.

  I had a place in mind, but I knew it was probably out of my league. I told her all about my dream plans, and how I wanted her to help me design the building someday.

  “I’ve been working with Rhett,” she said, giving me a little smile. I was shocked. I thought Rhett had a thing for her and was surprised Calvin didn’t object.

  “Doing what?”

  “I’m remodeling all of his offices downtown.” The smile widened, and I could see the pride behind it. Rightfully so. That was a huge job, and a businessman like Rhett, no matter his attraction, wouldn’t have placed that level of trust in her skills if he didn’t believe in her abilities.

  “And Calvin is okay with this?”

  Her eyes rolled, and she turned a light shade of pink. “I don’t even see Rhett,” she explained. “So—”

  She jumped when Calvin snuck up behind her, placing his hands on her bare shoulders. A tall, blond, and very handsome man stood beside him wearing a cheesy smile.

  “Hey, ladies, time to stop bashing us men,” Calvin announced as he slid around Whitney and into the open seat beside her. “This is Jack Peterson.”

  Jack took the seat next to me and smiled, his handsome face transforming into gorgeous.

  “Holly,” I whispered. Why did I whisper?

  Jack extended his hand to me. I quickly released my drink and placed mine in his. Callouses roughened his palms, but they were strong, even if they gripped me too hard. “Very nice to meet you.”

  “So, you’re Ace Newman’s girl?”

  The question surprised me for several reasons. Was I Ace’s girl? Ha, I didn’t think so. And why would that be his lead question?

  Whitney glared at me from across the table as I struggled for my answer. “No, we’re just friends. Ace isn’t the settling down type,” I managed to spit out.

  “Well, he’s a damn fool.” His words made me blush, and my nipples tingled against the thin silk of my dress as I stared into his seductive blue eyes. Wow, this was one attractive man!

  Whitney gave me an approving look.

  “That explains that then,” Jack announced calmly.

  “Explains what?” I asked.

  “Why you’re here and not at his party tonight.”

  Wow. That punch in the gut hurt a little more than it should have, but I didn’t allow my smile to falter. Ace seriously had a party on the night I arrived and didn’t even bother to invite me?

  Remember, Holly, he probably didn’t remember the phone call. And you never said when you were coming.

  I smiled, nodded, and picked up my drink.

  Calvin introduced Jack to Whitney, but his eyes lingered on me and were full of concern. He knew I was playing tough. We’d known each other long enough for him to realize I’d be bothered by being ignored by Ace in such a way.

  Whitney was upselling me pretty hard, telling Jack that I was the best baker in Indiana, soon to be New York.

  “So, you’re staying here now, in New York?” he asked.

  I nodded, sipped my drink, and forced myself to stop twirling my hair around my finger like a schoolgirl as I did my best not to appear like a small town idiot playing dress up with the adults.

  Jack proved to be one smooth operator, not in the way Ace operated, but on an entirely new level. He was sweet and very attentive, something I wasn’t accustomed to, but there was something that bothered me below his polished surface.

  “So, tell me about this bakery,” Jack said, lifting his beer to his lips.

  But I wasn’t paying attention, not until Whitney kicked me under the table.

  “Holly makes some of the most amazing creations,” Whitney said, rescuing me as I rubbed my shin.

  His eyes remained on my face. A slight smile emerged, and I couldn’t stop from admiring how beautiful and full his lips were.

  “What got you into baking?” he asked, obviously willing to give me a chance at redemption.

  Damn, I hated these types of questions. “I’m not sure exactly. The smells. The warmth of the kitchen. The joy of taking bits of this and that and creating something that makes people smile.”

  “Did your mother bake?”

  I didn’t really want to get into the whole mom passed away, dad was a drunk, and I hid in the kitchen story. “No, it started more as a comfort and just evolved.”

  “So you didn’t study anywhere?” he asked, seeming genuinely interested.

  “My degree is actually in business economics,” I admitted.

