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Rumors: Emerson & Ryder

Page 3

by Rachael Brownell

  “Seven?” I ask as the waitress retreats.

  “Yeah, you need to catch up with us since you were late,” she declares, passing me her drink.

  The watered-down brown liquid could be a number of things. Knowing Angela, it’s a Long Island Ice Tea with an extra shot of vodka in it. She’s been drinking those for as long as I can remember.

  Taking a sip, I relax back in my chair and let the liquor burn a path to my stomach. The not-so-gentle reminder Angela yelled at me about being late is now all I can think about. Another fight with Ian, one that was prolonged by the fact that we were interrupted by a call from his boss, led to me storming out and slamming the door behind me.

  I can’t take the fighting anymore.

  Things have to change. Today, not tomorrow. Now, not next week.

  “You act like you don’t love me anymore,” he said.

  “I do love you. I don’t love the way you try to make me feel less important than I am. I may not have the job you do yet or make the kind of money you make, but I have my foot in the door. It takes time.”

  “Not for some of us,” he snarked.

  “Well, I’m sorry I’m not as perfect as you. I’m sorry you don’t approve of the route I’m taking to get where I want to be. If it’s that big of a damn deal, why don’t you find someone more on your level? Someone you can relate to more. Someone who cares about their work more than they care about anything else!”


  “No! I’m done with this conversation. Figure your shit out, Ian or I’ll figure it out for you. I’m done having the same fight over and over again. Either make your peace with my decision or don’t.”

  For once, I got the last word in. Only because his phone rang, distracting him. When he slid his finger across the screen and greeted his boss in a cheery voice that was the final straw. I slammed the door on my way out, causing something to fall and shatter.

  I’ve never been so angry in my life. I found the confidence to say things to him that I’ve wanted to since we first started to have this fight weeks ago. Things that I never thought would cross my lips.

  “What’s got you on edge?” Justine asks, nudging me in the shoulder.

  “Nothing,” I reply, reaching for the two shots of tequila that have magically appeared in front of me.

  “Liar. You can tell us,” she says, her voice getting sickly sweet as she leans closer to me. The other girls, including Angela, follow suit and before I know it, they’re practically in my face waiting for me to confess all my sins.

  “It’s nothing, really. I got in a fight with Ian and it’s still bothering me.”

  There. Maybe that will suffice.

  “What was it about?” Megan asks, clearly uninterested as she picks at her nails.

  “He thinks his job is more important than mine,” I reply without hesitation.

  Maybe it will help talking about it. Maybe they’ll understand. I know Angela does, but we’ve been friends so long it’s hard to tell when she’s agreeing with me to make me feel better or because she actually thinks I’m right.

  “What does he do?” Allison asks.

  “He works for Perregrine.”

  “Advertising,” Justine states blandly. “I’m guessing he’s a big shot.”

  “Nope. Small fish in the big pond still.”

  “But he’s not someone’s assistant,” Megan chimes in, a wicked grin spreading across her face as she stares me directly in my eyes, daring me to say something. She knows exactly what she’s doing and there’s not an ounce of compassion in her voice.

  “Nope. He has an assistant. He has his own office and everything,” I say, my anger rising with each word. “He also makes a bunch of money, more than me of course. Because all I am is an assistant to your soon-to-be ex-husband.”

  As soon as the words slip past my lips I regret them. All eyes turn to Megan, who’s currently holding her grin in place as if my words haven’t devastated her.

  “You think my divorce is big news? Is that it? Well, let me tell you a little secret,” she starts, leaning forward and lowering her voice. “I was you once. I was at his beck and call, did whatever he needed me to do for him. I helped him make it through college. I was by his side through thick and thin for years. I’m the mother of his child and will always be in his life. He can divorce me and move on, but I’ll never be out of the picture. So if you think announcing my divorce is a slap in the face to me, you’re wrong. He’s not the one leaving me, I’m leaving him.”

