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Indebted Heart (Windy City Book 3)

Page 10

by Measha Stone

  "Bend over the bed, baby." He turned her around and gently pushed her forward. "Hands on the bed, keep your chest up, and look at the wall. Do not look down, look at the wall ahead of you while I fuck you." His instructions were clear and precise, but given in a gentle tone that alleviated her concern about a punishment.

  She placed herself in the required position and was reminded of the neglect her nipples had endured. As if reading her thoughts, he bent over her and grabbed hold of the needy peaks. She half expected him to twist and pull, but he slowly rolled them between the pads of his fingers. She groaned in pleasure, arching her back and pushing her ass against him.

  "Just a second, you greedy thing." He released her and leaned over to the nightstand. She heard the drawer slide open and him fumbling around with an outlet. The hum of vibrations explained his actions, and the vibrating head was placed on her clit. He put his hand between her shoulder blades, pushing her against the bed, effectively trapping the vibrator in place.

  She cried out from the intense vibrations and arched her back more, giving him better access, but careful not to dislodge the toy. An opened, empty condom wrapper was thrown on the bed beside her, and she smiled at what was to come. “Hold the vibrator against your clit, Alyssa. Don’t move it until I say.” She slid her hand between her body and the bed until she felt the edge of the vibrator, grasping it she moved it just enough to find a sweet spot and groaned. Was he being silly? Like she’d move the hum of pleasure away from her clit.

  The tip of his cock slid through her folds before pausing just at her entrance. She tried to push back to take him in, but needing to keep the vibrator where it was kept her in place. "Fuck. You're so hot, so wet." He placed his hand on her left shoulder, pulling her body toward him as he began thrusting into her.

  Each hard thrust of his dick filled her. She felt herself stretching around him while the vibrations danced over her clit driving her mad with lust. She managed to keep her hands in place as she pushed back against him, wanting all of him as the Hitachi drove her closer to her limit. The pressure inside was building and threatened to split her in half from the explosion.

  She gripped the bed sheets, biting her lip hard, she threw her head back and screamed out as the damn broke and her orgasm took over her body. Steady waves of pleasure ripped through her, one after another, until she felt spent. When she calmed a bit she realized the vibrator had been turned off and thrown onto the bed. His hands now squeezed her waist as he drove into her again and again, relentless in his power. She continued to grip the sheets as she took each thrust.

  A quick look over her shoulder, and she watched as he lost his own control and found his pleasure within her. He didn't yell out his orgasm, but rather let out a growl of release as he found the heaven she'd just been in. His fingers tightened, and he gave her two hard strokes, and then relaxed. She rested her head on the bed then as they both caught their breath.

  He was the first to recover, pulling away from her and placing kisses to her back. "Damn," he whispered into her ear as he helped her stand. He cupped her face in his hands and pressed his lips to hers hard, unyielding, capturing her again with his possessiveness. When he released her he grinned, the shallow dimple showing again. "Get in bed." He kissed the tip of her nose. "No more screwing around, you have work in the morning." He gave her a playful slap to her ass before he headed to the bathroom.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Alex lay awake in her bed well before the sun rose, watching the clock from over her sleeping form. Fifteen minutes and her alarm would sound. He'd spent the better half of the night watching her sleep. She was a fitful sleeper, kicking and rolling around. Twice she'd sucked in her breath as though gasping for air before settling back into her pillow with a sigh of relief. She appeared to be having nightmares, but he didn't want to wake her.

  Paul had told him some of her past, but he wondered what she endured at the hands of her careless mother that even his father didn't know about. Alex had grown up knowing the love of two parents. They had doted on him, encouraged him and cared for his every need. He couldn't imagine being a child and knowing that the mother that was supposed to love and care for you saw you as nothing more than a hindrance, or just another mouth to feed. He noticed an old burn scar on her leg, but didn't question her on it. It could have been nothing, and he didn't want to ruin their evening by digging up old ghosts.