  There was that smile again, but this time not so slight. His eyes danced on mine as I quickly broke contact and gripped my pink drink.

  “So, not exactly the same thing.” He laughed, not at me, but in a way that told me he was amused by me, maybe even intrigued.

  “Holly always does what she wants to do,” Calvin interjected.

  I wondered if he was referring to the high school quarterback — one of my biggest mistakes — or if he was actually being sweet.

  My phone vibrated on the table, lighting up like a Christmas tree. “I’m sorry.” I scooped the phone up and glanced at the screen. And blinked twice. It was a text from Ace.

  Ace: Cum snuggle me?

  I didn’t bother to reply, but the text certainly shook me a little. A part of me wanted to go, to spend one last night with Ace before he was whisked off to Daytona Beach. I knew he’d be fully immersed in spring training and other stuff, mainly drinks, women, and well, more women. Ugh!

  I shoved the phone into my purse and sipped on my drink. Calvin and Jack were talking about the spring break schedule while Whitney stared daggers through me. “Excuse us,” she said too sweetly.

  She stood up from the table and motioned for me to follow her towards the ladies’ room. Jack stood, pushed his chair in and allowed me room to pass. Wow, what a gentleman.

  Whitney wrapped an arm around me, and picked up the pace towards the large white door with “Ladies” written across it in bright gold letters, practically yanking me along.

  “What’s gotten into you?” I hissed once the door was firmly closed behind us.

  “Who was that?” she demanded.

  “Who?” I played dumb.

  She heaved out an irritated breath. “On the phone.”

  Hell, she already knew, so I might as well confess. “Ace.”

  Her face turned a light shade of pink, and I knew it was anger working through her as she dug in her purse for a tube of lipstick. “So, I guess you have to go?”

  “Not at all,” I assured her, checking my own lipstick in the mirror. “I’m enjoying my conversation with Jack.”

  Her entire body relaxed, and I could almost feel the relief pouring out of her. “So, what did he want?”

  I pulled
my phone from my purse and let her see for herself. She rolled her eyes and sighed as she turned to the mirror and applied the lipstick.

  “After he’s done partying, he has time for you?” Her tone was exhausted and matched the look on her face.

  “I wasn’t expecting him to call me tonight. I didn’t think he even knew I was here.”

  She met my gaze in the mirror. “Calvin probably told him.”

  I didn’t expect Whitney’s attitude towards Ace to be all warm and fuzzy, but it was hurtful when she became so cold about someone I liked.

  “Are you going to call him?” she snapped, popping her lips with the newly applied shade of pink.

  “Yes, but just to tell him I won’t be able to make it tonight.”

  Her look didn’t exactly scream approval. I knew she would much prefer I blew him off like he had me so many times before. It was the right thing to do to call. Two wrongs don’t make a right… I know I’ve heard that somewhere before.

  Whitney leaned against the bathroom sink, her arms crossed over her chest. “Okay, well, call him before we get back to the table.”

  I dialed the phone and waited for Ace to answer. His voice was sleepy, like he had already been in bed. “Hey you,” I said softly while Whitney continued to watch me.

  “Are you here?” he asked.

  “Yes. I got into New York this afternoon.”

  “No. I mean, here, at my house?” he clarified.

  Wow, had I been so accessible that he thought I’d be at his doorstep ten minutes after his text?

  “No, I’m out with Whitney.”

  “Darlin’, it’s cold in this bed without you. Come snuggle with me, baby.”

  “I’m not sure how long we’ll be out tonight.”

  It was tough trying to stand my ground. I knew if Whitney wasn’t staring at me I would have made my escape with some lame excuse and jumped into that large bed with him.

  “You want me to leave you a key?” His voice was so deep, so seductive that all I wanted in that moment was for him to leave me a key.

  “Not tonight. I’m staying at Whitney’s. Can I call you tomorrow?” I asked, feeling better about leaving the ball in my court.

  Whitney smiled and nodded at me in approval.


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