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Michael Jackson, Inc.

Page 30

by Zack O'Malley Greenburg

  31. Estate of Michael Jackson, record of disbursements (November 2010 through Decmber 2011).

  32. Karen Langford, telephone conversation with author, July 2013.

  33. Kasseem “Swizz Beatz” Dean, interview with author, August 2012.


  1. Author’s observation, Las Vegas, Nevada, May 2013.

  2. John Branca, interview by author, Beverly Hills, California, May 2013.

  3. Karen Langford, telephone conversation with author, July 2013.

  4. Greg Phillinganes, telephone conversation with author, December 2011. Note: Portions of this interview and associated topics appear in my story “Why Michael Jackson Is the Top Touring Act in America, Again,”, December 11, 2011,

  5. Uptin Saiidi, “Michael Jackson Lives On in ‘Immortal’ Tour,” MTV, April 3, 2012,

  6. Andy Webster, “Singing Pageant of Pop, with a Circus Atmosphere,” New York Times, April 2, 2012,

  7. Randall Roberts, “Theater Review: Cirque du Soleil’s ‘Immortal,’ ” Los Angeles Times, December 5, 2011.

  8. John Branca, interview by author, Beverly Hills, California, May 2013.

  9. Jamie King, electronic message to author, October 2013.

  10. Author’s observation, Las Vegas, Nevada, May 2013.

  11. Jamie King, electronic message to author, October 2013. Author’s note: A small portion of this interview also appeared in my piece “Michael Jackson One: The Latest Piece of a Postmortem Empire,” October 23, 2013,

  12. Karen Langford, electronic message to author, October 2013.

  13. Donald David, interview with author, October 2010. Author’s note: A small portion of this interview also appeared in my piece “The Rich Afterlife of Michael Jackson,” May 25, 2010,

  14. Meryl Natow, “Paul McCartney to Regain Rights to Beatles Songs,” The, August 11, 2009,

  15. Shirley Halperin, “Sony ATV’s Martin Bandier on Acquiring EMI Publishing,” The Hollywood Reporter, November 11, 2012,

