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Bullet Series Box Set Books 1-8

Page 36

by Jade C. Jamison

  I started giggling again as the ring was vibrating up against me constantly now. I slid off and watched, fascinated, as Clay turned off the ring and slipped it back off his penis. I almost breathed a sigh of relief, seeing that his penis was okay.

  He pulled me close to his chest and kissed my forehead. What was that look in his eyes? It looked kind of serious, but I didn’t want to find out. Instead, I lay my head on his chest while my fingers played with one of his nipple rings. I heard him breathe, “Last Five Seconds, my ass.”

  “What?” I propped my chin on the back of my hand so I wouldn’t dig into him and looked him in the eye.

  “Last Five Seconds.”

  “Yeah…? And I’m Valerie with Fully Automatic. I think we’ve established who we are by now…”

  He laughed. It was cute the way his eyes crinkled up. “Why do you think we’re named that?”

  I did a mini shrug. “I dunno. Maybe because that’s what we hear for the last five seconds…your kick ass music.”

  “That’d be a great story. Wanna know the real story behind the name?”

  I smiled. “Yeah.”

  “We were sitting around one night several years ago after we got together. Actually, our lineup has changed a little since then. But Devil”—Devil was the stage name of their lead singer—“was teasing Rat, the guy who was our bassist at the time. Rat kept talking about all the hot pussy we were gonna get by being in a band, and Devil told him he wouldn’t be able to last five seconds with a hot chick. So that’s it. Last Five Seconds.”

  I started laughing. I never would have guessed that would be the meaning of their name. I’d always thought it was making fun of the things younger kids would say, like, “Oh, my God. That is so five seconds ago.” I liked the real meaning better, and I told him so.

  He looked sleepy but happy. “You’re staying here again tonight, aren’t you?”

  “Yeah…that’s a given, isn’t it?”

  He smiled again and closed his eyes. “I guess so.”

  I felt contented and happy myself as I wrapped my arms around his belly and rested my head on his chest. Yes…I could definitely get used to this.

  * * *

  Our next gig was in a place where we were going to stay for two days. I was glad because we were all feeling tired and needed the rest. I was feeling guilty, though, that my band was spending extra money on a room I didn’t use—no one used it, not even Ethan, but I also didn’t want to assume anything by taking my luggage to Clayton’s room. So…it was going to be a bit of an uncomfortable conversation, but I had to have it.

  I cornered Brad after we’d put our equipment away. I said, “We’re spending money on an extra room, but I’m not using it. Well…I’m using it to put on makeup and get dressed, but that’s it.”

  “Why? What’s wrong with it?”

  I took a deep breath. Yep. Harder than I’d thought. “Nothing. I’ve just…been spending the night in someone else’s room. And I figured we were wasting money. You can either just not get it or one of you guys can share it with me.”

  I could tell he wanted to ask about me and Ethan, but he already knew we weren’t together. “That makes it mine now, and I’m kinda glad. It was hard enough sharing a room with two other guys, and now we’re back to four in a room…well, mostly.” I knew what he meant. Sometimes the guys showed up for the night…and sometimes they didn’t. He took a deep breath. “So…you and Jet…pretty serious?”

  He knew? I shrugged. “For now, I guess.”

  He nodded. “Come here.” He hugged me, holding me close. “You know I’m always here for you, right?”

  “Yeah. Same here.” He let me go and I said, “It’s okay if I leave my stuff in your room, right? And if I dress and all that stuff, but the bed’s yours?”

  He didn’t seem completely happy with the arrangement, and I wasn’t sure why, but he said, “Yeah, we’ll make it work.”

  I don’t know why, but I felt more like shit talking to Brad about Clayton than I had telling Ethan. It was probably because I knew Brad really did care.

  The next day we could sleep late, because we were going to leave late afternoon and drive leisurely to our next destination, and we wouldn’t have a show there until the night after. I was looking forward to the day off. I hadn’t realized how exhausting traveling and performing would be. I wouldn’t have traded it for anything, though.

