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Rumors: Emerson & Ryder

Page 14

by Rachael Brownell

  Laughing, Ryder nods his head like he completely understands my mom’s logic. I mean, it makes sense, but knowing my mom, she probably won’t let him go past the dock.

  “When’s the last time you went to visit?”

  “It’s been a while. They came here for graduation, so it hasn’t been that long since I’ve seen them. I normally talk to my mom or my sister every few days.”


  “I’ve been avoiding their calls since Ian and I separated.”

  “Ah. I take it your parents loved him.”

  “Not really. My sister never liked him. They’ll all have an opinion on the matter, and I’ll probably get an I told you so. I’ll tell them eventually, but I’m just not ready to hear it yet.”

  “Let me get this straight. Angela didn’t like Ian. Your family didn’t like Ian. I’m not really a fan of the guy. Is there anyone who does like him?”

  Shrugging my shoulder, I say, “I did at one point.”

  Waving at the waitress for the check, I bite the inside of my lip to keep from correcting him like I do Angela. I should teach a class on proper etiquette when dining out. I can think of a few things that would be great topics. One being mannerisms and the other being properly tipping your waitress. No matter how many times I try to explain to my friends that they need to tip better, they think I’m crazy.

  When I was a waitress, I lived off my tips. Yes, I was paid a small per hour wage, but it was barely enough to cover the taxes they took out of my check. I think in the two years I worked at the restaurant, I received maybe one check over ten dollars. My tips were my income.

  “What’s on your mind?” he asks as the waitress walks away with his credit card.

  “Nothing,” I lie.

  “Wow. You suck at lying.”

  “I know.” I wasn’t trying very hard to hide it, but even if I had been, he’s right. I suck at lying. Angela tells me all the time.

  “So tell me. What did I do? Your body tensed up,” he points out.

  “It’s just, I used to be a waitress when I was in college and there are little things that used to annoy the hell out of me. One of them was when a customer would wave at me from across the room when I was doing something. I wasn’t ignoring them, I was busy taking care of other customers. You just did that, and it’s something that still grates on my nerves.”

  “Oh! I’m sorry. I didn’t even think about it. I do that all the time. No wonder they get shitty with me sometimes. I’m sorry.”

  “It’s fine, it just bothers me. No one really thinks about how it comes across, even if it’s not meant to be mean.”

  The waitress returns, and Ryder makes it a point to apologize to her. She brushes it off the same way I would, remarking that it was no big deal. I know what she’s thinking, though. Tip me good and I’ll forgive you. When she walks away, I watch as he leaves her a rather large tip, his actions still weighing on his conscience.

  Walking into the office together, my senses go on high alert. Helen greets us with a smile as we exit the elevator, handing Ryder a few messages. Taking a seat at my desk, I scan the room as Ryder heads to get prepared for his first meeting this afternoon. Allison is at her desk, focused on her computer. Justine’s desk is empty. The conference room door is closed. No one seems to have noticed us arrive, or no one cares.

  The entire ride up, Ryder held my hand. I made him promise me that he would keep it professional at all times while we were in the building. No sideways glances. No touching. No dirty talk. Definitely no sexual innuendos or kissing. Both of which happened in his truck before we got out.

  He promised, but there was a devious grin on his face that’s making me contemplate whether he will be able to keep that promise. Ten minutes after sitting down at my desk, I know the answer to my question. Over the intercom, Ryder calls me into his office, asking me to bring a client file that I’ve never heard of before.

  “I have no idea what file you need. Who is Grey?”

  “You know. The guy from the book that all the girls go gaga over?”

  “Are you kidding me?” I ask, shaking my head at him. “You promised, Ryder. You’re not even trying.”

  “I would apologize, but I’m not really sorry. Can you work in here today?”

  “No, that would look weird. I have my own desk.”

  “Yes, but I need your help with this presentation,” he whines, softening his eyes and pouting his gorgeous, full lips.