  “But I thought you said—” Allison starts, a sharp glare from Megan causing her to cut herself off.

  “Time to go, girls. I think I’ve had enough fun for one night.” Standing, Megan pushes her chair into a woman behind her, causing her to fall forward. Looking over her shoulder, she laughs before turning her attention to me once again. “Have fun with my leftovers. Try to keep him in line, will you? He was hard to tame the first time around. I’m sure it won’t be easy for you.”

  Allison and Justine follow Megan out of the bar without so much as a goodbye. Angela has yet to say anything. We both watch them go until the door closes behind them and we’re left alone at the table. Sliding over into Justine’s seat, I reach for her untouched shot of tequila and down it.

  “That was awkward,” Angela finally says.

  “You’re kidding, right? She made it sound like I was about to jump in bed with Ryder and that’s not the case. I can only imagine what the rumors will be tomorrow morning at work. I’m probably already sleeping with him even though I have a boyfriend. No one seems to care if the rumors make sense or not. As long as there’s gossip…” I say, letting my voice trail off.

  “I’m sorry, Em. I really am. I’m not sure what got into Megan. I mean, she can be a bitch, but that was over the top. I think the divorce is bringing it out in her to be honest.”

  “That’s not my fault. It’s not like I told him to ask her for a divorce.”

  “It’s her fault, that’s the problem,” she mutters, barely loud enough for me to hear her over the bustle of the bar.

  “What do you mean?”

  “She cheated on him. She’s the reason they’re getting divorced.”

  Well, shit. No wonder she’s being such a bitch. She got caught and now she’s paying the ultimate price. Her family is being split. Her daughter will be confused and one day she’ll have to tell her the truth about why mommy and daddy aren’t together.

  “That’s sucks,” I say for lack of anything better. “Another shot?”

  “Or two,” Angela says, flagging down the waitress again. I don’t have the energy to correct her manners.

  “So much for girls’ night,” I say as I down my fourth tequila shot.

  “It’s only eight o’clock, Emerson. Did Ian give you a curfew?” she jokes. That only happened once, and I blew past it by an hour just to prove a point to him.

  “Nope. But I wanted to bitch about work and Ian and talk about Ryder and none of that seems like a good idea anymore.”

  “So bitch. I thought Ryder would make a good boss. Is he as menstrual as Megan is with the divorce?”

  “I don’t think so. We’ve only had one real conversation, but he seems nice. He caught me checking him out, though.”


  “What? You can’t deny he’s attractive. I’d be an idiot not to notice him.”

  “All the Dixon boys are attractive. It’s ridiculous.”

  “Agreed. Maybe that’s what has Megan’s panties in a twist. She realizes what she’s lost and that he’ll eventually find another. It won’t be me, I’m spoken for, but she obviously thinks it will be.”

  “Who says it won’t be you?” Angela asks with a sly smile on her face.

  “Um, let me think. I do.”

  “Yeah, but by the sounds of it, you and Ian are on the outs. That could be because he knows exactly who you are working for. He might be jealous.”

  “Even if that’s the case, it doesn’t give him permissio
n to treat me the way he’s been treating me. He’s been a downright asshole the last few weeks. He’s making me feel worthless, and that’s not the kind of relationship I want to be in. He’s not the person I started dating. He’s changed.”

  “Or you have.”

  There’s a knowing look on Angela’s face that I’ve seen once before. The last time she gave me this look was right before I broke up with my last boyfriend, Kevin. He was cheating. I didn’t find out for almost two months. Angela knew something was off about him, that he was hiding something. She had to convince me of what she was seeing.

  She’s always claimed to be able to see past the facade that most people put on in their daily lives. She can spot a lie a mile away, it doesn’t matter if they’re trying to lie to her or someone else. It’s a gift. I hate it because she’s always right.

  “Spill it,” I demand, reaching for her tequila shot.