  That night, we had another fantastic show. I stood in the audience after Fully Automatic was done, close to the stage, and even had a couple fans talk to me, telling me they loved our band. But when Last Five Seconds came onstage, my eyes were focused there and on the man with the guitar. He spotted me near the end of their set and he winked at me. I kissed the air back at him and when their show was done, I went backstage waiting for them to clear their instruments for Spanky’s Kids.

  This particular auditorium was the largest I’d ever performed in. Not only was the house huge, the stage itself was incredible. It had curtains, both at the front of the stage and in the back, and there was a lot of theater equipment in the corners and behind the back curtains. I imagined the space was used for all manner of performances. The acoustics were incredible. I’d never quite heard our music like that, but we sounded better than ever, and I didn’t think it was just because we were on that night.

  Spanky’s Kids started playing, and Clayton and I were just hanging in that cavernous space backstage listening to the music. It sounded incredible there. It was loud and raw and frenetic. He grabbed my hand and led me to the back wall. It was cooler there and mostly dark, although light spilled around those gigantic curtains. There was a lot of stuff back there, but he managed to avoid it all as his eyes adjusted. Once we’d reached the destination of that back wall, he pulled me close and kissed me hard.

  But that wasn’t the only thing that was hard. I could tell he was growing stiff under those leather pants too. We still had a while before we’d be back at our motel, so he was only tormenting himself. He moved those sweet lips of his to my neck, and I asked him, “You sure you wanna get us all worked up right now?”

  He lifted his head and pressed his forehead to mine. “Ever fucked at a rock concert?”

  In my short sex life, of course I hadn’t. More than that, though, I didn’t know that I wanted to engage in sex where someone could stumble upon me at any minute. So I said, “No…and I don’t plan to start.”

  But his hot breath was in my ear, stirring up my passions. “It’s fun. Trust me. There’s nothing like it. You can feel the music in you.” He kissed my neck, my Achilles’ heel, and then I knew I was game for whatever he wanted to do. My fingers were already in his hair, pulling his mouth back to mine, inviting him to take me. In the back of my mind, I hoped no one would appear backstage, but I couldn’t resist him.

  I figured we should do it quickly if we were going to do it. Then there would be less chance of getting caught. So I reached for the button on the top of his pants. His lips were on my ear again. “What are you in such a hurry for? Feel the music.” He kissed my neck then and said, “Let it take you places.”

  Well, who was I to argue? So I said, “Fine. I’m letting you drive then.” Apparently, I was too impatient and not well suited to sex in a public place. I was too worried about if someone would see us or if I would climax at that moment in between songs and everyone in the entire venue would hear me. So I felt taut from head to toe—and not in a good way. But I was going to trust him and try to relax and even enjoy myself.

  As he licked my neck and moved down to the vee in my shirt, continuing to kiss his way down, I rested my head against the cool brick and wrapped a leg around his. I wanted him up close so I could feel him, and I hoped the friction between our bodies would heat me back up again. His lips weren’t hurting. Then he returned them to my mouth and buried me in one of his classic slow, deep kisses, and that’s when I experienced what he was trying to tell me about—getting in the zone with the music.

  Yeah…it was hot.
I could feel the music pouring through my body, and his kisses were arousing. Those two things together made me primed in no time. And that’s when I felt his fingers on my zipper, and his lips back on my neck. I allowed myself a glance around the space, and I saw no one and no movement.

  I took that as my cue to help myself, and I started unzipping his pants too. He was reaching for his wallet, so I knew that meant it was time. God, I could feel the bass drum pounding in my chest, the twin guitars screaming in my ears, and they set my body on fire. I was ready to feel Clay inside me once more.

  In the almost dark of the backstage area, I saw him sheath his cock, and I expected he would hold me up again, but instead he had his hand wrapped around his penis, and he spat on himself. It took me a second to figure out what he was doing, but he was going to use his cock like a finger, rubbing it into my slit. And oh…it was like a natural lubricant so he could glide over me. I let out a long, heavy sigh that I knew he couldn’t hear, but he felt so good up against me. We both moved out bodies in a way that made it easiest to connect, but we were both bent at the knees, and my pants were damned constricting. Pulling them down farther just made it worse, though, so I stopped messing with them and just enjoyed how he felt against me.