  “You’re impossible. You don’t need my help,” I state, hands on hips.

  “No, seriously. You went to school for this shit too. Plus, you rocked the last client you helped me out with. I need to come up with a new logo and full branding for a line of car care products. I should have started working on it last week, but I was a little preoccupied with the divorce. Will you help?”

  Rolling my eyes, I take a seat and look over what he’s worked up so far. Reaching across his desk, I grab a pen and start making changes to his layout, explaining my thought process to him as I completely revamp things.

  An hour later, Ryder and I have a new concept almost completed when Justine knocks on his open door.

  “Hey,” she says, her greeting obviously directed toward me. “Allison and I are going out for lunch today. We thought you might like to join us.”

  Is this a trick?

  We’ve had lunch together a number of times. Always in the office. Neither one of them has given me the impression that they were interested in getting to know me any better. They certainly didn’t act like they wanted to be friends with me. I’m fine with that. I don’t need more friends. As long as we can all get along, that’s all I care about.

  “You go ahead,” Ryder suggests. “I can finish this up.”


  “Great. We’re meeting in the lobby at noon.”

  Justine disappears before I can respond.

  “Thanks a lot,” I say sarcastically. “I was trying to think of an excuse not to go with them.”

  “Why? It’s not like you wouldn’t have eaten lunch with them in the break room anyway.”

  He has a point. It’s different, though. Being the third string away from the office, I don’t have an easy escape route if things go south. I can’t excuse myself and hide at my desk. I’m stuck with them until Helen’s face greets us again.

  Rolling my eyes, I take a deep breath and stare at the clock on Ryder’s wall. Ninety minutes.

  I need to talk to them about the party this weekend anyway, and this is as good of a time as any. When Angela asked me to invite them, I cringed on the inside. I know it’s just a party, but I feel like it’s also an invasion of my time away from them. I had to keep reminding myself that it’s not about me, it’s about Tyler. It’s his birthday. They’re his friends.

  “You know they only invited me to get the dirt, right?” I say as I begin to organize the mess in front of me.

  “On what?”

  “Us. They probably think I’ll give them details so they can gossip behind my back.”

  “Maybe, maybe not. Give them a chance. They’re good people. Megan relied on them a lot and they were always there for her. In fact, they’re barely speaking to me right now unless it pertains to work. They’re loyal to a fault.”

  “Loyal to your ex-wife. Loyal to each other. Why would they be loyal to me? They have no reason to be. In fact, they have plenty of reason to hate me if they’re as loyal to Megan as you say they are.”

  “All they have to go on right now are rumors. Rumors they started. Probably because they’re mad at me. I’m sorry you got caught in the crossfire. I’m not sorry they made me notice you, though.”

  “The rumors made you notice me?”

  “Yeah. When I heard what was going around, it got me thinking. I was ready to rip Allison’s head off, assuming she had started them, until I really looked at you. I knew you were smart and attractive, but the thought of you and me together sparked something inside of me.”

  Hmmm. In
a way, I took notice of him before the rumors started. Once I heard the rumors, it made me look at him differently, though. At first, I was mad about them, but the more I think about it, the more I realize they may have had the same effect on me. The rumors put the idea of being with Ryder in my head. They made him the star of my dreams at night.

  As crazy as it sounds, I should be grateful those girls enjoy gossiping so much.

  “I still don’t want to go to lunch with them,” I state, handing him the things he’ll need to finish while I’m gone.

  “Then don’t go. Make up an excuse. Tell them I changed my mind.”

  “I’m not opposed to lying, but you know how bad I am at it.”

  Nodding in agreement, Ryder gives me a sympathetic smile as I head back to my desk. I have a few things I need to get accomplished before my lunch date with the girls.

  Working tirelessly until the clock strikes twelve, I wave to Ryder as I pass his office. I can do this. I can have lunch with them and play nice. As long as they play nice.