  He felt an urge to hurt someone on her behalf. The landlord that took three month's rent for an apartment that would likely crumble to the ground in three weeks, and her already dead mother. Her most of all. She had one job. Love her daughter, and she couldn't manage it.

  The idea that anyone could know her and not love her was incomprehensible. He hadn't known her for very long, but already he felt as though she breathed air into the room when she entered it. The weeks he spent trying to be friends with her had been hell. Torment of the worst kind. Not just because he wanted to put his hands on her, and his dick in her, but because he wanted her smile to be aimed at him. Her laugh was completely contagious. More times than he could count, he'd found himself grinning at the sound of her laughter.

  The need to protect her didn't just stem from knowing her background. True she'd had a rough start in life, but she'd managed on her own just fine. There was a strength within her that attracted him to her. It was almost too good to be true. Her in his apartment. Her giving herself to him. But had she? They didn't really go over the particulars. She hadn't really agreed, he had claimed her and she hadn't denied him, but did she really want to be his?

  The annoying buzz of her phone pulled him from his doubts. He reached over her, grabbing the phone. She stirred beneath his outstretched arms as he swiped the screen to make the horrifying sound stop.

  "Morning," she said sleepily. Her eyes were still closed, heavy with sleep. He maneuvered himself until he was draped over her gloriously naked body, and kissed her closed eyes, then her nose, before taking her mouth in a tender kiss. Her arms snaked out from beneath him and wrapped around his neck.

  She pushed her hips up towards him, to get more comfortable beneath his weight, but the action was enough to throw his already aroused body into an aching erection. The warmth of her body and the hooded gaze she gave him pulled him to her. He nuzzled her neck, biting at her lower earlobe. She smelled amazing. How was that possible after such a fitful night's sleep?

  His hands slid down her slender frame, towards her breasts, memorizing the smoothness of her skin. She moaned into the morning air when he cupped her right breast and played with her nipple. Pulling away a bit to look at her beautiful features he grinned. "I was neglectful last night." He was only half teasing. He'd wanted to kick himself the night before. He'd gone too fast, moved too quickly with her. He'd planned to go slower, to touch and tease and lick every inch of her. But her utter submission, the desire in her eyes, had turned him wild, and he'd rutted her like a beast instead of the slow and pleasurable lovemaking he'd mapped out in his mind.

  With one nipple in his mouth, between his teeth, he ran his hand farther down her body until he found the sweet heat he'd enjoyed so thoroughly the night before. She was already slick with desire when he dipped his finger into her wetness. She arched toward his hand when it worked her clit as his fingers began to move within her. She was so fucking hot, so ready for him. He growled into her breast and moved to the other, suckling lightly, flicking his tongue over the hard peak. "Tonight, I'll want you bound. Tied to my bedpost." He bit the tip with his front teeth and smiled at her when her gasp of surprise reached him. Her pupils were large, her chest heaved with her breath. She wanted him as badly as he needed her.

  "I need you." She moaned pulling at his arms with her hands. "Please." She begged, yanking on his arms harder. He released her and moved to face her, holding himself up on his forearms.

  "Don't ever do that again," he said with a stern tone, which was countered by his dick lining up at her entrance waiting to plunge into her entrance. "You don't contr
ol this. You don't pull me, or push me, or command me." Slowly, he started to push into her, her eyes rolled as he did so. "Do you understand, Alyssa? You don't control this."

  "Yes!" She cried out, pushing her pelvis up towards him. He halted in his movement and remained still. It took everything in him not to plunge into her depths and carry them both away.

  "Look at me," he said in a more gentle tone. His teeth were gritted, and he could feel his balls begin to ache with need. Once her eyes were locked with his, he continued. "I will give you everything you need. You have to trust that I will do that. But, that means no pushing me, no grabbing for what you want. Tell me that you will trust me to give you what you need." Her eyes lowered, and he gripped her face between his hands and kissed her. "Can you do that, Alyssa?"

  Her eyes found his again, unblinking. "I'll try. I will. I can." She seemed to verbally work her way through her answer.

