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Mommy's Hot Erotica

Page 94

by Alina Sawyer

  In addition to being a kick ass woman and super accountant, Jo was incredibly intuitive and knew something was wrong with me. After looking over the papers, she leaned back in her leather chair, pushed a hand through her short spiked hair and with a sigh said, "The work looks great. Now tell me what the Hell is eating at you."

  I had been quiet all day, but had no idea I had been wearing my 'world hates me' feelings on my sleeve and was that obvious, so I was a little surprised.

  "What do you mean Boss?"

  "What I mean Adams is that you've produced great work as usual, but you've been moping around all day, so I want to know what's up."

  That's my name....Adams....Soon to be Jenkins, my maiden name. I think Rachel goes better with Jenkins than Adams anyway. So take that my dearly beloved. You can have your lousy name back. The thought of the lowlife however brought tears to my eyes for the first time that day, so I guess the protective instinct in Jo got her up from her large oak desk and come around to put her strong hands on my shoulders and say "What is it Adams?"

  The bottled up tears really began to flow at that point. It felt strange to be taken in the arms of your boss, and a woman on top of that, but I didn't give a damn. Right now I took comfort in her arms and as the tears just flowed, I whimpered, "The Son-of-a-bitch left me last night."

  I think Jo read between the lines and all she did for a silent 30 seconds was just rock me and rub up and down my back, giving me some time to let the gusher flow. Finally I was able to stop sobbing and Jo held me by the shoulders at arm length and calmly said, "So you want me to kick his ass for you Blondie?"

  It was the first time I had laughed in probably a week.... I take that back...first time I had laughed in the past year of marriage. I knew the marriage had died out and last night was just the culmination of growing apart. But at 29, I still felt lost. I was no glamour girl at 5'4" 153 pounds, but was always told I had a pretty face with big almond collard eyes and full pouty lips. I did have some pretty massive breast cycles and a big round bubble butt ass that shook a bit. Right now I was feeling ugly and overweight and that those pouty lips would never suck another man's cock, and I would be a celibate spinster for the rest of my life.

  "Thanks for the offer Jo. I appreciate it, but I want the rat bastard to live long enough for some slimy lawyer to take every penny he has."

  That made Jo chuckle and she added "That's the spirit. I've tried to tell you Pussy is better than Weenies any day, but you just never would listen."

  That brought another laugh from me. Jo was incredible at knowing just the right thing to say and solving personal as well as business problems. I had no problems with gay sex, and even experimented a few times in High School and College, but I know I am 99.9% hetero, even though I always get my heart broken by dumbass inconsiderate Pricks. I just thought my husband was different and it would last forever, and I wouldn't be so easily replaced by a younger skinny Minnie.

  "My wife and one of her friends are joining me here and we are going out for some entertainment and a few drinks." DC recently passed same sex marriage, and Jo and her "wife" were the first in line, though they had lived together for 7 years previously.

  I was in no mood to party, so I told her 'no' but she wouldn't let it rest and finally convinced me to join them around 8:30 pm, a half hour before her lover and friend would arrive. I had some last minute things to clean up, so I returned to my cubicle and began tidying up.

  By the time I was finishing up, I heard Stacy, Jo's wife, and their friend enter the office. I looked over, and immediately did a double take. The woman entering with Stacy had an uncanny resemblance to my idiot husband. Same height at around 5'9", same buff build, only her face had softer features and her short black hair hung below her ears. It was like seeing a ghost and I know she must have thought I was crazy for blatantly staring at her.

  Stacy introduced her as Dennie (short for Denise) and I shook her large strong hand and looked into her piercing blue eyes. She was dressed in skin tight jeans which accentuated her round muscular ass, and she looked to be about my age, though I later found out she was 36. It was a hot and humid summer night in Washington, so she was wearing a sleeveless muscle shirt, and although she didn't have the beef of Jo, her arms were tanned and toned and it was very evident that she worked out. I learned that she was a Prosecutor in the Obama administration, so it was evident that this handsome woman had looks, brawn, AND brains.

