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Young Wife Shared on a Desert Island (First Cuckolding Book 5)

Page 2

by Matt Coolomon

  “You guys can have my beer,” Steven offered. “I don’t really drink unless I’m out with the guys.”

  “Well, there’s the half carton of cola – you can have that,” Jasper offered. “And that’s about it for the luxuries.”

  “Um – can I have the razors?” Justine asked. Actually, she tried a sweet plea to get them. There were only a dozen or so disposables. “You men could just trim your beards with scissors, couldn’t you? Please?”

  The men all laughed. “Yeah – better to have a hairy chin than a hairy woman,” Jasper said.

  Justine replied just as confidently. “Well – no one’s having me but I’ll be easier to live with if I’m allowed to remain presentable and semi-civilised.”

  “Well – having you in terms of your fine company is what I meant,” Jasper shot back, glancing at Paul.

  The razors were placed in front of Justine. They had decided to divide the things in short supply. It would be easier to ration them if they each had a stock to be responsible for.

  “I need that cotton wool,” Justine said, blushing a little. “I don’t have anything for that time of the month, and it looks like these people must be all men.”

  “There’s some things in Adele’s handbag,” Thomas said. He got it from the corner of the cabin where things from the plane had been put. “I haven’t looked in her other bag,” he added as he handed Justine the hand bag.

  She found a packet of tampons and a couple of panty liners, and stashed them with her things. She wondered what clothing might be in the other bag. She wouldn’t be able to wear the dead woman’s underwear, but there might be something else. Any bra would be too big, anyway. Adele had been quite busty while Justine was only a B-cup.

  “Clothing is the other problem. I might have to use one of the sheets to make a skirt or dress or something. All I have is this frock and Paul’s shirt and my party dress,” Justine said.

  “Yeah – it’s the same for us, love. There’s no clothes here, and we’ve all only got what we were going to wear for the weekend.” Thomas pulled something from his things and handed it to Justine. It was a white singlet. “That might be a bit revealing but you can have it.”

  “Oh, thank you!” Justine cried, holding it up against herself. It was long enough to be a dress, though the arm holes were almost down to her waist.

  “It’ll be a bit loose beneath your arms, though, love. Do you have a bra to wear beneath it? We noticed you haven’t been wearing one so far.”

  “I didn’t bring one,” Justine blushed. “You men are going to have to promise you won’t stare when I’m wearing it is all. Although I feel like a bit of a native anyway.”

  “I’m going to wash a couple of things right now if anyone wants to throw something into the tub. Save on soap,” Jasper said. “You got anything, Steven?”

  “Yeah, these,” Steven said, getting his shorts from his kit. He also brought a singlet. “You can have this too, Justine. It needs a wash first, though.”

  “Oh, thank you, Steven!”

  Thomas tossed some underwear into the wash tub. “That singlet’s clean if you want to wash your dress, love,” he said to Justine.

  “Oh, okay,” she replied and she ducked behind her partition.

  She came back out with her nipples visible through the white singlet and the darkened patch of her pubic hair also visible. The hem came well below her crotch, so she was covered in that regard, but her breasts were visible from the side.

  “Hmm – this really is revealing, isn’t it?” she blushed.

  “Looks better on you than on me,” Thomas laughed.

  “Hell, yes!” Jasper agreed, making Justine giggle.

  Paul was frowning from his seat across the table. Justine sort of shrugged apologetically.

  “But we can see from the side,” Steven said with concern.

  She blushed. “Well, as long as you don’t get any ideas!”

  “No new ideas – just the ones I’ve already had being enhanced,” Jasper tried playfully. “Sorry, Paul – the only girl in town, though….”

  “Well, you’ll just have to take care of those urges yourself,” Justine told him, giving a mock glare.

  “Yeah, but for a whole six months!”

  They all laughed.

  Justine took on the task of washing and started kneading the clothes in the tub. The big singlet gaped forward slightly. She looked down at herself and rolled her eyes at the men. “So, this is why you gave me this huh, Thomas? And I thought you were being chivalrous.”