  16. Robin Leach, “ ‘Michael Jackson One’ is Cirque du Soleil’s Best,” Las Vegas Sun, May 24, 2013,

  17. Author’s observation, Las Vegas, Nevada, May 2013.

  18. John Branca, interview by author, Beverly Hills, California, May 2013.

  19. Author’s observation, Gary, Indiana, July 2012.

  20. Mayor Karen Freeman-Wilson, interview by author, Gary, Indiana, July 2012.

  21. Greg Campbell, interview by author, Gary, Indiana, July 2012.



  “ABC,” 30

  Abdul-Jabbar, Kareem, 145

  Abdullah, Sheikh, 199, 203, 208

  Abrams, Mathis, 162–63

  Adidas, 145

  Aerosmith, 69, 181

  Africa, 34  –35, 71, 182

  Alexenburg, Ron, 40, 43

  Altman, Josh, 143

  Alwaleed Bin Talal, Prince, 178, 185

  Jackson’s partnership with, 172–73

  Anschutz Entertainment Group (AEG), 214  –15

  This Is It and, 217–21

  wrongful death suit against, 230–31

  Anti-Defamation League (ADL), 176–77

  Apollo Theater, 9, 22–23, 25, 223

  Apple, 108–9

  Areheart, Shaye, 139–40

  Arvizo, Gavin, 192–93, 195–97

  Associated Press, 123

  Astaire, Fred, 28, 71


  administration of, 108, 131, 157, 181

  Beatles’ catalogue and, 1, 100–102, 104  –6, 108, 131

  Branca and, 166–67

  income and profitability of, 107–8, 121

  Jackson’s acquisition of, 1–2, 5, 100–109, 125, 174, 252

  selling price of, 2, 104  –5

  Sony’s attempted acquisition of, 166

  Sony’s merger with, 3, 6–7, 173–75

  sound effects library of, 101, 107

  see also Sony/ATV

  Australia, 1–2, 34, 132, 139

  Holmes à Court and, 2, 100, 105, 107

  Azoff, Irving, 103–4


  baby-dangling incident, 190

  Bad, 48, 94, 117, 121, 126–31, 139, 153, 190, 231

  Dangerous and, 155, 158

  sales of, 126, 128, 148, 155

  Bad Tour, 114, 129–34, 136, 139

  Jackson’s perfectionism and, 133–34

  Jackson’s preparations for, 132–33

  production of, 130–32

  ticket sales of, 2–3, 146

  BAD 25, 231–32

  Bahrain, 199–200, 202–3, 207–8

  Bain, Raymone, 195, 199–200

  Baldwin, James, 134

  Bandier, Marty, 125

  ATV acquisition and, 100–106, 109

  Sony/ATV and, 52, 96–97, 107–8, 174

  Bank of America, 188, 200, 202, 205

  Barnes, John, 127

  Barnum, P. T., 5–6, 121–22, 124, 157, 190–92, 232

  Barrack, Tom, 102, 212–15, 224

  Jackson’s relationship with, 210, 212, 214

  and Jackson’s search for new home, 221–22

  Neverland foreclosure and, 211–13

  on Sony/ATV, 212–13

  This Is It and, 218

  Barron, Steve, 66

  Bashir, Martin, 192–93

  Batman Forever, 179

  Beach Boys, 1, 53

  Beastie Boys, 125

  “Beat It,” 59–60, 78, 88, 116, 127

  music video to, 5, 7, 68–69, 71, 74, 86

  Beatles, 41, 59

  licensing recordings of, 124  –26, 141–42

  Love! and, 235, 238, 241

  music publishing catalogue of, 1, 96–98, 100–102, 104  –6, 108, 124  –26, 131, 141, 191, 204, 214, 240

  Bel Air, Calif., 221

  Ben Ammar, Tarak, 178

  Benson, Harry, 190

  Bider, Les, 99, 138–39, 141

  Bieber, Justin, 183, 233

  “Big Boy,” 20

  Billboard, 29, 89, 136, 142, 175, 181, 187

  Immortal and, 237

  Thriller and, 64  –65, 67

  “Billie Jean,” 59–60, 127, 134, 159, 164, 176, 224, 238

  Motown 25 and, 70–71

  music video to, 5, 66–68, 71, 74, 92, 116, 145

  “Black or White,” 153, 156, 158–59

  blacks, 1, 19, 50, 193, 206

  and backlash over Jackson’s success, 134

  “Billie Jean” video and, 5, 66–67

  exploitation of, 57–58, 72, 188

  Jackson’s legacy and, 134

  racism and, 5, 66–67, 137, 188–89, 195

  Blackstreet, 155, 176

  Blond, Susan, 46, 87

  Blood on the Dance Floor, 180–81

  BMI, 54, 204

  Bon Jovi, Jon, 131–33

  Bonner, Erle, 225

  Branca, John, 1–2, 52–56, 61–65, 112, 131, 136–42, 146–50, 169

  E.T. project and, 63–64, 79

  fired by Jackson, 149–50, 157, 189

  Humbug and, 121, 124

  Immortal and, 235, 241–42

  investment suggestions of, 97–98

s business acumen and, 77, 83, 102

  Jackson’s death and, 224  –27

  Jackson’s debts and, 226, 228

  on Jackson’s expenditures, 178

  Jackson’s motivational speech for, 72–73

  Jackson’s relationship with, 4, 52–53, 55–56, 62, 64  –65, 72–73, 147

  Jackson’s royal nickname and, 137–38

  Jackson’s song acquisitions and, 2, 5, 52–53, 98–104, 106–8, 138–39, 166, 173–74, 252

  Jackson’s will and, 225–26, 228–30

  LeGrand’s investigations of, 189–90

  master recordings ownership and, 73, 79

  Motown 25 and, 70

  One and, 234  –35, 238, 241–42

  record deal negotiations and, 52, 54  –55, 72, 184

  rehired by Jackson, 166–67, 218–19

  This Is It and, 8, 227

  Thriller album and, 61–62, 126

  “Thriller” video and, 74  –76

  Victory Tour and, 83–84

  Yetnikoff’s apology to, 78–79

  Branson, Richard, 100, 104, 106, 111

  Braun, Scooter, 183

  Brown, James, 17, 23, 172, 188

  Bruton Music, 107

  Bubbles (chimpanzee), 135, 161, 236

  Bad Tour and, 129, 133

  Burkle, Ron, 208, 214

  Jackson’s debts and, 201–2, 206–7

  Jackson’s drug use and, 220

  and Jackson’s search for new home, 221

  Bush, Michael, 224

  Bad Tour and, 130

  Captain EO and, 114, 116

  This Is It and, 219, 221

  Buxer, Brad, 170–71


  Calder, Clive, 107

  Campbell, Greg, 12, 16, 162, 243

  Cannes Film Festival, 179

  “Can You Feel It,” 57, 65–66

  Captain EO, 110–19, 163–64

  budget of, 110, 115–17

  debut of, 117–18

  filming and editing of, 116–18

  Jackson’s abandonment of, 117–19

  Jackson’s wardrobe in, 114

  music and choreography of, 113

  reviews of, 118

  script and storyline of, 113, 116

  technology for, 114

  Cascio, Eddie, 161, 166–67

  Cascio, Frank:

