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Age of Azmoq_The Valantian Imperium

Page 40

by Rajamayyoor Sharma

  Dev jabbed a finger at Karn. “How is that possible? Morgan took the full blast of the explosion and Azrial, he was right outside….”

  The man answered, not knowing the question wasn’t for him. “Morgan is tough as nails… I heard… he survived…hkkk… he survived for 15 days under all the rubble until the clearance crew found him… and Azrial… he wasn’t… even close… to the blast site… he… apparently… had anticipated the whole thing….”

  Dev asked him the next question. “How many troops have been sent?”

  The man took some time to answer, and then started to add numbers aloud. “Well… a hundred from here… a couple of hundred from… the Anantyas barracks…. Then… then…” the math was too much for him. He had passed out.

  The news was a lot to digest, especially for the others. I felt bad for them. But there really wasn’t any time. We really had to hurry. We had at least two weeks of fast travel left to reach the entrance to the village path. We had to reach the village before the troops reached it.

  Section VI:

  The End at the Beginning

  Chapter 37: The entrance at the exit

  Kazena, Elbir, Karn and the man with an unknown name were rushing to Villasboro, trying to save the village…

  The four were really rushing now. There were still a few kilometers to go, although they had covered almost a hundred kilometers since dawn. Dyaus and Arion were still going strong, but Elbir’s and Kazena’s horses were at their limits. If the exit didn’t show up soon, they would probably collapse from exhaustion. But all four still pushed on.

  Dev was extremely worried. He had no idea if he would be able to reach in time. Even if they did, they were four people, against an army of at least 500 soldiers. Although they were in possession of one of the most powerful weapons on the continent, and three other extremely strong swords, they knew that Morgan and Azrial had been dispatched as well, which meant they would have an extremely tough fight on their hands from just two opponents. Elbir was still getting used to the spear weapon. Karn was in good shape, but they didn’t know Kazena too well, so they had no idea of her fighting ability. Inside the village, he knew Grim could fight, but he had no idea what the others could do.

  Elbir was worried too. He had just learned that his brother’s murderer was still alive. He was going to face Azrial for the first time in open battle after almost a decade and a half. He wanted this meeting to be their last. He was worried that someone might interfere with his final showdown with Azrial. He was worried his responsibility towards Grim and the village was enough to prevent his one on one with Azrial. He felt responsible for the village because the spear was his responsibility, and it was possibly the strongest sword in their combined arsenal. But more than worry, he felt anger. Anger to know that the man he hated more than anyone else, the man he thought was dead, was still alive and was about to attack another person he cared about.

  Karn was worried, but not too much. He knew if they got there in time, they could hold off a large force easily. The narrowness of the forest pass, coupled with the strength of their weapons and familiarity of the terrain meant they had a substantial upper hand in this battle. If they reached early enough. If they reached after the army, the village would definitely have taken a beating. But if the villagers were still fighting, the four of them still had an advantage. The rear of the attacking army would be completely exposed, leaving them extremely vulnerable. The four of them, especially Elbir, could have a devastating effect on them. He was looking forward to entering a battle after a while, but hoped many innocent lives could be saved.

  Kazena was not worried at all. She was fascinated by all this. Despite being on the run for most of her life, and having been in countless one on one fights, she had never seen or been a part of a battle. She was looking forward to it. She was sure she would do well, given her sword’s abilities. Especially after the encounter with the mystery intruder, her speed and ability to make herself invisible was incredible.

  They were riding along the forest now and Dev had to keep a keen eye out for the opening in the forest which led to Villasboro’s northern exit. Given their speed of travel and obscure nature of the entrance, it was going to be difficult for him to spot. Or so he thought. As they neared the potential spot of the opening, they saw it. Fairly easily. Even Kazena could see it straight away, and she had never even seen a forest so far.