  I could tell he was getting off as much as I was because he quit kissing me, instead focusing on the intense feelings grabbing him below. At that point my fingers were wrapped around the longish hair at the base of his neck, and I was probably pulling it too hard, but he didn’t seem to mind. And when I came, I placed my open mouth on his shoulder in case I had to muffle my cries at any moment.

  And that’s when he shoved himself inside me, lifting my legs up and driving himself home. My fingers then dug into his back just below his neck, and I became a quivering heap. He came shortly after and I could feel his heavy breathing against my neck. It wasn’t but a few seconds later that the song onstage ended, and the singer started talking to the audience. As soon as they started playing their next song, I started laughing.

  Clay placed me back on the floor, and I could barely see the huge grin on his face. In my ear, he asked, “What’s so funny?”

  “Nothing. I just…feel like laughing. Endorphins, I guess. I feel better than I ever have in my whole life.”

  Then he laid another passionate kiss on me. “Shit—you don’t know what that does for my ego. Ready to get out of here?”

  Yeah, I was, and I hoped the audience area was dark enough that no one would be able to see the ridiculous grin on my face, because if they did, I suspected they’d figure out exactly what I’d been up to. And I felt quite satisfied.

  Chapter Thirty-one

  TWO NIGHTS LATER, we were in another state, another town, and I’d lost track of where we were in our schedule. Halfway done with the tour maybe? All I know is I never wanted it to end.

  Again, I woke up in Clay’s arms. He was out cold, so I rolled over and just looked at him. God, he looked so peaceful, but he was hot. The piercings, the tattoos, the longish hair. He was a sexy guy, and every time I looked at him, I felt so lucky.

  I decided to go ahead and get my shower and makeup and all that good stuff out of the way, but I had to go to the other room to get my shit. I texted Brad, as per our usual custom, to ask if I could come by and shower. It took him longer than usual to respond and, when he did, it was in person. He popped out of the room and met me in the hall.

  I was grinning. “Look at you.” Jesus…Brad was and always would be a good-looking guy, and apparently some woman had snagged him for the evening. Frankly, I found that refreshing that Mr. Restraint had experienced a moment of weakness. He frowned. Okay, so that wasn’t good. “What?”

  He looked a little…embarrassed, something I’d never seen from Brad. Ever. I could tell he was clenching his jaw. “Would it be too big an imposition to ask you to come back in a while?”

  I tried to force myself not to smile wider. “I’ll do you one better. Can you just bring me my suitcase? I think I have everything else I need.” Like my phone. Everything else I had with me was in that stupid suitcase, including the dirty laundry I was going to have to wash soon.

  He nodded and I saw hope in his eyes. “Be right back.”

  I’ll admit it. I tried to peek in and see what girl had actually caught Brad’s eye enough to share his bed. And…oh, shit. Was that a pang of jealousy? No…it couldn’t be. And, besides, I had no right. None whatsoever.

  Brad came back out, my luggage in hand. “What the hell do you have in here, Valerie? Lead?” I laughed. “Seriously…you need me to carry it?”

  “No. I’ve got it. It has a handle and wheels.”

  “Okay. And, uh…thanks.”

  I couldn’t stop the smile this time. “So what’s gotten into you, Brad?”

  He grinned back in spite of himself. “I got needs, Val, just like any other guy.”

  “I know. Just givin’ you shit. You know I respect the hell out of you, right?”

  He cocked his head and rubbed the back of his neck. He pondered it for a minute and then said, “I think that’s the nicest thing anyone’s ever said to me.”

  I pulled the handle out of my suitcase and started rolling down the hall. “Well, don’t let it get to your head. Get back to your lady friend.”

  I peeked back and smiled, and I could tell he wanted to say something else but he couldn’t find the words. I waved as I turned the corner.