  “Justine, we can really see a lot!” Steven said again.

  “Well, there’s not much I can do being stuck here with all you men and with hardly any clothes to wear, Steven. I’ve seen each of you getting changed a few times already. There’s not much any of us can do about it.”

  “There’s actually room up in the loft if you want us to move your cot up there,” Jasper offered. “It would be a bit more private for you.”

  His eyes lifted from her breasts as he spoke. She blushed a little when he glanced back down and up again. She met her husband’s gaze and plucked at the singlet.

  “I don’t mind my room where it is if one of you guys want the loft,” she said.

  “I’ll have it,” Steven said.

  The other men agreed, and Steven climbed up. Jasper went outside and Thomas helped Steven lift his cot up the ladder.

  Justine approached Paul and cuddled him as she stroked his head. “Sorry, but I don’t have anything else to wear…. There’s nothing I can do about it,” she whispered.

  “But we can see your tits from the side, darling. We can even make out your pubes through this…. Jasper’s loving it. He’s checking you out big time.”

  “But it’s not his fault we’re here, in this situation. He’s been great. And he’s always checking out women. It’s not just me – except I’m the only one around at the moment.”

  “Yeah, well, it’s hard to watch. It’s not so bad with Thomas because he’s an old dude, and Steven’s trying not to look.”

  Justine kissed her husband’s forehead. “I know, but it works the same both ways. They’ve got no privacy here in the cabin at all, and they’ve even given me some of their clothes.” She thought for a moment before going on. “Actually, I don’t feel uncomfortable at all. There’s something kind of primitive about being here like this. I don’t actually mind being semi-clothed like a native girl. It doesn’t seem like the big deal it would be back home.”

  “Yeah – I suppose….” Paul grimaced as he shifted his leg.

  Justine gave him two more pain killers then went out to hang the washing. Jasper brought firewood to restock the pile beside the cabin. He sat on the step, wiping his face on a towel.

  “So, those are your only underwear?” he asked, deliberately keeping his voice low. He was looking at the panties Justine had hung on the end of the wash-line. He spoke sympathetically. “Could you cut up a sheet and make something.”

  “I’ve got no cotton or a needle to sew with. I could make a dress or skirt. I could make something to wrap around my top,” Justine responded practically. “I have another pair of underpants, fortunately.”

  “I think you’re right about having to just relax and accept things a bit with us having to all live together. And we’re all friends,” Jasper went on. “Plus you’re a married woman.”


  Jasper had always enjoyed the fact that Justine was a married woman. At work, it was kind of naughty checking her out, knowing she was spoken for and off limits. He was looking at her upper-thighs, knowing she had nothing on beneath the singlet. She tugged at the back of it, as if reading his mind or feeling his eyes.

  “Are you still going up to the satellite dish today?” she asked him.

  “Yeah – just about to head off.”

  “Can I come? I’m tired of being couped up here.”

  He imagined climbing up the mountain trail behind her – getting flashes of her crotch.

nbsp; “Sure, you can come. It’s a bit of a climb though,” he grinned. “You going to wear just that?”

  She blushed, smiling and shaking her head. “You’re hopeless, aren’t you?”

  “Yeah. Can’t help myself.”

  “Hmm – I guess! But I think I’d better put my other pants on.”

  She was at the bottom of the steps with the washing basket. She edged past and glanced down as Jasper watched her thighs and nearly glimpsed her pussy. She returned after a moment with her tennis shoes and sat on the step to put them on.

  Jasper leaned to his side to look up her make-shift dress. She glanced at him, blushing a little. He watched her thighs until they inadvertently parted and he saw her panties. “Ooh, there they are!” he grinned. “Covering your girly bit though!”

  “Well, I am a girl,” Justine giggled back at him.

  “That, you are,” he replied more seriously, and he took her hand to help her up. “You know, I wouldn’t wish being stuck here on anyone, but I’m very glad you’re here – you being a girl and all, with girly bits.”