  There was a large, man-made gap in the forest. The Valantian army had clearly already arrived. They had started to clear the path, so that they pass with ease, and make it easier for any future troops to identify and proceed through the clearing rapidly. The path was wide enough for one horse to pass by. The advantage was that they could now ride right up to the village. That would reduce the travel time from almost two weeks to about two to three days of riding.

  Dev bellowed at Karn. “Let’s hurry! We can still dash along the path till night fall.”

  Karn pointed to Elbir and Kazena’s horses. “There is no way those horses can ride anymore. We should proceed on foot into the jungle and take a break soon. There is no point exhausting our horses. It would be worse for us to lose them by day end and have to walk the entire way. Not even saying that they are living beings too and deserve our sympathy.”

  Dev realized what was happening and felt ashamed. “Of course, Karn.” He got down from Dyaus and apologized to his horse by stroking its white mane. “I am sorry for tiring you out, Dyaus.” The other three also got off their horses.

  There wasn’t enough space, so they entered the forest trail in a single file. Dev was leading the way as he knew the path well. Kazena and Elbir were in the middle. Karn brought up the rear, where he walked behind his horse, Arion. This was because of Karn’s skill with the X formation of his side blades, which could deflect any ranged attack on this small company from the rear. Other than Dev and Elbir, no one else had been this deep in any forest before so there was a certain amount of anxiety in the group. Even Karn, who was usually pretty calm under pressure, seemed a little jumpy as the sun started to set.

  Kazena was beginning to get worried. She had never been in such an environment. How could she fight effectively? If they were ambushed or had to fight in this narrow path, she couldn’t become invisible effectively as her lenses needed more space to operate. She was relying on the other three until they got to more open spaces, which she hoped the village had.

  Karn was tense and jumpy. He loved the big open plains a lot. Not closed, claustrophobic spaces. Even though the path had been cleared, it was still narrower than any other place he had been. It was not the fun, swashbuckling, Valantian troop slaying, day-saving joy ride he had hoped it would be.

  Elbir was feeling nostalgic. This was the first time he had been among so many trees since he left the Yerin village for what was to be his last battle under Dag’s leadership. The forests surrounding his village were dense, although not this dense. The trees, the birds that chirped, all seemed familiar. The worry that Elbir felt just before he entered the forest was melting away. He was in a homely environment. He could master any weapon there. He could defeat the world. He hoped he could harness this feeling to accomplish the one task he had to do.

  Dev was still extremely tensed. He knew he couldn’t push any faster, but the reduction in their speed was hitting him hard. It was going to take them at least four to five days to reach the village. Who knows how long back those troops entered? He was sure that the village couldn’t last for more than a day of combat against an army. So unless they had missed the army by less than a week, Villasboro had little hope of survival. He felt regret. If they had just listened to Karn at the barracks, and returned to the village immediately, they would have had more than a couple of months to train the villagers in combat, improving their chances. It was a silly thought, and he knew it. But he just wanted to reach the village soon, and fight for it.

  They came upon their first bit of action sooner than expected. Just as dusk arrived, Dev stopped. There were a
group of soldiers resting on the path in front, just around a bend. It looked like they had just cut up and moved a tree that lay on the path. Dev smiled to himself. It was one of the trees that he had cut down when he started to realize the Dhronari’s power. He signaled to the others, to show them what lay ahead as he backed up. They had to take all these soldiers out, but for one. They needed one to get some Intel. There was no way to save these lives—there was a real risk that these soldiers would run up and warn the rest. Elbir and Dev walked up to the soldiers, slowly, with Karn behind them. There were four soldiers sitting down. Dev, Elbir and Karn took out three of them simultaneously, as Kazena appeared right beside the fourth with her blades at his throat. He surrendered before the others hit the ground.

  With two blades still on his throat, he was talkative. Dev asked him a barrage of questions, from “When did the army enter the forest path?” to “How many of you are there?” and “Why are you clearing the path?”

  The man replied in rapid succession.