  When I got back to Clay’s room, I rapped lightly on the door. I hadn’t thought this through. What a dumbass. I had no way of knowing for sure that I could get back in. I knocked one more time and decided I’d just sit on the floor and lean up against the wall to wait for Clay to let me in, but then he opened the door. Poor thing. He looked tired.

  “What’re you doing out there?”

  “Long story.” I walked in through the door with my luggage. “Do you care if I shower here?”

  “Why would I care?” I shrugged, feeling shy. “Can I watch?”

  I laughed. “You can join me.”

  He kissed me on the nose. “Seriously…why don’t you just bring your stuff to my room anyway? You know, to begin with. We both know you’re gonna wind up here anyway, right? I don’t care if you do all your shit here.”


  “Yeah.” He was holding me close, and he squeezed my ass. “Especially if I can watch.”

  * * *

  A day later we were playing at another venue. We’d been sleeping as late as possible, and I was glad for that, because performances were exhausting for me, but the sex was even more vigorous and tiring, and no way was I giving that up. I didn’t know how long Clay and I would be together, but I knew things would change—for better or worse—once we got back home, so I wanted to enjoy it while I could.

  Last Five Seconds finished loading their equipment, and we were down to the obligatory hanging around to watch Spanky’s Kids perform. I didn’t know about everyone else, but I had memorized both the other bands songs (even if not all the words) and the order in which they played them. Sure, every night was a little different, but the shine was off. We’d settled into a routine. It was still exciting but becoming predictable.

  Clay found me in the mosh pit and grabbed my hand. “Come with me.” He smiled at me and said, “Love your outfit tonight, by the way.” I knew he was talking about the tight black vinyl miniskirt. I usually wore pants or jeans onstage but thought the skirt would feel cooler and more comfortable. Of course, having Clay like it was a nice unexpected side effect.

  Just outside he held me up against the wall and planted one hell of a kiss on my lips. Then he held a little tablet up to my mouth. “Here.”

  “What is that?”

  “It’s just Ecstasy.”

  I remembered my horrible LSD trip. “No, thanks.”

  “Come on, Val. You’d like it.”

  “Really, Clay. No thanks.”

  He put it on his tongue and then waggled it at me, the little pill still clinging to the tip of it,
trying to entice me into a kiss. It was dark, but I could see what he was doing. He raised his eyebrows and shrugged, then swallowed the tablet. “I’ll still make you feel like you had one.”

  “What’s it feel like?”

  “Fucking incredible.” He pulled me close and whispered in my ear. “Wanna feel incredible?” He started open-mouth kissing my neck, not waiting for a response.

  My body responded immediately, though, and my fingers found his hair and then his tongue was in my mouth. We kissed for a while until I felt his hands on the sides of my thighs. I knew where this was headed, and after the thrill he’d given me backstage a few nights ago, I knew he didn’t have the inhibitions I had. I was loosening up, but I still wasn’t willing to engage in a little naughty behavior where anyone could see us.

  But he grinned at me, a wicked little grin that sent a chill up my spine, and he grabbed my hand. We started walking across the dusty parking lot. Way out in a field that constituted as the end of the parking lot was their van, and he opened the passenger door. Okay, so maybe if we were in a more private area, in the front of a van in the middle of nowhere, I could be persuaded. He sat down first and then pulled me up inside, inviting me to sit on his lap facing him. Yes, it was uncomfortable, and I had to straddle him with my knees bent, but I didn’t mind. He slid the seat back.

  We spent a few minutes just making out. He started with his slow, deep kisses, but they grew more passionate, lots hotter. After several minutes, he slid his hands up the sides of that tight skirt and started tugging at my panties. “These have gotta go.”

  I giggled but there was no easy way to get them off in the position I was in. I was going to have to maneuver off his lap. So I slid off the seat in that cramped space, and by the time my feet were on the floor, he already had them down to my knees. I stepped out of one side and then the other, and the stupid lacy things snagged on my boot. I left them there and waited for his signal to climb aboard. I grinned at him. “Aren’t you gonna unzip your jeans?”

  He gave me a wicked smile back. “In good time. Get up here.”


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