  When she smiled with glorious perfect, white teeth I felt something stir in me, which scared the Hell out of me. I'm a woman who adores and worships cocks, penises, dicks, phallic devices of all kinds as long as they are blood filling flesh and not dangling plastic. I AM NOT GAY....So why did I feel a strange tingle in my pussy in the presence of this fascinating woman?

  I turned away from her and tried to find some busy work at my cube just to buy time, collect my thoughts and try and catch my breath. Maybe it was just that I adored my husband, and the two of them could have been fraternal twins. Why did she have to be a freakin' woman? God she was hot! 'What the Hell was I saying? Come on Rachel, get a grip. You're NOT Les. You're NOT Les. You're NOT Les.'

  After Jo did some last minute work on the files, we were ready to go and headed to one of their favorite lesbian clubs called Phaze 1. I have the admit as we entered, the place was incredible at first glance. Beautiful chandeliers and red curtains hung with a soft light and the place was packed with every assortment of woman, some making out, some sharing a drink and getting to know each other, some having dinner, and some dancing to a hard beating hip hop.

  It felt nice but strange to be there and even stranger when Dennie put her hand in the small of my back to lead me to our booth as we followed Jo and Stacy. The waitress showed us to our booth and Jo and Stacy took one side, and Dennie waited for me to enter the other side, then slid in... a little too close beside me.

  Having a gay boss and living in DC should have prepared me for what was happening all around me, but seeing every size, shape and color of woman 'on the make' just blew my mind, yet I found myself loosening up and enjoying it...a little more than I would have liked to admit to myself.

  After Leslie, our pretty waitress disappeared for our drinks, Jo took Stacy's hand and led her to the dance floor, leaving me alone with Dennie, and my strange feelings I was experiencing around her. We smiled at each other as we watched Jo and Stacy tear up the dance floor. I had no idea my big tough boss could move like she did.

  After three dances, Jo and Stacy returned to our booth, and I was somewhat sorry, because in the brief moment that they were away, Dennie was making me laugh and have an incredible time just listening to her wonderful stories and wit about her job, her hobbies and yes, her lifestyle.

  After all of us finished two drinks I was feeling a little buzz, which probably explains why I didn't say 'no' when Dennie asked me to dance a slow dance. The DJ announced "The Moment" by Framing Hanley. I had never heard the song, but it was beautiful, and when Dennie took me in her arms to lead, I felt that same strange twinge in my chest and crotch that I felt when I met her. I hated to admit to myself but Dennie was better company and more intelligent than my stupid husband ever could wish to be, and I was beginning to thoroughly enjoy my time with her. I repeat...'God, why couldn't she be a man?'

  We had been at the club for 2 ? hours and being held firmly in Dennie's arms was the highlight of the evening, as much as I hate to admit it. I don't know if it was the beers or my horniness of having a sexless marriage for the past 6 months, but I found myself almost melting into her arms as she led me around the dance floor. Her hands seemed to move a little lower to the top of my ass as I locked my fingers around the back of her neck and just glided effortlessly with her lead.

  I didn't realize I had closed my eyes until I felt Dennie's warm breath as she whispered in my ear that she really enjoyed the evening and didn't want it to end. My heart began to pound 100 beats a minute when she surprised me and asked if I would like to leave and go to her p

  Scared to death, I broke our embrace and excused myself as I almost ran to the ladies room to escape. I quickly entered the first available stall and although I didn't have to pee, I sat on the toilet to try and get my bearings. What the Hell was happening? I was a smart woman. Moral. Semi -Christian. And Hetero Hetero Hetero. No matter how many times I told myself that, I still couldn't deny that Dennie was showing me the time of my life, and I had never met anyone as remarkable as her.

  I came to no conclusions, but realized I couldn't hide in the stall until closing and somehow sneak home without Jo, Stacy and Dennie seeing me. I took a huge breath, plastered on my best smile and exited the ladies room and headed back to our booth. Dennie got up; looking concerned and allowed me to slide in, then sat beside me.

  When she leaned into me to speak I nearly fainted, but allowed her to shout in my ear to be heard above the music, "I'm very sorry Rachel."