  Jackson’s drug use and, 166, 186–87

  Jackson’s emotional deterioration and, 167

  Jackson’s marriage and, 172, 179

  and Jackson’s relationships with children, 161–62, 166

  CBS Records, CBS Songs, 46, 63–70, 82–84, 106–8, 158–59, 173

  Bad and, 128

  “Billie Jean” video and, 66–67, 74

  Jackson 5 and, 37

  Jacksons and, 40–41, 43  – 44, 54

  Jackson’s E.T. project and, 63–64

  Jackson’s record deals with, 47, 52, 54  –55, 72, 184

  Sony’s acquisition of, 128–29

  Thriller album and, 61, 68, 72, 74, 87

  “Thriller” video and, 74  –75

  Yetnikoff and, 2, 7, 39–40, 44, 51, 63–65, 67–68, 72, 78, 91, 98, 102, 106, 129, 141

  see also Epic Records

  Century City, Calif., 98

  Chandler, Evan:

  and child molestation allegations against Jackson, 162–63, 168, 170, 173, 193

  Jackson sued by, 165, 168–69, 173, 193

  Chandler, Jordan, 161–63

  Jackson’s alleged molestation of, 162–63, 165–66, 168–70, 173, 186, 193

  Chicago, Ill., 19–22, 25, 27

  Cirque du Soleil, 8, 52

  and Immortal, 235–38

  and One, 234  –35, 238–39, 241

  “Climb Ev’ry Mountain,” 16

  Cline, Patsy, 114

  Coca-Cola, 144, 249

  Cochran, Johnnie, 167–68, 193, 201

  Cohl, Michael, 95, 129

  Victory Tour and, 90, 92–93

  Colony Capital, 210, 214

  Combs, Sean “Diddy,” 175, 215

  “Come Together,” 1, 100, 141–42

  Commodores, 37

  Control, 117, 181

  Coppola, Francis Ford, 110, 115–17


  ATV and, 100–101, 103, 107–8, 174

  Jackson’s father and, 56

  Jackson’s song acquisitions and, 1, 109, 138–39, 174, 181, 186, 240

  losing of, 138

  of McCartney, 97, 240

  Corporation, 27, 37

  Crow, Sheryl, 3, 133–34

  Culkin, Macaulay, 196

  Czeisler, Charles, 220


  Dallas, Tex., 90, 92

  Dancing Machine, 34

  Dangerous, 153–58, 175

  cover art of, 156–57

  debut of, 156

  Jackson’s LA Gear deal and, 147, 150–51

  promotion of, 188

  reviews of, 156–57

  sales of, 155, 157

  Dangerous Tour, 158, 163–64, 166–68, 219, 238

  David, Donald, 202–6, 240

  Davis, Clive, 89

  Davis, Sammy, Jr., 47, 188

  Days of Thunder, 141   – 42, 148

  Dean, Kasseem “Swizz Beatz,” 216, 232

  Def Jam Records, 5, 71–72

  de Passe, Suzanne, 25, 29, 69

  Destiny, 43

  Detroit, Mich., 24  –25

  Diana Ross Presents the Jackson 5, 29

  “Didn’t Mean to Hurt You,” 172

  Dileo, Frank, 2

  Bad Tour and, 129, 131–32

  fired by Jackson, 148–50, 157

  Humbug and, 121, 124

  Jackson’s image and, 120–24, 136

  Jackson’s relationship with, 147– 48

  rehired by Jackson, 218

  This Is It and, 220

  Thriller and, 74

  Victory Tour and, 82–84

  “Dirty Diana,” 128, 239

  Disney, 3, 111–15, 118–19, 173

  Disney, Walt, 112, 115, 217

  Disneyland, 110–11, 117, 166

  Dodger Stadium, 92

  “Don’t Stop ’Til You Get Enough,” 49, 57

  “D.S.,” 176


  Eastman, John, 101

  Ebert, Roger, 49

  Eisner, Michael, 112, 115, 117

  Elephant Man (Joseph Merrick), 124, 128, 134, 160, 190

  EMI Records, EMI Music Publishing, 96, 99, 240

  CBS deals and, 107

  and licensing of “Revolution,” 125

  and Sony’s merger with ATV, 174

  Empire State of Mind (Greenburg), 8

  Encino, Calif., see Hayvenhurst