  “We arrived on the forest path five days back. There are 400 infantrymen with 100 horsemen and 100 archers. There are two members of the Final 100 leading us. Azrial and Major Morgan.” Elbir, Dev and Karn winced with anger at the mention of those names. The soldier continued.

  “We were clearing the forest for the rest of troops and construction crew to come in and work.”

  That was something new. Dev asked, “What do you mean by construction crew?”

  The soldier wasn’t too sure. “I don’t know… There is something important at the end of that path. So we were to go and secure the site at the end of it by capturing the village there, widening the road along the way so that at least a horse could pass through. Then the construction crew would come in and widen the road further to make transportation of whatever it is that they have in there, possible and feasible. When we were crossing, we found many trees had fallen so some of us were left behind to clear out the trees.

  “The supporting troops will be moving with the construction crew, to replenish the troops sent previously, in case there are any casualties. This wave will be of the same size, 600 troops, but with 300 infantrymen, 200 horsemen and 100 archers.”

  So, Valantian Imperium was ready to move quickly to establish a route for transportation of the Azmoq. Given the state of the water in the Grand River in those parts, it made sense to transport through road. But what this meant for the four was that they had to hurry. The troops, given that they were mostly foot soldiers clearing the path for the next wave, would be slow. If the four could get the horses well rested and travel on the path cleared up, they could catch up with the troops faster than expected.

  They decided to rest then and there and travel at first light. The soldier was tied up and gagged so that he couldn’t call for help. They decided to light a fire. If there was an army coming behind them in the dark, the four of them would at least be able to see it. The horses had enough grass to eat. Dev went into the forest with Elbir and got some jackfruits for dinner. Karn wasn’t the happiest, not eating meat for food, but there was no alternative.

  Dev was restless. He knew they couldn’t proceed any faster, but they were also waiting around a cozy fire while possibly, Villasboro was under attack at that very instant. Karn could sense Dev’s anxiety. To take his mind off things, Karn took the gag off the soldier they had captured, and started to chat with him.

  “So, soldier, tell us a little about yourself. Where are you from? How did you end up becoming Valantian scum?”

  The soldier seemed like a chatty guy, given he started to talk freely with the people who had just murdered his comrades, possibly his friends. Maybe he hoped for some sympathy from his captors and potential executers.

  “I was born in Azon. Not in the wealthiest of families. I don’t know if you know Azon well, but there aren’t many ways you can come up in life over there. One of the best ways was to join the military and hope you rise through the ranks. I did that. And fate was kind to me. I was first in my class in the Azonian military school, where I could have become an officer straight away. But I had a choice. Become an officer in Azonian military, or start as a soldier in Valantian military. All top students in school were given this choice.”

  Dev was intrigued. “Why choose the Valantian army? You would be away from home. You would get a lower rank. Why not stay in Azon?”

  The soldier looked almost sad. “The pay was better as a Valantian soldier. As I said, Azon is not the most prosperous or modern place. The prospect of living in Ganolfan was tempting after growing up in a place like that. I would get to go to Capitol hills, see the High Seat, and live in a nice city. I couldn’t have lived like that in Azon, even as an officer.”

  “What about your family? Were they able to move as well?”

  The soldier was silent. “No… Valantian army does not allow for family to travel to Ganolfan, even if they have the means. My family never had the means, so the question never arose. But… they are not even allowed to visit… I haven’t seen them since the time I left.”

  Dev was feeling bad. He knew the feeling. “But you could always visit them… couldn’t you?”

  The soldier looked morose. Karn replied, sounding sad as well. “No. Valantian soldiers are not allowed to return home. They have a minimum of five years of service. For that period, they can’t go anywhere. After that, every five years, the soldiers get a choice, if they are deemed worthy. They can continue for another five years in the Valantian army, or quit. The soldiers that choose to quit have to join back their own country’s military as a new recruit, as a lowly soldier, not an officer. If the soldier is deemed worthy to continue in the Valantian army, they can return home only twice till their term is over.”