  Again, he pushed toward her, letting his cock rim her entrance. "I'll help you when you forget. When you stumble," he promised, sinking in deeper. She threw her hands into her hair and gave him a look that pleaded with him to hurry, to get inside of her and give her what she needed. What she wanted most at that moment.

  With one forceful motion he was inside of her. The hot, clenching, womanly flesh surrounded his cock in the perfect mixture of pleasure and pain. He wanted to move, to pound her hard, pulling them both over the brink, but he willed himself to go slow with her this time around. Her hands made their way to his shoulders, and she squeezed gently as she began to move beneath him, matching him stroke for stroke.

  He imagined how beautiful she would look with what he had in store for her that evening, but quickly put the image out of his mind, not wanting to find his orgasm before she could get close to hers. He kissed her neck, her cheek, her mouth, wanting every bit of her. Her ankles crossed behind his back, pulling him in deeper. "Ah, fuck." He growled as he quickened his pace. "Move your hand, baby. Touch yourself for me." He maneuvered his body so that her hand could slide between them. The moment her fingers found her clit he could see it in her eyes, she was close. "Come for me. Come with me." He said as he covered her hand with his and moved his fingers along with hers over her clit.

  Her eyes flew open at his touch, and he held her gaze as they played with her swollen clit together, his dick still rhythmically rocking within her. "Alex... I... God, I have to come." She declared and just as he felt the waves hit her he found his own release. He released her clit to hold himself up as he thrust into her hard, feeling her convulsing flesh milk his orgasm from him.

  Their harsh breathing was the only sound in the bedroom. The sun had begun its ascent and was threatening to fill the room with bright light at any moment. Reluctantly, he pulled out of her, wishing to hell she didn't have to be at the diner. He'd talk to her tomorrow about quitting that job. If he had known she was going to pick up a second job, he would have had Bradley increase her pay. She was already working the max shifts she could at the club. He'd told her he wouldn't micromanage her life, but having two jobs was not going to fly with him. If only for his own selfishness of wanting her with him at all times.

  "You are a much better alarm clock than my phone," she said and smiled.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Alyssa untied her apron and slid it over the top of her head, grimacing at the smell of it. There had been a small grease fire in the kitchen during her shift and in the process of helping to douse the flames in baking soda before they began to gobble up the entire kitchen, she'd managed to get as much flour and smoke on her as she did the stove.

  She'd also managed to get a burn on the inside of her left wrist for her trouble. Turning her hand up, she could see the blister already forming and hoped she'd be able to hide the injury from Alex until she could get it wrapped neatly. The diner was in the middle of a rush, so she didn't have time for first aid. Instead, she'd washed it up as quick as she could and got back to work.

  She glanced at the time on her phone as she gathered her purse with a groan. She'd stayed later than she wanted to and was now left with no time to go back to Alex's to shower and change. There were three texts from him asking when she was getting off. Having the suspicion he'd show up if she told him the exact time, she'd declined to answer.

  Alyssa slung her purse over her torso and headed out the back the door. The heat of the summer afternoon only accentuated the stench of the dumpsters behind the diner, and she blew out her breath to get rid of the smell. Another look at her phone made her make a quick decision.

  Thankfully she had tucked an outfit in her bag before leaving for the diner that morning, just in case she had to go straight to the club. She’d make a quick stop at her apartment for a shower and still get to the club in time for her shift without smelling like burnt bacon.

  She shot Alex a quick text telling him she worked longer than expected and would just head straight to the club. Before he could get back to her she turned her phone off. She knew he'd want to come get her and drive her, and he'd make her go back to his apartment to shower instead of letting her just shower at her place making her late for work. It may not matter to him that he was an owner and she was a worker, but it mattered to her—a lot. She didn't want the other staff members to think she was getting special privileges because of her relationship with Alex. It was bad enough that they would think that she got the job because of him once they figured out they were a couple.

