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The Bridge Over Snake Creek

Page 13

by Nikki Bolvair

  Damn if I didn’t want to. I gripped the material of his shirt between my fingers. I should throw it away. I started to pull it off and got a whiff of his natural, clean scent with a hint of masculinity. Fuck. I wanted to keep it. I smoothed the shirt back into place and took a few deep breaths.

  When I was semi-calm, I decided to bake for Drex. In the kitchen, I pulled out all the ingredients for his mint fudge brownies and the recipe I had found that was a healthier option.

  I pulled out the cocoa mix, oats, honey, and all the other ingredients that would make it a gooey delicious mess and then the black beans. I took out the blender and poured the black beans into it and pureed them into a paste. Then I mixed everything together along with mint chocolate chips – I kept those out of my batch - and baked the batter, happy that I could try a little bit myself.

  While waiting for the brownies to cook, I went back to my room and to my computer to check my UTimes page. Sifting through all the fan mail, I found another message from Maleficus.


  That all you got? Sharks? Grow some fuckin’ balls, Knox.

  I know a chick that's badass. You could learn a shit load from her.

  Take a look and grab some guts.

  - Maleficus #One

  My lips pressed together as I opened the attachment and watched myself doing a flip off the pool house and onto the trampoline then into the pool. What the hell?

  I replayed the video and zoomed in to where I was and watched myself talking to Drex. I hadn’t realized it was him at the time. I watched his lips move as he asked me, “So what kind of thrill were you looking for?” At the precise moment when I responded with, “This one,” and jumped, Quinn bent over the side of the rooftop, shocked, but Drex, he – he disappeared. I replayed it again, and the result was the same. He was surrounded by a quick, bright light and was gone.

  I zoomed back out and found him off to the side of the pool house, tense and waiting, watching me. I replayed the video once more, watching the spot, my heart speeding up like a race horse on derby day. He never moved. He just disappeared and reappeared. I reared back in my chair. The very person I was making brownies for was... Shit. What the hell was he? Were all of them like that?

  I didn’t respond. M was from here. He knew me. Maybe not as Fallon Knox. But as Hannah? Hell yeah.

  I couldn’t comprehend it. I needed another rush. Some way to avoid thinking about all this. The impossibility of it. Staring at my computer, another idea formed. It wasn’t a great idea, but it would do for now. Looking up an online map, I found the place where I wanted to go and grabbed my keys. I didn’t care. I needed to do this. Then I stopped short, remembering the brownies and back tracked taking them out. They smelled good. Setting them on the stove as a million thoughts ran through my mind. Superhero, evil villain, science experiment gone wrong. With each thought, my questions raised. Maybe I wouldn’t stay away from them. Maybe I get answers. I mean, I wasn’t normal either. I had speed and I could do this freaky glide thing when I fell. I picked my key back up and head back to the door. It didn’t matter, I still needed a thrill.

  I opened my front door to Quinn, coal black hair, wide shoulders and that same earthy scent that teased me. Did he roll around in it? He smiled that charming grin that could convince you to almost anything. “You must have seen me coming. You want to grab some dinner with me?”

  I pushed him back and walked out, closing the front door and locking it behind me. I wasn’t even going to ask how he found out where I lived. Win or Drex could’ve told him. Scooting away from him, I wondered if he was Maleficus.

  “I’m staying away from you all,” I muttered, unlocking my car with the key fob.

  “Wait, Hannah.” I tensed and turned. Quinn’s brows were slanted downward in confusion. “What’s wrong?”

  “Ask your asshole friend, Snowden. He-”

  Quinn groaned, tilting his mop of black hair back as he dragged his hands across his face. “That’s what he was talking about.” His gaze came back to mine. “You.”

  “Yeah, wait- what?” I stepped forward. “He told you?”

  Quinn grinned, shoving his hands into his pockets and rocking back on his heels. “We’re cool. I don’t mind sharing with them.”

  My brows shot up. “Uh, I do! I mind sharing.”

  He smirked. “You wouldn’t share us.” It was a statement, not a question.

  “No.” I relaxed, realizing he was playing around.