  “He hasn’t changed, Em. He’s the same person you’ve always dated. He’s never let you wander far without him. He’s constantly pressuring you to make decisions that he approves of. There’s a reason you’re back here in Sunnyside. It’s not because I live here. It’s because this is where he wanted you. He’s in control, no matter if you want to see that or not. It’s the reason I’ve never liked the two of you together. He’s too possessive. The fact that you work for another man, a very attractive, successful man, scares the crap out of him. He can’t control what happens at the office. That’s why he’s trying to pressure you to quit. Please tell me you can see this.”

  Relaxing back into my seat I think about the last few weeks. He’s been on edge since I told him about the job at Dixon and Sons and even more so since I accepted it. It got worse when I told him who I was specifically working for. I think he was hoping that I was working for Tyler. That would have been safe. Tyler is with Angela and they couldn’t be happier.

  He turned up the pressure for me to quit when I told him that Ryder was returning to the office. It was all he wanted to talk about this weekend. What did I think of him so far? Did I want him to help me find a new job?

  It makes sense. All of it. Everything Angela says fits perfectly into place with how Ian has been the last few weeks. The problem is there’s nothing I can do to change it. Unless we split. He won’t change. His opinion won’t change. That’s the one thing about Ian that I don’t love, his inability to see the other side of a situation.

  Promising Angela I’ll think about what she said, I change the subject to her upcoming vacation with Tyler. They’re traveling after the holidays again this year. She happily obliges and starts shooting off potential destinations. I try to stay focused on our conversation, happy for Angela, but my mind wanders aimlessly.

  To Ian.

  To Ryder.

  To my future and the uncertainty it holds.

  Chapter Four

  Tequila shots on Sunday nights make Monday mornings a rough way to start the week. I should have stopped at five when I was feeling good.


  Not me.

  I was on fire and ready to kick some ass. Angela’s words stirred up all the anger I had been holding in and I was ready to let it out. Or drown it, with tequila.

  Angela ordered us three more rounds and then called Ian to come pick me up. He practically carried me out of the bar, throwing a twenty on the table to cover the tip. I remember Tyler walking in as we were leaving and I hollered at him. Something about seeing him in the morning, I think. I’m not exactly sure.

  When my alarm went off this morning, I shot straight up in bed and grabbed my head. Too quick. I need to slow down and a handful of aspirin.

  Ian was getting ready to walk out the door as I walked into the kitchen. He mumbled something and then slid a piece of paper in front of me. When I looked up to ask about it, he was closing the door behind him. There was no question in my mind that we were still fighting. I’m still angry and it appears he is too.

  Pouring myself a cup of coffee, I sip it while I read the invitation he gave me. It’s a reception for Perregrine. This Friday. I’m guessing it’s important if he wanted me to know about it. I should probably go with him, no matter if we’re fighting or not. Even though he hasn’t technically asked me to go with him yet. Unless that’s what he mumbled, and I don’t count that as him asking me.

  A good girlfriend would go with him. She would get dressed up, put on her nice perfume and stand by his side. I want to be that girlfriend again, but he needs to give me a reason to be.

  Looking up at the clock, I have no time to waste if I plan on getting to work on time. Sliding off the stool, I down the rest of my coffee and head to the bathroom, popping two aspirin before taking a shower.

  I’m five minutes late when I get a text from Ryder. He wants coffee. From the lobby. And I’ve just entered the elevators.

  Hopping off at the first floor, I take the stairs back down and jump in line. I’m the third person back so I patiently wait my turn, passing the time by watching the sweaty men lift weights at the gym next door.

  The woman behind me clears her throat when the line moves ahead and I’m about to turn when a familiar face catches my eye.


  Sweaty and shirtless. Abs on display.

  Headed into the men’s locker room.

  Shaking my head to clear all thoughts of my boss naked, I move forward before the woman behind me gets upset.

  He’s not upstairs waiting for me. Good. This gives me time to grab his coffee and get up there before he notices I’m late.