  My goal is to keep the conversation focused on this weekend. We can talk about costumes and decorations. That should take up at least half the time. The other half I’ll have to play by ear or shove food in my mouth to keep from talking.

  “There you are,” Justine says as the elevator doors open. “I thought you may have changed your mind.”

  “Nope. Just needed to wrap up a few things. Where’s Allison?” I ask as the elevator begins its slow descent to the lobby.

  “She’s pulling her car around.”

  “Great,” I say, attempting to sound excited. I know I’ve failed when I see Justine scrunch up her face at my comment. “Look, no offense, but the one time I saw you guys outside the office, it didn’t end well. I’m just a little curious as to why you invited me to lunch, that’s all. It seems suspicious to me.”

  Honesty. Maybe this will get me somewhere.

  “I get that. Let’s call it a peace offering. I know things didn’t get off to the best start for the three of us and we have to work together every day. It would be nice if we could all be friends.”

  “So Allison has no idea that I’m coming to lunch, then?” I ask.

  “I forgot to mention it,” she says, the elevator coming to a stop. When the doors open, I’m surprised to see Angela’s smiling face.

  “Hey!” she says, pulling me in for a hug. Whispering in my ear she asks, “Where are you going?”

  “Nice to see you too,” I reply, pushing her away. “Justine, Allison and I are grabbing some lunch. Care to join us?”

  Please let her catch on. Please let her agree to come with us. A wingman would be great right about now.

  “Sure,” she replies, dragging the word out. “I’ll text Tyler and let him know.”

  “Great!” Justine declares. I don’t miss the forced smile or the way she grinds her teeth.

  Angela and I share a look as we follow Justine to Allison’s waiting car. Something doesn’t feel right about this situation anymore. I was starting to believe that Justine really did want to make peace but now… now I’m sure that wasn’t the plan after all.

  Maybe after this, Angela won’t invite them to the party this weekend. Who am I kidding? If I start crossing people off the guest list there won’t be anyone at the party.

  Chapter Nineteen

  “So nice of you to join us, Angela,” Allison says as the waiter heads to get our drinks. I opted for water while the other girls are having white wine spritzers.

  Angela can drink whatever she wants, she’s not on the clock. As for the other two, I’m not sure what they’re thinking, but I won’t let them pull me down with them. It’s not like their throwing back shots of tequila, which I’d love to do right now, but still.

  The ride over here was filled with crushing silence. No one spoke, including me. I thought about asking again why they invited me to get it over with, to hopefully get an honest answer, but I chickened out. I will find out before we leave this table. I don’t care if I have to walk back to the office.

  “Yeah. Tyler and I were going to grab lunch since I have the day off, but this is just as great. I never see you girls anymore. Plus, there’s something we need to discuss.”

  “We need to do another girls’ night,” Justine announces excitedly, clapping her hands together like a high school cheerleader.

  “We should. How about Saturday?” Allison asks, perfectly composed as usual.

  She’s a fickle one. There have only been a few fleeting moments when I could tell what was on her mind. This isn’t one of them. She genuinely seems interested in the idea of getting together for a night out.

  “That’s not going to work because its Tyler’s birthday on Sunday and we’re throwing him a surprise party Saturday night. So, I need you girls to be there.”

  “Fun!” Justine practically screams.

  I’m starting to get the impression that she gets loud when she gets nervous.

  Angela rattles off all the details to the girls. It’s not until she’s done that Allison’s face lights up at the mention of Ryder.

  “It’s at Ryder’s house,” she states, a smirk on her face.

  “Well, it’s not like I could have it at his house,” Angela replies, taking a sip of her wine spritzer. “We could use a little help with the food if you girls want to come over earlier. It could be almost like a girls’ night only in the afternoon. Is that cool with you, Em?”

  “I don’t see why not,” I reply, reaching for my water and taking a large gulp.