  He stepped my way, still grinning. “I don’t think that's fair.”

  I chuckled, watching him. “Well, life is seldom fair; learn to deal with it.”

  He caught me around my waist. “It’s a good thing I love what I’ve been dealt.”

  “Oh really?” I asked coyly, putting my arms on his shoulders.


  “All right, Queue. Are you going to complete this task and bring those lips to mine?”

  “Yes, Han.”

  I laughed as he laid one on me. It was short and sweet. Refreshing from the intense kisses Drex and Snowden had given me. He leaned in again. This time our lips parted, and I let him in, enjoying the sweet taste of coffee.

  My mood had lifted by the time we moved apart. He nodded to the side. “So, wanna go?”

  I glanced in the direction he had nodded and saw his sexy chocolate brown sports car. That car could most likely go well past one-twenty.

  I brought my eyes back to his caramel gaze.“Will you let me drive it?”

  He frowned. “It’s my baby.”

  I snuggled in closer to him, lips within kissing distance.“What would you want to let me have free range? Just for today.”

  He didn’t move closer, but his breath had quickened. “Dinner and making out afterward and you’ve got yourself a deal.”

  I pulled back and held out my palm. “Not all the way.”

  “Not all the way,” he confirmed, pulling his keys out of his pocket and placing them in my palm.

  My fingers closed around them. Trace said not to be a nun. So I wasn’t going to be. “Deal.”

  Then he wrapped an arm around my neck and brought me in. “Let's seal that deal.” He kissed me once again, his earthy scent filling my senses. I caught myself with my hands on his chest then slid my arms around him, sinking into his embrace. I didn’t know what it was about these guys... Snowden. I pulled away, the memory of what had happened not so long ago dousing the heat of the moment.

  “Let's go.”

  I got into the driver seat, adjusting it while Quinn got into the passenger seat. I turned the key in the ignition, satisfied with the purr, and glanced down at the tank and was pleased to see the orange gauge resting on full. Alternative music started blasting through the speakers, and neither one of us moved to turn it off. The upbeat grind of the music fit my mood.

  I shifted into drive, and Quinn rolled down the window and rested his hand on the back of my head rest. He turned to me with a grin. "So where are we going?"

  "Do you have a place to eat in mind or can we go anywhere?"

  He shrugged. "As long as we can sit down and eat together, I don't care."


  I pulled out of our parking spot and out of the neighborhood, getting on the I-15 going south toward Blackfoot. "How about Nana's Diner in Blackfoot?"

  He seemed surprised at my request. "Yeah, sure."

  I sped down the highway at a hundred and ten. I was wrong; his baby could go faster than one-twenty. It went to one-fifty. I wasn't sure if I would take it that high, but just having the option to do that was exciting enough.

  Quinn didn't seem at all concerned. Like he had done this himself. He sang to the music, his voice dark and edgy, while staring out at the highway. The two of us didn't talk on the way to Nana's; we just let the music fill the silence.

  When we pulled off the highway into the diner's parking lot, Quinn navigated me to park near some empty spots. "Park in the middle of four of them," he instructed, pointing to the area. "I d
on't want someone to hit me."

  Snorting, I did as I was told and parked. Quinn was out and rounding the sports car to open my door before I knew it. I looked up to his smug face as he held out a hand for me to grab. I slipped my palm into his firm hold, and he tugged me to a stand, my body close to his.

  He shut the door and tried to take the keys from me. I put them in my shorts. "The evening is still young."

  He rolled his eyes and led me to the diner. "Fine. Let's eat."

  Chapter Seventeen

  Once inside, the place was familiar. We had some one new greet us. Not the hostess we had last time, but a host, and he knew Quinn. "Hey, whaddya doing here?"

  Quinn gave him a fist bump. "Hey, Craig. Just grabbing some dinner."

  Craig's gaze went to me. I'm sure he was noticing Snowden's large black shirt I hadn't taken off yet with my shorts peeking out at the bottom. "And who are you, sweetheart?"

  Quinn drew me into him, like a possessive boyfriend. "Craig, meet Hannah, my girlfriend."