  My plan was to be here early this morning. I wanted to have everything he needs for today ready and waiting on his desk. He has two big client meetings today and I want them to go well. Tomorrow looks to be just as busy, with three meetings scheduled, one with a potential new client.

  Tomorrow I will be early.

  I’m just sitting down at my desk to get organized when the elevator doors part. Ryder makes eye contact with me as he exits and heads directly for me, ignoring Helen’s warm greeting. I hold up his cup of coffee, assuming he’ll grab it and head into his office to get prepared.

  His hair is slicked back, making it appear darker than it actually is. His suit is hugging every muscle he just tested to the max downstairs. When he leans down as he grabs his coffee, I smell his aftershave and his wet hair grazes my cheek as he whispers in my ear.

  “You were late, Emerson.”

  “I… um… I’m sorry. I won’t let it happen again.” I stutter. How the hell did he know I was late? I was in the elevator before he texted me. Was that a coincidence or did he see me walk through the lobby?

  Earlier I was excited I could see into the windows of the gym. Now I’m wondering if it was my demise.

  He’s gone before I can ask him how he knew. It doesn’t really matter. I don’t plan on being late ever again. I also don’t plan on drinking tequila for a while.

  Letting out a breath, I look up to find Allison staring at me from down the hall, an accusatory look on her face. I instantly blush bright red, as if I’ve been caught doing something naughty. I can only imagine what it looked like from far away. Him being that close to me. What did my face look like when he leaned down? Was I surprised? Did I inhale too deeply when his aftershave assaulted my senses?

  What did she see?

  “Emerson,” Ryder calls through his open office door. “I need the—”

  “Winston file,” I reply.

  Gathering everything he’s going to need for his first meeting, I walk into Ryder’s office to find him opening a wardrobe filled with clothes. Completely normal, right? I’m sure he needs to change from time to time. What’s not normal is the pillow and blanket tucked away at the bottom.

  Clearing my throat, Ryder closes the doors and returns to his seat behind his desk, motioning for me to hand him the information.

  After giving me a list of things he wants me to do this morning, he dismisses me.

  No thank you.

  No pleasantries.
br />   The playful attitude he had moments ago is gone. He’s been replaced with a grumpy version of the nice guy I thought I would be working for. And that’s how the day continues. His mood gets dramatically worse with each meeting, and my patience with his dismissive persona is withering.

  Tuesday is worse. He’s gone from grumpy to down-right angry.

  As I leave the office Tuesday night, I wonder what Wednesday will bring. We’re busy this week. Well, he’s busy. With at least three or four meetings each day and new clients coming out of the woodwork, he’s still in his office when I leave. I contemplated offering to stay late and help, but I’d rather not talk to him. Plus, I came in an hour early and I’ve already stayed almost an extra hour.

  What else do I need to do to earn a little respect from him? I’m trying my best. I’m putting in the time and effort. If there’s something specific he wants from me, he’s going to have to let me know. I’m not a mind reader.

  Wednesday morning I get to the office even earlier, picking up a cup of coffee for Ryder on the way in. As I’m about to pay, I notice him exit the elevator and head into the gym. He bypasses all the machines and heads directly into the locker room despite the fact that he’s wearing shorts and a t-shirt.

  Taking a seat on a bench in the lobby, I wait for him to come back out. When he does I’m surprised to see that he’s freshly showered and wearing a suit. Nodding at the guy behind the counter as he walks past, he stops dead in his tracks when he spots me waiting for him.

  “What are you doing here this early, Emerson?” he asks as I approach, handing him his coffee.

  “You have a big day, lots of meetings, so I wanted to get an early start.”


  This man always has something to say. Except right now. He’s apparently lost his ability to speak.

  “Long night?” I ask, nodding toward the gym.

  “Yeah. I ended up sleeping here.”

  “Did you want to me grab you breakfast too?” I offer. I’d offer him anything if it meant keeping him in a good mood today. I need a break.

  “No. That won’t be necessary. Let’s get to work,” he replies, his grumpy face back in place as he motions toward the elevator bank.


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