  Epic Records, 61, 69, 74, 82–83

  Jackson 5 and, 37

  Jacksons and, 40, 43, 46

  see also CBS Records, CBS Songs

  E.T. companion audiobook, 63–64, 79


  Fab 5 Freddy (Fred Brathwaite), 5, 66, 128

  Falcons, 14, 18

  Fields, Bert, 167

  50 Cent (Curtis Jackson), 3– 4

  entrepreneurial ventures of, 3, 144  – 45, 151–52, 215–16, 249

  Jackson’s writing with, 215–16

  Forbes, 8, 39, 80, 223, 251

  Forger, Matt:

  Bad and, 126–27

  and Blood on the Dance Floor, 181

  Captain EO and, 114, 116

  and changes in recording industry, 184

  Dangerous and, 156

  Jackson’s business education and, 72

  Jackson’s video game deals and, 171

  Thriller and, 59–60, 114, 156

  Fortress Investment Group, 200, 202

  Barrack and, 213–14

  Fox, 158, 192, 227

  Foxborough, Mass., 84  –85, 88

  Foxman, Abraham, 177

  France, 33, 203

  Freeman-Wilson, Karen, 14, 242– 43

  G />
  Gallin, Sandy, 3, 158, 161

  Jackson’s film career and, 149, 156

  Jackson’s relationship with, 149–50, 177

  Gamble, Kenny, 42– 43, 98

  Game Creek, 95

  Gary, Ind., 9, 16–18, 55

  finances of, 242–43

  Jackson 5 and, 17–18, 20, 25, 29–30

  Jackson’s childhood home in, 11–14, 223, 242–43

  Jackson’s death and, 11, 223

  and Jackson’s move to Los Angeles, 27–28

  Gaye, Marvin, 37, 63

  Geffen, David, 1–2, 111

  ATV acquisition and, 2, 102

  and Days of Thunder soundtrack, 141–42, 148

  Jackson’s relationship with, 141, 148–49, 177, 190

  Yetnikoff’s relationship with, 140–42, 148

  Germany, 33, 182, 190–91, 194, 242

  Get Rich or Die Tryin’, 144, 152

  Giraldi, Bob, 68, 86

  “Girl Is Mine, The,” 59–61, 64 –65

  G.I.T.: Get It Together, 34

  Globe and Mail, 49

  Goin’ Places, 42–43

  Gongaware, Paul, 219–20

  “Good Vibrations,” 126

  Gordy, Berry, 108

  daughter of, 31, 33–34, 37–38

  finances of, 28, 33–34, 69, 74

  impressed by Jackson, 10, 26, 38

  Jackson 5 and, 4, 20, 24  –30, 35, 37–38, 40–41, 255n

  Jackson’s artistic freedom and, 32, 35

  Jackson’s business education and, 4, 32, 44, 54, 70, 72

  Jackson’s death and, 38

  Jackson’s relationship with, 4, 25, 28–29, 31, 37–38, 44, 49, 69–70, 189

  Jackson’s song acquisitions and, 99

  Motown and, 4, 20, 24  –28, 33, 37, 41, 69, 99, 189, 255n

  Motown 25 and, 69–70

  rules and sayings of, 4, 32

  The Wiz and, 44  –45, 50

  Gore, Tipper, 121

  Got to Be There, 32

  Greenberg, Robert, 146

  Grouse Lodge, 208


  Harlem, N.Y., 22, 44, 153, 188

  “Harmonices Musices Odhecaton” (Petrucci), 36

  Hayvenhurst, 31, 42, 70, 72–73, 136, 165, 228

  Bad and, 127

  Victory Tour and, 83

  “Heal the World,” 153, 156, 159

  “Help Me Make It Through the Night,” 99

  hip-hop, 72, 94, 128, 144  –45, 175, 181, 207

  Hirsh, Warren, 93–94

  HIStory: Past, Present and Future, Book I, 6, 175–78, 180, 187–88

  HIStory Tour, 177–79, 184, 219

  Hoefflin, Steven, 123

  Holly, Buddy, 97, 125

  Hollywood Palace, The, 29

  Holmes, Cecil, 82

  Holmes à Court, Penny, 105

  Holmes à Court, Robert, 2, 100–105, 107

  Houston Chronicle, 125

  “How to Rob,” 144

  Hudson, Saul “Slash,” 157–58


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