  She responded to that after a moment, also being serious. “I know what you mean. I’m glad to be here with you men. It’s nice being the only female, and sort of flattering.”

  Jasper led the way for a while, climbing up the rocks first and pulling Justine up by the hand. They reached a point on the trail where there was a wall of rock with a ladder bolted to it. It was only a short climb, about four metres. Jasper took her hand again, but that time he ushered her forth to go up first.

  He grinned. “You got this?”

  She blushed again, biting down on her smile and shaking her head. “Okay, but they’re as good as bikini pants, you know?”

  She gave a final, defiant glare and climbed the ladder. Jasper leaned in underneath her and had a look. She looked back down at him. “Damn glad you’re here, baby!” he grinned up at her, and she giggled.

  When he gained the level of the rock ledge with her, she pushed his shoulder playfully.

  “I can’t believe I just flashed you like that. You’re such a pervert.”

  Jasper looked at her chest. Her nipples were erect and prominent through the thin singlet. The white roundness of her breast was visible through the arm-hole. His penis lifted, straining against the restriction of his shorts.

  He adjusted it. “Gave me half a woody,” he grinned.

  “Sorry,” Justine uttered.

  “I’m not.”

  She smiled through a deepening blush. “I mean – I don’t mean to tease you. I know what men are like with their needs.”

  “What needs are those?” he asked with mock innocence.

  She rolled her eyes and led on up the trail with Jasper following behind. It was another climb up a rocky knoll, and as Justine scaled the first rock Jasper had another nice view of her from behind. She had slender thighs so it was actually quite easy to see her crotch.

  She peered back blushing and smiling, and she tugged at the singlet, trying to cover herself a little.

  “I think you had better lead the way,” she said when Jasper gained the level of that rock with her. “I might have to cut up one of the sheets and make myself a long skirt so you men aren’t being teased too much when there are no other women here to satisfy you that way.”

  “Yeah – the old blue balls,” Jasper chuckled. “Not nice!”

  “I know,” Justine blushed. “I mean, I don’t know! But I’m sure it must be uncomfortable in that way for you men, and you shouldn’t be made to feel like that and have to – you know – like, for yourself.”

  Jasper took her hand to help her up another rock. “You really feel that way?” he asked sincerely. “That’s a nice way for a girl to look at it. It’s very sexy.”

  “Sexy?” Justine giggled. “It’s about not being sexy!”

  “Don’t think that’s actually possible. Not for you, baby.”

  “Well, you men have to try not to think like that about me. Especially if we’re going to be stuck here for ages…. But you still have to take care of me,” she added sweetly. “That’s the other good thing about being stuck here with men – feeling safe and protected.”

  They had reached a point that Jasper had found earlier. “Here – you can see all the way across to the far coast from here. I’m pretty sure this is a tiny island.”

  He showed Justine where he had explored thus far. He had yet to travel to the south, but there were no trails, and the terrain was steep and almost inaccessible. If it wasn’t an island it was a very narrow point of land that was entirely isolated.

  They had approached the small timber building with the satellite dish mounted above it. Jasper had busted the lock earlier. Inside the building was electronic equipment that appeared to be some sort of weather measuring gear. It meant nothing to them, and there was nothing that looked like it could be used for communication in any way.

  “See, there’s nothing here,” Jasper was saying.

  He climbed up a ladder to get on the roof of the small building where there was a further view out to the ocean to the north, east and west. The cabin was also visible down in the thick forest. Justine appeared beside him with the wind blowing her hair all over. She gathered it while Jasper looked at her breast through the arm-hole of her big singlet. He could see the roundness of the underside. Her nipple was high-set and visible through the thin fabric. She was busy looking out to sea, and she kept her arm raised to hold her hair.

  She suddenly turned and looked at Jasper before he glanced up. Her arm dropped and she folded it across her chest. “Hey, you!” she scolded.