  I was shocked. Dennie had done nothing wrong and merely asked to keep the evening going and share my company further. It was very evident I was in heaven in her presence, so it wasn't a shock to think that she would make the offer to move forward.

  I HAD to make this beautiful, wonderful woman understand that it was me, not her that should apologize. I was the one whose head wasn't screwed on right. I did my best to try and explain, but the music was so loud, I couldn't be heard and finally said, "Yes, Dennie, I would like to go home with you."

  I felt like I had made the biggest commitment of my life, and was scared to death as we told Jo and Stacy we would catch a cab and go to Dennie's place, and then she would drive me home later.

  We exited the club and I was shaking like a leaf as Dennie hailed a cab. I hadn't felt this nervous since my 7th grade Cotillion dance class. It was a fairly short and silent cab ride and I had no idea where we were going until we pulled up to the entrance of the Watergate.

  'My God!' I thought to myself. Not only is Dennie intelligent, a great dancer and awesome conversationalist, she also must have money coming out the wazoo. The Watergate Condos were for the rich creme de la creme.

  We exited the cab, went through the lavish lobby, and rode the elevators to the 6th floor. Dennie opened the door to 613 and we entered to a spacious entryway with the luxurious living room off to the left.

  "Why don't you have a seat and relax while I get us a night cap. Do you like Don Perignon?"

  I thought to myself I must be caught up in some frightening but wonderful dream. I was no pauper, but had never had Don Perignon in my life, and Dennie acted as if it was just another Budweiser. I had to admit to her I had never had it, and she moved off to the bar saying I was in for a treat.

  No matter how pleasant or wonderful Dennie was acting, I just couldn't lose the case of nerves I was feeling. I didn't want to admit to myself that I was really developing strong feelings for another woman, especially one seeming so at ease with her sexuality and her ease of seduction. Before she returned to the couch holding two wine-filled glasses, she turned on a CD of barely audible but beautiful music. The conversation and wine flowed for 45 minutes, and then Dennie slowly made her move.

  We were about a foot from each other on the couch and just finished sharing a laugh, when she took the back of her hand and gently caressed my cheek with it.

  "You know your husband is really an ignorant ass. You are a very beautiful, fun, intelligent woman."

  All the beer and wine in DC couldn't stop my panic from returning. How could this Goddess be interested in a chubby little University accounting analyst?

  'My God! She's going to kiss me!"

  I did nothing to stop her, and it was the gentlest kiss I had ever received, and instead of running for the door, I surprised myself by looking at her and wanting more. Slowly she moved in, and softly took my lips in hers, causing to become lost in her moist tenderness. It felt so unusual not to feel male razor stubble on the other end of a kiss. It was delicious, and when she slipped the tip of her tongue between my parted lips, I thought I would die. I didn't know where this was leading, but part of me never wanted it to stop, and my tongue gently joined Dennie's in a slow dance of moist exploring pleasure.

  I was breathless when Dennie finally broke the kiss and smiled down into my flushed longing face, and in almost a whisper said "Rachel, I want you to know that I totally respect you and I don't want to insult or misread you, but I could really use a shower, and would love for you to join me. If I was out of line with the question, you are free to slap my face and I will give you a ride home and won't bother you again."

  I bit the knuckle of my index finger as my head screamed run like hell, but my heart and my pussy said you will always regret it if you pass this offer up. Finally, though scared to death, my sopping wet pussy won out and I whispered a faint, "I'd like to join you Dennie."

  All I could think of was how fat and ugly I was and once she saw me naked she would either laugh hysterically or throw up. I followed her into the most luxurious bathroom I had seen in my life and after turning on the shower, Dennie turned and advanced to me, stopping, and taking my chin in her fingers and bending to kiss me once again. She continued to explore my mouth tenderly, causing my knees to turn to jelly, while simultaneously removing my dress.

  Suddenly I wanted to disappear. Why couldn't I have run laps, done pushups, or 100 sit-ups per night? I had massive boobs, a massive ass, and a massive gut, and I was being undressed by the most beautiful woman, with an Olympian's body. 'God please don't let her laugh or get sick.'