  Keeping my cool, I listen as the three of them make plans for Saturday afternoon. Picking at my salad while they nail down more details, I try to think of a way to get out of helping. Angela is my best friend in the world, and I love her, but I’m not sure I want to be around these other two if things are going to be like this. The only excuse that makes sense is for me to say I’m not feeling well, but then I wouldn’t be able to go to the party either.

  The subject changes from the upcoming party to Angela and Tyler’s relationship. Smiling, I listen as Angela gushes over how sweet Tyler is. I’ve heard all the stories before, but my heart still swells in my chest as she replays them for the other girls.

  He’s the best thing that’s ever happened to her. He takes great care of her and you can tell that they make each other happy. Why they don’t move in together and get married is beyond me. They would make beautiful babies.

  Our conversation quickly shifts from talk of the happy couple, to talk of the unhappy couple at the table. Justine gives us the play by play of her latest crushing relationship. Judging by what she’s telling us, it sounds like when Justine falls for a guy, she falls hard. This time, she fell past him and face first into the dirt.

  I feel bad for her. Between her and Allison, my money would be that she finds someone first. She’s sweet when she wants to be. It’s only when she’s conspiring with Allison that I tend to see another side of her. A side that I don’t like much.

  They pass the conversation to me, inquiring about my love life. Knowing that I have to tell them something, I talk about Ian. It’s painful at first to tell them about our relationship since it’s over, but the more I tell them, the more happy memories I have of us. We may not have ended on the best of terms, but we had some great times together. Times that I won’t forget anytime soon.

  Allison and Justine share a look as I finish my story and it’s the perfect time to call them out.

  “What?” I ask, looking from one to the other.

  “Well,” Allison begins, relaxing back in her chair. She does this often. It’s almost like it’s a signature move. You know she’s going to say something deep when she relaxes like that. “We just heard that you may have gotten involved with Ryder. That’s all.”

  “We’ve been over this already. Nothing is going on between us. Don’t you girls know better than to believe the rumors?”

  “Is that all they are? Rumors?” she challenges.

  “Yes. Rumors. And even
if there was something going on between me and Ryder, or whoever, I’d appreciate it if you would come to me and not listen to the gossip.”

  “That’s why we invited you to lunch. We figured you wouldn’t want to talk about it at work. You know, where other people can hear,” Justine chimes in, leaning forward.

  This is exactly why I thought they wanted to have lunch with me. To gossip. Well, I’m not one to share my personal life with everyone I know and I’m not one for gossip. Especially when it’s about me.

  “There’s really nothing to talk about,” I lie as Angela kicks me under the table.

  “If you say so,” Allison says, sliding out of the booth. “We better get back. Ryder gets cranky if you aren’t back on time from what I hear. At least that’s why his last assistant quit. He was too demanding. You should ask him about her.”

  She’s feeding me information for a reason. She wants me to ask about her. No going to happen. I don’t care about his last assistant or the fact that she quit because he was demanding. Plus, she could be lying to me. Who knows with her?

  Ryder is gone when I get back to the office. There’s a note on my desk that he had a last-minute meeting with his attorney and that he won’t be back in the office. He’s also left me a list of things I need to do so we don’t fall behind on the deadlines he has coming up.

  Getting started, I work diligently until my phone chimes, alerting me to a new text message. Digging through my purse, I expect it to be Ryder. I’m surprised to see Ian’s name across my screen.

  IAN: Can we meet up for dinner tonight?

  After yesterday, the way we left things and then spotting him in the parking garage, I’m not sure I’m ready to see him yet. Sure, it was eye-opening to talk about him at lunch. We shared a lot of good times together and those are the ones I want to keep close to my heart.

  I’m still not ready to face him. I won’t be for a while. Not until I’m sure he’s moved on. I can’t stand to see the pain in his eyes. Pain I caused according to him.

  ME: I’m not ready to talk.

  IAN: Tomorrow?


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