  And I was right. I reciprocated the gesture, wrapping my arm around Quinn's waist and faking a smile as I pinched his side. "Nice to meet you, Craig."

  Craig just smiled and glanced toward Quinn curiously. "You too, Hannah." His gaze returned to me. "Let me get you two a table."

  He sat us in a booth two down from the one my dad and I had sat in last time and gave us a menu. "Your server will be with you in a moment to get your drinks."

  Quinn opened his menu. "I suggest the cob salad with the in house dressing."

  I looked up, surprised. "Ah, thank you."

  He shrugged. "You always eat healthily. I wasn't going to suggest something dripping with bacon grease."

  My heart warmed at his thoughtful suggestion, and I leaned over to place a hand on his arm. "Thank you. I didn't realize you paid that much attention to me."

  He gave me a genuine smile. "Of course. I'm trying to keep you."

  "Snowden told me to stay away after he kissed the shit out of me."

  Quinn leaned in, brushing his thumb over my lips. "He’s an idiot. And don't cuss. It doesn't look pretty coming from your mouth."

  I parted my lips, catching his thumb between my teeth and scraping the pad of his thumb against my teeth until his thumb brushed against my bottom lip. His eyes darkened, pulling away. "Eat quickly."

  My stomach clenched at his tone. I took his suggestion and when our food came, we both ate swiftly. I wanted to hurry anyway. I wasn't sure how long it would take us to get where I had planned.

  While we waited for the server to bring our check, Quinn glanced at me and I glanced at him. Then his foot nudged mine. A grin crept up on my lips as I nudged him back. I was in deep trouble. Maybe Trace was right. Maybe I could use some fun.

  Once back in the car, I drove further south on the 15 and merged onto another highway going west.

  Quinn’s arm was again resting on the back of my seat. He gave my neck a soft squeeze. "Do you know where you're going?"

  Keeping my eyes on the road, I shifted gears again. "Yeah."

  About an hour later, the sun was starting to set when I pulled off the road just before the Perrine bridge.

  "Uh, Hannah, what are you doing?" Quinn questioned when I pulled off Snowden's black shirt and lifted my white tank top to expose my hip where the needle was. I slipped my hand into my shorts, pulling out the pump in the hidden pocket. "Ah, what's that?"

  "My pump," I stated carelessly, as if he already knew. I pulled the needle out and pressed the black shirt against my skin to clot the puncture site.

  "A-are you supposed to take it off?" Quinn sounded concerned.

  I twisted around and set the pump in my bag before opening up the door. Quinn caught my arm. "What are you doing?"

  I turned back to him, sitting down. My gaze intent on his, I started speaking before I could stop myself. "Tell me something, Quinn. Three weeks of hanging out at school. Getting to know each other. Would you tell me something no one knows about you? Something you wouldn't ever tell a soul. Could you?”

  He shifted uncomfortably. "Honestly? Probably not."

  I nodded, not offended in the least. "Come on, do this with me. I'll keep you safe."

  He laughed. "And how are you going to keep me safe. You’re what? Five two?"

  I leaned forward and kissed his lips. "Trust me," I whispered against them. “And I’m five three.”

  His expression was serious, like he was making an important decision; then he nodded, his hand grabbing my head and bringing my lips back to his. "And if you can't keep us safe. I'll save you."

  He gave me a sweet kiss and let me go, tugging his shirt off. My mouth watered. That boy had shoulders on him.

  The two of us got out of the car, and he hid his keys next to the inside tire, just like I had done before. I pulled off my shoes, then the two of us walked hand in hand to the middle of the bridge. We both carefully climbed over the side and stood.

  His hand squeezed mine. "When we jump, let's tell one secret on the way down. Just like you said. It will be lost in the wind.” I nodded. My heart felt like it was going to pump out of my chest. I lived for moments like these.

  "One," I started.


  I cheated. "I'm dying."

  His head snapped to mine. "What!"

  Then I jumped. "Whoop!"

  He leapt with me, holding onto my hand. I concentrated on the water below and glided the both of us through the air, so when we hit the water, we sliced threw it cleanly, not hitting it like a wall, sinking into the tumbling depths below.