  Dennie broke the kiss to gently place my dress on a chair beside the commode, so I was nervously standing in my bra and panties. I had to do something to try and calm the nerves, so I began to remove Dennie's shirt, which only excited me further. Her torso and braless breasts were magnificent, perfectly formed and only a quarter of the size of my frigging mammoth D-cup breasts. I felt like a beached whale next to this beautiful creature. I couldn't take my eyes off her brown areola, taut nipples and rock hard stomach. God I felt so soft and inadequate as I nervously worked at the clasp of her jeans.

  'Oh my God!" As I slipped the pants down her legs I discovered that Dennie went Commando. I was immediately at eye level with the most beautiful patch of thick black hair, covering her bare pussy. I had never been so close to another woman's vagina in my life, and Dennie's was gorgeous, with an incredible musky smell to it. My head was spinning wildly. I slipped off her shoes and jeans so her body was totally naked, causing my heart to almost pound out of my chest.

  Slowly and awkwardly, I stood back up and tried to look away from the naked beauty standing before me. Once again she moved towards me and put her arms around me to unclasp my bra. My huge tits with their eraser sized pink nipples sprung...or should I say flopped forth. I felt so disgustingly huge and fat, but when Dennie bent forward and cupped my right breast and gently took the nipple into her mouth to suck it hungrily, I thought I would die.

  She proceeded to take my left breast and give it the same loving treatment as she caressed my big round ass through my panties. Then I felt her fingers at the elastic of my panties and felt her slide them down over my thighs and calves.

  My mind was screaming, 'Oh shit!!! You are totally naked Rachel. She's gonna barf any minute.'

  Dennie then stood, and at arm's length looked me over from head to toe, and I just knew that was the going to be the end, but instead, she shocked the hell out of me by giving me a huge hungry smile and moving closer to join our lips in yet another wonderful kiss.

  I don't know if it was lust, pure horniness or insanity, but after that smile and that kiss, I no longer felt like the ugliest, fattest thing on the planet, whose husband left her 24 hours ago. Dennie made me feel beautiful and totally desirable as she took my hand and led me into the shower.

  Her whole body was incredible, but her muscular ass was to die for and I had a strange desire to either spank it, lick it or bury my face in it and suffocate and die in heaven. She was an amazing specimen.

  She allow
ed me to get myself wet, then gently moved me away from the shower spray and proceeded to lather her hands and gently wash and caress my huge sagging melons. She didn't seem to be disgusted by my huge breasts, but instead seem to almost worship them and treat them with the utmost admiration and respect.

  She bent down and once again took a hard pink nipple into her mouth and sucked and bit it wonderfully drawing moans of pleasure from my mouth. Her lathered hands were busy washing the whole lower half of my body, and instead of being turned off over my big flabby butt, she seemed fascinated with it, massaging and caressing the soft flesh, while gently washing up and down my crack sending electric current through my body.

  I couldn't take anymore and grabbed Dennie's shoulders to turn her around and trade places with her. I wanted to buy time to recover and not pass out, and also I wanted to feel and caress this fit Amazon's body.

  I slowly washed her from head to toe, not wanting to miss one delicious inch of her hard tanned flesh. When I bit her sexy brown nipples while inserting a soapy finger in her bottom, I was thrilled to hear a wonderful lustful moan of pleasure. I soaped the six pack of her abdomen, and then she held my shoulders to raise me for a tonsil exploring kiss. Both of us were wild animals, in heat, and when she reached and turned off the water and with a pleading expression said, "Please join me in my bedroom," for once that evening I felt perfectly comfortable in my large body, and proceeded to get out of the shower and dry her as she dried me, both continuing to kiss and bite with hungering lust.

  When Dennie scooped to pick me up, I had a momentary anxiety attack worrying about my weight once again, but when she rejoined our lips and marched into her luxurious bedroom, I couldn't care less about a little extra wiggly flesh here and there. All I could marvel at was her strength, and those magnificent talented lips.


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