  “Sorry. Couldn’t help it,” Jasper grinned, glancing down again.

  She punched his arm playfully, so he grabbed her around the waist and tickled her. She squealed and laughed, squirming but also clinging to his arm as he held her.

  “Don’t!” she protested, still giggling.

  “What – no tickling allowed either?”

  “Not up here – it’s too scary,” she pleaded.

  Jasper was gaining an erection from holding her. Her bottom was pressed back against him, and his arm was high around her waist where he could feel the softness of her breasts against it.

  “Are you scared of heights?” he asked, releasing her.

  “Little bit. Except it’s a nice view up here, isn’t it?”

  “I think we should make a help sign there in the clearing in case a plane flies over. Maybe another one down on the beach,” Jasper said practically.

  “Uh huh, although I kind of hope we don’t get rescued too soon. It’s actually not so bad being here,” Justine said wistfully, looking out to sea again.

  When they were ready to leave, Jasper offered her the ladder first, earning a small blush, and he just had a look at her breasts from above. He also led the way down the rocky trail and helped her in places.

  At one point Justine had to virtually sit and slide down a smooth rock with Jasper ready to catch her if she slipped. She watched his face with his eyes focused on her panties. Her singlet had bunched up, and they were fully exposed to him that time. His big hands claimed her bare skin above her waist. He tilted his head to look at her panties some more before she tugged the singlet down.

  She met his eyes and grin with a warm blush. He grabbed her again as she tried to walk past. His fingers dug into her ribs, and she giggled and squirmed to get away.

  “So, we’re allowed to tickle you, eh?” he asked, lunging again, but she ducked clear that time.

  “I don’t mind being tickled sometimes, but not my legs,” she tossed back at him. “I can’t stop from screaming when guys tickle my legs, and I might accidentally kick you if you try.”

  “Where on your legs – your knees or up higher?”

  “Never you mind!” she giggled. “Anywhere above my waist is fine but not my legs!”

  “Anywhere above your waist?” Jasper asked pointedly.

  She glared back at him, but he lunged again and almost caught her. She
ran to the ladder and climbed down, smiling up at him as he watched from above. When he climbed down, she waited for him.

  “No more tickling now, okay?” she said, reaching up to rake her hair back into place.

  Jasper looked at her breasts. Her nipples had been firm all the while. “Okay, no more tickling for now, but is everywhere above your waist ticklish? What about here?” he asked, kneading her shoulders. “You’re not ticklish there, right?”

  “No – not there. That just feels nice.”

  “And what about here?” he went on playfully feeling her back and digging his fingers in enough to make her flinch and squirm.”

  “Um – yes, a little bit there,” she said.

  He smoothed her hair to one side and breathed on her neck. “What about there – that’s above your waist.”

  “Um – yes, but that’s not exactly the same kind of ticklish,” she uttered.

  He placed his hands upon her waist and looked down over her shoulder. He lifted his hands a little. “And what about those cute little tits – they ticklish?” he whispered.

  “Sort of!” she said, clamping her arm to her sides and stopping his hands from lifting further. “Are they really little?” she complained.

  “They’re perfect. They look fantastic in that, and in that dress you’ve been wearing with no bra.”

  “Really?” she uttered. She still had her arms clamped tight and had folded them beneath her breasts, but she wasn’t covering them.

  “Yes, really!” Jasper said warmly. “They look good from the side in that, and the way it shows your nipples. And the way your dress is kind of loose fitting and shows us a nice look at them when you lean forward and that…. I mean – big boobs offer lots of cleavage, but with nice sized ones like yours, we get to see your nipples down your dress sometimes from the right angle, which is damn exciting for a guy.”

  She blushed back up at him, biting down on a smile.

  “You don’t mind us getting little flashes, do you?” he grinned cheekily.

  “Hmm.” She pushed away from him and led on towards the cabin. “You’re typical men, so I guess you can’t help looking,” she tossed back at him. “Plus I’ve only got this and my dress and a shirt to wear, anyway.”


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