  Stephen had been her last real relationship, and that had ended horribly. When they'd been together he'd tried to force her submission. Demanding every minute of her life be scheduled or dictated. She suffocated under his dominance. Any questions were brushed off as her fighting her submissive side and went unanswered. Once they broke up, she decided to keep her submissive feelings in the bedroom—or playroom. When she'd have the urge to indulge in her submissive wants and desires, she'd go to the play club Thomas had introduced her to back home. There were always a few doms willing to play for a night and leave it at that. She didn't fuck them, she hated casual sex, but having a casual scene with a friend usually left her sated. At least for a little while.

  Alex felt different to her. She couldn't see herself playing with him casually, at least not now. She hadn't given a second thought to letting him in her bed last night. She'd welcomed him, desired him, lusted after him. He didn't go too slowly, and wasn't too gentle with her. He hadn't coddled her, but rather went for what he wanted and dragged her along. She had loved it. The animalistic way he claimed her. She'd fallen right to sleep after she'd gotten under the covers. Even her restless sleep didn't bother her as much as usual.

  Walking up to him leaning over her, his desire for her evident in his eyes as well as his erection, had woken up more than her mind. Her skin came alive under his touch. She loved the way he kissed her, left no part of her untouched. She had been close to losing her mind when he'd told her to play with herself, and then when he joined her, when they'd played with her body together, she'd wanted to explode.

  He'd gotten the shower ready and called her into the bathroom. They took turns washing each other. She'd never taken a shower with anyone before. He had taken the time to lay down some ground rules for her and she'd listened, taking it all in.

  "No touching yourself without my permission." He'd said while slipping a finger between her legs and fondling her already swollen clit. She'd nodded in agreement right away, not wanting him to stop. "While I don't need to know what you are doing at every moment, I do want you to check in with me a few times a day. No disappearing. If I text you, I expect a text back as soon as you are able." He increased the pressure of his touches, she'd gripped his shoulders to hold steady as he talked. "We'll go over the other stuff tonight. Right now, I want you to come for me, baby." He'd then captured her mouth in a ravenous kiss, rubbing her clit with such force that she felt as though it were going to burst with the pleasure. She'd cried out into his mouth with her orgasm, her nails dug into his shoulders as the rippling tide tore th
rough her body.

  It was a miracle she'd made it to work on time. Timmy had given her a sly smirk when she rushed into the kitchen toward the lockers.

  Alyssa skipped the elevator and took the stairs up to her apartment. The heavy smell of curry hung in the air when she stepped onto her floor, and she reminded herself to breathe through her mouth. After a quick shower and wardrobe change she flew back down the stairs and burst through the front doors to hail a cab. She had twenty minutes, which was exactly the amount of time it would take, if traffic behaved.

  "I thought you were heading straight to the club." A voice questioned behind her. Her waving hand fell to her side, and her stomach twisted. She turned to find Alex leaning against his car, arms folded over his chest. There was no smile. No dimple or turn of his lips. His jaw was tight.

  "I am." She grinned. "I just needed to shower and there wasn't time to go back to your place."

  "Let me see your phone." He held out his hand as she walked to where he stood.

  "What?" She paused in her step.

  "Let. Me. See. Your. Phone." He said again with deliberate pauses between each word. She opened her bag and pulled out the phone. Pretty sure she knew what he was up to, she placed it in his open palm. He wrapped his fingers around the flat screen and pressed the power button. Once the phone sprang to life, he handed it back to her. Without another word, he pushed away from the car and opened the passenger door. "I'll drive you."

  The look he gave her warned her against protesting, and she slid into her seat avoiding his eyes. She winced as the door shut, and she watched him walk around the front of the car toward his door. She hadn't made it even twenty-four hours before pissing him off. Great start, Alyssa!

  Once he was in the car with her she turned to him. "I'm sorry I had my phone off." She heard the defensiveness in her tone, and hoped he let it go. He nodded, not looking at her and turned the ignition key. Had it not been for the lights and radio turning on, she wouldn't have known the car was on, it was so quiet.


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