  Hands grabbed me, dragging me up to the surface. Quinn maneuvered us both to the side of the river. Resting on the bank, I laughed. “Shit, that was fun!”

  Quinn’s hands grabbed my hips and rolled me on top of him. My hands were resting on his hard chest. He cradled my head and slammed his mouth to mine as he took control of the passion that flared inside both of us. My knees moved to rest on the ground beside his hips, shifting us more intimately together. He groaned his approval, his hands roaming up under my undershirt, sliding up my sides, thumbs caressing my ribcage.

  I broke away from him, breathing hard as his mouth settled on my neck. “Quinn.” I gasped. “Not here. Not...”

  He grunted, laying his head on the ground. “Shit, fine. Let's get back to the car. We’ll go to my house and-”

  I shook my head. “No. Just take me home. I need... I need my medication.”

  His brows dipped. His hands cupped my hips, holding me to him. “You were serious. You’re really dying? From what?”

  “A bunch of things. My body’s literally working against me.”

  “So there’s no cure?”

  I pulled out of his grip, got up off of him, and stretched. “So far, no.”

  We trudged up the side of the creek and to the car. Quinn took the keys and grimaced when he realized we were going to sit on his seats while wet and muddy.

  He seemed moody until he realized both of us were soaking wet. He gave me a hopeful glance. “Any chance you’d strip down to your underwear?”

  I thought about Snowden's black shirt and nodded. Quinn grinned. “Really?” I gave him a flirty smile.

  He unlocked the car, and I leaned in to grab the black shirt and started stripping. He did as well. Down to his wet, skin clinging, boxers. I turned, shedding the bra and dawning the black shirt before stripping off my underwear. When I turned back around, Quinn’s shorts were tented. His gaze heated.

  I raised an eyebrow. “Get your mind out of the gutter.”

  He laughed and carefully eased into the driver’s seat. I did the same, pulling the black shirt over my legs as I rested my feet on the passenger seat, wrapping my arms around my knees.

  He took me home, giving me one last kiss before letting me go. “You’re not dying. Tell me what you have. I'll look into it.”

  Curious as to what he thought he could do, I told him. “PV Diabetes.”

  “I’ll research it.”

  I gave him a small, sad smile. “It’s a new disease. Not much you can do, but good luck.”

  He cupped my cheeks, wiping a tear that had escaped, and brought his lips to my forehead, then my lips. “I have resources.” He let me go. “Bye, Han.”

  I took a deep breath. “Bye, Queue.”


  I entered my house and hurried to the shower. Wavering as I climbed out, I stumbled to my bedroom, heading to the closet to get dressed.

  I grabbed my PJ’s out of a drawer then straightened when my gaze caught on something on top of my dresser. It was my mother's wedding ring. I hadn’t seen it since she passed away. Dad must have put it there.

  I went to touch it, and a flood of emotion filled me. I dropped like a sack of potatoes as a million memories filtered into my mind. Her childhood days filled with practicing the violin. Her parents, who expected nothing but perfection from her, and the magic that followed. They all did that glowing thing Drex had done. They were a race of Light. A race of magic. She wanted me to come here. To learn about her, about me. It was too much to hold onto, and the memories started to fade, but I got the gist of it. Mom wasn’t normal.

  “Hannah?” My dad called out as he rushed into my room. “Hannah! Sweetie, are you okay?”

  I struggled to get up. “I'm fine. I just need my life pack.”

  Still disoriented, I laid there going through everything that just happened. Did this mean that Drex was one of them? Was he part of this light race? Did he know who I was?

  Dad helped me up and hooked me back to my life pack before checking my levels.

  “Damn it, Hannah! You’re low again.” He growled, reaching into my mini refrigerator for the emergency pen and giving me the shot. “You know you can’t be off of your machine for very long. What the hell were you doing?”

  Guilt plagued me, but I couldn’t, no –wouldn’t tell him about it. It would only hurt him, and he wouldn’t understand. “I just took a shower, Dad.”


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