  Everyone was confused. “Then no one would want to leave,” said Elbir. “Unless they are deemed unworthy. Why would anyone choose to be trapped like that?”

  The soldier dropped his head. “The money. And I was young. I wanted travel, to have new experiences… a new life… I… I didn’t realize I was giving up my old one for this.”

  Kazena thought it was still a good deal. “But can’t you save up after five years and go back as a soldier? It might still be worth it, right?”

  The soldier brightened up. “Yes. That is what I am looking forward to. I will return home with some money and just be a normal soldier. I don’t mind.”

  Then his sadness returned. “But the amount we save, isn’t that much. Ganolfan is expensive. More than we realize. But I would rather live a normal life in my own country than live outside in a fancy place. I have come to realize that. So I will go back… if I live through this battle.”

  Dev asked, “You don’t have to join the fight, do you? You were given this assignment of clearing the road. You can just stay here until battle is over, right?”

  “No. I did volunteer for this task to avoid battle for as long as possible… But the captain and the Major were clear. If I don’t turn up soon, I can be termed as a deserter and imprisoned… or even executed.”

  All of them felt bad for this soldier. He was a person, who had his own dreams, his own aspirations. He didn’t want to fight. But orders of his bosses, sitting thousands of kilometers away, were to attack, and he had the choice of either marching into battle and dying, or running away from the battle and dying. At least if he fought and survived, he could return home with some money and possibly glory. Dev felt particularly sad. He even hoped that the soldier could live and return to his country, Azon. Dev didn’t realize what he was hoping for would be possible only after the destruction of Villasboro.

  Karn who was lying on his back, looking at the stars, sat up suddenly. “I have an idea… Why don’t we hurt you properly… and then tie you up again?”

  The soldier got scared. “Why would you do that? I don’t want to be maimed for no reason. What is that going to achieve?”

  Karn smiled. “Hear me out. We are going to hurt you and tie you up a little. It would look like we have tortured y
ou for information. You should be able to get loose of your bonds easily, at least the ones around your feet. As soon as you do that, you escape towards the exit and find your reinforcements. Tell them the tale of your torture. And how you tricked your captors to escape. You will earn laurels and live, as they wouldn’t want an injured soldier in a fight.”

  The soldier was unsure of how to respond. He was scared of the proposed beating at the hands of total strangers, but also attracted by the promise of laurels and the possibility of sitting the battle out. He nodded tentatively. “Thank you for your offer. I think it is ideal. Just… don’t hurt me too much.”

  Karn lying back down, said, “Don’t worry. We’ll try not to. But it does need to be enough for you to not have to return to active duty.”

  The soldier nodded, no doubt dreading the prospect of a beating, but also clinging to the glimmer of hope that he could skip the upcoming battle without any threat of execution.

  Dev was sufficiently distracted by the soldier’s plight. As Elbir took the first watch, Dev fell asleep thinking about how the world came to be the way it was, where two equally unwilling groups of people were forced to fight for the interest of a small bunch of people sitting somewhere else, who were not risking a single hair on their head and living a life of luxury.

  Dawn came on Karn’s watch. Everyone was well rested. So was the soldier. As everyone mounted their horses, Karn stretched a little, walked over to the soldier and asked, “Are you ready for your morning exercise?” when the soldier looked confused, he added impatiently, “Your beating. It was a joke… ah forget it… Don’t worry… I won’t maim you for life.”

  The soldier was ready. “Please don’t hold back. It should seem like you tortured me.”

  Karn nodded. He then punched the soldier on his face, till it was bleeding. He then used his sword hilt to hit the soldier on his hands and legs. There were going to be bruise marks all over for sure, but none of the injuries were as bad as they looked. The man could pass off as a critically injured one. He then loosened the man’s binds around his feet.


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